The ‘engine’ and the ‘caboose’ are separated by a trine. This person  considers life a big adventure. They like to overcome challenges.

The horoscope patterns include: bowl, bucket, splash, locomotive, bundle, see-saw, splay

Two groups of planets dominate the chart. This person leads a double life, seeks balance, and bridges gaps. They are good, fair mediators.

The horoscope patterns include: bowl, bucket, splash, locomotive, bundle, see-saw, splay

In a splash chart, the planets are evenly distributed around the wheel. It indicates broad perspective and interests, but a lack of focus.

In any chart, the planets fall into one of several patterns, each one giving a specific personality profile. Bowl, See-Saw, Bucket, Bundle.

In a splay chart 2 or 3 distinct groups of planets provide drive, ambition, and momentum. There are multiples areas of interest. Person is naive and direct.

All planets are contained in half the chart. This person is contained, private, and shares only what they choose. They seek relationship.

The horoscope patterns include: bowl, bucket, splash, locomotive, bundle, see-saw, splay

Nine planets are on one side of the chart, and one planet is by itself, but this planet indicates how the person reaches out into the world.

The horoscope patterns include: bowl, bucket, splash, locomotive, bundle, see-saw, splay

In a bundle chart, the planets are all grouped together. It indicates self motivation and extreme focus but only on what’s interesting.

The horoscope patterns include: bowl, bucket, splash, locomotive, bundle, see-saw, splay