6th House

Time to get organized – the sixth house handles your day to day routines, the mundane realities of life and your relationships with co-workers and colleagues. It also reflects your health and wellbeing, both mental and physical.

There’s a strong sense of service about the sixth house, because here we find out what you need to do, or feel you ought to do, rather than what you necessarily want to do. It covers everyday responsibilities and time management, and it reveals your approach to routines. If life seems to be in a permanent state of chaos, the sixth house may well have something to do with that; if on the other hand you live your life like clockwork, structured to the minute, the sixth house is definitely in the driving seat.

One of the most useful things about the sixth house is the way it reveals your stress levels and suggests solutions for this. It can also shed light on your habits, both good and bad, and on your willpower and ability to change. Pets are a sixth house matter too, being both a responsibility and a healing and de-stressing influence – your rapport with animals is shown by the sign on the cusp of this house.

Planets in or transits to the sixth house show how resilient you are mentally and physically. That’s why the sign on the cusp of this house has a bearing on your health, because ultimately good mental and physical wellbeing is necessary if you’re going to cope with the challenges of day to day life.