An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born May 19, 1970:

Romantic Personality Profile

What Astrology Reveals About How You Love

Discovering exactly what YOU need in a relationship is an essential step on your path to the beautiful and fulfilling relationship you’ve always dreamed of having.

When you know your specific romantic needs, you can make far better choices in how you approach your relationship, helping it evolve and transform into the joyous LOVE you so deeply desire and deserve

Without this important information, you might waste years arguing and crying with your partner, wondering why you just can’t make it seem to work.
But there is no need to go through all that when you don’t have to! Astrology is a powerful tool that can reveal a LOT about your romantic nature

Everyone has different needs when it comes to intimacy and romance in relationships and it’s crucial to learn yours...
  • Do you crave space and freedom or are you happiest when you have a close, intimate connection with your romantic partner?
  • Do you prefer a chatty, flirty lover who will make you laugh and keep your mind occupied or are you attracted to quiet, brooding types who make you work for their attention?
This Romantic Personality Profile will reveal some of the hidden secrets of your romantic nature. By looking at the specific location of the planets on the day you were born, this insightful report will show you exactly what you need in a lover.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Romantic Personality Profile report.

And I want to help you discover how to have much better relationships going forward in your life!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover hidden parts of your romantic nature that have a profound influence on what YOU bring to the table when you’re involved in a romantic relationship? 
And what particular challenges YOU present as a partner (and how to address those challenges so they don’t hold you back from having the love and happiness you deserve)? 

Your Love Nature

The Romance and Passion Meters read the placement of planets on the day of your birth and reveal the levels of romance and passion you have been gifted with in this lifetime. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing or an uphill battle when it comes to matters of the heart.

Before you jump in... there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff with the Romance meter, but what you really want is balance.

Just imagine... with ONLY good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And TOO much passion can also ruin a relationship.

Without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you'd tire your lover out fast! A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then.

One more word of caution before you get started…

Remember, no relationship or person is perfect. Even with what seems like the ideal balance of romance and passion, an affair could turn out to be a total flop. It all truly boils down to our free will.


Nature = 5

7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations

4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs

0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose

Nature = 4

7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.

4-6: Up for it almost anytime

0-3: A bit shy and reserved

Person 1, this Romantic Personality Profile Report WILL SHOW YOU HOW THE FOLLOWING PLANETARY ENERGIES AFFECT YOUR Love Life:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally with lovers (and everyone else)
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your romantic life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions (including in love)
reveals what truly motivates you in every area of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values in relationships and in life
guides your on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest romantic and life challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life and in love
reveals your life and relationship karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push in life and in your relationships


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Keep reading to discover how the placement of the planets on May 19, 1970 has shaped your romantic nature and guided your love life so far…

The Sun: Your Radiant Self

Sun in Taurus

A sensual lover

You're quite a sensual beast, and an affectionate and generous one with the people that you love and trust. After all, you're not indiscriminately generous, but when you know someone truly needs or deserves it, you can be incredibly indulgent. In love, you go all-out to make sure that your sweetie feels pampered and adored. You love to cook for your honey and give them foot rubs, back massages, tasty little sweet treats -- anything to indulge their senses. They're attracted to you for this mile-wide sensual streak; you're a lot of fun both in the kitchen and in the bedroom! And you're rather set in your ways, so you're made for commitment. Once you fall in love, you're in it for the long haul, and you're both strong and practical enough to realize that every relationship will hit some bumps along the road. You're fine with that; so fine, in fact, that you might end up staying in a relationship past its expiration date, purely because you really don't like change -- even good, beneficial change. You're better at perseverance than initiative, so you'll work best with a partner who can provide the energetic boost to the relationship, but lean on you for comfort and support.

Sun trine Pluto

The deeper meaning

Like every other powerful experience in your life, love to you is an opportunity to transform yourself into a higher being -- to grow, change and deepen within your soul. Even your casual affairs are learning experiences for you; you look to every experience you have as a lesson, one that increases your understanding of yourself and of the world around you. And while your breakups may have been painful, they have all been welcome learning experiences for you, ones that taught you even more about love. You're also incredibly resourceful, and you won't allow a difficult relationship experience to rock your world too greatly; in short, you always land on your feet, because you're constantly looking deeply, trying to find the meaning of your experiences. This alertness is an attractive quality in itself; your admirers are drawn to the way that you live consciously, trying to learn as much as you can from everything that happens to you. Furthermore, your sense of understanding and resourcefulness lends you a confidence that is really compelling to your lovers! They see you as a powerful person, one they want to be around and to learn from.

Sun trine Uranus

A fresh perspective

You probably don't have a 'type' in love; your lovers and crushes over the years have been all different types, from all walks of life, and you got something different out of each different relationship. You're attracted to uniqueness, and you're definitely not into repeating your experiences. You attract admirers with your originality, your exciting radical streak that's just under the surface, and your general air of acceptance. With you, they know they can get a little weird and wild, and you won't be turned off. They can be themselves, and you'll want to know more. That's a very attractive quality in a lover, one that makes people really want to be around you! You have strong perceptions about life and human nature, and you work well with lovers who appreciate that about you and who can join in the interesting conversation. You also don't like it when things settle into too much of a routine. You're not a daredevil, exactly; you don't crave excitement for its own sake. But you see no reason for a relationship to fall into an easy pattern that's numbing for both people involved. Why not keep things fresh and new? You know how to do just that.

Sun opposite Neptune

Love is blind

When you're getting involved with someone new, you should rely on your close, trusted friends for their opinions of your potential sweetie. The problem is, you're just not the greatest at choosing a mate for yourself, because your perceptions are muddled by love. When you fall for someone, your admiration for them just cancels out everything else. You ignore red flags and are blind to their faults; all you can see is how wonderful they are, how goofy in love they make you feel, how the whole world is full of sweet music and roses! Of course, on the one hand, that can be a positive thing; you certainly do bring a sense of reverence to a love affair that can really deepen the emotional experience for both of you. But you have to make sure that you're in love with the person you think you're in love with. They could take advantage of you and you'd never know it, because you blind yourself to reality, preferring to live in a fantasy world where love conquers all. You idealize your lovers and your relationships, which can be crushing when you're finally forced to accept that the relationship isn't going to work. Try to avoid this disillusionment by choosing well in the first place, attending to your small inner voice when it complains, and asking your friends for guidance.

Mercury: Speak from the Heart

Mercury in Taurus

A realistic point of view

You're a practical thinker, more attuned to common sense than flights of fancy. Your down-to-earth nature also influences your decision-making, and in love, that may mean you're more realistic than romantic. Your sweetie might declare their undying devotion to you, but you'll still want to know how they plan to make a living before you're willing to pledge your own devotion in return. Money is a primary concern of yours. It's not so much that you want to have it simply to have it, but more that you're concerned with security, and financial security is right at the top of your list. You don't like to have to worry about where your next bag of groceries is going to come from, so your best life partner will be someone who has a steady, reliable income -- and who won't take advantage of your hardworking nature. You're also attracted to people who think as patiently and practically as you do. People who run off at the mouth, their ideas zinging around and bouncing off each other in a mad mess of vivid chaos, just give you a headache! You'd gladly trade in a bit of excitement for intellectual stability and reliability. You like a lover who can focus on the topic at hand, the way you do.

Mercury conjunct Saturn


You might not be the most chit-chatty date in the world. You tend toward serious thought rather than light, fun, frivolous musings. You don't tend to speak unless you have something worthy to say, and when you're getting to know someone new, that can be something of a hindrance. After all, dates are supposed to be fun! You're supposed to grin at each other and giggle, make each other laugh and blush, and have lightweight conversation that's suggestive of deeper and more decadent things. On the other hand, if you meet someone special who knows how to draw you out of your shell, then that could spell the beginning of something wonderful! Because you really are quite reserved in how you express yourself and the things you like to talk about. A part of you believes that all conversations must have a purpose; that chatting up someone cute isn't a good use of your time and energy. But dating and mating are really what make the world go 'round, when you think about it. Why not have a little fun, and unwind with someone special? No one will think less of you for cracking a smile or making a funny little joke.

Venus: The Law of Attraction

Venus in Gemini

Social butterfly

For you, variety is the spice of love. Though other people might wilt under the strain of such romantic entanglements, you might well be happiest when you've got more than one crush to dream about! You're flirtatious and witty around the object of your desires, and you're not above using fun little tricks to reel them in, like dancing with someone else just to make your real crush jealous. But what if you start feeling attracted to the other person -- the one you're dancing with? It's possible, because your tastes in love are wide and varied. Of course, someone who clams up isn't your style; you might spend a few minutes trying to draw them out of their shell, but if it doesn't work fast, you'll lose interest and move on to someone new. Now, all this isn't to say that you're shallow in the game of love (though you can be), or that you can't commit (though often, you don't want to). It's more that in order to commit to someone special and let the relationship deepen into true intimacy, you've got to have a really good reason. For you, that reason will include a strong intellectual connection and a good dose of adventure. Someone who keeps you guessing can claim your heart.

Venus conjunct Mars

In love with love

It's probably rare that you're single, because you live and breathe love and romance. Relationships are second nature to you; you adore all the ins and outs of love. You even appreciate the bittersweet end of an affair! Of course, the exciting, heady rush of the beginning of a new one is way better. This aspect in itself doesn't determine whether your relationships will be happy or troubled ones; it simply denotes a bone-deep interest in love, and an innate passion that will burn within you your whole life. You don't like to stay home alone very often; you're a social creature and you have lots of friends and admirers. You're very popular, the life of the party; anywhere you go, people gather around, wanting to talk and bask in your warm energy! You're very affectionate and charming, and you know how to put people at ease. You also know how to make someone feel like the only other person in the room -- no matter how many attractive people you intend to chat up throughout the evening! Yes, you can be a bit of a player, but it's all in good fun, right? You don't like to get bogged down in love; you like it best when things are new, fresh and exciting.

Venus trine Jupiter

Lucky in love

You're one of those lucky people who seems charmed in the game of love. Even your romantic setbacks don't get you down. You take a philosophical and optimistic view of matters of the heart; even when a relationship has just ended and you're alone again, you know you probably won't stay that way for long. And if you do, you'll still be happy; you've got plenty of friends to entertain you, and you're able to find interest and entertainment wherever you go. You also project this happy confidence everywhere you go, and people are drawn to you, wanting a little of that positive energy to rub off on them. You make a really fun date, because you have such an appetite for life -- for great food and wine, for having a wonderful time, whatever the cost. Sometimes you can overdo it, but because of your unique ability to pick yourself right up and dust yourself off, your overindulgences aren't usually too much of a problem. They just make life that much more fun for you and your date! You also prize honesty, so no matter how much fun you might have with dating around, you'll always be straightforward with your potential sweeties, and treat them with respect.

Venus square Pluto

Forcing love

You have a hard time controlling your desires in love affairs. You feel held completely in the sway of your body and emotions; you feel as if they have power over you, and they compel you to do and say things that you sometimes later regret. Your experience of love is nothing if not intense; you've experienced all the highs that the emotion has to offer, and definitely all the lows. Your yearning for love is intense; you may even feel as if you've never been satisfied, not completely. As a result, you put your needs onto other people and try to force them to deal with them. You're possessive of your lovers and manipulative of their emotions in a bid to force them to express what you want them to. But what you want, deep down, is undying devotion, and that may not be possible. Possessiveness can be compelling to your sweetie, but it can also make them want to pull away from you, just to assert their independence. The only type of person who might be able to devote themselves to you in the way that you desire is someone like you -- and that would be a really combustible relationship! Allowing your lover some space and independence may be essential to your romantic future.

Mars: Lighting Your Fire

Mars in Gemini

Creative fun in the bedroom

Your energy comes and goes, and that includes your sex drive. In the game of love, if you set your sights on someone special, you'll pursue them in a big way -- at least, until your interests suddenly wane, or shift over to someone new. It's not exactly that you can't make up your mind; it's that you don't have a great deal of persistence, and you're attracted to so many different types of people that if it doesn't happen with one person, you'd just as soon move on to someone else. When you're in a long-term relationship, it might be up to your partner to keep your sex life grounded and steady. If it were left up to you, you'd make lots of love for a week or two, but then forget all about it for a while as you diverted your energies elsewhere. On the other hand, a creative and innovative lover can definitely hold your attention long-term. You like a good dose of playful fun in the bedroom, including kinky little games -- especially ones that involve talking dirty! The same old thing over and over again tends to lose interest for you, and you're not much for slow, sensuous, emotional lovemaking. You prefer it when it's fast, fun and on the surprising side.

Mars trine Jupiter

A strong mind and body

Regardless of your past experiences in love -- setbacks, heartbreaks and so on -- you have everything you need to make your dreams in love come true. You have a gift that not a lot of people have: a sense of confidence that's boosted by strong personal principles. All you have to do to find the love you're looking for is realize your gift and use it in your favor. Your setbacks in love may have really set you back, in terms of inhibitions and insecurities that may hold you back from approaching that special someone. If this is the case, try to focus on the fact that you have everything you need to make wonderful things happen in your own life. Your confidence is one of your most attractive qualities, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can play it up with your potential honey. People like you because you're good-humored, you work hard, you have a strong mind -- and a strong physical presence, as well. Your admirers are attracted to your sensuality, which is yet another gift and strength of yours when it comes to the game of love. Your best connection will be with someone as mentally and physically vigorous as you are.

Mars square Pluto

Gaining control of your urges

Intimate relationships can be problematic for you, because love is such a fickle business, full of potential frustrations; and when you're frustrated, you can be very hard to deal with. On the plus side, you're sexually compelling to your lovers. When you see what you want, you go after it, and that kind of forceful pursuit can be very sexy. But on the minus side, when you get mad at your sweetie, you tend to resort to argumentative tactics like intimidation to get your way. Suddenly, your central concern is overpowering them -- not listening to their side of things, or trying to understand where they're coming from. Deep, competitive, angry urges well up within you from time to time, urges that you might not understand. You may slip into destructive tendencies in relationships, and not be able to stop yourself before the whole love affair is ruined beyond repair, because you feel as if you're prey to your emotions, with no control over their strength. Learning to control your more aggressive urges is one of your main challenges in life, because if you keep treating your loved ones with such anger and power plays, you'll end up pushing them away.

Jupiter: Lucky in Love

Jupiter in Libra

Harmony over truth

Your romantic past may be quite long indeed, because you really don't like to be alone. You're happiest in a romantic relationship, and even more than that, you're always working at getting it just right. You have some very high ideals when it comes to love affairs; you want harmony, affection and tenderness in spades, and you'll do what it takes to create this atmosphere with your sweetie. You're a born diplomat, and you bring this skill to your personal partnerships as well as your relationships with colleagues, clients and others. But your tendency is to be conciliatory when sometimes you should really put your foot down and fight for what you believe in. But this is hard for you to do, because you really abhor conflict -- even over an important and worthy issue. You might back down in an argument with your sweetie in order to keep the peace, or always let them choose the movie you see or where to go to dinner just to give them a sense of control. As you can see, this can go overboard sometimes, especially if you're involved with someone who's difficult or domineering. You have to learn to stand up for yourself, at least on the important issues that arise.

Saturn: Love's Lessons

Saturn in Taurus

Commitment is your middle name

When it comes to love, you're either serious about it or you're not in the game. Casual affairs don't come naturally to you; you're much more about steady affection and quiet, rock-solid commitment. In relationships, you serve as that rock -- you provide support for your sweetie, sometimes financial, other times just emotional. You really want them to know that you're there for them no matter what happens. And that's both your strength in love and your occasional downfall, because your natural urge to commit, to stick grimly with it through thick and thin, can mean that you stay in a relationship long past when you should have just cut and run. Furthermore, while you're so steady and committed in your heart, you often forget to reassure your sweetie of that fact, or to back it up with simple affection. For you, love is a serious matter, not a playful one -- and because of this, you could inadvertently starve your honey of the adoration that they crave. You also open yourself up to heartbreak by being so serious about things. Not everyone has the steadfastness that you do, so choose carefully when you're seeking a long-term lover.

Uranus: Your Unique Attraction

Uranus in Libra

Commitment and independence

You can have a hard time with committed relationships. In your heart, you're singing, 'I just gotta be free' even as you're professing your love to your sweetheart. Now, your love is true; it's just the commitment thing that alarms you, and makes you want to run in the opposite direction. You're quite independent, and you might feel, deep down in your soul, that no one could ever understand or accept this about you. Finding that long-term relationship in which you can be comfortable might just be a matter of giving that special someone a chance, because freedom within a relationship probably isn't as difficult to attain as you might think. But knowing that logically is different from believing it down in your soul, so you may find yourself faced with the prospect of a committed relationship with a wonderful person that you love...and instead of feeling happy at the prospect, you're breaking out in hives at the idea that your freedom is about to be cut off like the split ends in your hair. Your best bet? Talk openly with your sweetie about your concerns. You'll probably find that they're a lot more amenable to your freedom and independence than you think they'll be.

Uranus opposite Juno

Finding the middle ground

When you're in a committed love affair, you feel trapped, as if somehow your real, true, ideal self is being limited by the partnership. But when you're single, you feel lonely, and you yearn for a lover who knows you on an intimate level. How can you ever make the two experiences meet up somewhere in the middle? Because you don't want to continue swinging back and forth between the two extremes. Somewhere, there's a blessed middle ground -- one where you can feel independent and free while also feeling loved and fulfilled on an intimate, personal level. Now's the time to start finding that balance and making some headway toward that middle ground. First off, behaving erratically with your sweetie isn't the answer, though it might be what your instincts tell you to do! This time, instead of running off as soon as things start to feel restrictive, why not stick it out -- and talk things over with your lover, in a completely honest, baring-your-soul kind of way? If you've found a keeper, you'll know it, because they'll want to help you get through your commitment issues. And working through things together will definitely bring you closer.

Uranus sextile Neptune

Look out for eccentric types

When you're looking for love, keep an eye out for eccentric types with brilliant, inspiring minds -- because these are the people you'll make the best, most electric and exciting connections with. You're too bright and your dreams too big to settle for someone who doesn't understand you, or who tries to restrict your imaginative wanderings! You might need a partner in love and life who can act as a grounding influence, and someone who can give concrete expression to all your great, abstract ideas would be even better. But someone who's a stick in the mud, who acts as if you're just being silly when you're off on a fascinating tangent, isn't for you. Your best love connection will be made with someone who shares your wide-eyed enthusiasm for exploring the meaning and the inner workings of the universe; someone who appreciates the way your mind works and who encourages you to think further, deeper, weirder. Someone who draws out your inner philosopher and helps you hoist your freak flag to fly free -- now, that's the lover for you! When you find that person, the boundaries of your combined imagination and creativity will be limitless.

Neptune: Your Rose-Colored Glasses

Neptune in Scorpio

Seeking the light

You feel things at a powerfully intense level -- your physical desires as well as your emotional or internal ones -- and you should make sure that you don't get too in touch with the dark side of love and your own psyche. You're drawn to darkness, after all, to an extent. You see the difficult parts of love, such as possessiveness, jealousy and manipulative behavior, as avenues toward learning and enlightenment, and you're right. If you travel through the darkness, you'll come out on the other side in the light...eventually. But sometimes it's easy to get stuck in the darkness. If you find yourself in an obsessive relationship that exhibits any of the above themes of darkness, you may have a really hard time ever bringing things out into the light, because you're so drawn to that sort of intensity. De-intensifying a relationship can be difficult, if not impossible! A lover with whom you shared this depth of intensity would probably be very sexually compelling, as well, because it's easy to merge sex with emotions and possessiveness and all the rest of it -- and that blend can be utterly compelling. So do yourself a favor and keep things a bit on the lighter side of life!

Neptune sextile Pluto

The transcendent experience of love

While you may get involved in a few flings, you're more able than some to transcend your bodily needs for a higher ideal. Sex just for its own sake may not hold a lot of appeal for you unless other aspects indicate it; you'd much rather connect on a physical level with someone with whom you're emotionally bonded with, because that way, the experience is so much more transcendent and important. Sex without love is basically empty, but sex can be an important growth experience when paired up with true intimacy and emotional attachment. You've always understood that, so you tend to look for relationships that really mean something to you rather than pursuing someone who just appeals to you on a physical level. Love, also, is a spiritual experience for you, one that helps you grow hugely as a human being. If you look back over your life, you'll find that your romantic affairs corresponded with periods of intense personal growth and transformation, and it will always be this way for you. So when you're getting involved with someone new, use this truth about yourself as a barometer for whether the relationship is worth pursuing. If there's more there than simple attraction, it probably is.

Pluto: Taking it Deeper

Pluto in Virgo

Go easy on yourself

You're quite strict with yourself when it comes to physical and mental health -- or, if you're not, deep down you wish that you were. You firmly believe in self-analysis and you hold your mind and body to strict standards of functionality. In a love affair, you can't stand it when your lover fails to exercise on a regular basis, eats too much fast food or isn't as hygienic as you'd like. These things turn you off in a big way, because they represent something that you abhor: general slothfulness and the gradual decline of the body and mind. You know that these can be avoided with constant and rigorous upkeep, but do remember that not everyone has your discipline -- including, perhaps, you. You might hold everyone to strict standards but fail to live up to them yourself. Don't be so hard on everyone all the time! Let your lover be the person they are, whatever that may be; and give yourself a break from time to time, too. It's okay to skip a workout, indulge in a high-calorie treat from time to time, or lie around in front of the TV every now and again. And if you stop subjecting your every emotional response to intense scrutiny, you can actually build the authenticity of your emotions.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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