Eclipses are important events in astrology. They usually occur twice per calendar year and can come in a pair or a threesome. They mark significant periods in an individuals life if they aspect any personal points or planets in someones chart. The effect of an eclipse lasts approximately six months until the next set of eclipses.

The Moon has two nodes -- the North and South Nodes or, alternatively, the Dragon's Head and Tail -- that are directly opposite each other. They come from a complex mathematical equation that deals with the moon’s orbit in relation to the path of the Earth around the Sun -- a lot of technical mumbo-jumbo that’s not nearly as interesting as what the Nodes represent in your life: your future and your distant past.

The North Node points to your path into the future. The lessons you need to learn in life lie within this node’s realm, which can reveal whether or not you’re living up to your full potential.

Do you feel like you’re heading in the right direction, or do you have the sense that something is off? Making life decisions based on other people’s desires or expectations of you often isn’t the best way to progress; the North Node encourages you to take charge of your own life.

The North Node is exalted when it is in Gemini.

The South Node points to your distant past, including past lives. Both of the nodes have to do with karma, and the South Node is all about the lessons you’ve carried over from your earliest upbringing or even a past life to the present.

Even if you have no memory of your early childhood or of having lived and loved before, the experiences of your deep past have left an imprint on your soul.

Any unfinished business will be carried through to the present, pushing you to learn your lesson, gain understanding and finally lay those experiences to rest.

The South Node is exalted when it is in Sagittarius.

During the Cancer Full Moon, you can develop a warmer, more loving spirit in your home and with people you're close to. You may feel a sense of contentment with the type of people you have in your life.

Steps you had taken during the New Moon to garner support from the people who are most important to you may begin to show. Knowing that you have a community behind you can heighten your own feelings of self-worth. Of course, how you feel about yourself shouldn't depend on anyone, but it sure helps to know that you are loved.

If you have been trying to establish a new home or improve the one you have, your efforts should reveal themselves at this time. Generosity seems to be the mood of the day. You may find yourself giving as well is receiving various baked goodies from friends.

You might want to invite a couple buddies over for terrific meal made from your own hands. Generating good times in your home is a wonderful way to recharge the energy within your space.

Bless the corners of your home with some aromatic incense or wild sage. Come up with additional ways to further create your ideal home. Start tearing up ugly carpets, peeling wallpaper, and anything else that is an eyesore as the moon begins to wane.

Learn more about all the Full Moons: Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon in Pisces

The Balsamic Moon shows a thin sliver of light in the eastern sky before sunrise as it continues waning to eventual darkness in the next few days.

This Moon instills a quiet reflective mood that is conducive for meditation and self reflection. The process of letting go continues until you've reached a point where you can feel the results more overtly.

The initial clearing-out process may have led you to simplify your life even further than you originally intended. Items that you considered keeping a few days ago may now land in the donation box. The process of purification is more extreme. Therapy may have helped access memories, feelings and thoughts that were deeply hidden beneath the surface.

This is the time for introversion. The energy you have been expending for almost a month needs replenishing on a psychic and physical level.

Schedule some quality time alone at home for yourself. Write in a journal, reflect on things that happened this month. Evaluate the things that you have learned. Consider what you would do differently in the future. Quiet time is imperative for the maturation process. Wisdom cannot be gained if you are otherwise distracted by chatter and television sets.

It needs to be nurtured carefully. You need to recuperate fully before you can be of any great use for future endeavors. There are those who take charge of their lives and those who accidentally experience life. Decide which one you would rather be.

During the Full Moon in Capricorn, your inbox or voicemail may contain promising messages regarding a career opportunity, if that’s what you seek at this time.

Your efforts during the past couple of weeks could generate the kind of response that you've been hoping for. Although there may not be a guarantee of a new position, getting feedback is always great for your self-esteem.

If you've been questioning your recent decisions, you may become more certain by what the universe seems to be sending your way. Your hunches have gotten you this far in life. Continue following the many leads that arise.

A proactive attitude allows you to feel in charge of your own destiny. There is a delicate balance between financial security and meaningful employment. Where are you in that balance? You may want to narrow your search. Perhaps you need to investigate further career options or research the benefits that a certain company has to offer.

You might also want to check out the stock performance or the track record of a business you’re considering an investment in. A little diligence on your part should grant you a step towards fulfilling your goals.

As the moon begins to wane, you might want to make a decision about any long terms plans you have been considering.

Learn more about all the Full Moons: Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon is hard to miss in the sky. The big round luminary shines bright, adding a blue-tinged light upon the Earth's nighttime landscape. You may feel a slightly unusual vibe in the air, maybe even excitement.

Myths abound about the effects of the full Moon. Think werewolves. Folks have been known to behave strangely during the Moon’s full display. The ocean tides rise higher during a full Moon due to the gravitational pull, which may explain why some folks behave oddly since our bodies are also comprised of 83% water.

The bright light can cause restless slumbers, keeping you tossing and turning through the night. Don’t be surprised if you find your dreams are more vivid and action-filled.

The Moon can trigger your intuition as well; realizations may hit you during quiet moments. The full Moon is especially romantic for couples who want to bask in her glorious light during a nighttime stroll.

It can also represent a time when you begin to see the potential benefits of work that was initiated during the New Moon. It can be a glorious period, full of self-awareness and fulfillment. Impasses can be broken.

The Moon’s powerful beams shine a light on those darker spaces that are difficult to see. From this point on for the next two weeks, the Moon wanes, which is an effective time for release and letting go. So if you’re interested in reducing weight, you may want to embark on a diet at this time.

During the Sagittarius Full Moon, you’re likely to be in a jolly mood that makes you feel truly alive. Recent steps you have taken to add some zest to your life are working.

No longer plagued by feelings of boredom, you are more able to enjoy getting up when the promise of a fun day lies ahead of you. Give yourself a pat on the back for taking charge of your own well being.

A trip you've planned might be approaching now, or you may be pleasantly surprised at how well you're grasping new things. Your bright spirits won't go unnoticed by others, either. Spend time with a group of pals doing what you enjoy best: There is great fun to be had.

You may be feeling lucky for no particular reason, so impulses may reign. Your positive attitude generates goodwill from others. Even doom and gloom folks can't get you down! The days look too bright and glorious for any negative vibes. Make sure to accept an invitation to a fun event where you can meet others.

Your energetic presence will have people gravitating towards you -- which is definitely a plus for adding new digits to your little black book. Just watch the tendency to chat your listener's ear off or to be stuck in your head, clueless to subtle hints around you.

As the moon begins to wane, you might want to ease up on the heavy workouts.

Learn more about all the Full Moons: Full Moon in Aries, Full Moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Gemini, Full Moon in Cancer, Full Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Virgo, Full Moon in Libra, Full Moon in Scorpio, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon in Pisces

The Aries New Moon could be the force behind some edgy impulses that need release. Having just completed a restive period, you're ready for something exciting and new to begin. Brilliant schemes may be circulating in your brain. At the very least, you're ready for something to happen and it will probably be by your own hand.

With the New Moon in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, this lunar phase marks energetic beginnings and fresh starts. You are hankering for some action. You may already be reacting on a slightly aggressive level to everyone around you, being ever so temperamental.

Do consider some activities that you'd like to get going; perhaps your exercise program needs a jump start? How about getting ahead on some projects at work? Maybe initiate a date with that eye-catching cutie at your local cafe.

The restless energy of Aries gets you moving. Think about what you'd like to do and go for it. You may even consider leading a group or a project. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself, and certainly don't let an opportunity pass you by. Seize the moment while you can. There will be time to figure out the details later, but for now, prepare to move off your tush. Life is too short to wait around for tomorrows.

The New Moon in Cancer calms you down for a reflective period when you focus on yourself. Cancer reminds you to think about things closest to your heart and home. You may find yourself evaluating your feelings about your home life, your childhood, and even issues of self-love. A need for security lies just beneath the surface of your feelings.

If any part of your life feels unsafe, this is the time to consider what your remedies should be. If someone you live with is constantly overstepping their boundaries with you, then perhaps it is time to move them out of your home or to move yourself out of the situation.

If something feels unsettled between you and your family, your might consider starting therapy or getting them involved in a family session with you. Deeply personal and emotional issues will be prominent now.

If you aren't getting the appreciation that you feel you deserve, than it is time to do something about it. You shouldn't have to deal with difficult people in your own home nor put up with loved ones who are anything but loving. Create a space for yourself that is completely your own, a retreat where you feel replenished every time you go there, a place that is your personal sacred space and off-limits to everyone else. Let your intuition guide you.

The New Moon in Gemini stirs up a plethora of fancies in your head; so many, in fact, that you may walk into a wall if you don't pay attention to where you're going! Those who find you staring off into space think you are in a fog belt, when you are actually immobilized by thoughts of a gazillion possibilities.

You won't need too much outside stimulation to incite more activity in your head, you've got plenty of your own. Maybe there is a best-selling novel brewing in your brain that begs to be brought to life. Maybe you're thinking about learning some new languages. You may even want to learn something new and completely different.

During this lunar influence, you won't be short on ideas. Your main challenge is to pick and choose the ones that are most pragmatic and beneficial to you at this time. Then, begin the process of turning fancies into realities.

You should spend some time alone and meditate on your options, even though you may be eager to share your feelings and thoughts. Any person in your company will get an earful, probably more than they can keep up with. You may not have it all worked out before you take those first baby steps, but making firm decisions will be half the battle for you.