An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born July 21, 1971 and person 2, Born December 16, 1983:

Relationship Analysis

Is Your Partner Your Soulmate or Temporary Flame?

It's not simply a comparison of two people's natal planets. No... the Composite chart presents a picture of your relationship itself -- an entirely separate entity from the two of you as individuals.

Let's look at it from another angle. If you're like most people, you probably feel, behave and even view yourself differently depending on whom you're with.
When you're at work, for example, interacting with your colleagues, you might seem like a different person than when you're hanging out with your best friend or at dinner with your parents. Are these simply different facets of your own personality, or is there something more at work beneath the surface? Astrology says it's both.

Different aspects of your personality are activated by different people: that much is clear. But something even more unique is occurring at the very same time. When you interact with another person, you create something brand-new together, something greater than the sum of its parts: a relationship that has its own particular energy, its own way of communicating, a specific set of goals, dreams, and needs that are unlike any other relationship you're a part of.

This, in a nutshell, is the wisdom and insight of your Composite report: It is a view into the specific energy you create when you become intimate with another human being.

As you read through your report, you may notice sections that describe feelings or behaviors that seem completely unlike you ('I'd never act that way...would I?').

But that's the beauty of the Relationship Analysis Report because it is a Composite report. Instead of describing you and your partner as individuals, it illuminates your relationship itself, and the parts of your own personalities, perhaps otherwise hidden, that will be activated by this relationship.

You'll also find that the more intimate you become with your partner, the more apparent the truth of your Relationship Analysis Report becomes. Dynamics that seem incorrect or even impossible in the beginning of a relationship will become more obvious over time. So read your report with an open mind, and you'll discover far more about yourself and your relationship than you ever thought possible.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Relationship Analysis report.

And I want to help you discover the potential in your relationship so you can make it even BETTER!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover the potential in your relationship revealed by how you connect when you are together?
And how to overcome any potential challenges in your relationship so they don’t hold you back from having the easy and flowing relationship with your partner that you both deserve?

This Relationship Analysis report gives you that exact information so you can have a far better chance of learning the dynamics of the energy created when you are with your partner and improving your relationship so you can take it to its full potential!

The Overview of your Relationship

The Romance and Passion Meters: love can be complex, but I can break it down for you! Our special Romance and Passion Meters reads the composite chart between you and your sweetie, and reveal the levels of romance and passion in your relationship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between you both.

Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff and very little spice, but what you really want is a balance between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn).

And too much passion can also ruin a relationship; without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you’d tire each other out, fast! Something in the middle is just the ticket.

A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then to... Read more


Romance = 7

7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations

4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs

0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose

Passion = 9

7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.

4-6: Up for it almost anytime

0-3: A bit shy and reserved

Person 1, In This Relationship Analysis report, you will get insight into how the following planetary energies affect your relationship:


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Read below to find out how each of yours and your partner’s natal planets connect to form your unique relationship.

Sun: Your Heart and Soul in Love

Sun trine Juno

Honor Your Special Connection

You'll both derive a lot of energy and vitality from your partnership, because the core energy of your connection is very similar to the qualities you're each seeking from this relationship. You'll both feel as if your connection embodies the type of values and goals you're looking for, which will make you both feel happy and excited at the prospect of sharing a future. Make sure that you're actually a solid match in terms of your communication, your goals and how much of yourselves and your energy you're willing to commit to the relationship. If you find that you're similar in all of these important ways, it's likely that you'll be able to build a really strong, fun and mutually satisfying connection. Just be sure to put effort into making the relationship live up to everything you're looking for. There's a chance that your bond will feel so easy and natural that you'll both start taking it for granted, at which point it won't feel quite so special anymore.

Sun conjunct Pluto

Intense, and Potentially Intensely Rewarding

You may have a powerful influence as a couple on other people, or you may simply have a powerful effect on each other. Either way, you'll both be profoundly affected by this relationship, and whether it lasts short- or long-term, you won't leave it unchanged. Since there will be so much power generated when you're together, you'll have to be very careful about how you use it. Obviously, using it to try to manipulate other people to your own advantage wouldn't be a good idea! But if you can use it to get to know yourselves more deeply than you ever have before, and to tune in to each other at a deep and intimate level as well, you can transform yourselves for the better. Self-awareness will be a focus of this relationship, and the process of becoming self-aware may not always be a pleasant one. You'll be required to face parts of yourselves you've long tried to ignore or deny, but those tactics just won't work anymore -- not in this pairing. You may even choose to go through formal counseling of some type together. Do be forewarned that the longer this relationship lasts, the more it may resemble a snake repeatedly shedding its skin. There may be times of intense trouble and upset, when you'll both think the relationship is over; but later, you'll look back and realize it was just yet another phase of change. Intense? Oh, yeah! And intensely rewarding, if you can stand the pressure.

Sun sextile Jupiter

Trading Philosophies, Exploring the World

You'll feel really good when you're together -- easy and friendly, in a simple and natural way. There will be a philosophical focus to this relationship that makes you both want to trade interesting ideas and theories rather than meaningless small talk. You'll love discussing your beliefs and exploring the world around you, whether via conversation, documentary films or travel. This won't just be simple fun; it will also be important for your mutual development. You'll both really want to broaden your horizons. Exploring philosophies and increasing your understanding of yourselves, each other and your places in the world will be a significant part of your connection. You may also feel as if being together brings you luck. Opportunities will certainly seem to have a way of popping up, but it's a lot more likely the result of the fact that you'll keep each other tuned in to recognizing opportunities as they happen -- ones you might miss on your own. The good attitude you foster in each other will keep you both looking toward the horizon as you move forward in life.

Sun sextile Neptune

A Higher Purpose

You'll idealize this relationship and each other to a great degree, and you'll both feel as if you've come together to achieve something very special -- some sort of spiritual pursuit or high ideal. Your connection will seem incredibly meaningful to both of you, even if to outsiders like your friends and family, the relationship seems a little on the impractical side. That won't bother you, because you'll be the ones inside it, and you'll both feel very certain that your bond is significant at some intangible level that defies reason. And this certainty could make for quite a dreamy, devoted bond. The only problem here is that this focus on the more 'perfect' parts of your bond may encourage you to ignore the mundane or imperfect parts, even though those parts of your connection will be just as important as anything else in the relationship. If you try not to use this influence as an excuse for avoiding reality, you should be fine -- in fact, better than fine. It's lovely in a romance to have such spiritual attunement! Just don't neglect the more tedious, day-to-day issues that will crop up between you.

Mercury: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve

Mercury conjunct Uranus

Intellectual Stimulation

One thing is sure: Through the course of this relationship, your minds will expand in some exciting ways that you couldn't possibly predict. You'll challenge each other to open your eyes and minds and view the world in a whole new way. Your conversations will take unpredictable turns as you focus on ways to sharpen and improve your thinking. Together you'll brainstorm ideas to make the world a better place, and you'll make each other think ever more creatively, well outside the box. Getting into a rut together will be very unlikely; your influence on each other will be too unique and interesting to allow that to happen! Of course, things will inevitably get a little dull from time to time, and that's when the more challenging potential of this influence will kick in. On the rare occasion that your interactions aren't utterly thrilling, you might convince yourselves that the spark is gone and the relationship is over (which, of course, won't be the case). Similarly, there may be so much stimulation between you that you have a hard time relaxing together. With an influence like this one between you, you'll have to remind yourselves that the occasional dud of a conversation is normal, and down time is a good thing!

Venus: The Key to Your Heart

Venus square Juno

You'll Need to Compromise

At times you'll find it difficult to get along and keep the peace, because your mutual partnership needs are at odds with your shared values as well as with the natural way you'll express affection for each other. You'll have to put real effort into making compromises, because cooperation won't come easily to you as a couple, especially in matters related to money, values or your relationship itself. Furthermore, when you're upset with each other, you'll have a hard time remembering why you're together and what you love about each other. Still, this tricky energy also offers you an important growth opportunity. If you can remember to keep giving one another affection and support even when you're embroiled in an argument, you'll both benefit. Also, make a conscious effort to work out your disagreements in a mutually satisfying way instead of becoming stubborn and insistent on having your own way. Learning to compromise and work together will be important lessons for you both, ones that will improve your connection as a whole.

Venus square Mars

Attraction, Passion and Domination

You'll share an incredible level of mutual attraction, both physically and emotionally. Your sexual connection will be highly pleasurable and satisfying for you both; you may feel as if you can't keep your hands off each other! It will be hard to resist each other's charms, and you'll want to explore each other's needs and desires again and again, because there will always be something new and compelling to discover about each other. When you're in one another's arms, you'll feel sensual and excited and comfortable all at once. That's the good news, but there's also some potentially not-so-good news -- some possible challenges for this relationship that you should both look out for. With all this heady energy passing back and forth between you, your connection may not be very relaxed or harmonious. In fact, there could be a lot of friction between you -- the challenging kind as well as the good kind. You might try to dominate each other, or take your strong sexual connection as a reason to stay together even if other parts of your relationship aren't nearly as strong. Competition will likely be an issue between you as you try to strike a difficult balance between your partnership and your egos. And you'll bring out incredibly strong feelings in one another, whether those feelings are love, anger, sadness or rebellion.

Venus sextile Uranus

Along for the Ride

Together you'll establish both love and friendship, and you'll give each other a lot of freedom to move around and be yourselves. There will be a real openness in the ways you express your affection for and attraction to each other. Jealousy and possessiveness aren't likely to affect your bond, because neither of you will want to engage in petty, controlling behaviors with your lover. This is because you'll both understand that your lover isn't 'yours'; you don't own each other. If you're in one another's lives, it will only be to bring each other pleasure and happiness. This relationship may or may not last long-term, and this influence in itself won't add to the stability of your connection. But one thing is certain: If you can find a way to let this affair follow its own course without trying to control it too much, it will lead you places you never expected to go -- and the ride will be a lot of fun.

Venus square Jupiter

A Tendency to Overindulge

Together you'll focus on beauty and pleasure, and you'll do what it takes to fill your shared life with these things. You'll love going out together for an expensive, lavish meal, or visiting an art gallery to find pieces you want to take home with you. You could easily spend a lot of money when you're together, because you'll both want to indulge yourselves and neither one of you will be the voice of reason -- 'No, honey, we can't afford that.' Instead, you'll both be the voice of indulgence: 'You want that? Then you should have it. Put it on the credit card!' If you end up living together, you'll put a lot of thought and money into making your home a beautiful, comfortable place to hang out. Inviting friends over to enjoy your riches will be one of your favorite pastimes -- almost as fun as going out on the town and gobbling up all the social and culinary pleasures life has to offer. Clearly, this influence will be a fun one, but you'll have to be very careful about overindulging or using up all your financial resources on nonessential items. Sure, it's more fun to cut out of work early for a day at the lake than to put in extra hours at the office, but those bills are going to have to be paid somehow.

Venus square Neptune

Don't Expect Perfection

As wonderful as this relationship may seem in the beginning, it could easily lead to disappointment if you aren't both careful to view it realistically. There will be a strong tendency here to idealize one another and place each other on a pedestal -- one that would be impossible to live up to in real life. Still, you could both believe you've met your ideal lover, the very person you've been dreaming of and longing for all your life. Of course, your dream lover is little more than a figment of your imagination, while your real-life lover will be a very real person, someone with flaws and unexpected weaknesses. Try to keep in mind that things aren't as perfect between you as you'll initially believe them to be. You'll inevitably run into problems with one another, and you may not always be able to sustain the incredible tenderness and sensitivity that you'll show each other in moments. Even if you believe you share an intimate connection on many levels, you'll still experience the occasional communication breakdown; you'll still hurt each other's feelings from time to time. Give each other some leeway to be the real people you are rather than expecting perfection. That way, this relationship will come even closer to bliss than you've already imagined.

Mars: What Turns You On

Mars conjunct Jupiter

Creating Success Together

You'll generate a lot of energy when you're together. You might love jogging or working out together, gardening, or just working around the house; but whatever you do, you'll both bring a good deal of energy and optimism to the task at hand. There will be a sense of anticipation created between you, and the fact that you'll expect success will help to ensure that you find it. There will be a strong physical component to your relationship that makes both of you feel really good and satisfied, but beyond your physical connection, you'll simply have a naturally good sense of timing together, one that helps you make good things happen as a team. You'll each be able to pursue your interests with the vigor born of having your partner's solid support. You'll make a plan, you'll follow it, and you'll get results. In this way, you'll both do what you want and create what you love. From the outside, it could look to your friends and families as if you're a lucky couple, but it's really that your combined energy, optimism and pro-activity will ensure many successes through the course of your relationship.

Mars conjunct Neptune

Robbed of Your Energy

Being in this relationship could make it hard for you and your partner to become a strong, effective couple. Even if you ordinarily feel powerful and capable in your separate lives, you'll set off something within each other that will rob you of that energy. You may both end up feeling weak, vulnerable or ineffective, as if you just can't seem to get anything done or reach the goals you've set for yourselves. Neither one of you will feel very supported by the other, either, perhaps because you'll find it so hard to support and believe in yourselves when you're together. Your egos will suffer, and one or both of you could become extremely dependent on the other through the course of this relationship, if steps aren't taken to build each of you up again. You'll need to try not to diminish each other's self-esteem or keep each other engaged through guilt and other sources of confusion. The only way to harness the more positive potential of this influence will be to focus on your spiritual connection -- on learning something new at that level, something you wouldn't or couldn't have learned on your own. To make that happen, you'll have to learn to place far less importance on your egos and more on your emotional or spiritual connection.

Mars trine Saturn

A Formidable Team

Together, you are a formidable team. Little could prevent you from achieving your goals as a couple. Be careful of settling too firmly into particular patterns of behavior, however. This influence brings a certain amount of stability to your connection, a good thing except in this case, it may contribute to habitual behaviors and responses that could be difficult to break out of. This isn't an insurmountable issue, however; a little self-awareness will go a long way toward solving the problem. Try to be aware of the patterned, habitual responses you have developed with each other. And be sure that you give yourselves plenty of room for genuine, spontaneous self-expression as well. The upside of this aspect is your ability to work long and hard together. It lends certain ambition and desire to succeed. As a couple, you are able to create and develop something significant and long-lasting, even if that takes years. You have the endurance and patience to wait until the time is right. Together, you can go far.

Mars sextile Pluto

Dynamic, Energetic Change

This relationship will be one of dynamic, energetic change for both of you. Through becoming close with each other, you'll learn more about yourselves and one another, and you'll both make personal transformations that will change your whole lives, regardless of whether your connection is long- or short-lived. This particular influence will help you learn to cooperate with each other. You'll still push forward in your own lives toward your own goals, but this aspect will help you to work together rather than against each other. You'll be able to offer each other a very real and valuable kind of support as you each work toward your dreams, and you'll also come to understand yourselves better so that you can shape your dreams more closely to the people you truly are inside. Problem-solving is likely to be one of your fortes as a couple; you'll inspire a kind of energetic creativity within each other that enables you both to tackle problems that arise with inventiveness and ingenuity. You'll both find that your egos get adequate expression in this relationship. You won't feel as if you have to compete with each other to be seen, heard, understood and appreciated.

Mars opposite Juno

Swinging Between Two Extremes

When it comes to the ways you'll naturally express your energies in this relationship and pursue your mutual partnership needs, you'll find that you're on opposite sides of the fence. You may find, for instance, that your energy, ambition and drive actually prevent you from building the balanced, loving and romantic partnership you dream of creating. You may find that your sexual passions aren't well matched, or that you get into more arguments than either of you wants -- and neither of you will know how to cool off and get along. Perhaps fighting will be your road to intimacy; some couples seem to thrive on it. This could be a love-hate relationship, where you frequently break up and quickly get back together -- after all, there's a strong appeal here! As a team, you tend to do things impulsively and quickly and often without input from others. This tricky energy also offers you an important growth opportunity. Being conscious about expressing yourselves in a calm yet direct way will help; so will taking care to really listen to your partner and honor their feelings and perceptions.

Jupiter: Confidence and Charisma

Jupiter conjunct Neptune

Spiritually Attuned

There will be a strong and definite spiritual side to your connection. You both could feel spiritually attuned as soon as you start getting to know each other, as if you've finally met the person who will help you awaken the secrets of your soul. This is certainly a lofty goal, but it's also quite an idealistic one, which means you'll need to focus on the more realistic, practical side of your connection as well. You stand to learn a lot from each other within the realm of your emotions and your highest spiritual aims, but you could also lead one another down a decidedly less productive path if you allow yourselves to get too far away from a grounded perspective. If either of you has tendencies toward escapist behaviors, they could grow through the course of this relationship; escape from reality will be a strong theme of your bond. Try to make sure your escapes are enlightened ones, not ones that pull you away from the real world in a detrimental way. It's wonderful to revel in the uplifting optimism and delight you'll derive from this affair, but be sure you pay enough attention to the more physical, earthly, day-to-day side of life as well.

Jupiter sextile Pluto

A Sense of Trust

This influence will help a great deal in creating dynamic stability in your relationship. You'll make an excellent working team, and you'll work hard to help each other make your dreams come true. Together, you'll want to have a positive effect on the world and change things around you for the better, and you can make that happen through your combined positive outlook and your dedication to your cause. This influence will also help in dealing with any problems you two face as a couple. Even if you run into big obstacles -- misunderstandings, mismatched objectives and the like -- you'll be able to find your way back to each other and reunite as a strong team. This is where stability is created between you; over time, a sense of trust, harmony and optimism will grow, as each of you begins to realize that when you're together, there's very little you can't accomplish, and very little that can drive you apart. This won't be the result of luck, but of effort and well-tuned energies combining in a positive way. If you make sure to focus together on making positive changes that will benefit more than just yourselves, you'll reap all the best that this relationship has to offer.

Jupiter opposite Juno

Different Sides of the Fence

When it comes to your mutual partnership needs as compared with your shared interests in philosophy, learning, travel and other forms of expanding your minds, you'll find that you're on opposite sides of the fence, and this could make a real dent in your faith in the relationship. You're both seeking particular things from this partnership, and you'll both feel disappointed at the fact that your intellectual and philosophical interests will be so different from the connection you've envisioned for yourselves. You may have plenty of good ideas about how to enhance your shared spiritual life or which subjects to learn more about as a couple, but as the natural course of your relationship steers you away from these things, you'll both feel shortchanged. Depending on how well you communicate, you could get into some real struggles over these issues. You'll need to be conscious in seeking ways to blend your interests rather than just arguing over them and trying to get your own way. It will be important to work toward a compromise in these issues, because staying in conflict over them could damage your bond.

Saturn: Hook, Line or Sinker?

Saturn sextile Juno

Stability in Love

Your mutual needs for partnership and security within the relationship will be very well matched, which will make it easier for you both to build the kind of connection and commitment you're looking for. There will be constraints that come along with this, of course; you might both feel obligated to stay in this relationship, even if you're a mismatch in other important ways. But in some ways, this will be a help. Even if you don't communicate well or you lack a passionate connection, you'll still feel closely bonded together, as if staying together and working on your relationship is worth it. This relationship will bring both of you a very real sense of security, albeit one that is bound up with responsibilities and other limitations. It's possible that you'll find each other's careers or families to be restrictive of your own life and time. Still, overall, the stability and security you'll get from this relationship will be right in line with what you're seeking from this partnership, which should please you both.

Uranus: Your Wild Side

Uranus unaspected

A Unique Couple

You're a unique couple: everyone agrees on that. But you might never be appreciated for the things that make you truly special, since you reserve these things for each other. Besides that, you don't really care what others think of you, which gives you a lot of independence and freedom to be who you want to be as a pair. You'll rebel in one form or another or take the cutting edge on every subject you discuss. It's your unusual perspective and point of view that brings you together and makes your union different from the rest of the world. You may vividly express your wild side or it may be completely invisible from the rest of your life. Mostly, you just want to be free.

Neptune: Rose Colored Glasses

Neptune sextile Pluto

Hidden Desires and Emotions

Your intuitive, psychic awareness of each other will deepen over time. There will be plenty of times when you can tune in to each other's feelings without any need for words; you'll know just what your partner is thinking and feeling, simply by being ultra-aware of them at a spiritual or psychic level. Being intimate with each other in this way will change you both over time. You'll learn to develop your more sensitive, feeling side, and you'll both hone your intuitive skills through the course of this relationship. You'll use those intuitions to dig deeply into each other's minds and psyches, and uncover hidden memories, feelings and desires that lie there. This will change you, especially if the rest of your relationship is supportive, loving and warm; you'll have a soft, safe haven in which to evolve at an important personal level. Since this is an overall positive and harmonious influence, this shouldn't be an unpleasant process for either of you, but do make sure not to don't cross any boundaries your partner doesn't want you to cross! You both still deserve your privacy, even in an intimate relationship like this one could become.

Neptune opposite Juno

Honesty Is Paramount

You'll both strive to build an emotionally intimate bond that will feed your needs for union and togetherness, but these elements will be polarized within your relationship. At times you'll feel as though you share a spiritual connection, as if your souls are uniting as one, but other times you'll feel a disappointing disconnect, and you may swing back and forth between the two, creating great confusion. Idealizing one another might be your response to this, to try to solve the confusion: You'll simply convince yourselves that your relationship is perfect, when really, there's a lot of work to be done. Be aware that deceiving yourselves (or each other) as to the true nature of your partner, your feelings or your connection will only lead to later disillusionment, when you're finally faced with the reality of the situation and you find that it measures less than you thought. You'll both need to work on accepting reality instead of pretending things are ideal, and be perfectly honest with each other about your feelings and your levels of commitment to the relationship. Honesty will be paramount in this relationship.

Pluto: Primal Urges

Pluto trine Juno

Go Deep Together

One of the best ways to manifest your needs in this relationship will be to go deeply together into your own interiors: the parts of yourselves that are powerful and passionate, and ready for transformation. Exploring this intense emotional energy together will be your ticket to building the kind of deep union you'll both wish and hope for. This could be difficult, uncomfortable work at times, as old hurts and anxieties flare up anew, demanding that you feel them thoroughly and process them this time. But the good news is, if you can work together on creating a mutually supportive relationship, you'll have one another to lean on through this process. If you play this right, you'll get to know yourselves more thoroughly while becoming a closer, more committed couple in the process. Remember, though, the point of all this should not be power plays or manipulation. It should be about getting to know yourselves better, and becoming a closer, more committed couple in the process. So guard closely any secrets you learn about your partner, and trust them to do the same with yours.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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