An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born August 7, 1979:

Monthly Astrology Forecast

Your Personalized Astrology Forecast

The future -- that vast, unknown territory where anything can happen! Right? Not quite. Though events in your life may seem completely random, there is still at least some pattern to the order of events -- one set in motion in part by you, and in part by the planets and stars in the sky and their influence on your life here on Earth.

The part that’s all about you is related to your free will: how you behave, what your goals and ambitions are, and how you work toward them or avoid them.
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What Do The Planets Say About Your Future Person 1?

Looking to the future can be both exciting and scary, triggering feelings of anxiety or excitement – emotions that are often hard to distinguish!

Your Personal Astrology Forecast Calculators reveal what you can expect in the most important areas of your life using six key categories – your Soul Direction, Communication Style, Love & Money Potential, Career Prospects, Luck and Lessons, via handy bar graphs to help you see your future at a glance!

The future doesn’t have to be quite as scary when you’re well-prepared, does itPerson 1? Astrology is an insightful and ancient yet modern tool to empower you to live your best life, giving you a heads up when you most need it!

Your Personal Astrological Forecast Calculators shine a spotlight on which areas contain the most growth for you, which areas hold important lessons, or where opportunities will appear for you!

Your easy-to-read bar graphs reveal the time period ahead in quick detail giving you that extra nod to trust yourself and make informed decisions!

If you want in-depth guidance on what to expect for the future, then Your Personal Astrology Forecast Calculators are the perfect friend to turn to, helping you to be extra-prepared for what life throws at you!

Discover where your Soul yearns to go, how you’re thinking and communicating, what your love life holds for you and what exciting career prospects are coming up! Get to know when you’re going to get lucky, and where you’re going to learn your biggest lessons.

All this and so much more is in your detailed, rich and in-depth Personal Astrology Forecast! Empower yourself with the wisdom of the stars and planets and take control of your life!

Your Conscious Mind – Person 1's Sun Influences

The Sun in Astrology describes your personality. When you are at your best you do your best. Just as the Sun is the center of our solar system, it’s also the center of you; the inner flame is that essence that runs through your being. When the conscious mind is sharp, anything is possible. These bar graphs will indicate how well... Read more

8-10 You are perfectly existing in the world
4-7 Life is right-on for you at the moment
0-3 Hang in there; opportunities will come to you soon

The Chatty Factor – Person 1's Mercury Influences

Mercury in Astrology represents the expression of self. How you listen and how you are heard, your thought process, your logic, and intellectual ideas. Are all representations of you expressing yourself. These bar graphs indicate how well you are communicating with the world around you... Read more

8-10 Expressions flow effortlessly
4-7 People will listen to you
0-3 It’s harder to articulate yourself

The Love Meter – Person 1's Venus Influences

Venus in Astrology is connected to your heart. How you give and receive love in your existing and future relationships are determined by this planet. Sweetness, pleasure and harmony are the energies of Venus. These bar graphs can give insight to how your relationships and social gatherings will go... Read more

8-10 Feeling and expressing love comes naturally
4-7 There may be some tough love in your life
0-3 Love is not a priority for you right now

Your Assertive Energy – Person 1's Mars Influences

Mars in Astrology rules the physical, assertive energy as well as desires, sex appeal, and carnal appetites are representations. Your drive and prosperity depend on this planet! Dating, mating, & relating are fueled by Mars. Are you feeling revved up & aroused or feeling more submissive? These bar graphs will indicate where your aggressive energy is at during this time.... Read more

8-10 You’re sharp and ready to take on the world
4-7 Declare your desires
0-3 Keep putting in effort, don’t lose sight of what you want

Personal Growth Element – Person 1's Jupiter Influences

Jupiter in Astrology represents expansion. Luck, advantages, and opportunities are governed by our solar system’s largest planet. The energy of Jupiter is hopeful, optimistic, and friendly! Are you feeling more positive or pessimistic? These bar graphs will give clarity to how you think and feel about the world and your personal growth.... Read more

8-10 Life is full-on - the glass is overflowing!
4-7 Step out of your comfort zone to reap rewards
0-3 Focus on the world in front of you

Lessons Learned – Person 1's Saturn Influences

In Astrology, Saturn governs karma. Life lessons, obligations, and responsibilities are influenced by this planet. The energy of Saturn requires stillness and meditation. Your unconscious mind is dictated by the energy of this planet. Are you doing a lot of work and not seeing the results? These bar graphs will help you understand your next move and as well as your long term plans.... Read more

8-10 You’re in a personal growth cycle.
4-7 Remember to breathe and take care of business.
0-3 You’re off the karmic hook right now. Enjoy this time!

Person 1, In this Monthly Astrology Forecast report, you will get life-transforming insight into these planetary energies:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your private life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions
reveals what truly motivates you in all areas of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values
guides you on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life
reveals your karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Person 1, read below to find out how a few of the current planetary transits are affecting you

Person 1's Strengths

12Sun sextile Mars

Hard Work and Success

You're courageous now; fearless, even. Your passionate nature is very close to the surface, giving you that extra oomph that's needed to put everything you've got into both work and play. This is a great time to impress your boss, to get the ball rolling on a new project or to reach out to potential new friends or clients. Your personal warmth and enthusiasm will attract their interest and participation. And making a great impression will be easy! Your ideas are more creative now than usual; try out new methods at work or in your personal projects, because you're more likely than usual to make it work. Why? Because your timing is spot-on now, and your instincts are pointing you in the right direction. You're ready and willing to put in hard work and accomplish great feats. And like the old saying, 'Like breeds like,' the successes you find during this period will lead to more success in the future; you'll inspire yourself to try even harder and reach even farther next time, and the people around you will notice your work and will be more open to working with you in the future. Enjoy this period, and use it to get a lot done -- it lasts less than two weeks!

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13Mercury sextile Mars


Mental and physical energies combine this week to make you a dynamo. You feel youthful and energetic, more alive than you have in months. You're clear-headed and quick-witted, active and smart. You're thinking and expressing yourself with clarity, speaking with conviction and successfully infusing your comments with jokes and humor. You even put your money where your mouth is by following through on all your promises without delay. Ideas flow easily from your brain out of your mouth or fingers in eloquent language, logical and sensible. Your enthusiastic delivery easily convinces others of your ideas, so this is an excellent time for sales and marketing, promoting yourself or making announcements. People will pay attention to your ideas and want to join your endeavors, something to take advantage of! Don't forget to keep up your exercise. You'll be so full of energy that it will likely be a necessity anyway, and you might even work out a little longer than usual to provide more of a physical outlet for your mental energy.

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14Venus trine Saturn

Good For You

It's smooth sailing in the relationship department, both professionally and personally. You're less interested in potential than you are in the way things are in reality, which is comfortable for everyone -- you won't hold others up to an unreasonable standard, and you'll accept what they tell you is their best work or effort. You're also very practical at this time about yourself and your own gifts and strengths. You won't be too hard on yourself if you make a mistake; you'll just work quietly and efficiently to fix it. You've got a shrewd eye for business right now, and will attract associates who are serious and dependable like you. You'll treat them with respect, which will in turn demand theirs, and you'll make a smooth working team. Any projects begun now will probably progress at a steady pace toward success. You've got a good head for finances now, too; you're not into spending wildly just for fun, but you'll put down the cash if it's worth it. Don't worry about moving slowly, either on a project at work or in a relationship with someone special. Just do what feels natural, because your instincts and logic are steering you straight.

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15Venus trine Mercury

A Silver Tongue

If you can arrange a vacation this week, by all means, do so! You're feeling great and you just want to relax with people you love. Hanging out with friends is highlighted for you now; the conversation will flow and you'll easily make new connections wherever you go. You're able to express your feelings and your affection, as well as to articulate more intellectual concepts. You can also use your grace and tact in negotiations at work or between friends, appealing eloquently to both sides when people differ. Whatever your aim might be, you can bring it about just by being calm and persuasive. If you recently hit a dead end on a project that involved reaching out to someone -- a potential client, maybe, or someone special you've had your eye on -- give it another try this week. You're charming and appealing in the extreme now, and you'll likely get a better response. At any rate, enjoy this week, whatever you end up doing. Getting together in groups, going to places where the conversation can flow, is a great idea. Don't be surprised if you end up staying out late with someone interesting, tossing ideas and witticisms back and forth to your mutual delight!

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16Mars trine Jupiter

Creating Your Own Good Luck

Your physical and mental energies are strong and lively during this three-week period, and what you do isn't nearly as important as the fact that you're doing something positive. Translation: This is no time to park yourself in front of the TV for some zone-out time! These few weeks are for activity, socializing and boosting your personal growth. You'll enjoy exercising, sports and sex even more than usual, so get out on the court with your coworkers for a pickup game, or behind closed doors with your honey for a little one-on-one action! Just putting in the effort will reap amazing results -- opportunities that you'll think are lucky breaks, when really they're the result of you getting out there and making life happen instead of letting it pass you by. For example, at work, you'll put in even more work than usual, which will impress your boss -- who just might turn around and offer you a raise or a promotion. Out on the softball field or the basketball court, you'll pull more than your weight, helping secure a victory -- and all your friends will cheer you on, making you feel great! This period is all about high energy and good times, so enjoy yourself.

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17Mercury sextile Neptune

Poems and Stories

Your imaginative side is highly stimulated this week, and you're motivated toward creative writing, recording your dreams and visions and articulating your spiritual beliefs. Invite yourself to meander through the meadows of your mind while this influence is strong. You're likely to feel tender and compassionate, even sentimental. Don't hesitate to express these feelings to those around you; you'll be able to explain yourself in a way that others understand, and which arouses their own empathy. You may feel slightly more sensitive than usual to odors, music or other aspects of your immediate environment, and may have to take steps to alleviate your discomfort: Open (or close!) the window, turn down the stereo, take down that loud poster that's hurting your eyes. Be gentle with yourself, drink plenty of water and don't press yourself to stick to any one task for very long. This is not the best influence for concentration or hard work. Instead, let creativity flow without concern for the outcome. Spiritual practices, reading or writing poetry or stories, or watching movies are all worthwhile activities now -- anything that gets you into the realm of fantasy and imagination.

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18Sun sextile Neptune

Buddha-Like Serenity

The softer side of your personality is awakened now, and you'll find yourself in a dreamy, sensitive and boundless mood. This is a very romantic or even spiritual time; you're attuned much more to dreams and visions than to your everyday version of reality. You're even more compassionate than usual. You radiate soothing, healing energy, so this is the perfect time to reach out to someone who needs your help -- a hug and an ear for a friend who's been sad lately, perhaps, or even a stranger who looks like they could use some encouragement or something more concrete. Listening to music or taking in art is also a wonderful way to nurture your soul at this time. And going out on a date with someone sweet and special could be the beginning of something really romantic! You're connecting at a deeper level than usual, and if you've found someone worthy of your time and energy, it could go far; just reserve judgment until later, when you can be sure that you're not just wearing rose-colored glasses. You can achieve a Buddha-like serenity this week by staying calm, breathing deeply and remembering the soul level of existence.

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19Mercury trine Sun

Communicator Extraordinaire

All systems are a go with this excellent, mentally stimulating influence. Your mind races, your writing flows and you speak with conviction and authority. Others listen when you talk. Utilize this time to schedule important meetings and conferences, because you'll be so effective in expressing your ideas and thought processes that you'll have everyone engaged and contributing their own ideas, which you easily handle and incorporate. Others understand you, and you're able to grasp what they're trying to say, even if they don't state their position clearly. You ask the right questions and hear the correct clues, so you're able to discern their thought processes. Your physical coordination improves along with your logic and mentality. This is an excellent time to practice word games and logic puzzles, as well as being physically active, which is a necessity if you're going to sleep well at night! Otherwise, your mind may be joyfully spinning with all the great ideas and concepts rolling around up there in your brain.

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20Sun trine Sun

Smooth Sailing

You're feeling optimistic and energetic, confident and self-assured. With all this positive energy, it's a great time to connect with other people -- friends, family, coworkers -- and share your unique brand of personal style and warmth. You're feeling generous and outgoing, more willing than usual to overlook other people's faults in favor of their better qualities. You encourage them to throw their ideas into the hat, and they'll really appreciate that. They'll also want to return the favor! This is a period of mutual support all the way around, from your personal life to your work and social interactions. Your contributions are recognized and your lead acknowledged; by the same token, you are easily able to recognize and follow others. You're feeling accepting of yourself, warts and all, and that's why you're so able to view everyone around you with such a fair and open mind. Things should flow smoothly for you during this week or two, so it is an excellent time to give your projects a little extra push, to get ahead for the darker days that must inevitably come. Right now, enjoy the ease with which your life flows. It's smooth sailing!

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21Venus trine Jupiter

Spread the Wealth

Any relationships begun during this period will be favorable to you, because luck and opportunity are on your side at this time -- so take advantage! Reach out and make contact with anyone who can further your business or social aims. If you have a cause that needs furthering, now is the perfect time to hold that meeting or fundraiser, because you can get others on your side with a minimum of effort and a maximum of dedication and results. Remember that your good will can be distributed far and wide with a generous charitable contribution, so give the most you can right now as well as asking for others' support. This is also the perfect time for some travel and a little romance, and if you could combine the two, well, that would be perfect! A little Sunday afternoon road trip to another town with your potential sweetie would be as fun and interesting as a week-long cruise with your mate. Whatever you've got time for, do it; you won't be sorry. You're in the mood to have your mind and heart opened right now, and there's no better way to make that happen than to spend time with someone who's special to you, doing something new and different.

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22Venus trine Mars

A Wink and a Nod

People smile and wink at you as you're walking down the street this week. You're feeling attractive and people are definitely taking notice, both at work and in your personal life. You could take some professional leaps at this time, because your boss or perhaps a potential client are looking at you with new admiration in their eyes, and they'll want to reward you for your efforts. So if you're thinking about asking for that raise or promotion, go ahead and do it! Your chances of getting what you want are good, and that's true at home as well as at work. A date with someone cute might also loom on your horizon this week, so don't be shy. You've got charisma to burn, and you really can get whatever you want if you just stick your neck out a little and go for it. Don't be surprised when the compliments start rolling in -- on your looks, your new haircut, your performance at the office and so on. Say yes to all social invitations that come your way; you have the energy to go out and the enthusiasm to connect with new and interesting people, and if you start something new with someone special during this transit, well, it just might last long-term!

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Person 1's Intensities

Saturn conjunct Jupiter

Vision Finds Purpose

This should turn out to be an excellent period for you, one when you're able to manifest your luck and good fortune, becoming more optimistic, forward-moving and ready to learn and grow. This is an outstanding time to invest in your business or take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, and make positive, constructive changes to your life. The firm foundation and solid structure you have created will easily expand to incorporate your new visions and goals. The past moves easily forward into the future, in a way that benefits you and those around you. Social status often increases under this influence, so if you have been considering a more public life, now is the time to make that happen. Confidence in yourself and your contributions will increase, and you are very effective now in publicizing yourself and in establishing a base to grow from. You have the support of the universe at this time, which will be revealed via the support of other people and your own internal feeling of well being. You are able to focus on your biggest assets, and make the most of them. The vision you have always had for the future now finds a path straight toward it.

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Venus conjunct Uranus

Shake It Up

People who wouldn't normally catch your eye are suddenly turning your head like a top. You have a taste for the new and unusual, and you could have some strange and exciting encounters during this transit! Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Well, that remains to be seen. If you're in an established relationship, some instability could surface when you start feeling interested in everyone but your partner, who suddenly seems outmoded and completely dull. Especially if they already have insecurities within themselves, your wandering eye and dismissive attitude could really stir up their anxieties. If you care about them, find a way to alleviate their worries; tell them how much you care about them, and do something new and unusual together. That would be a better way to use this energy than to step outside the relationship for something temptingly new but probably very short-lived -- because that's what any new relationship you begin during this period will most likely be. It could be really exciting and even eye-opening in some way, but whatever happens during this period, don't expect its exciting effects to last longer than a week or two.

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Sun conjunct Pluto

Magnetic and Attractive

You're radiating a powerful, charismatic, magnetic vibe at this time that everyone around you will find highly attractive, even sexy. Your focus and passion are much more laser-like than usual, which can be good thing or not so good. You go for the burn, in everything from your exercise program to your relationships. If you've got your eye on a new client or a potential date, you can be relatively assured that you'll get them right where you want them -- but will they be able to handle your intensity? That remains to be seen. If they're the type that's turned on by that sort of thing, then you're good to go, but if they like things to be a little more lighthearted, your contact with them might not last long. But that's okay; it's always best to weed out potential early on. At work and at home, surface details don't interest you; you want to know the underlying issue. Just don't push too hard. Forcing someone to cooperate with you won't have a good effect; you might scare them off for good. Your best bet is to stick to people who know you well. With your coworkers, business contacts and potential dates, keep things as light as possible.

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Mercury conjunct Pluto

Laser-Like Mind

You've got the uncanny ability to see directly to the heart of the matter, any matter, this week. You won't get distracted by superfluous details, and won't permit yourself to get off track. Keen perceptions and laser-like focus create the perfect conditions for research, investigation and digging deep, especially into information you've been given in the past. Uncovering hidden facts is your forte now, so don't hesitate to delve into the unknown, and follow the leads you get in your research. You can even go undercover this week! Your intellect combines with your personal power now, making you an effective leader, a persuasive speaker and a diligent worker. Any analysis you make will be right on target. Not only are you drawn to investigating facts and figures, but the world of mystery calls to you, too. You feel especially attuned to things you can't see but can definitely feel. For this reason, it's a good time to do some inner work with a therapist or through reading and doing the suggested exercises in a self-help book. You'll gain valuable insights by doing so.

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Mercury conjunct Uranus

Thinking on Your Feet

Others around you will be hard-pressed to keep up with you this week, because your mental processes and your speech patterns exceed the speed of light. You're quite quirky in your thinking, hooking up different subjects in new and unusual ways, cleverly connecting dots and keeping everyone on their toes with your often silly or lighthearted announcements. Fortunately, you're blessed with an unusually strong sense of humor this week, so not only will you keep them listening, you'll keep them laughing too. Later on, people are going to recognize how ahead of the curve you were, as they watch one unlikely prediction after another come true. Spending lots of time on your computer or using any type of technology this week is a great idea. You'll practically be inside the machine, you understand it so well. Installing software, learning new features and getting new gadgets are all favored at this time. Flashes of inspiration are another common occurrence under this influence, so keep your notebook handy to record all your crazy ideas. In the future they may not seem quite so kooky!

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Sun conjunct Uranus

A Whirlwind Week

The vibe that's influencing you this week is a strange and interesting one, so don't make any permanent changes in your life! If you do something rash -- quit your job, get engaged, pick up and move cross-country -- you'll probably wonder, a lot sooner than you think, exactly what you've gotten yourself into. That being said, you shouldn't let the excitable energy of this period pass you by completely untouched. Especially if you tend to live by routine (which can be a nice way of saying you're in a rut), this period could be really fun -- and it just might turn out to be the kick in the pants you need to get things going in a new direction. Anyone new you meet will really excite you; just reserve judgment on them until your usual sanity returns, and you can get a better read on who they are and what they want from you. At work, you're full of great, spontaneous ideas -- so make sure you're bouncing them off someone who can take them with a grain of salt. Otherwise, you might lose a potential client or investor by making them think you're too out-there or unreliable. The bright side of this is the ability to see things in a new way, one that will bring you to a bright future.

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Person 1's Challenges

Pluto square Venus

Releasing Old Baggage

During this difficult period, your old, outmoded beliefs and ideals about love and relationships will be called into question. Difficulties in your relationships will force you to examine some of your behaviors. Old loves may resurface out of nowhere -- if not the actual person, then the baggage that you still carry around from that affair -- and you may find yourself overwhelmed by feelings of jealousy, obsession or guilt. You want very much to be involved in a love affair now, whether or not that's the most healthy thing for you, and as a result, you might hook up with someone who isn't the best choice for you. If you're in a committed relationship, this partnership may suffer during this influence. Be especially aware of behaviors such as manipulation, compulsion and jealousy, which can originate within either partner. If you can bring these issues to the surface and deal with them adequately, the relationship will survive and even be strengthened by these trials. If not, the relationship may end. The challenge for you in any case is to carefully examine your issues and work through them, to the benefit of all your current and future associations.

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Mercury square Sun

Explain Yourself

You'll be challenged to explain yourself during the few days that this transit is in effect. You may not be speaking and writing with the clarity you usually have. You may think you're communicating clearly, but then others come back with lots of questions, comments and suggestions. Rather than getting defensive, force yourself to listen carefully to their questions and complaints. There's a lot to learn here about effective delivery, about saying things in a way that other people can understand, and about listening to what others are saying. This is a great time for writing rough drafts, proposals and things that you'll have the opportunity to correct and update later, after you've had some feedback. If that feedback isn't as good as you expected, don't be discouraged. Use it as a learning experience to improve your writing and speaking, as a tool to refine your communication skills. If you're feeling nervous or edgy, take yourself out for some good exercise, and you'll return more clearheaded and motivated.

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Mercury opposite Jupiter


Just as an interesting experiment, try this the next time you're having a conversation: When you start talking, check the clock. When you stop talking, check the clock. If more than one minute has elapsed, you're probably talking too much. Yes, sixty seconds is generally the maximum length of time you (or anyone) should spend speaking at one stretch. This week, you may be hard-pressed to keep that limit in mind, because you feel really chatty now, particularly one-to-one conversations. When you do converse, try to keep some sense of proportion. Instead of just flapping your lips, try turning your ears toward your partner. Share the microphone. Don't hog the entire conversation, and you can actually do a lot to further the success of your relationship by following these simple steps. When it's your turn to talk, don't exaggerate what you're saying, or play any type of one-upmanship with your buddy; keep it straightforward, honest and simple. Your ideas are really rather grand at this time, and it's fun to express them, but most likely it will be difficult to bring them into reality.

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Venus square Mars

Coming on Strong

Don't push too hard this week for the things you've decided you want. Your ego energies are very forceful and you may not pay attention to signals from others to back off, or even just to tone it down. Whatever it is that you're pushing for -- a raise, a promotion, a new project at work, a date with someone you've got your eye on -- what you think is passion could come across to them as aggression, and that could blow the deal before you even get things going. Watch what you say with your friends, your loved ones or your sweetie; the space you're in could cause you to start arguments without meaning to, and any bridges you burn now will just have to be mended later, when your reason and judgment return. Why not turn all that excess energy and willpower toward your own projects, or toward a relationship with someone strong and dynamic enough to take the heat? You could have a lot of fun, provided that you find the right friend or potential honey to hang out with -- someone who won't just say 'How high' whenever you order them to jump. At work, if there's a project you can plug away at by yourself, you stand to make a lot of headway if you can channel that energy.

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Venus opposite Venus

'Everything's Just Fine!'

You're in a lazy, self indulgent mood this week, and you'll avoid work if you can. You hate to rock the boat right now, so you could end up compromising on important issues at work or at home instead of speaking your mind. It's nice to be conciliatory and to cede to others' desires, but at what expense will you do so now? For one thing, you're more sensitive than usual; that, put together with your current tendency to back down from potential conflict, means that you might be nursing some hurt feelings before this transit passes. You're not in the mood to stand up for yourself, which means your only course is to bottle things up inside. This is really not a good idea, but it's probably going to be your first instinct during this period. Looks like you're going to be spending some time cleaning up messes in a week or two, when your backbone returns! That's okay; just try not to commit to anything at this time that you have a strong, gut-level feeling against. Even if you're uncertain about something, just say 'I'll get back to you later about that' and save the decision for next week, when you'll be feeling more clear-headed and strong-willed.

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Sun square Mercury

Listen Up!

Expect problems in communicating this week. The good news is, this is only a twice-a-year transit; the bad news is, right now, you're stuck in it. Nothing you say seems to come out right; you might hurt people's feelings right and left, and when you try to get your ideas across they just stare at you in confusion. You're also more sensitive than usual; something innocuous a friend or coworker says to you could really get under your skin. At work or in conversation with someone close to you, you may find your ideas being tested, or that you have to defend a project or assertion. This period is all about misunderstandings that will have to be cleared up sooner or later, so your best bet is just to be aware of that up front -- and if you can, wait before sending that email or making that phone call. When you're talking to a colleague, a friend or a lover, try active listening: Double-check to make sure you understand what they're saying, and that you've explained yourself clearly. You may find that you're more nervous and high-strung than usual, so take deep, calming breaths and keep up your exercise routine to work off excess energy. This week is a minor inconvenience that will soon pass.

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Sun square Saturn

Business Before Pleasure

Thank goodness this is a short influence, because it's usually not a lot of fun. You feel compelled to take care of business - whatever that means for you -- even though you really don't want to. What you have to do isn't what you want to do, which could leave you a little grumpy, or at least using a don't-talk-to-me glare quite frequently. Making new business contacts isn't a great idea right now, and going out on a date with someone new definitely isn't. Authority issues may surface, or more likely, you simply won't be able to connect in a way that produces lasting results. You may find yourself in defense mode without even realizing it, feeling backed into a corner and forced to explain your ideas when they come under attack by your boss or coworkers. If this happens, do try not to get too worked up about it; getting into an argument will only create bad blood with the people you're supposed to work closely with. Even if it feels uncomfortable, it would be much better to back down from the fight. Better yet, avoid confrontations by working alone. Keep your nose to the grindstone, and promise yourself a good reward at the end of the week when this is all finished.

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Mercury square Saturn

Taking a Dim View

There's no way anyone is going to pull anything over on you this week; you recognize deception and lies from a mile away, and don't hesitate to say so. Some may call you cynical, but you know it is simply healthy skepticism. One little problem with your dim view of the world is that is can lead to a temporary depression or feeling grumpy for a good deal of the time. Fortunately this influence is short-lived! So don't permit yourself to get too far down that deep, dark hole. Instead, apply some of your self-discipline to your writing, speaking and networking. Keep plugging away on projects that are already started -- you'll make a lot more progress than you think. Slow, careful thinking and communication are the keys to turning this challenge into success. Speak in short sentences and one-syllable words, and clarify any misunderstandings right away. The results you receive from this period may be delayed, but don't let that worry you. When the time is right, they will come.

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Mercury square Mercury

Bite Your Tongue

Well! Your (fill in the blank -- boss, lover, friend, complete stranger) has a lot of nerve to contradict you! Just who do they think they are, anyway? They picked the wrong day to pick an argument with you, because you're not backing down; no way. And those very sensible facts and figures they're throwing in your face to prove you wrong -- all hogwash! You fold your arms over your chest and jut your chin out, rolling your eyes at the ceiling. You're right, and that's that. Except when you're wrong! And that can be the trouble when you're stubbornly clinging to your ideas, even in the face of facts that clearly show you seriously need an update. Forewarned is forearmed, in this case, so now you know not to stick to your guns when your guns are stuck! Instead of turning off your ears, turn off your mouth. Listen, no matter how much of a struggle it is. Take down those facts and figures and check them out for yourself. There's no disgrace in not knowing something -- the disgrace lies in refusing to admit you've been wrong.

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Mercury square Mars

Oscar the Grouch

Ya know, everyone deserves to be a little grumpy now and again. Who doesn't have times when they feel sort of generally irritable and argumentative? This may well be your week to sign on to the grouchy campaign. You can't help it if everything you touch seems to break and your skin is erupting and you dropped your toothbrush in the toilet. If anyone deserves to be Oscar the Grouch this week, it's you! So put on your furry blue suit and warn everyone in advance how you're feeling, so that they can cut you a wide berth and stay out of your way. It's only fair, after all. This is the best way to indulge yourself temporarily, and avoid damaging any relationships. Fortunately, this influence only lasts a few days, so in no time at all you'll be feeling like yourself again. In the meantime, try not to be so short-tempered that you snap at the grocery clerk or postal carrier -- unless, of course, they do something really stupid. In that case, instead of melting them with your sarcasm, you can be the bigger person and simply glare, without saying anything at all.

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Mercury opposite Venus

Ideas Versus Ideals

Your head and your heart may not quite align this week. You may find that some of your thoughts and conclusions don't exactly coincide with what you believe in your heart of hearts. It's possible that this could come to your attention through a discussion, or even an argument, with another person over principles and ideals -- what's convenient versus what's right. You may even have trouble arguing effectively, confusing the matter by not listening well or projecting your own beliefs or thoughts onto the other person. Misunderstandings are sure to result when this is the case, because you just can't seem to hear what the other person is actually saying! Pile this on top of your own cloudy judgment, and you've got a recipe for a real quarrel. It's not necessary, though. For one thing, this influence is short, lasting only a few days. For another, now that you're aware that misunderstandings are in the weather forecast, keep your umbrella handy. If you see that a conversation is turning into an argument, agree to disagree early on, or to take up the matter later when you've had more time to think about it.

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Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!