The New Moon in Taurus slows down your energy level as you mull over more practical concerns of living and life. This earthy moon propels you to work hard but at the end of the day, still wants you to take it easy and enjoy some of your hard earned cash.

Make a list of items that you need to feel secure. If some of those items on the list are beyond your means, you may consider what you need to curb or grow in order to get the things you deserve. Might that be taking a second job or making some minor investments?

Your thoughts may also meander to your finances. You may want to think over how you can restructure your budget. Brainstorm ways to increase your cash flow so that you can indulge in occasional luxuries without having to raid your savings.

This is an opportune time to start testing new monetary strategies. In terms of romance, this sensual lunar influence is great for experimenting with touch, taste, and sound; anything that arouses the senses. Try new lovemaking techniques on your sweetheart. You'll surely have a grand time testing things out!

The New Moon in Sagittarius awakens an inner need for many kinds of stimulation. Having recently completed a contemplative period, your body craves for some excitement now. You may find yourself daydreaming about travel to foreign lands, or maybe tackling a philosophical conundrum.

Boredom is an issue that has your fingers tapping restlessly. What are you to do about it? There are many ways to distract yourself. Maybe a road trip is in order. Or, how about a week in the wilderness? Maybe bungee jumping?

Mull over the many possibilities available to you. Pick something that is not only physically active, but offers you a learning experience as well. Think of options outside of your normal routine, even if it means something as simple as taking a different route home from work. Figure out how you can add a little spice in various areas to keep you from getting the doldrums.

If physical limitations that keep you from ranging too far, look at ways to travel mentally. Workshops, seminars, and classes can usually do the trick. Books have a way of taking us away from ourselves. Keep your brain satisfied and you won't go wrong. If you crave more adventurous fare, remember to weigh the pros and cons before leaping into action.

Check out the feasibility in detail. Aim for an activity that you can look back on with pride rather than embarrassment.

The New Moon in Cancer calms you down for a reflective period when you focus on yourself. Cancer reminds you to think about things closest to your heart and home. You may find yourself evaluating your feelings about your home life, your childhood, and even issues of self-love. A need for security lies just beneath the surface of your feelings.

If any part of your life feels unsafe, this is the time to consider what your remedies should be. If someone you live with is constantly overstepping their boundaries with you, then perhaps it is time to move them out of your home or to move yourself out of the situation.

If something feels unsettled between you and your family, your might consider starting therapy or getting them involved in a family session with you. Deeply personal and emotional issues will be prominent now.

If you aren't getting the appreciation that you feel you deserve, than it is time to do something about it. You shouldn't have to deal with difficult people in your own home nor put up with loved ones who are anything but loving. Create a space for yourself that is completely your own, a retreat where you feel replenished every time you go there, a place that is your personal sacred space and off-limits to everyone else. Let your intuition guide you.

The New Moon in Leo arouses your creative side. Sparks of imagination light up in your mind. Give some quality time to nurture these divine gifts that ultimately make your life much richer and more colorful. If any particular problem has got you stumped, you may find some new ways to resolve them.

Leo is unsurpassed when it comes to artistic expression. Whatever you choose to focus on, whether it is an art form such as painting, drawing, or dance, or something more practical such as having children in your life, what you create by your own efforts is likely to be something that will make you proud.

The act of expression is one of the most important characteristics of Leo. Don't keep it in. Let the ideas flow out of you. Make a list of the steps necessary to manifest those ideas into a more tangible form. If what you desire is more physical affection and love, look at the possible ways that you can get this through online ads, friends of friends, or going to some social events.

You get love when you're able to give it out freely without condition. There's no time like the present to fulfill a vision. Let it be a fun process, treat it like play, let your inner child run loose. Seek ways to unfetter your life so that you have room to let the juices flow.

The New Moon in Virgo turns you toward more serious matters after a period of playful indulgences has passed. You may be mulling over the nuts and bolts of your daily life. Work may be a concern or perhaps a health matter, or even how to run your life more efficiently.

Evaluate the areas that need improvement. You may want to start listing a few areas that need your attention. Don't worry too much about the details yet; just work on identifying what it is you would like to change.

If you find that walking up a flight of stairs causes a strain on your heart, perhaps it's time to start an exercise routine. A job that seems to be a complete waste of your time may very well be. Consider how you can accomplish the same ends by adjusting the ways and means of completing them.

Spend time in contemplation without the distraction of music or chatter. Make notes to yourself citing several areas you want to improve. Look around your home and your workspace. Is something particularly glaring? Any visible clutter? Make a mental commitment to change. Brainstorm on possible tools you might need to help make the job easier.

Allot yourself several days to really get organized, including a detailed checklist to help you remember every step along the way. You'll surely feel much clearer once you've created the space to do so.

The New Moon in Libra shifts your attention to relationship issues with business associates, sweetheart and friends. Cooperation is vital to a harmonious life. You may just be starting to fathom interconnectedness in the world.

Consider the bonds that you have with others. Are the connections ideal? Compromise is at the heart of peaceful coexistence. Evaluate whether you’re getting a fair shake when dealing with others. Are you being fair and reasonable as well? This may be time to address these kinds of questions.

Respect, love and trust are generally earned, so ponder how to develop these qualities within relationships. Address balance issues if you’re involved in an unequal association. You may want to peruse a couple of books for some ideas on how to proceed.

Try to surround yourself with objects pleasing to the eye. Beautify your life with colors that calm. In doing so, you create an environment conducive to pleasant interactions. Black walls with protruding sharp metal objects wouldn't be the most uplifting place to have a romantic evening, for example.

Think of ways to be more open to divergent views. You can't easily change others, but you can change your behavior.

The New Moon in Scorpio shifts your consciousness from external relationships to more internal issues. Depth and meaning are qualities that give value to our existence. There are many mysteries in life that intrigue us and invite us to delve a little deeper.

This is a time when you find yourself looking within, seeking to understand yourself more truly. Look at the areas in your life that need healing. Some of it may be physical, but much of it is probably emotional. Contemplate the way you respond to any situation or crisis. Do you overreact? Do you panic? Do you make the wicked Witch of the West look like Mother Teresa?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may want to take a look at your personal triggers. Generally speaking, where you reaction is the strongest is where your greatest pain resides. See if there's a link with a childhood trauma that keeps you behaving in ways that can be embarrassing for you. Don't expect to change overnight, but at least try to recognize patterns that keep reemerging.

Be honest with yourself. Play detective with your life by charting some of the best and worst moments you can remember. Try to sit still long enough and insights will come. Make a commitment to tackle a few of these demons. Do a little research and see if there is any professional help that you can utilize in the healing process. You may want to consider alternative therapies such as rebirthing, hypnotherapy, and naturopathy.

After a period of playful indulgence, the New Moon in Capricorn helps you evaluate the priorities in your life. At some point in the midst of all of our human endeavors, we stop to consider our place in this world -- what we have to contribute to society and where our path lies.

Is your nine to five job really exemplifying who you are? Is the place of your employment really where you want to spend half of your waking hours? These maybe the types of questions you find yourself pondering as you wonder what the future holds for you.

If you realize that you aren't thrilled to get up in the morning, maybe it's time for a change. It's important to give consideration to your work and your work environment.

You might need only a very simple fix such as transferring within the company you already work for. Or, it may take some elbow grease to find your fulfilling livelihood.

The first step is to look at various possibilities, given your skills and experience. Don’t be afraid to try something completely different. Once you have decided, then doors will open up for you. At the very least, keep your eyes open to all that is available out there.

The New Moon in Aquarius stirs up the inner rebel who is ready make radical changes as soon as possible. After spending time focused on the grind of daily existence, it's no wonder that you want to break free from mundane, tedious affairs.

A part of you doesn't really want to do the same thing, day in day out. It’s time to unleash that crazy idea that's been knocking around in the back of your brain. Let your imagination run wild. What can you do to make a difference in society? You must leave your mark in some way and what better way than to do something for the greater good?

Check out the kinds of issues that really move you. It could be an environmental concern, labor issues, or health care. There is no shortage of causes to devote yourself to. In fact, there are probably several issues you can address right in your local community. Make a resolution to change at least one thing that is within your power to do so.

Anything that is not working for you needs to be tackled very soon, including relationship problems. Determine those areas that need a good kick in the pants and commit to a process that will carry it beyond a mere wish.

The New Moon in Pisces quiets you down into a contemplative state after a period of revolutionary upheaval. Inequities happen when people divide themselves into categories of 'us' and 'them,' forgetting that in the end, we are all the same. Conflicts between people, tribes, and nations are victims of such divisive thinking.

This particular new moon helps you to better understand the alliances between people rather than the differences. Consider your personal boundaries and how that has kept you from truly connecting with others on a more meaningful level. How open are you? How in touch are you with your feelings? Can you offer more compassion to make this world a harmonious place to live in?

You may begin to realize that there are universal truths among humans no matter what race, status, gender, age, or education level. Consider how you can make changes on a more personal level, offering not only your knowledge, but also your heart to those in most need. After all, society can't truly change if the people within it still suffer emotionally. Look at the relationships you have with others.

Check your feelings and see where you are blocked. Get in touch with your innermost self, minus the barriers. Evolve your soul by emphasizing the similarities you have with other people. Worry less about the differences. You may be surprised to find that a kind gesture or a hug can have strong reverberations.