The Romance and Passion Meters: love can be complex, but I can break it down for you! Our special Romance and Passion Meters reads the composite chart between you and your sweetie, and reveal the levels of romance and passion in your relationship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between you both.
Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff and very little spice, but what you really want is a balance between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn).
And too much passion can also ruin a relationship; without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you’d tire each other out, fast! Something in the middle is just the ticket.
A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then to... Read more
7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations
4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs
0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose
7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.
4-6: Up for it almost anytime
0-3: A bit shy and reserved
No one is perfect, and everyone can stand to change at least a few things about themselves in order to be a better friend, lover and all-around person. In fact, the need for growth is one of the biggest reasons we enter into relationships; they're the perfect venue for learning these lessons. But while this relationship will certainly change you, it may not be for the better. You'll both try to force the other to change in ways that aren't necessary or fair, such as pushing your lover to become the partner you wish you could be with. Power struggles will take center stage in this relationship. You might never feel appreciated and accepted for the person you are inside; similarly, you might never feel as if you can fully relax with each other. Arguments could flare up frequently as you each try to carve out a comfortable space for yourselves. Take a look at the rest of the aspects between you: If there are lots of harmonious influences, they can balance out the challenges of this one. But if there are others that indicate conflict, you can expect this relationship to be a tough one. Still, you can consciously focus together on accepting each other and on toning down your own controlling impulses, and make this work -- with effort.
You'll enjoy a lot of mental stimulation in this relationship. Your minds will really mesh, and you'll both bring something of value to the ongoing conversation. You'll enliven each other's ideas and you'll both feel easy and free about saying whatever you're thinking, in part because you'll know your ideas will be received well. Even your disagreements will be stimulating. Your arguments will often be constructive discussions rather than destructive messes. You might even enjoy arguing out your differences, but at the very least, your relationship will benefit from the communicative openness between you. It will be rare that either of you bottles anything up. And because you'll both know you can be as up-front as you need to be with your thoughts and feelings, you'll both become more self-confident through the course of this relationship. You'll help each other develop strength and presence that you'll be able to use in all areas of your life. You'll rarely put each other down or make each other feel small. Even if there's competition between you, you'll see each other as equals and treat each other as such.
You can expect this connection to affect your outlook on the world in a big way. Through interacting with each other, you'll both learn to look at life through a brand-new lens, one that's different from anything you've ever imagined on your own. Even if this relationship ends up being short-lived, you'll both take something important away with you -- a fresh perspective, one you wouldn't have discovered if you'd never met. But if your bond extends into the long term, you'll find yourselves intellectually challenged again and again, in the best way possible. Rather than breaking down your self-esteem or your sense of security in the world, these challenges will open your eyes, quicken your pulse rate and keep your connection exciting and vital. That's right -- this relationship promises never to be dull! Problem-solving will be one of your fortes as a couple, because you'll always come up with new ideas together and find new ways to tackle your issues. You'll also make a great team when it comes to creative projects, because when you put your minds together, the combined creative potential will be limitless.
One important lesson for each of you to learn in this relationship will be that neither one of you can always be right! But you'll certainly try to convince each other that you are, and you'll embroil yourselves in some pretty big battles as you each try to force your perceptions and opinions onto one another. You may also do this as a team when you're out with friends or family, trying to push your combined world view onto other people, making them feel as if their own views aren't being heard or accepted. This could become a difficult aspect to deal with if you let things get out of hand; whether you direct this energy toward each other or outward toward others, your communication style could become more and more aggressive and less and less sympathetic, to the point that it will be hard to get through to each other at all. But you don't have to let that happen. You can choose to be conscious of your behavior as well as the motives behind it, and remind yourselves that you need to stay open to others' viewpoints. Above all, try to avoid damaging or even destroying the relationship by forcing each other to fight for intellectual freedom.
You'll put each other on a pedestal and idealize the love you find together. But will the ideal ultimately live up to the reality of your connection? In the beginning, this relationship will feel incredibly romantic to both of you. You'll go all gooey and weak in the knees whenever you get together or hear your sweetie's voice on the phone, and visions of hearts, singing birds and chiming wedding bells will flit through your imaginations as you hold hands and gaze into one another's eyes. But if you want this relationship to last, you'll have to try hard to see through your romantic illusions to the real person standing in front of you. With this influence between you, it's all too easy to fall wholeheartedly for the fantasy lover you concoct within your own imagination, and ignore the very real person you're actually involved with -- only to discover much later that they are, in fact, human and flawed. This can lead to intense disappointment and disillusionment as you have to wave goodbye to that fantasy lover of your dreams. But if you can see and accept the real person in front of you, you stand a good chance of creating a deep and abiding love.
A lot of warmth and a strong attraction will pull you together. You're likely to idealize each other and the relationship itself, and while idealization can often lead to bitterness and disappointment, that shouldn't be too much of a problem in this relationship. While you will receive a reality check from time to time, it shouldn't be too jarring. Your expectations will be high, of course; you'll look at one another and see your ideal -- everything you've been looking for in a lover. You'll ignore the fact that problems and disappointments are inevitable -- which will actually work out nicely, in this particular pairing. When you do face problems together or get into arguments, your strong, basic good feelings for each other will almost always win out, succeeding in bridging any gap between you. You'll always find it easy to connect with what you love about this relationship, and you'll find ways to make it work for you -- improving your life, and creating the positive energy you need to push forward toward creativity and affection.
This relationship will be nothing if not unusual, and it could be so unusual that neither of you can ultimately handle its unpredictability. There will be a very challenging, competitive energy that grows between you, pushing you to provoke each other on a regular basis regarding your work, your behavior, your goals and so on. Furthermore, you'll both find it hard to let things roll off your backs in this relationship; when your partner does or says something to you that provokes you, you'll want to address it immediately. You'll have a hard time creating balance, which will in turn make it difficult to create any sense of stability between you. You may also have to add outside pressures into the mix, especially if your connection is outwardly so odd or hard to accept that your friends and families actively disapprove of the relationship. Above all, don't try to subject this affair to any of your usual standards or expectations. If you care about each other and want this to last, the only way to make that happen will be to give each other plenty of freedom as well as support, and let the relationship follow its own unique course.
Your mutual partnership needs will be a very good match with your shared interest in philosophy, learning, travel and other forms of expanding your minds. You'll both feel as if, on that level of intellectual and philosophical interests, you've found just the type of partnership you're looking for, and this point of connection will be an important one for the development of your relationship. Therefore, you should be conscious in honoring that connection in whatever ways are appropriate. If you're both interested in traveling to other countries, then work together to save up money for the plane tickets. If you're both interested in educating yourselves in new subjects, then look through a course catalog from your local community college and find a new subject to explore together. If you're both seeking spiritual enlightenment, then take couples' yoga classes together or research temples or churches in your area that might appeal to you both. Your best bet with this particular energy is to be mindful in how you use and express it. That way, you'll build your connection with each other as you enhance your own minds and lives.
This influence will help a great deal in creating dynamic stability in your relationship. You'll make an excellent working team, and you'll work hard to help each other make your dreams come true. Together, you'll want to have a positive effect on the world and change things for the better, and you can make that happen through your combined positive outlook and your dedication to your cause. This influence will also help a lot in dealing with any problems you two face as a couple. Even if you run into big obstacles -- misunderstandings, mismatched objectives and the like -- you'll be able to find your way back to each other and reunite as a strong team. This is where stability is created between you; over time, a sense of trust, harmony and optimism will grow, as each of you begins to realize that when you're together, there's very little you can't accomplish, and very little that can drive you apart. If you make sure to focus together on making positive change and progress that will benefit the world, not just yourselves, you'll be able to reap all the best that this relationship has to offer.
You'll idealize each other and the relationship to a high degree, and the more you do so, the more likely it becomes that you'll end up disappointed, disillusioned or even bitter about the reality of your connection. Paradoxically, though, it's not that your connection will be negative or lacking in any major way; the problem is that you'll both feel afraid to face the truth, because reality has a way of popping those pretty bubbles of illusion. But the sooner you face the fact that you and your partner are both normal, flawed human beings with plenty of shortcomings as well as strengths, the sooner you'll realize that your relationship doesn't need those rose-colored glasses of yours; it's plenty good enough on its own. Of course you'll run into problems together; no relationship is perfect, just as no human being is perfect. But you'll want to believe you've found the perfect connection, and you'll place each other and the relationship itself on pedestals. But it's just too easy to fall off a pedestal! You'll both be much better off if you can recognize that this relationship doesn't have to be perfect to deserve your devotion. In fact, it is perfect only in its imperfections.
Your relationship will be about a lot more than simple mutual pleasure and good times. You'll both feel as if your connection is more important than that -- as if you've come together for some higher purpose, to achieve something profound. This influence may tone down the passion between you, turning what would otherwise be something spontaneous and often physical into something more spiritual, refined and restrained. But this restraint won't be unwelcome; instead, it will be something you impose on yourselves in order to honor your commitment to each other and to the relationship. You'll both put a lot of effort into creating an ideal bond, one that is emotionally and spiritually fulfilling. You'll spend time talking about what's most important to you in life, including your problems, and you'll help each other work on your issues and find ways to solve them. You'll look up to each other as mentors, because you'll each bring such an important and helpful influence to your partner's life. With this aspect between you, a long-term connection is a distinct possibility. If your relationship does continue, you'll always respect and look up to each other.
Your mutual needs for partnership and security within the relationship will be very well matched, which will make it easier for you both to build the kind of connection and commitment you're looking for. There will be constraints that come along with this, of course; you might both feel obligated to stay in this relationship, even if you're a mismatch in other important ways. But in some ways, this will be a help. Even if you don't communicate well or you lack a passionate connection, you'll still feel closely bonded together, as if staying together and working on your relationship is worth it. This relationship will bring both of you a very real sense of security, albeit one that is bound up with responsibilities and other limitations. It's possible that you'll find each other's careers or families to be restrictive of your own life and time. Still, overall, the stability and security you'll get from this relationship will be right in line with what you're seeking from this partnership, which should please you both.
You're a unique couple: everyone agrees on that. But you might never be appreciated for the things that make you truly special, since you reserve these things for each other. Besides that, you don't really care what others think of you, which gives you a lot of independence and freedom to be who you want to be as a pair. You'll rebel in one form or another or take the cutting edge on every subject you discuss. It's your unusual perspective and point of view that brings you together and makes your union different from the rest of the world. You may vividly express your wild side or it may be completely invisible from the rest of your life. Mostly, you just want to be free.
Your intuitive, psychic awareness of each other will deepen over time. There will be plenty of times when you can tune in to each other's feelings without any need for words; you'll know just what your partner is thinking and feeling, simply by being ultra-aware of them at a spiritual or psychic level. Being intimate with each other in this way will change you both over time. You'll learn to develop your more sensitive, feeling side, and you'll both hone your intuitive skills through the course of this relationship. You'll use those intuitions to dig deeply into each other's minds and psyches, and uncover hidden memories, feelings and desires that lie there. This will change you, especially if the rest of your relationship is supportive, loving and warm; you'll have a soft, safe haven in which to evolve at an important personal level. Since this is an overall positive and harmonious influence, this shouldn't be an unpleasant process for either of you, but do make sure not to don't cross any boundaries your partner doesn't want you to cross! You both still deserve your privacy, even in an intimate relationship like this one could become.
You'll both strive to build an emotionally intimate bond that will feed your needs for union and togetherness, but these elements will be polarized within your relationship. At times you'll feel as though you share a spiritual connection, as if your souls are uniting as one, but other times you'll feel a disappointing disconnect, and you may swing back and forth between the two, creating great confusion. Idealizing one another might be your response to this, to try to solve the confusion: You'll simply convince yourselves that your relationship is perfect, when really, there's a lot of work to be done. Be aware that deceiving yourselves (or each other) as to the true nature of your partner, your feelings or your connection will only lead to later disillusionment, when you're finally faced with the reality of the situation and you find that it measures less than you thought. You'll both need to work on accepting reality instead of pretending things are ideal, and be perfectly honest with each other about your feelings and your levels of commitment to the relationship. Honesty will be paramount in this relationship.
One of the best ways to manifest your needs in this relationship will be to go deeply together into your own interiors: the parts of yourselves that are powerful and passionate, and ready for transformation. Exploring this intense emotional energy together will be your ticket to building the kind of deep union you'll both wish and hope for. This could be difficult, uncomfortable work at times, as old hurts and anxieties flare up anew, demanding that you feel them thoroughly and process them this time. But the good news is, if you can work together on creating a mutually supportive relationship, you'll have one another to lean on through this process. If you play this right, you'll get to know yourselves more thoroughly while becoming a closer, more committed couple in the process. Remember, though, the point of all this should not be power plays or manipulation. It should be about getting to know yourselves better, and becoming a closer, more committed couple in the process. So guard closely any secrets you learn about your partner, and trust them to do the same with yours.
I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!
Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.
That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.
Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.
Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.
You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!
Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!
I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.
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