The Romance and Passion Meters read your birth chart and reveal the levels of romance and passion you have been gifted with in this lifetime. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing or an uphill battle when it comes to matters of the heart.
Before you jump in, know that there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think it would be better to have a lot of sweet stuff with the Romance meter, but what you really want is balance.
Just imagine: with all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty boring (yawn). And too much passion can also ruin a relationship. Without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you just might tire your lover out, fast! A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then.
One more word of caution before you get started: Remember, no relationship or person is perfect. Even with what seems like the ideal balance of romance and passion, a romantic relationship could turn out to be a total flop. It really all boils down to our free will.
7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations
4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs
0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose
7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.
4-6: Up for it almost anytime
0-3: A bit shy and reserved
At best, you radiate leadership, passion and energy. At worst, you're self-absorbed, crass and abrupt. In reality, you're probably somewhere in between; the question is, toward which end of the continuum do you fall? No one can fault you for lack of courage. You fearlessly rush in where others tremble to go -- perhaps out of curiosity, but more likely out of a need to be first. Great at beginning things, you may not be so good at finishing them; and you probably have several (if not many!) unfinished projects tucked away in your closet or garage. With all that energy, exercise is really important for you; it keeps your body working efficiently as well as giving you an outlet for your impatience and possibly your anger. You do have a rather short temper, getting hot under the collar for little reason and occasionally bursting into tantrums. The good news is, like a thunderstorm, when your tantrums are over, they're over. Always in a hurry, you tend to speed along, inviting accidents, especially to the head. So wear a helmet to protect that vulnerable area of your body when you're riding a bike or a motorcycle! You're creative and inspiring, with a youthful verve that will keep you young beyond your years. You are refreshingly honest, and say just what you think. Not everyone finds this a pleasant trait, but you must be true to yourself.
You are blessed with good fortune and good spirits, a sort of bounce-back action that enables you to jump up and keep going even after encountering those difficult slings and arrows of life. Nothing keeps you down for long. You have a natural optimism, a faith in the future, which shines like a beacon and inspires many people around you. And indeed, the future always seems to go your way. Almost without your effort, doors open for you and the path is cleared. This occurs not so much because you ask for it as much as because your confidence that everything is going to work out is so strong that circumstances and events seem to bend themselves to your vision. You've a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge that will never be satisfied, making you a lifelong learner. Pursuing education past the required level will be important for you, and as the years go by you'll find yourself more and more drawn to the philosophical underpinnings of the universe. You seek the broader perspective, the bigger picture. Your ability to connect to others makes you a natural teacher and mentor.
You're a truly kind soul who sees the best in everyone. You are tender-hearted and supremely sensitive, physically, emotionally, and intuitively. Others love to be around you since you can tell how they feel without them having to say anything; furthermore, you respond silently to their condition and help them feel comforted. Your feelings can be easily hurt but generally you will not say anything about it. Extreme care must be taken with food and drink and medicines, and everything should be as pure as possible. Your intuitive capacity is excellent, and you are a person who needs to be attentive to your spiritual needs. A sense of devotion and feeling of reverence enables you to truly connect to the vast invisible realm that surrounds and fills every human. This sensitivity makes you quite impressionable, so you must be careful to avoid violent or disturbing images, for they deeply upset you. Your tendency to want to see the good in every situation makes you blind to certain unpleasant realities. Keep yourself grounded so you do not become too gullible or let others take advantage of your good nature.
You have an immense amount of personal power, but you tend to spend it on relationships of all sorts, including family members, lovers, and bosses. Every relationship becomes a potential arena for growth and development. That is, if you can stop projecting all your power issues onto others! As a young person, you may have not gotten along with one of your parents, or perhaps a sibling. These early challenges set up the patterns for your relational difficulties as an adult. Authority issues can be a real problem, especially if you always feel like you know more than other people, and your superiors in particular. It's important that you learn to accept your own faults and problems and not to act as if the other person is always to blame. Being stuck in this psychological condition stunts personal growth and prevents you from improving yourself or your relationships. Instead, learn to utilize other people as mirrors, showing you parts of yourself that you need to see. Pay particular attention if multiple people tell you the same thing about yourself; it's probably true! Once you learn to recognize and develop these parts of yourself, true growth will occur and your relationships will improve -- an outer manifestation of the inner change.
A little testy, aren't we? Easily frustrated? Headstrong? You're not shy, that's for sure, and you're ready to roll on a new project almost the moment it formulates in your brain. Problem is, you're so impatient that you neglect to indulge in any long-term planning, so that no matter how good your idea is, soon you are embroiled in details and engineering principles that you didn't take time to consider before you started. No wonder you have problems -- and no wonder that you wonder how you could have tripped yourself up yet again. Another problem? That short fuse of yours, which can be ignited by nothing more than a funny look or unconsidered word. Before you know it, you're in a towering rage. That would explain why your mother had you in Anger Management classes when you were seven! Seriously, this is an area where you will have your work cut out for you, and fortunately, an area where you can make a huge amount of progress. With effort and attention you can turn that short fuse into a legendary ability to express your assertion and anger in the most effective ways. And isn't that a lot better than hauling off and clobbering someone?
Your mind is like a speeding bullet, hurtling along with deadly aim. Able to absorb information at a single leap, reading at the speed of light, jumping to some amazing conclusions on very little information -- this is how your brain operates. You have a very active mind, and perhaps there are times when you wish it were far less active! It may keep you awake at night, going around in circles, reviewing the same scenarios or faulty logic over and over again. There is a playful aspect to your mind and the way you communicate; you may be a poet, or enjoy the turn of a phrase. You'd be good at word games, especially ones that don't last too long, because you've got a rather short span of attention and can easily lose focus. You prefer direct communication, saying what you think and meaning what you say. You may be rather abrupt in the way you talk, or have a fast pace of speech, hurrying your words and clipping your consonants. You have a quick mind, able to calculate figures in your head, speedily connecting ideas. When you're on the phone, you may hang up suddenly, leaving the other person feeling cut off. Make sure to say goodbye before signing off.
You're blessed with the wonderful skill of negotiation, and you're able to bring people together no matter how far apart they seem to be. You've got a great knack for finding some area where they agree, however small, and building your consensus from there. You think on your feet and are so sincere in your efforts to find agreement that others naturally lean toward you and follow your suggestions and your lead. Socially, you are a quick study when it comes to protocol, behavior, manners, and the proper way to do things. You easily adapt to the local social convention. You don't want to offend anyone so you pick up on cues and clues almost unconsciously. Your tastes are refined and you pay attention to your appearance and delivery. Quick to take advantage of invitations, opportunities, and friendships, you find yourself with a busy social calendar, because your magnetic personality is always in demand. You're a great listener, too, so friends often call to confide in you and ask for your advice. It's easy to get along with you, and you're a pleasure to work with as well as simply to be around.
Your thought processes are not quite stable and you often say things that surprise, or even shock, other people. Your conclusions are usually different from everyone else's, and you have a hard time explaining your logic, because in truth, it doesn't make much sense. Ideas and inspirations come to you in little bolts of lightning, at any time of the day or night. You have plenty of mental energy, but it is erratic and restless, so it's difficult for you to complete a learning process or educational program. You are often willful, simply refusing to do reading or tasks that are necessary to learn a specific skill. You may take the role of the devil's advocate, adopting positions that you don't even agree with in order to spark or create an argument (which you call a 'discussion'). With practice and experience, you can learn to take a more centrist approach, enabling you to develop better, more well-rounded relationships with individuals who are not so extreme or radical. When this happens, not only will your mind calm down to a great degree -- without losing its edge -- but even your body will be calmer, with a noticeable diminishment of nervous energy.
You have a wide array of interests and a broad variety of friends. In fact, all those friends are one of the keys to your enjoyment of life: Frequent lunch dates and phone calls keep you connected, and when you're connected, you're happy. When you're establishing a relationship, you do so on a mental level first. To you, that is the most important area of contact. You tend to have specific friends associated with certain activities, and your groups of friends may never interact with each other, which is perfectly okay with you. Romantic partners often start off as friends, and you usually remain friends even if the romantic nature of your relationship changes. This comes as a surprise to many, but you can detach from relationships quite easily. In fact, you have a hard time understanding people with lots of emotional baggage. The solution is simple, it seems to you. Once you're done with a person, whatever the reason, you simply wash your hands of them. Cutting old connections and keeping your boundaries clear and firm are very healthy ways of relating and a lot of people could learn some good relationship habits from you. On the other hand, you could learn some sympathy and compassion from them.
You've got a hard row to hoe when it comes to love and relationships. You want a loving relationship and to be intimate with someone, but things don't seem to go your way. You find limitations and restrictions in the love department. Unrequited love or a dearth of eligible partners may get you down. You may not feel very attractive or lovable yourself; if so, this belief radiates out from you and excludes the very thing you want to bring into your life. When you finally do connect with someone, you constantly worry that they will leave you or fall out of love with you, so it's hard for you to relax and feel comfortable or have a good time. You proceed gingerly, with caution, unable to ever just sink into the feeling of love and comfort. Your attitude is so pessimistic that you may not even recognize affection and tenderness when they are right in front of you. The most important thing you can do for yourself is to increase your sense of self-worth. When you understand how important you really are, and how your dedication and commitment can make a relationship last and last, you'll be in a better position to find yourself in the loving partnership you deserve.
You are a paragon of ambition and hard work. At an early age you knew exactly what you wanted and worked hard to achieve it. This built muscle, backbone, and good work habits in you at a very young age, giving you a head start on most of your peers. Not only are you far ahead of the crowd, but you're a faster runner. You will achieve just about anything you set your mind to, and in the rare event that you fail, you'll be able to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get back on track. On a physical level, you could be wiry and muscular, with natural athletic ability. Good form and posture are a must for you, as is regular exercise to keep up your strength and endurance. You're tough, not easily defeated by situation or circumstance. You're so serious, it may be difficult for you to relax and enjoy yourself, but fun and rest are vital for you to keep your youth and flexibility. A body that stiffens as you age is a real danger if you aren't careful to keep your joints and muscles limber. You are competitive, and when you enter a contest, you do so to win. It's a metaphor for your life.
The struggle for power and control are huge issues in your life, even if they aren't overtly expressed. It's very likely that your early childhood was dominated by someone (perhaps a parent, older sibling or other relative) who kept a firm grip on the reins of control in the household, leaving other family members feeling fearful and intimidated. These early childhood experiences continue to affect your life, even if things seem calm on the surface. Given the correct triggers, incredibly powerful subconscious emotions can surge to the surface, creating disturbing images and urges. The strength of this outpouring is a clue to the depth of your psyche, which can be a vessel for containing powerful emotions such as rage and the compulsion for absolute control. Even the expression of these emotions is extreme, ranging from a smooth exterior with a boiling underbelly to overt, heavy-handed attempts to gain power and exert domination. Unconscious motivations permeate your daily activity, and you often overreact to small episodes that you should just ignore. You use a sledgehammer when a screwdriver would do. How to overcome these difficulties and unlock your grand potential? If your temper is a problem, start with anger management. Otherwise, locate a good therapist to explore your distant past and develop ways to consciously understand the dark forces deep within you. On the physical plane, dance to primitive drumming to release intense energies.
In your ideal version of the world, you could do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and no one would ever tell you how offended they were or how rude you are, or mention all the rules you're breaking. Not that you particularly care what others think, but you'd rather not hear it in the first place. You do enjoy mixing it up, though, via disruptive behavior and shocking statements that are designed to rile up the authority figures who limit your life so needlessly. Too bad about the innocent bystanders who get caught in the crossfire. They should have known to get out of the way! You're only too happy to flout convention, impatient -- as always -- with social mores and silly rules. You much prefer living on the edge, pushing the envelope and bending regulations; you're a risk-taker and an an unbridled eccentric. You won't follow rules or heed common sense. These qualities are likely to be much stronger when you're young. As you get a little older, you're forced to face the feedback and consequences of rash actions. Impulsiveness evolves into decisive action; blind reaction gives way to focused response.
You are a seeker, one who strives to find the divine in everyday life, and who wants to understand those overarching principles that bind the world together. Naturally drawn to subjects such as religion, education theory and philosophy, you use these esoteric subjects to organize your search for the ultimate truth, a pursuit that should never end. As long as you're open and inquisitive, you are in the right mindset. The moment you think you've found the ultimate truth, you're in big trouble, for at that point, your mind snaps shut in self-righteousness. A haughty, superior, or condescending attitude can soon follow. All of this is easily avoided by keeping your mind and heart open to the wonder of the world, realizing that you will never know everything there is to know, and that it's more about the journey than the destination. Let your feet carry you far in the world, for the more experiences you're exposed to and the broader variety of people you meet along the way, the bigger your picture and the more universal your synthesis. The power of your faith, good will and generosity is immense. In many ways, you are bigger than life itself!
You are very idealistic and optimistic when it comes to your world view, and many would even say you're nothing but a dreamer. You can fantasize about your Utopia till the cows come home, but doing anything concrete to make sure it happens is another matter altogether. You'll need that gift from other parts of your chart because you won't get it here. Instead, this aspect will give you a vibrant connection with the unseen world and a deep understanding of the subtle nature of things. You have great faith in a higher being. Don't ever delude yourself that you are one, though! You're very compassionate and a champion of the underdog; if you are well enough off, you could be a philanthropist. At minimum, you will be generous with what you do have. You'd be well advised to keep some trustworthy people around you, because you're gullible and too vulnerable to being taken advantage of. Run your plans by someone more practical than you, who can ask the questions you might have forgotten. Your imaginative and spiritual life will be rich. As often as possible, you should indulge your creative side. Just be aware that you can't escape there forever; the practical world still needs your attention from time to time.
You have a refreshing and unusual way of approaching matters, and are able to think of creative solutions to many types of situations. You're not limited in your thinking or confined inside the box. You like keeping on the cutting edge of the news, especially when it comes to science or technology. In fact, you may be quite the gadget lover. In large part that's because you're able to effectively integrate technology into your life to make it easier. You could even teach others how to do the same. You like talking to other people, especially if they are different than you, and you enjoy exploring those differences and learning from them. You are tolerant. You're quick to grasp new ideas. You promptly recognize opportunities to partake in unusual and fun experiences, and you have the luck to turn those opportunities into beneficial results. Your methods may be unconventional but the outcome can't be questioned. You have a great combination of luck, smarts and skill that will carry you far. The need for personal freedom and lots of independence is especially important for you to fulfill in your personal as well as professional life.
You are a force to behold when it comes to work. Your endurance is legendary, and the amount of work you can produce is truly staggering. You strive for practical results and do not like wasted effort. Your pace is steady and methodical; some might even call it plodding. But your output cannot be disputed. A large part of your motivation for such an output of effort is security. You have a chronic, underlying fear that you will run out of money or resources -- that somehow, you will not have enough when you're old. Consequently, you may pinch pennies or have a poverty mentality when there's no reason for it, living far below your means but having plenty of savings. Part of your karmic lesson is to learn how to handle money and resources in a balanced way, neither wasting nor hoarding them. You can be frightfully stubborn and bullheaded, obstinately clinging to your position or opinion despite plenty of evidence to contradict it. On the other hand, you have an unlimited devotion and loyalty and always operate with integrity, so on many levels you are an excellent businessperson. Don't be so rigid that you can't change.
This is a generational influence that affects everyone born within a seven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, this is probably not the most important feature of your chart, but it describes some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. The Uranus-in-Libra generation is revolutionizing relationships as we know them. A proliferation of open marriages occurred at this time, as well as people living together without marriage. You and your peers require a great deal of freedom in your partnerships, and you don't particularly care for traditional relationships. As long as you both get the freedom you need, you're OK. However, you can detach quite easily if other factors in your chart support it.
Neptune is the second of the generational planets, spending fourteen years in each sign. Everyone born within that period will have Neptune in the same sign. By itself, this placement is not the most important factor in your chart; however, it symbolizes what was going on in the world at the time you were born, and this has left an imprint on you. You and members of your generation are each imbued with this particular energy, and in some ways it characterizes everyone born during this time. Each individual will express it in their own way, some more strongly than others. As a group, those born with Neptune in Sagittarius are very idealistic about religion, philosophy, education, and travel. Deception or false illusions regarding these areas is also in the mix; the ultimate purpose for you and your generation is to refine and purify spiritual practices and faith.
This aspect was in effect for decades in the 1900s, so the vast majority of people born during this period of time have this aspect in their charts. By itself, it probably doesn't mean much on an individual level, but it could be related to hidden ideals. You are participating in the spiritual rebirth that occurred during the 1900s. Your life will have significantly more meaning for you if you develop a powerful spiritual life. You have all the tools you need to do this; you must simply activate them and practice. This energy is far larger than one individual person and relates more to broad financial and political cycles than it does to the common people.
Pluto is the final generational planet. It spends so long in a sign that it affects everyone born within a sixteen-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, it is not the most important feature of your chart, since such a huge number of people share this placement. However, it does describe some general conditions that were activated at that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Pluto is all about power, and the Pluto sign of anyone in power shows how they will wield this important responsibility. The Pluto-in-Virgo generation was born between 1957 and 1972, a period of great change and upheaval, so they have revolution in their blood. This is the group that will firmly take the reins of improving the environment and that has the guts to make the sacrifices necessary to rescue the planet. They are very serious and hardworking and are sure to make a big difference for the world once they ascend to power.
I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!
Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.
That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.
Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.
Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.
You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!
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I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.
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