An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born March 22, 1971

Love Life Remedy

An Astrological Guide to Breaking Toxic Relationship Cycles

Being single or in a complicated relationship can be frustrating...

Perhaps you're beginning to notice patterns in your past relationships that seem to be preventing you from achieving the ideal relationship you've always dreamed of (and know you were born to have).

If you look back over your romantic and sexual past, you’ll begin to notice patterns in the types of people you’ve chosen to love and in how you've shown up in these relationships as they each have progressed from start to finish.
And even though you are the common denominator in ALL of your past and current relationships... 

You know that who you are at the core of your being is constantly changing and growing. This means that your needs shift, as do your problems, your turn-ons and turn-offs and more.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Love Life Remedy report.

And I want to help you discover how to have much better relationships going forward in your life!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover what YOU bring to the table when you’re involved in a romantic relationship?
And what particular challenges YOU present as a partner (and how to address those challenges so they don’t hold you back from having the love you deserve)?

Your Love Life Remedy report examines the location of the planets at the time of your birth and paints a portrait of who you are and how you show up in your love relationships.

It will reveal the problems you've probably faced time and time again and will give you deep insights into your romantic nature. 
Be prepared...

This powerful report provides a frank and sometimes brutally honest description of your weak points in relationships.

But no worries...

The information in this report will help you identify areas that need work and suggest what you can do to change things for the better so you can begin to have the type of romantic relationship you have always wanted, dreamed of, and totally deserve to have!

One that makes you grateful every single day!

Your Romantic Nature, Person 1

The Inner War Zone, Projections and Relationship Karma Meters:

You want the nitty-gritty, right?

You're ready to know the real deal when it comes to your own true nature and psychological issues... the ones that prevent you from finding and holding on to that ideal love you dream of.

Reading your Love Life Remedy report will give you that in-depth picture, but these three meters show an at-a-glance view of the lessons you have yet to learn.

Remember, whether your scores on the meters are high or low, you're in good company: We ALL have plenty of emotional baggage that comes from past relationships, our childhoods, and even past lives.

And we ALL have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to changing our lives for the better and improving our relationships, including our love connections.


Person 1's Inner War Zone = 8

7-10 Repressed anger, defensiveness and a seriously short fuse can turn your love affairs into an all-out war.

4-6 You've got some issues and inner conflicts to work through, but who doesn't?

0-3 You're so laid back in your relationships it could actually be a problem.

Person 1's Projections = 4

7-10 Seeing all sides of every issue is actually a detriment. You don't know what to believe!

4-6 You know your own mind, but you can see their point too. That's a good thing.

0-3 You see your sweetie as they really are...but do you understand them?

Person 1's Relationship Karma = 0

7-10 It's beyond time to work through your baggage from past relationships, or even past lives. Try moving forward!

4-6 Some of your relationship issues have been around for a while. It's time to sort them out now.

0-3 Good news: It's not just a new affair with the same old story. But can you compromise?



governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally
reveals how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your private life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions
reveals what truly motivates you in all areas of your life
unveils your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
uncovers your non-negotiable values
guides your way to true love


teaches you lessons about love
illuminates your deepest challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life
reveals your romantic karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


uncovers your greatest fears
reveals your opportunities for massive change
tells you about the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Read below to find out where each planet was on March 22, 1971, and how the placement of the planets when you were born has shaped your love life and guided your romantic decisions so far…

Person 1's Romantic Influences

Sun in Aries

Headstrong and Headlong

Your relationship history is not unlike your house: It's littered with things you've started but not properly finished. Your little black book is full of names and numbers of people you've dated only once, because by the time they call you for a second date, you've moved on to the latest attractive 'thang.' It's only all the negative feedback you've received over time that prevents you from hurling yourself headlong toward anyone you find at all appealing. When you walk toward a group of people gathered together, they scatter like a school of fish evading a shark. You make the short leap to 'There's got to be a better way.'There is, Aries. In small quantities, many of your qualities are delightful. You're spontaneous, energetic, and can be counted on to be straightforward. Crank it up a notch and all of a sudden you're erratic, over-the-top and brutally honest. So, stop while you're ahead. Difficult as it is, keep an eyeball on the faces of those around you, for hints that you're going overboard. Moderate yourself. OK, OK -- it's true that you can't change your fundamental nature, but at least you can direct it toward sweat-inducing exercise instead of damaging current and potential hookups.

Mercury in Aries

Flying Thoughts, Fast Words

As everyone knows, communication is a key element to any successful relationship. Good communication entails two functions: speaking and listening. No doubt it's difficult for you to see this, but both of these areas have contributed to problems in your past relationships. For one thing, you interrupt people. It's not that you're trying to be rude; it's just that your mind works so fast, and you don't want to lose any of the million ideas flooding your brain, so the words come tumbling out of your mouth whether or not you're holding the microphone. Not that anyone can keep up with your machine-gun style of speech, but at least they give it a try.Not so when others try to speak. You see, in order to listen to someone else, you have to shut up. And that's not easy for you. Let's say someone does manage to get a word in edgewise. What do you do? Leap to conclusions before they've even finished speaking! No wonder they throw their hands up in despair and walk away muttering about finding someone else who understands them. Your formula for more successful relationships? Simple. You've got two ears and one mouth. Use them in that proportion.

Venus in Aquarius

Dare to be Different

Remember the type of people that your mother warned you against? Well, that's exactly the type of person you're attracted to, not least because your mom said not to! You've got a rebellious streak a mile wide, and your attraction for the unusual and unique is even wider. Consequently, your previous lovers make the most interesting motley crew. It's all perfectly OK with you, though, because you're nothing if not tolerant of people's differences. And the things that attract you -- a bright mind, a friendly personality, an original outlook -- come in all shapes and sizes.You prefer to be friends before you're lovers, and often your exes remain your friends long after the fire of your passion has died out. Actually this works out well for you, because your need for freedom is pretty much off the charts, and there's far more freedom in friendship than there is in romance. In fact, you may keep interested lovers at arm's length because of this fact. Your ideal lover will be as eclectic and unconventional as you are, and equally unattached to romantic liaisons.

Mars in Capricorn

A Tight Cork

You may seem cool on the outside, but if only they could see how you're smoldering on the inside! Trouble is, you're so devoted to your material ambitions and efforts to get ahead that you don't pay as much attention to your libido as you could, much to the regret of your former partners. You keep your passion well under wraps, for then it can't distract you, or so you think. Are you forgetting how strong the drive toward the continuation of the species truly is? It refuses to stay at bay for long.Where does this leave you in the field of romance? Well, for one thing, you might get involved with someone simply to find a release for all those sexual energies you've been stuffing down. Is this the best possible scenario for you? By no means! A far better bet for you is to look for someone who shares your serious side, and yet is not so involved with their work and ambitions that they have no time left for romance. Success in love will require that you strike a balance between the demands of career and the desires of your relationship. Your whole life will go better once you've found this balance.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Over the Top and Loving It

Don't you think you're just a bit over the top? If your answer is 'no,' why don't you ask your coworkers and anyone else who often shares your space? They may have a different answer! The next step is to ask yourself, 'How might this have affected my relationships?' The truthful answer (and you, of all people, love getting down to the truth) is that your past lovers got tired of you telling the same jokes in that loud voice of yours at every party you ever went to. They grew weary of your jovial habit of talking to everyone, everywhere. They didn't see the point of taking the 'scenic route' even when you were very late for an appointment (and even now you're probably exclaiming, 'Me? Late? Surely you jest!').Clearly you need a partner who is tolerant of your little foibles, someone who is just as unorthodox as you are and who truly enjoys your humor and sense of adventure. Perhaps they will come from a different country, or from an entirely different background. If you give each other enough freedom, you'll both feel happy, and they can simply excuse themselves from the room when you start telling that joke again.

Saturn in Taurus

Let Love Grow

You are so sure that there won't be enough (love, money, fill in the blank with anything you value) that you cling tenaciously to what little you do have and refuse to let it go. Funny thing is, both love and money like to flow, so when you've got a death grip on them, instead of flowering for you, they wither, and eventually the very thing you valued so much has evaporated from your life. And you ask yourself wonderingly, 'How on earth did that happen?'Your relationships? Well, since you're so anxious about losing the love you have, however imperfect, you tend to stay in relationships long after they're over, simply out of habit, fear of moving on and a misplaced sense of loyalty. Besides that, if you got out of your current relationship, you'd need to get off your butt and find another one, and you don't particularly care for new things. You prefer the tried and true, the known and familiar, the comfort of established routine. New relationships mean compromise, adaptation, establishing new patterns, and you're not so good at that. So you carry on carrying on, ad nauseum. The solution? Loosen your death grip, and resources of all types will move through your life again, with little effort on your part.

Uranus in Libra

Upsetting the Apple Cart

You and your generation are upsetting the apple cart when it comes to relationships: You're forging a whole new way of engaging with others on a romantic level. You've grown up to witness a huge surge in the divorce rate, and you resolved early on to do things differently from your parents. You may decline to participate in long-term relationships altogether, or you may completely rewrite the rules of marriage, factoring in the need for freedom within a relationship. Open marriages, having multiple partners at a time or having different partners for different personal needs are all ways of revolutionizing the world of partnership and romance. Your own relationship history will reflect the changes in the world around you. You and those born around the same time as you will leave a mark on the world that will last for many decades.

Neptune in Sagittarius

The Road to Learning

You and your generation idealize freedom and adventure more than the stability of a single long-term relationship. You are much more likely to enjoy a series of relationships, often with people who are radically different from you -- perhaps people from another country or a completely different culture. You appreciate the exposure to habits and beliefs that diverge from your own, because in this way you learn deeply about people from different places on earth. In your eyes, there is no better way to expand your consciousness than to do it through another person's eyes. Relationships are roads to learning for you; and there are many roads to learning, are there not?

Pluto in Virgo

Perfect Mates Only, Please

You and your generation were born just before, spent your formative years in or came around just after the revolutionary 1960s, and in many ways, you carry forward this revolutionary energy into the future. You expect a lot from life and from your romantic partners; perfection would suit you just fine! Unfortunately, Real Life rarely delivers perfection, so you may spend your life in fruitless pursuit of it. Yet while you may never find the perfection you seek, you'll make the world a much better place in the meantime. Your relationships should fulfill a practical need as well as romantic ones; your best partnerships will have goals above and beyond your romantic liaison.

Person 1's Inner War Zone

Sun square Mars

Power Struggles

Of course you have relationship issues! You're attracted to powerful personalities and when you get together with this type of person, you're bound to strike sparks. You are a force of nature yourself and you tend to be impulsive and fearless, lusty and straightforward, with a confidence that rivals the best of 'em. You stride through life with a daring that others only wonder at. When you're in a relationship, your libido shoots off the charts -- but unfortunately, your conflicts with your honey often rival your passion. Titanic arguments, friction, a link that always seems to be teetering on self-destruction -- you never heard love was easy, but does it have to be this hard? You've got to learn to give. You can't struggle over everything or you'll waste your prodigious energies just treading water rather than moving forward. You must learn to accept what you can't change. Stop hounding your lovers over issues that are mere annoyances instead of true deal-breakers. If you manage to quell your troublesome quibbling, you can look forward to some special relationships.

Venus square Saturn

Starved for Love

It's pitiful to see poor you in such a state, literally starved for love. Your so-called sweeties have really been holding out on you, haven't they? And you seem to be in some kind of terrible loop, where each relationship reinforces the last. You keep choosing contained, precise partners, looking for a challenge. And you've certainly received what you asked for -- one heck of a challenge. Now you've broken under the strain, after doing things you wouldn't do if you were in your right mind, trying to get the stroking you deserve. But don't be so quick to throw your love life on the ash heap. Try choosing a lover who's not shiny on the surface but who is solid to the core. You may not have as much fun in this relationship as you might like, but you'll be on the road to a love relationship that demands the best from you even while it gives you the kind of satisfaction that can endure for a lifetime. Look for the oatmeal of lovers, hardly glamorous but undeniably down-to-earth, dependable and good for you.

Mars square Uranus

Live Wires

Have you ever bothered to look before you leapt into a lover's arms? Or have you just followed your heart and your foolish, fierce emotions? There was a lot that drew you to those lovers, including the incendiary passion you felt in each other's arms. But you were equally repulsed by your their unpredictable behavior. You could not get the commitment you sought. Heck, you weren't even sure you knew who they really were! Sometimes you sensed the unfathomable distance between you. Was it love you felt, or simply an infatuation that couldn't last?You are not destined to have one of those loves that's cozy and sweet, like a cat curled up by a fireplace. Rather, you'll keep grasping on to live wires. You are faced with a choice -- you can keep holding on, enjoying all that is electric and exciting and thrilling about your lovers. Or you can let go and relax into a quieter, easier existence. If you choose the former, you're going to have to learn to ask fewer questions, demand less, ride out changes and tumult rather than expecting or asking for security. It's an amazing ride -- if you have the stomach for the ups and downs.

Mars square Pluto

Jealous Attraction

Green has never really suited you. You couldn't help but be so jealous of your past sweeties -- you demanded every bit of their free time, you didn't approve of your their friends. And around the edges of your consciousness lurked the suspicion that you weren't the only one your lover had on a string. It's only natural that you felt that way. You kept choosing lovers with strength: powerful and intense, willful and secretive. Even when there wasn't something unsavory going on, they were apt to withhold information, affection, reassurance. You were left dangling on a string, wondering if you were the only one madly in love.Buck up. Part of the reason you picked those lovers is because you're turned on by the challenge. While other lovers may fall under your spell and allow themselves to be wrapped around your little finger, you prefer a lover who's a much harder nut to crack. You won't be able to control the situation -- but that burning, passionate intensity is what you crave. Tone down your jealous streak. Be a little more savvy when revealing your emotions. An ability to keep your cool is what's going to keep your ideal love relationship on track -- and you're a lot more attractive with a little mystery around you, anyway.

Person 1's Projections

Sun opposite Pluto

Who's in Charge Here?

You brought all this misery on yourself, my dear. You knew what you were doing when you chose those strong-willed partners, all intensity and mystery. Your intentions were to lure a strong mate who would challenge you on all levels. And that's just what you got -- but they made you miserable! The core of the problem is control: You don't want to share it! You're used to being in the driver's seat; it's what comes naturally to you. But your previous lovers had power issues just as strong as yours, and they were so intent on being in charge (and so willing to punish you with sulks and sudden disappearances should you not fall into line) that you sometimes gave in just to avoid an argument -- and regretted it later. It always feels like you and your lovers are locked in an eternal battle. Sorry, but you're going to have to let go of that wheel a little if your relationships are going to move forward. Relax. Enjoy the feeling of someone else taking care of you, for a change. Realize that there is power and peace in relinquishing leadership. If you stop making a big deal about the small things, your lovers are more likely to let you have your way when the big things pop up.

Mercury opposite Uranus

An Independent Thinker

You just love to shock people, don't you? You'll take on the role of Devil's Advocate, expressing views you don't even hold, just to stir up trouble. You rock with glee when a lover turns apoplectic as you deliver another bombshell with your deadpan delivery. Fun as your subversive attitude may be, it's hell on your love life. One after another, lovers have come and gone, attracted at first by your genius and novel way of looking at the world, repelled later by the outrageous things you say to anyone at anytime. Just being around you gave them a nervous tick. Who knew what you might say next?In order to succeed at love, you need to pre-qualify new contestants to find one whose thinking is as original as yours. Once you find a suitable candidate, the solution is to team up instead of competing for the 'Most Outrageous' prize. Find some projects you can tackle together. Are there classes you can take? New interests you can immerse yourself in? Surely you have ambitions in common. Allow your stimulating lover to stoke your fires in another realm of your life besides the physical. Together the two of you can accomplish much, and have a great time doing it.

Person 1's Relationship Karma

No Quincunxes

My Way or the Highway

You've never been much for compromise, have you? In past relationships, when issues came up between you and your lover, you used whatever tools you had -- sweetly cajoling, arguing, turning a cold shoulder -- to get your own way. But why was having your own way so important? After all, other people have feelings, needs and agendas, too, just like yours. Who decides which person's need is the most important one in any given moment? That's a perennial question for all relationships, and except in the one between an infant and its caretaker, the answer isn't as simple as 'I decide, and my needs always come first.' Relationships, after all, should be about give and take. Sometimes you get your way; sometimes your lover does. Insisting on always getting your way not only makes you look uncomfortably similar to that aforementioned infant, it could actually lead to loneliness. After all, if it's a choice between getting your way or bailing out of the relationship, well, you'll end up either with a partner who's a pushover or sleeping alone. If you want a well-functioning, long-term relationship, you'll have to learn to choose your battles. The art of compromise is the perfect place to start your lessons, because if you give your lover a little, they'll probably want to give back a lot. You'll feel a lot better once you learn to step back and let someone else take reins from time to time.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!