An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born June 26, 1971 and person 2, Born July 23, 1978:

Friendship Compatibility

An Astrological Guide to Lifelong Friendship

After all, the beauty of astrology is in highlighting probabilities. The ways that the planets in your birth charts interact can illuminate all kinds of details about how well you'll communicate, how deeply you'll connect and, most importantly, if there's a chance for lasting friendship to grow between you. And you've been around enough to know that every friendship is unique. Where one person leaves you cold, another can be your best cheerleader and supporter! With some people, the connection is instant and easy; it feels like you've known each other for years. With others, making that connection takes work and time...and it still might never happen.
Read more....

Your Connection Bar Graphs

Wondering how the two of you match up as friends? Now you can find out, at a glance! Our two-way bar graph reveals the connection between you and your BFF -- how you affect them, and how they affect you -- giving you a quick view of the strength of your connection in six important categories.

And what are those categories? Just the ones that can make or break a friendship -- like how your core personalities mesh, how the two of you communicate and the levels of similarities you have for each other. In short, have you got what it takes to become BFF’s? The Astrologer knows! Just remember, even if you both rate high in all six categories, the friendship still might not work out...and even if you rate low, your bond can still grow solid.

What's best is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out! The bar graphs can only give you a quick peek at the chemistry of your friendship -- the rest is up to you.

Sun - Soul to Soul

Your Soul Connection with your friend is based on how your Sun connects with their personality, including their values, their outlook and what matters to them, and how their Sun connects with you. Just as the Sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in our solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life. It represents your basic, core personality, separate from all the other influences that... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Mercury - Spilling Secrets

In this bar graph, your Communicative Bond is based on how your Mercury connects with your best friend’s world view, their attitude toward friendship and how they express themselves, and on how their Mercury connects with you. Often called the planet of communication, Mercury rules your thought processes, your sense of logic, your intellectual ideas and the way you get those ideas across to the world. If the lines of the graph – yours is the top one while your BFF’s is the bottom one are very different in length, then one of you will feel mentally turned on and tuned in, but the other just won't feel the connection. If the lines are similar in length... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Venus - Friends and Crushes

In this bar graph, your social link with your best friend is based on how Venus, your harmony planet, connects with them at a heart level, and on how their Venus connects with you. Venus -- the sweet and affectionate planet of love, harmony and socializing -- is all about pleasure, bringing people together and uniting them in harmony, so this planet rules not just love and dating but also friendships, partnerships and any social gathering. If the lines of the graph – yours are... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Mars - Action and Adventure

The excitement you have with your BFF is based on how your Mars connects with their sense of who they are, what they go after and how they express themselves, and on how their Mars connects with you in the same way. Mars rules action, your propensity for irritation, your urge to compete and succeed -- all of these fall within this powerful planet's realm. Mars affects your attitude toward friendship, and it also determines how you could argue with your bestie. If the lines of the graph – yours are on the top and theirs on the bottom-- are very different in length, then one of you is going to feel very driven by the relationship, but the other just won't feel... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Jupiter - Beliefs in Common

In this bar graph, your Beliefs and Shared Values are based on how your Jupiter connects with your best friend’s sense of what life is all about, and how their Jupiter connects with you in the same way. Jupiter is referred to as the planet of luck because it brings opportunities and advantages into your life that can seem like a stroke of luck, but are really life lessons meant to test and teach you about your own value system. This planet is also about learning... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Saturn - The Real Deal

Your Long-Term Potential to become friends for life is based on how your Saturn connects with their needs, their nature and their sense of duty in life, and on how their Saturn connects with you in the same way. Saturn's influence in your chart is like that of your conscience. This planet keeps you in check, reminding you of your responsibilities -- including your commitment to your friends and family. If the lines of the graph – yours are the top one’s and theirs the bottom-- are very different in length, then one of you is going to bond fast, while the other just won't share that sense of camaraderie -- not right away, and maybe not ever.... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Your Harmony and Challenge Ratings

The Harmony and Challenge Meters read the compatibility chart between you and your best friend, and reveals the levels of harmony and challenges in your friendship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between the two!

Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of harmony and very little challenges, but what you really want is a mix between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And too many challenges can also ruin a friendship; without a little breathing room between fights and disagreements you'd tire each other out, fast!

Something in the middle is just the ticket. Sometimes a good argument every now and then to clear the air, and a sense of trust and understanding means you will always have each other’s back. One more word of caution before you get started... Read more


Harmony = 8

9-10: BFF's forever

7-8: You tend to finish each other's sentences

4-6: There's an easy flow between you

0-3: Sometimes it's better to agree to disagree

Challenge = 8

9-10: Frenemies?

7-8: You've been through thick and thin together

4-6: Small disagreements here and there

0-3: Hardly ever had a disagreement!

Person 1, here is your Friendship Compatibility report


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Read below to find out where each planet was on June 26, 1971, and how your birth chart has shaped your personality and guided your decisions so far…

Sun - Soul to Soul

Sun trine Uranus

Room To Be Yourself

Together you'll focus on being yourselves, fully and completely. You'll encourage each other to become who each of you truly is inside -- a dynamic, independent person. This friendship will be a creative one, and a lot of fun; there will be a sense of discovery and excitement that will push you to reach further into your own minds than ever before. Individuality is highlighted here, in the best way. You'll have plenty in common, but you'll also recognize and appreciate the differences between you. Your life will be creatively enhanced by this friendship, whether on a personal or a professional level. It may be through networking -- you two will probably be very social together -- or it could just be through brainstorming your ideas together. Either way, expect to be enlightened.

Sun sextile Saturn

Grounded In Practicality

Your buddy will naturally take on the role of guide or mentor in this friendship; they might be older than you or have more money, education or general life experience. Even if all of these are true, this should be a comfortable dynamic for both of you. There are plenty of things you can learn from your friend, and you'll actually want to learn these lessons. Your friendship will be grounded in practicality. It runs deep and true and doesn't need qualification; you both just know what keeps you coming back for more. And precisely because you won't push one another to be someone you're not, you'll be able to grow as individuals in a natural way through the course of the friendship. After all, you both have something to offer each other: Your pal can offer that life experience and knowledge that you lack, and you can offer them a sense of freshness and vitality.

Mercury - Spilling Secrets

Mercury conjunct Jupiter


You'll feel hopeful and optimistic for the future when you're hanging out together. Your buddy will have a really positive influence on you; they'll help you expand your mind by bringing brand-new ideas to the table and exploring them with you. You'll talk about all kinds of things during your lively, engaging conversations, but your values and beliefs will be a favorite focus, as will your respective futures. You'll find that you each bring something unique and important to the friendship. With this kind of positive energy between you, you could even go into business together or launch a creative project, because you'll be able to ground your dreams in reality, giving them a firm foundation to stand on. And your similar senses of humor will help you really appreciate all the similarities and complementary differences between you.

Mercury sextile Venus

Friendship With Harmony

Your focus will be on getting along well and working together as a team. Neither of you will want to argue, so you'll both find more constructive ways to get your own point across and find a solution to any problem that might come up. This won't be the type of friendship that makes you wonder where you stand with the other person. You have affection for each other and enjoy spending time together. The phone and your computers may be your main modes of communication. If you end up working together on a creative project or even an entrepreneurial one, this aspect will really help your communication, because you'll always take care to deal with one another kindly and gently.

Mercury trine Uranus

Changing The World

Mentally, you'll work in tandem, each bringing your own unique cognitive gifts to the table. Your methods of thought, intuition and understanding will be complementary. Your friend is more intuitive while you're more logical. You'll each know instinctively how to combine your strengths for greatest effect. For this reason, you'd do well in business together or launching a creative project. If you meet face to face, you'll work, play, study and socialize together. You'll have such a great, creative, innovative meeting of the minds that you might not want to waste any opportunity before you. Will you dream up an enterprise and set out to make it become a reality? Or will you go so far as to take your combined philosophical ideals and put them into practice? Basically, whatever you can dream up together, you can make a reality. It's all up to you.

Mercury square Pluto

Mental Control

There will be an air of intensity when you're together as this person pushes you to confront the deepest, most complex and potentially frightening issues in your life. Their methods of ferreting out your deepest buried emotions will probably be pretty uncomfortable for you. You could have arguments over your differing viewpoints, or you'll fight if you don't feel like obsessing about these things all the time. But still, you'll feel compelled to do it, as if your time together would be wasted on mere small talk or superficial communication. This aspect could have a positive effect in the end, if it encourages transformation to a higher mental plane or a higher level of self-awareness. This person might try hard to have control over your mind and thoughts, which would really push this influence to its limits. You should try to give each other and yourselves a break from time to time, because this kind of influence will wear you both out if you're not careful.

Venus - Friends and Crushes

Venus trine Pluto

Like Two Magnets

Your friendship will start out as a fascination between the two of you. Your friend has a compelling hold on your imagination, and you'll feel amazed by how deeply and how fast you get involved with them. This friendship will be a transformative experience, but be forewarned -- this will get intense. If you're not into developing a true friendship with this person, you should let them know in no uncertain terms. Mixed signals could be interpreted in any way that they want, even if you've told them straight out that you don't want a new best friend. So just know this dynamic beforehand; that way, you can circumvent any jealousy or possessiveness issues that would otherwise become a problem. But if you're into developing a strong friendship, let them know. Honesty will get you far in this connection, and building a strong, supportive friendship is a very real possibility.

Venus square Venus

Speaking A Different Language

It might take a long time for you two to get to know each other. This will have to do with innate qualities that each of you share, which don't align with each other. You'll find that you don't match up well. Your values will not be the same and you could even annoy each other with the things that each of you finds important. This kind of difficult interaction will lead to disagreements that will be hard to resolve, because you just won't know where the other is coming from. In some sense, you don't speak the same language. You both might end up feeling unappreciated, unsupported and generally neglected. In order to avoid this, you'll both have to translate your language for each other, so to speak. If you can cue each other in on, your pal will have a better chance of picking up on the signals.

Venus square Mars

A Big Reaction

A big mismatch in your energies will create friction between you. Your friend will sometimes irritate you, and tension could mar your friendship. In fact, you're likely to find them to be rather offensive; they'll seem noisy, crass or just tactless, whether you're hanging out with other people or it's just the two of you. There might be cultural differences between you or differences in the ways you were each brought up, which will cause problems as well. You're more social than your friend and your urge to go out all the time could make them jealous of you. In some way, you'll invoke a big reaction in each other -- and it won't always be pretty. A smooth, easygoing, trouble-free friendship probably won't be possible with this aspect firing things up between you. Expect this relationship to be a challenging one.

Venus opposite Neptune

Muddled Understanding

You'll be close emotionally -- maybe too close. You could become immersed in your friend's life, which could be a tricky proposition unless they're in the best of emotional health. You'll always try to figure out what they're thinking and feeling, what they need to feel better and so on, but that will be difficult because trying to see through them will be like peering through smoke. Try not to get so caught up in this friendship that you start subverting your own needs in favor of theirs. While you'll be emotionally invested in this pal from the start, you might not know how they truly feel about the friendship -- and they might not either. You'll feel you really know this person, but it's very possible that you'll never really know each other at all.

Mars - Action and Adventure

Mars trine Pluto

Working As A Team

With this influence, power and action will join forces and make a great, potent combination. Together you two will accomplish just about anything you put your minds to, withering the competition, turning obstacles to dust and achieving greatness. You each have special gifts; the sense of direction and focus that comes naturally to you, for example, will be useful to your pal in finding a target for their penetrating insight. Anything is possible. Whatever your ambition might be, you can help each other to achieve it. Just make sure your goals are worth the effort you'll put out together. If your friendship ever hits rough patches, this aspect will give you the determination and the depth of connection needed to power through the hard times.

Mars sextile Neptune

The Creative Unknown

You'll support each other to a nice degree, emotionally and creatively. If you feel like your friendship is fated in the sense that you've come together for a specific purpose, you might be right! There's a lot you could both accomplish with this friendship in place. This aspect's influence could lead to a spiritual transformation within you, especially -- a move to higher emotional or creative ground -- if you're careful to stay open with your buddy. You'll offer them a lot of energy, enthusiasm and support, but you'll have to be careful about keeping the lines of communication open. This will be a positive influence as long as you trust it. Moving forward together into the creative unknown will likely be a positive thing.

Mars opposite Mercury

Opposite Sides Of The Fence

Even when you think you're standing up for yourself and presenting your ideas in a fair way, your friend is likely to perceive you as being overly aggressive, because you're on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to the way you express yourselves, especially in an argument. Your buddy may fall back on logic and quantitative proof to make their point, while you'll be more into going with your gut reaction and doing whatever it takes to make yourself heard. This could result in raised voices, saying things you regret later and more. A large part of the problem here, of course, is that you'll both be projecting things onto the other. When you catch yourself tossing accusations their way, stop and assess your own behavior. It may be that you're really talking about yourself. It will take a lot of patience to build this friendship, but it is possible.

Mars opposite Saturn

A Real Disconnect

You'll project your own shortcomings onto each other, getting mad at each other for possessing the qualities that you like least in yourselves. You may even start to represent something to each other that you won't like or respect. If your friend sees you behaving irresponsibly, for example, it'll upset them, because they want so much to be a responsible person. They could even go so far as to try to force you to behave how they want you to behave -- but that won't work. You'll just rebel against their attempts to control you, which could lead to indiscriminate behavior on your part in the name of pure rebellion. But that won't solve anything, will it? If you feel it's worth it and you want to maintain this friendship, you'll have to struggle to learn to let each other be the people you are.

Jupiter - Beliefs in Common

Jupiter trine Sun

Big plans for success

A sense of mutual support and optimism will warm up your friendship and keep both of you feeling connected. You'll admire each other from the start. Truth, kindness and honesty will be a focus between you, and you'll both understand that your values are compatible at a core level, which will make you feel open and free to be genuine. This relationship will bring out your best sides: You'll be generous with your friend, with your time, attention, support and more, and they will be able to access their creativity perhaps better than ever before. Getting along with each other in a friendly, harmonious way will be a focus for both of you. Best of all, your influences upon each other will be mutually strengthening. You'll open doors for each other you may never have imagined on your own.

Jupiter trine Jupiter

A sense of purpose

Your companionship will create a supportive energy that will give you both room to be the people that you are. You'll be similar on an idealistic level, and you'll find that your ideas about life -- what you want to do, what you believe in -- are comfortingly similar. The sense of purpose you'll feel when you're together will be inspiring; you'll want to get big things done, launch creative projects, move forward in your lives as individuals. You'll both want to expand your minds and your horizons, and that's something you'll be able to do as friends. Learning and education will be a focus for you, and the optimism you'll bring to each other's lives will inspire self-confidence in both of you. You'll be supportive of each other, and you'll really help each other grow as individuals. Just be careful not to take each other or this positive effect for granted.

Jupiter sextile Mars

An expansive effect

Together, you two will make things happen. You'll have an expansive effect on your friend's ambitions and drive; whatever they want, you'll help them go for it. You might serve as a mentor for them, if you've accomplished goals they're working toward themselves, or you could be their biggest cheerleader. Teamwork and mutual support will be a positive focus of your friendship. You'll work well together and your interactions will be lively. Your friend's drive and energy will inspire you, and your expansive ideas will push them to be bigger and better than they already are. You'll enjoy an active lifestyle, frequently exercising together or attending social events to network with all your friends and acquaintances. If you ever go into business together or simply tackle a project, you'll make a great working team, one with complementary strengths.

Jupiter square Mercury

Different at a fundamental level

As you two discuss with each other the things that matter most, you'll find that you're quite different at those levels. You may begin to see your friend as somehow superficial, or at least not as philosophical as you'd like them to be, as your expansive theories keep running up against their cool logic. To you, logic isn't always the best way to approach life; the universe doesn't fit into neat little boxes. You may be more interested in exploring its complexities than in coming up with pat answers. Whatever your outlook, you and your buddy will both find it hard to communicate about your values and beliefs, because that easy, smooth link just isn't there between you. Learn what you can from their logical perspective; but don't get your knickers in a twist if you don't always agree.

Jupiter square Saturn

An Inhibiting Influence

Though individually you might focus on your dreams and ideals for the future, together, you'll have a restrictive, inhibitive effect on each other's ability to attain those ideals. Whenever you have a bright, creative, high-flying idea about a goal that you want to meet, your pal will tend to bring it down with an overly sober explanation of everything that might go wrong. And whenever they're trying to be serious about working hard toward one of their goals, you'll be off somewhere, refusing to focus or get serious with them. Neither of you deserves to have your sense of responsibility challenged or your joie de vivre stripped away. So your task in this friendship will be to learn how to move forward and achieve your goals, even in the face of a challenge from this friend. It might not be a fun process, but it could be a very important step in developing your own strength and determination.

Saturn - The Real Deal

Saturn sextile Sun

A practical pair

You will naturally take on the role of guide or mentor in this relationship. This should be a comfortable dynamic for both of you. Your friend has a lot to learn from you, and they'll actually want to learn these lessons. Your friendship will be grounded in practicality, and you'll both understand and accept the type of communication style you share. This is because you'll both understand that the bond between you runs deep and true, and doesn't need qualification or even reiteration. Precisely because you won't push one another to be someone you're not, you'll be able to grow as individuals in a natural way through the course of the friendship. After all, you both have something to offer the other -- you can offer that life experience and knowledge that your buddy lacks, and they can offer you a sense of freshness and vitality that keeps the relationship new and exciting.

Saturn square Mercury

Let them speak

You may not intend to behave in a critical way toward your friend, but over time, that's the habit you'll develop if you aren't careful. When they try to express their ideas, you'll pick at their logic and expose the flaws in their thinking. If they tend to be indecisive, you'll push them to choose a practical course of action based on the alternatives available. But to them, you'll come across as meddling, critical and controlling. Your efforts to help them focus and define their thinking will feel restrictive, as if they aren't allowed to think in the way that comes most naturally to them. Worse, they might start to believe you don't recognize or appreciate their intelligence. Let your friend think and express themselves naturally -- and allow them to make mistakes. If you can do that, then this dynamic will actually have a positive outcome -- that of teaching your buddy to think more carefully and thoroughly, and you to be less critical of others' ideas and self-expression.

Saturn square Saturn

Tension will mount

You won't see eye to eye when it comes to duties and responsibility in general. This will be frustrating enough in realms that exist outside your friendship; you have very different work ethics, for example, or senses of familial duty, or convictions about money, and you'll find that you conduct yourselves very differently when it comes to these areas of life. This could be due to the difference in your ages, or backgrounds, or your belief systems. You could come to a major standoff as you both judge to other harshly. Arguments and bad feelings will only increase if you can't accept each other's positions in these areas. This doesn't have to mean the end of the friendship, but it will mean lots of communication, tolerance and compromise will be necessary.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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