Eclipses are important events in astrology. They usually occur twice per calendar year and can come in a pair or a threesome. They mark significant periods in an individuals life if they aspect any personal points or planets in someones chart. The effect of an eclipse lasts approximately six months until the next set of eclipses.

The Third Quarter Moon or Last Quarter Moon reveals the left half of the Moon in the nighttime sky as the Moon continues its waning cycle. Psychologically speaking, you may feel a strong desire to clear out extraneous matter from your life. The cluttered areas in your closets, in your home, at your office or in your garage may suddenly feel like annoying obstructions to your precious space.

It would behoove you mentally to start cleaning and clearing out stuff you no longer want or need. Have a big garbage can nearby. Start tossing stuff out from your drawers. Donate a box or two of old clothes to charity. Don't hold on to possessions from the past that no longer represent the person you are today.

This is a great time for letting go, not only of material goods, but also in other ways. Consider a dietary program where you can rid your body of toxins and possible heavy metals. Drink lots of fluids to eliminate waste from your bloodstream. Eat fibrous foods to ensure good digestion. See a psychotherapist to talk through the excess baggage that you've been carrying around all this time. Break out of a relationship that is keeping you from fulfilling your potential. This process of clearing out will help free you up emotionally and mentally, so you can see your life more clearly. The physical space you inhabit is a reflection of your soul, so if you’ve got old clutter to contend with, it doesn’t leave much room for new things.

The Gibbous Moon refers to the waxing nighttime luminary plumping up, filling out, yet not quite full. Almost two weeks have elapsed since the New Moon. Momentum is building. Wherever you are in your endeavors, you may have to do another evaluation of how things are progressing.

Expansion is still a big part of the process, so if all the variables are where you want them to be and the results are just what you want, then you can safely branch out, going further in your intentions.

What this means is that you can invest more of your resources on the path that you have started. In practical terms, it can mean more money, it can mean more of your time, it can mean hiring on others; in short, you can expand knowing that the lunar energy is there to help you pursue your goal.

It would be best to stay the course, even if more challenges arise. Make a commitment to do what it takes to eliminate those barriers. This is no time to quit. Since the rewards are almost within reach, it would be a waste not to fully go for it. Let no one stand in your way, including yourself.

If you have any doubts, fears or just plain anxiety, don’t let them get the better of you. You've done way too much work to throw your hands up at the critical moment, when success is just around the corner.

A Void of Course Moon is when the moon will not make anymore major aspects in the sign it is in. It’s a time for endings and not beginnings. The ancient term "nothing will come of it" is associated with the Void of Course Moon.

aries14x14 Void of Course Moon in Aries: Back off your aggressive stance now, and don't start any new projects. Instead, finish up something already underway.

taurus14x14 Void of Course Moon in Taurus: Avoid initiating new enterprises now. Don't be headstrong. If you feel impatient, cool your jets with deep breathing.

gemini14x14 Void of Course Moon in Gemini: Gossip could get the best of you now. Don't let that happen. Don't permit shallow thinking. Ask good questions and wait before initiating.

cancer14x14 Void of Course Moon in Cancer: Don't withdraw in a moody fit of self-indulgence, or be testy with others. Strive to appreciate what you already have.

leo14x14 Void of Course Moon in Leo: Suspend your royal commands for the moment. Lay down your scepter. Join the common folk for a good romp in the fields.

virgo14x14 Void of Course Moon in Virgo: That's right: Nothing's perfect. Lose the critical eye and stop fault-finding. Take time now to meditate or stretch.

libra14x14 Void of Course Moon in Libra: Nothing is clear just now, so hold off on making a decision. But don't straddle the fence: Buy more time with sweetness.

scorpio14x14 Void of Course Moon in Scorpio: Don't slide down the slippery slope of suspicion. Put your dark fears aside. Open your heart to the heady depth of love.

sagittarius14x14 Void of Course Moon in Sagittarius: Dismiss fanatic feelings. A dogmatic attitude prohibits growth. Cast off blind faith and open your eyes to the truth.

capricorn14x14 Void of Course Moon in Capricorn: Hoarding your resources is off limits now. Don't be so miserly with your money, either. Stretch, and give some away.

aquarius14x14 Void of Course Moon in Aquarius: Don't succumb to any fads right now. But don't alienate yourself, either. Strike a good balance between self and others.

pisces14x14Void of Course Moon in Pisces: A choice looms. Don't try to decide right now. Rather than wringing your hands in despair, envision possible outcomes.

During the Aries Full Moon, you may see some of your efforts beginning to pay off. You could receive recognition for your spirited, enthusiastic preliminary work on recent endeavors. Your leadership traits may also be commended for rousing the troops in an effort.

However, in your desire to be the head of the pack, you may run into resistance from others who believe in group consensus. You might need to be more of a team player. You can't really run a show without the crew on your side, so you’ll have to balance your need to be the head honcho with a cooperative spirit. Try not to have any temper tantrums when you don’t get your way, or are challenged by dissenting views.

Your energy level can be quite high during this time. Romantic activities can be very passionate if you keep your lips and hands busy! You are likely to take decisive action. If you’re not getting satisfactory results, consider what you might need to cut out. Think about what you need to lose in the process of moving forward.

As the moon begins to wane, you may need to let someone go who is no longer needed on a project, or maybe tossing out some excess weight that is keeping you down. A strong backbone is needed not only for expanding projects but also for trimming down.

Learn more about all the Full Moons: Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon in Pisces

During the Pisces Full Moon, you begin to see evidence of profound change not only in yourself, but also among people who you've opened up to.

Having made an effort to be more compassionate, you feel good about the way you've touched other people's hearts. Compassion is often lacking when there is such a huge gap between 'haves' and 'have nots.' You are helping to close that gap with kindness.

You are probably more in touch with your feelings now than other times. Highly sensitive to the nuance of subtle gestures that reveal other people's true emotional state, you are valued for your keen sense. Continue giving of yourself, for it is truly appreciated -- and it does make a difference!

In your personal relationships, your ability to be present with your feelings and your empathy make your interactions more meaningful. Great joy can come from spending time with those you love. Romance is especially highlighted with this bright moon, so make sure to indulge in plenty of candlelight and kisses.

As the moon begins to wane, you might want to spend time alone in meditation, getting in touch with yourself on a deeper level than you usually make time for. You may have some marvelous psychic visions that can guide you in the future. Replenish your spirit for the next cycle ahead.

Learn more about all the Full Moons: Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon in Pisces

During the Full Moon in Aquarius, you may notice how your input on an issue has generated change for the collective good. Whether you have taken on the fight of the century or confronted a local community issue, you should feel pleased that you have made a difference in your corner of the world.

This process has helped you become more aware of the power in numbers. One individual may have trouble raising their voice, but a group of dissenters screaming in unison is darn hard to ignore.

It's perfectly fine for you to get recognition for your efforts and to feel good about your contribution. After all, it is individuals that make up a team!

In personal matters, the radical changes you initiated during the New Moon begin to produce results. No longer beset by feelings of helplessness, you have proven that you do know how to take charge of your life.

Change is something that people generally try to avoid, but not you, not now. Continue the process even further. Rely on friends for their support. Be completely open to quick flashes of insight and offbeat ideas.

Place yourself in the presence of like-minded folks who are at the forefront of change. They will be an inspiration to you in more ways than you expect, challenging you on many intellectual and emotional levels. As the moon begins to wane, try to eliminate old or antiquated ideas.

Learn more about all the Full Moons: Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon in Pisces

The Moon has two nodes -- the North and South Nodes or, alternatively, the Dragon's Head and Tail -- that are directly opposite each other. They come from a complex mathematical equation that deals with the moon’s orbit in relation to the path of the Earth around the Sun -- a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo that’s not nearly as interesting as what the Nodes represent in your life: your future and your distant past.

The North Node points to your path into the future. The lessons you need to learn in life lie within this node’s realm, which can reveal whether or not you’re living up to your full potential.

Do you feel like you’re heading in the right direction, or do you have the sense that something is off? Making life decisions based on other people’s desires or expectations of you often isn’t the best way to progress; the North Node encourages you to take charge of your own life.

The North Node is exalted when it is in Gemini.

The South Node points to your distant past, including past lives. Both of the nodes have to do with karma, and the South Node is all about the lessons you’ve carried over from your earliest upbringing or even a past life to the present.

Even if you have no memory of your early childhood or of having lived and loved before, the experiences of your deep past have left an imprint on your soul.

Any unfinished business will be carried through to the present, pushing you to learn your lesson, gain understanding and finally lay those experiences to rest.

The South Node is exalted when it is in Sagittarius.

During the Cancer Full Moon, you can develop a warmer, more loving spirit in your home and with people you're close to. You may feel a sense of contentment with the type of people you have in your life.

Steps you had taken during the New Moon to garner support from the people who are most important to you may begin to show. Knowing that you have a community behind you can heighten your own feelings of self-worth. Of course, how you feel about yourself shouldn't depend on anyone, but it sure helps to know that you are loved.

If you have been trying to establish a new home or improve the one you have, your efforts should reveal themselves at this time. Generosity seems to be the mood of the day. You may find yourself giving as well is receiving various baked goodies from friends.

You might want to invite a couple buddies over for terrific meal made from your own hands. Generating good times in your home is a wonderful way to recharge the energy within your space.

Bless the corners of your home with some aromatic incense or wild sage. Come up with additional ways to further create your ideal home. Start tearing up ugly carpets, peeling wallpaper, and anything else that is an eyesore as the moon begins to wane.

Learn more about all the Full Moons: Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon in Pisces

The Balsamic Moon shows a thin sliver of light in the eastern sky before sunrise as it continues waning to eventual darkness in the next few days.

This Moon instills a quiet reflective mood that is conducive for meditation and self reflection. The process of letting go continues until you've reached a point where you can feel the results more overtly.

The initial clearing-out process may have led you to simplify your life even further than you originally intended. Items that you considered keeping a few days ago may now land in the donation box. The process of purification is more extreme. Therapy may have helped access memories, feelings and thoughts that were deeply hidden beneath the surface.

This is the time for introversion. The energy you have been expending for almost a month needs replenishing on a psychic and physical level.

Schedule some quality time alone at home for yourself. Write in a journal, reflect on things that happened this month. Evaluate the things that you have learned. Consider what you would do differently in the future. Quiet time is imperative for the maturation process. Wisdom cannot be gained if you are otherwise distracted by chatter and television sets.

It needs to be nurtured carefully. You need to recuperate fully before you can be of any great use for future endeavors. There are those who take charge of their lives and those who accidentally experience life. Decide which one you would rather be.