An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born October 2, 1973 and person 2, Born September 15, 1973:

Friendship Compatibility

An Astrological Guide to Lifelong Friendship

After all, the beauty of astrology is in highlighting probabilities. The ways that the planets in your birth charts interact can illuminate all kinds of details about how well you'll communicate, how deeply you'll connect and, most importantly, if there's a chance for lasting friendship to grow between you. And you've been around enough to know that every friendship is unique. Where one person leaves you cold, another can be your best cheerleader and supporter! With some people, the connection is instant and easy; it feels like you've known each other for years. With others, making that connection takes work and time...and it still might never happen.
Read more....

Your Connection Bar Graphs

Wondering how the two of you match up as friends? Now you can find out, at a glance! Our two-way bar graph reveals the connection between you and your BFF -- how you affect them, and how they affect you -- giving you a quick view of the strength of your connection in six important categories.

And what are those categories? Just the ones that can make or break a friendship -- like how your core personalities mesh, how the two of you communicate and the levels of similarities you have for each other. In short, have you got what it takes to become BFF’s? The Astrologer knows! Just remember, even if you both rate high in all six categories, the friendship still might not work out...and even if you rate low, your bond can still grow solid.

What's best is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out! The bar graphs can only give you a quick peek at the chemistry of your friendship -- the rest is up to you.

Sun - Soul to Soul

Your Soul Connection with your friend is based on how your Sun connects with their personality, including their values, their outlook and what matters to them, and how their Sun connects with you. Just as the Sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in our solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life. It represents your basic, core personality, separate from all the other influences that... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Mercury - Spilling Secrets

In this bar graph, your Communicative Bond is based on how your Mercury connects with your best friend’s world view, their attitude toward friendship and how they express themselves, and on how their Mercury connects with you. Often called the planet of communication, Mercury rules your thought processes, your sense of logic, your intellectual ideas and the way you get those ideas across to the world. If the lines of the graph – yours is the top one while your BFF’s is the bottom one are very different in length, then one of you will feel mentally turned on and tuned in, but the other just won't feel the connection. If the lines are similar in length... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Venus - Friends and Crushes

In this bar graph, your social link with your best friend is based on how Venus, your harmony planet, connects with them at a heart level, and on how their Venus connects with you. Venus -- the sweet and affectionate planet of love, harmony and socializing -- is all about pleasure, bringing people together and uniting them in harmony, so this planet rules not just love and dating but also friendships, partnerships and any social gathering. If the lines of the graph – yours are... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Mars - Action and Adventure

The excitement you have with your BFF is based on how your Mars connects with their sense of who they are, what they go after and how they express themselves, and on how their Mars connects with you in the same way. Mars rules action, your propensity for irritation, your urge to compete and succeed -- all of these fall within this powerful planet's realm. Mars affects your attitude toward friendship, and it also determines how you could argue with your bestie. If the lines of the graph – yours are on the top and theirs on the bottom-- are very different in length, then one of you is going to feel very driven by the relationship, but the other just won't feel... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Jupiter - Beliefs in Common

In this bar graph, your Beliefs and Shared Values are based on how your Jupiter connects with your best friend’s sense of what life is all about, and how their Jupiter connects with you in the same way. Jupiter is referred to as the planet of luck because it brings opportunities and advantages into your life that can seem like a stroke of luck, but are really life lessons meant to test and teach you about your own value system. This planet is also about learning... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Saturn - The Real Deal

Your Long-Term Potential to become friends for life is based on how your Saturn connects with their needs, their nature and their sense of duty in life, and on how their Saturn connects with you in the same way. Saturn's influence in your chart is like that of your conscience. This planet keeps you in check, reminding you of your responsibilities -- including your commitment to your friends and family. If the lines of the graph – yours are the top one’s and theirs the bottom-- are very different in length, then one of you is going to bond fast, while the other just won't share that sense of camaraderie -- not right away, and maybe not ever.... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Your Harmony and Challenge Ratings

The Harmony and Challenge Meters read the compatibility chart between you and your best friend, and reveals the levels of harmony and challenges in your friendship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between the two!

Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of harmony and very little challenges, but what you really want is a mix between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And too many challenges can also ruin a friendship; without a little breathing room between fights and disagreements you'd tire each other out, fast!

Something in the middle is just the ticket. Sometimes a good argument every now and then to clear the air, and a sense of trust and understanding means you will always have each other’s back. One more word of caution before you get started... Read more


Harmony = 10

9-10: BFF's forever

7-8: You tend to finish each other's sentences

4-6: There's an easy flow between you

0-3: Sometimes it's better to agree to disagree

Challenge = 7

9-10: Frenemies?

7-8: You've been through thick and thin together

4-6: Small disagreements here and there

0-3: Hardly ever had a disagreement!

Person 1, here is your Friendship Compatibility report


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Read below to find out where each planet was on October 2, 1973, and how your birth chart has shaped your personality and guided your decisions so far…

Sun - Soul to Soul

Sun conjunct Pluto

A Deep Friendship -- If You Can Handle It

No matter how strong you are as an individual, you'll find this friendship to be very compelling. It will hold a powerful sway over you, one you'll find it hard to ignore. Your feeling of friendship will run deep and things will be smooth at times, but at other times, you could feel as if you're struggling with feelings that are bigger than you can handle. And even though you'll try to maintain your independence, you might find that your friend keeps acting jealous, possessive or controlling. Are they emotionally manipulative? It's very possible, regardless of all the good intentions you'll both bring to the friendship. If so, resentments will only stack up. Your needs as an individual and your pal's need to form a strong bond may not mesh well together. They might be jealous of your other friends or the time you spend away from them. Well, at least this is a good chance to learn to maintain your independence, no matter what your pal says or does.

Sun trine Jupiter

Success Comes Easily

Together, you two will find growth and success. You'll both go through some changes as individuals that will be supported through your connection with each other. For example, one of you might choose to go back to school to advance your education, or you might change jobs in order to move onto a career path that's more closely aligned with the type of person you want to become. Your friendship will support these kinds of major life changes, as you'll each offer one another the unconditional support and encouragement that will make both of you feel optimistic, even lucky, as if you can't go wrong. You'll discuss the changes you're undergoing with each other and will listen with an open heart and an avid ear.

Sun sextile Neptune

An Inspiring Friendship

Your two will instinctively recognize each other at a soul level and you'll bond emotionally and spiritually. Your communication will be enhanced by a strong intuitive connection. You'll enjoy your conversations but you'll also share companionable silences, and your friend will know exactly what you're thinking. They'll be able to intuit your moods and they'll treat you with a lot of sensitivity. This friendship will be an inspiration to you both and you'll feel spiritually elevated by the bond you share. You'll also be able to use this inspiration in a private way, growing as an individual. This will be a compassionate and creative friendship.

Sun square Saturn

A Heavy Tension

This could be a challenging friendship. Your differences as individuals will create problems, as will your friend's tendency to criticize or control you. You'll feel as they're challenging or even trying to diminish your individuality, who you are as a strong, vital human being. This will create some tense moments, and your self-esteem could take a hit if you let it. The important thing for you to do is to rise to the challenge. Use your pal's criticism to make yourself a better, stronger person. Instead of letting them be an authority in your life, develop your own inner authority. You're learning the fine line between self-reliance and dependence. Of course, your friend needs to acknowledge your growth and try to be less critical. With effort on both your parts, this friendship can become a source of strength and stability for you both.

Mercury - Spilling Secrets

Mercury conjunct Venus

Keeping The Friendship Alive

What a creative, positive friendship you two will share! Each of you will bring certain gifts to the table, and your gifts will complement one another well: For example, your pal has panache and you have the vitality to give it form. They're intuitive, while your sense of logic will underscore their instincts. If you meet face to face, you'll enjoy an active social life together. This aspect will help you smooth over any rough patches that may occur in your friendship, because you'll know when to make a compromise in order to keep things harmonious. You won't argue with each other much, and if you have other more aggressive aspects between you, this one will help to tone down that energy. You'll strive to be considerate of each other and you'll both work hard to keep the friendship intact.

Mercury conjunct Uranus

A Lively Connection

You'll talk about anything and everything that comes up, but the topics that will be of most interest to you will be anything unusual, unique or unexpected. You'll enjoy an open and lively communication that centers on brilliant ideas and new ways of looking at the world. You'll each bring unique gifts to the friendship: Your friend will be the more freethinking pal, the one who dreams up most of the possibilities and the long shots. They'll serve as inspiration to you, while you will be the anchor and architect, the one to ground those abstract ideas and put them to form and function. They have imagination and vision, and you have experience and know-how. Science and spirituality could become a big focus for your explorations, even if you weren't interested in such things before.

Mercury trine Saturn

Practical Communications

Your friend will inspire you to express yourself more clearly and honestly. Whatever high-flying, abstract or generally not-well-founded ideas you may have, your pal will find a way to give those ideas expression and function. They'll have a sobering effect on you, helping you to stabilize your thought processes. If you normally have trouble being decisive or mapping out a path for yourself, this friendship could be just the thing you need to get serious and find direction in your life. Your communication will be strong and beneficial to you both. You'll be able to talk honestly about any problems or issues that might come up between you. And more than that, you'll make a great working team. They'll help you concentrate and separate your better ideas from your not-so-solid ones.

Mercury opposite Mars

Friends Or Adversaries?

Communication won't be smooth and easy for you two. You like to think things through carefully and logically, but your friend won't follow your lead; they're used to acting and reacting, which could intimidate or at least annoy you. Things will start out okay, but then all of a sudden you'll find yourselves in an argument -- and often over the silliest subjects. If you try to trace what happened, you'll find that some minor irritation occurred somewhere along the line, but instead of just glossing over it and moving on, your pal picked it up and ran with it, turning it into something much bigger than it ever needed to be. Misperceptions and projections will run rampant between you. Even the more even-tempered of the two of you will get into this kind of behavior; you'll just draw it out of each other. Patience with each other could be hard to come by in this friendship.

Mercury square Jupiter

Demonstrate Your Respect

How firm are your values, your morals, or your political, spiritual or philosophical beliefs? All those questions and more will be put to the test in this friendship. You might end up feeling like your pal challenges you at a deep level. You just won't take the same position as your friend on a lot of the bigger issues, and instead of appreciating your differences as complementary, you may view them as a threat to your own point of view. This, in turn, will lead you to try to prove your point in an overblown or just unnecessary way. You could learn from this person, if you try to show them that you respect your differences; but this will be easier said than done. This friendship holds the possibility of expanding your mental horizons through exposure to all the new ideas and unique philosophies that your buddy will bring to the table, but don't expect it to be easy for either of you to accept your differences.

Venus - Friends and Crushes

Venus sextile Sun

Friendship And Support

There is a very real and deep sense of support and understanding that will exist between you almost from the start. You'll instinctively respond to your friend in a positive way, and they'll feel as if they're completely accepted and well-liked by you. There will be an open flow of communication that runs between you -- and it won't necessarily always be verbal. You'll simply get along well and will both enjoy your companionable silences as much as the stimulating conversations you'll share. You'll also encourage this person to be more social; if you meet face to face, you'll surround yourselves with mutual friends and loved ones. Essentially, you could be one of your friend's biggest fans. You'll also be able to support them through the rougher patches that will inevitably crop up in life.

Mars - Action and Adventure

Mars conjunct Mars

Energy Into Action

This aspect will create a lot of energy between you. When you're together, you'll find that you're both enlivened in terms alertness and activity that you might not experience except when you're with each other. This aspect will increase the energy of whatever other dominant influences will be between you. So if you have a harmonious bond and you relate to each other as treasured friends, this aspect will increase that feeling between you. But if you have a trying relationship -- if you tend to argue a lot or irritate each other -- this aspect will also increase that tendency, and could give much more active expression to all the ways in which you'll get under each other's skin. It will be up to you to make sure the energy in this friendship goes toward a worthy use rather than one that would be better avoided.

Mars opposite Venus

Balancing Needs

You'll have to learn through the course of this friendship how to balance your own needs with those of your buddy. This could be a bumpy process but it's one that's important and instructive in the end. You may take on the more dominant role in this relationship, but if you exercise understanding and compassion, you can also help your friend become more assertive about expressing their own desires. Of course, this could be a tricky issue; you're simply not as patient as they are, and your urges run stronger. But if you can exercise patience and compassion in dealing with them, you could really help them come out of their shell. You can learn from them, too. Their slower, more deliberate pace can help you learn to slow down and smell the flowers.

Mars sextile Saturn

A Hardworking Team

It's not that you two will find yourselves so similar; in fact, it's your very differences that will be the strength of this friendship. In a very real and measurable way, you'll help each other achieve your goals by bringing unique gifts to the mix. You have the drive, energy and original approach needed to get projects off the ground, and your buddy has the practicality and determination needed to see things through to the end. This will work well for your friendship in general, as well as in terms of creative projects if you decide to take some on together. Just make sure that the lines of communication stay open if you want to make the most of this potential. This aspect will lend a certain durability to your friendship. You'll depend on each other for the qualities that you lack on your own.

Mars square Jupiter

A Fun Competition

This aspect will lend you an element of competition that will spark all your interactions. Whether you're on the same team or opposing ones; whether you're playing a game, having an argument, talking about a movie you saw -- you'll push each other to say what you really mean, to focus your energies and efforts and get more done than you would have on your own. There will be your friend's opinionated nature to contend with, of course; they'll have their own ideas and they'll stand right by them, often at the expense of listening to you. But over time, as you grow to trust and like each other more, you'll allow that helpful influence to start seeping in. You'll challenge each other on your beliefs, which will help you to better define them. If you work together as a team, you'll find that the slightly challenging energy between you will spark creative action.

Jupiter - Beliefs in Common

Jupiter conjunct Jupiter

Entertaining the future

Your ideals and beliefs will be aligned. Together, you'll search for meaning in your lives, and you'll understand and support this search in each other. You'll feel as if you've come together for a purpose -- to figure out something big about your lives and your futures -- and you could be right! You'll both want to expand your minds and your horizons, and that's something you'll be able to do as friends. You'll inspire each other, and help each other to find yourselves. Your individual purposes in life could become more clear through the course of this relationship than they've ever been to you before, and you'll support each other in finding your way along your paths. Learning and education will be highlighted for you, and the optimism you'll bring to each other's lives will inspire self-confidence in both of you.

Jupiter trine Pluto


The feeling of support will that will grow between you, especially on your part, will help you both to accomplish something big during the course of your friendship. Your buddy will offer you a lot of emotional support for your ideas, and in return, you'll help them to understand the changes they'll go through as a human being throughout your friendship. You're already attuned to making personal changes, so you won't be surprised by the transformations and experiences you'll go through as a friends. Your buddy will be affected by the whole experience and they'll be grateful for your influence in their life.

Jupiter trine Mercury

A shared vision

Your communication will be strong and you'll inspire each other and challenge each other to think in brand-new ways, stretching your minds past what you previously thought possible. Your biggest dreams will appeal to your friend's natural curiosity, and they'll instantly start to devise ways to make your dreams a reality. Your expansiveness and natural yearning to learn will serve as an example for them of how to loosen up their own thinking. In conversation, you'll roam together from one subject to another, and you'll find fun ways to root out any narrow thinking and open your buddy's mind to new theories. In return, they'll help you ground your philosophies in fact and logic, shaping your values into something realistic and workable. Absorbing completely new ways of thinking will make for quite a stimulating friendship.

Jupiter square Venus

Different values

Though you'll share a mutual feeling of warmth, support and togetherness, there is a basic disagreement between your beliefs and your friend's values that will be problematic from time to time. It's likely that you'll both try to ignore these differences in the name of preserving the friendship; after all, there is a genuine fondness between you that you'll both want to maintain. You'll both want harmony, and you'll work together to attain it. But that may mean having to ignore differences that are there, just beneath the surface of your connection. At times, you'll find it hard to support each other's dreams because your beliefs and values are clashing. The best route here will be to find ways to appreciate and understand each other without trying to change each other at these deep levels.

Jupiter sextile Neptune

An Idealistic Friendship

Your friend will have a handle on the more emotional and spiritual side of human experience, and they'll invite you into their world. They'll be enlivened by your natural optimism and spontaneity and they'll offer you their own compassion and emotional support in return. Though you're more of a thinker and they're more of a feeler, your two approaches to experiencing life will actually be complementary, and with this influence between you, you won't lack for a sense of commonality in your friendship. Your individual gifts -- your intellectual keenness, your sense of values and your pal's emotional depths -- will combine to teach each other about living life in a fuller way. If you both stay motivated toward personal growth together, this could be a really important friendship for both of you.

Jupiter square Mars

Creating energy

This could become a growth-oriented friendship, but if you aren't careful in how you treat each other and what you demand of each other, it could be the hard-won kind of growth -- the kind that consumes a lot of energy and reveals more through your mistakes than your successes. Somehow, you'll naturally draw out the side of your friend that is passionate and assertive. The communication between you will be lively at the very least. Your highly energetic interactions will be fast-paced and fun, and you'll both have a great time ribbing and challenging each other. Just try to be sensitive when you're pushing too hard, or giving advice that simply doesn't apply to the person your friend is or the ambitions they hold.

Saturn - The Real Deal

Saturn trine Venus

A sense of values

You'll help your friend ground their values and creativity in reality and help them make long-range plans that are viable and well-founded. They, in return, will make you feel warm and happy. Together, you'll make a great working team. This particular aspect will go a long way toward creating a sense of stability, togetherness and lasting affection between you. It will also help strengthen your communication and your problem-solving abilities. You'll be able to work through any issues that come up. Furthermore, your connection will strengthen and stabilize both your values. And finally, you can have a stabilizing effect on your friend's creative process, encouraging them in this area and offering practical suggestions and advice.

Saturn conjunct Saturn

A question of security

You shouldn't have a problem establishing the kind of security you'll both need in a friendship, because you are probably very close in age and have similar values. You'll both want things to be the same way -- and you'll have the same idea about how to make it happen. The structures of your lives will blend together really well, because you'll have such similar ideas -- what social or public roles you'll want to take on, and so on. Of course, this aspect does have some pitfalls related to the maturity level of the two of you as individuals and of your friendship itself. A mature relationship between two emotionally developed adults will only be helped by this influence, as it will further stabilize you. You already know what you want out of life, and this relationship will help you move toward it.

Saturn sextile Mars

A hardworking team

You'll have a great way of working together and blending your strengths to become a strong team. Your friend's energy and drive will mesh seamlessly with your own practical side. This aspect will also be a great aid in problem-solving as well as working together on projects. Your connection will be wonderful for both of you in advancing you toward your goals. Again, you'll work with your buddy's energy and can-do attitude to put your thoughtful, long-range plans into effect, and rather than resenting you for your discipline or your emphasis on responsibility, they'll appreciate the reality check you'll provide on a regular basis. In the moments when you feel overwhelmed or pessimistic about the future, you'll be able to rely on their buoyant energy to help you bounce back.

Saturn square Pluto

Disruptive Transformations

This aspect won't make things easy between you. Overtly, it'll feel to your chum as if you're a restrictive influence on the way that they would normally, naturally grow in their life; but subconsciously, it could be quite the opposite. Whether consciously or not, you'll each know just what the other needs to do to transform in life. Some big, deep-rooted need for change exists in each of you, and your friend, especially, will ferret that out, perhaps without even meaning to. Whatever it is that you need to do to get to the next level of person-hood, your friend will zero in on it and press those buttons again and again. The problem is, having your buttons pushed can be really frustrating and annoying! But, the more you mature and grow, the less bothersome it will be.

Saturn square Mercury

Let them speak

You may not intend to behave in a critical way toward your friend, but over time, that's the habit you'll develop if you aren't careful. When they try to express their ideas, you'll pick at their logic and expose the flaws in their thinking. If they tend to be indecisive, you'll push them to choose a practical course of action based on the alternatives available. But to them, you'll come across as meddling, critical and controlling. Your efforts to help them focus and define their thinking will feel restrictive, as if they aren't allowed to think in the way that comes most naturally to them. Worse, they might start to believe you don't recognize or appreciate their intelligence. Let your friend think and express themselves naturally -- and allow them to make mistakes. If you can do that, then this dynamic will actually have a positive outcome -- that of teaching your buddy to think more carefully and thoroughly, and you to be less critical of others' ideas and self-expression.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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