No one ever said Love was simple, right?
When your relationship is going well, you can feel like you’re walking on clouds, and when things are hard – well – we can come back to the ground with a bump! Every Relationship has its challenges – even the best ones – and this is where Astrology can be a wonderful tool for guidance!
Your Personal Relationship Forecast Calculators are a glance into the future, revealing which areas of your relationship are likely to experience sweet, sweet harmony and which areas hold dynamic change and excitement!
The handy and easy-to-read Bar Graphs show you the six major categories of your relationship:
With Astrology, we can empower ourselves to prepare better for rocky times ahead, or enjoy the ride if things are effortless and easy – and learn to appreciate the areas in our relationship that are going well!
Perhaps there are a few obstacles when it comes to Communication right now, but your Love & Values are in perfect harmony with your partner, making these strengths you can to turn to in times of stress! And the best thing about Astrology is that you learn that “this too shall pass”, helping you and your sweetheart gain a bit of perspective when the going gets tough. And who wants things to be too easy anyway? Growth can never happen when a Relationship is too harmonious, so embracing excitement and dynamism is a perfect way to ramp up any stagnant energy!
So, go ahead and empower yourself and your Relationship with these Personalized Relationship Forecast Calculators and let the energy of the Stars and Planets be your guide when it comes to Love and Romance!
The Sun in Astrology is a huge influence on how well you get along in a relationship. Just as the Sun is the center of the Universe; it is also the center of your relationship. It is the core of you, your partner and your relationship. If two people clash, this is the first place to look when it comes to Astrology. The bar graph will indicate how well each of you is connected to each other... Read more
Mercury in Astrology is linked to expression - intellectual, witty, and repartee describe the energy of this little planet. It influences how you communicate in your relationship - verbal and non-verbal. Are you being heard and understood by your partner right now? How about listening, really listening to each other at this time? When the bar graph is long, this indicates the communication... Read more
Venus in Astrology is the love planet. Love, friendship, affection and romance are elements of this planet. It influences how you give and receive love and what you are attracted to at this time. When the bar graph is long, this indicates romance is top priority in the relationship right now. If the bar graph line is medium in length, the love and attraction you have for... Read more
Mars in Astrology is the planet representing our physical urges. Passion, sex, and aggression are all expressions this planet’s energy. Mars influences your sex-appeal, seduction and sizzle. Fighting and frustration also fall within this planet’s realm. When the bar graph is long, this indicates your passions are ignited with lots of excitement – both positive and negative.... Read more
Jupiter in Astrology signifies expansiveness. The elements of Jupiter are growth, expansion, and forthcomings. It’s also the planet of hope, optimism and luck. These elements influence your ability to grow with your partner and to broaden your relationship horizons together. Do you feel you’re growing together or growing apart, right now? This graph will tell if the relationship is in... Read more
Saturn in Astrology represents karma, challenges and conformity. This planet is all about reality, discipline and commitment. It’s the glue that holds your relationship in place, but it requires us to face those sticky issues and work through them together as a couple. It’s also about boundaries. Are you being respectful of your partner's boundaries; is your partner respecting yours? When the bar graph is long, this... Read more
Before 10/31/2024 to Nov 8
Whatever projects face you as a couple, the next couple of weeks are the time to tackle them together. Your combined energies are running high -- much higher than the sum of your two parts -- and you're both feeling motivated. Starting a fitness routine together will go well now, because you're both really into making positive moves toward the future. A nice, light, healthy sense of competition exists between you at the moment -- just enough to give you that extra kick, but not so much that spats will break out between you. If they do, they'll make you laugh! But in general, you'll be able to work together now like a smooth-running, well-oiled machine. Getting the house cleaned, the cars washed and the yard raked is easier now than usual, too, so take advantage of this energy. A good date now is one that's more active than just dinner and a movie: Go out dancing together, or if the weather is nice, take a walk outside. Go for a bike ride or rent a canoe for a day on the water. Now is also a great time to join a couples' softball or soccer team and get active with other couples looking to have some sporty fun.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Nov 6
What kind of relationship do you each want, and what kind of lover and partner do you want to be? Think about the answers to those questions, because the next year of your relationship will be about making positive innovations to create exactly the unique sort of bond that you dream of. There's a subtle current of excitement running just beneath the surface of things, making your day-to-day interactions more fun and interesting. New friends will also play a role in the uniqueness of your experiences this year, so go out as much as you can and nurture new relationships. You both have a taste for something new and different, so don't try to stick to your usual routine. Instead, switch it up: Try out a new restaurant, one that serves spicy, exotic food that challenges your palates. Better yet, travel to the foreign country where that cuisine comes from, and experience it in person! Since this period is about the easing up of restrictions, that could apply to a tight schedule or budget as well -- meaning you two will have more time and money this year to make your dreams come true. If that's the case, use it to expand your lives and your perception of what's possible.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Feb 18
During the next two to three years, the focus of your relationship should be on making positive changes -- ones that have been waiting in the wings for some time, and that will make things better between you in the long run. Whether it's establishing better communication, greater respect, a firmer sense of trust or what have you, you can take steps now toward making it happen. Old, bad habits of behavior can now be swept out, too. If jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation or control have been issues between you, now you have the focus and willpower it takes to look closely at these issues, figure out their sources, talk them out and let them go forever. This is also a great period for working together to get in shape. Joining a gym, stepping up your exercise program, cleaning up your eating habits -- all of these are excellent projects to tackle together during this time, because you can act as sources of support and motivation for each other. When it comes to not-so-fun endeavors like eating better and getting in shape, it's always more fun to do it with a buddy. So why not do it with your closest, most intimate pal?
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Nov 2 | Exact: Nov 1, 2024
This week is about getting in touch with the more refined and serious side of your relationship. You can talk out problems and quietly reaffirm your deep, loving feelings for each other, and solidify your commitment. You're both feeling even more loyal than usual, and you're grounded together in a warm, sweet feeling of togetherness. Your minds are attuned now to things of value; you might invest together in a business, furniture, jewelry or property, as long as it's something that you know will only increase in value. Neither one of you is interested in something flashy but fleeting just now, and that goes for the relationship itself as well as whatever products or services you're eyeing together. Instead, you want quality and longevity. You're both sensible enough at the moment to know that, like any long journey, your relationship will hit some bumps in the road from time to time; your connection won't always feel as genuine and heartfelt as it does right now. But it's times like these that prepare you for those future moments of doubt. You'll be able to look back on this week and remember what it feels like to be so truly bonded, so solidly together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 31 to Nov 3
You probably won't have much downtime together during this fun, active ten-day period. If you're on the couch watching TV together, you're both laughing and yelling at the TV; if you're trying to take a nap together, new thoughts and ideas will keep popping into both of your heads, and you'll just have to get it out. And when you're apart, the phone calls, emails and IMs will be never-ending. What fun! But even more than fun, this is a real opportunity to get to know each other even better than ever before. You'll amaze each other with your honesty and your insights. You'll open up in ways that you usually don't. And you may even surprise yourselves with what comes out of your mouth when the two of you are together. Because of all the heightened clarity of communication going on, this is an excellent time for making plans and decisions together. As a team, you can weigh out all the pros and cons of a situation and decide together where to go next. If there's something important or serious on your horizons -- an upcoming new job, move or other change -- you can talk things out and make sure that both of you are comfortable with where things are going.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 6 to Nov 9 | Exact: Nov 7, 2024
Take a class together this week in something that interests both of you, or even in a subject that's brand-new; or read a book together, or watch a history show on TV. In some way, you both want to be enlightened when you get together now. You want to use your minds and talk over all the ideas that come into your heads. Your energy is sparked up when you get together, and for now, instead of being sexual, it's intellectual. You're both feeling chatty and communicative, and ideas are important to you -- not just what happened to each of you today, but how it made you feel and what it made you think of. You can expect to stay up late chatting at least a few nights this week; when you get together, you'll both feel that energy humming in your veins, making you listen up, tune in and focus. You may have a lot of busy work to take care of together, such as paying bills, negotiating contracts and the like. If so, you'll tackle it as a team and it will only add to the feeling that you're working together in a fun and interesting way. It would be a good idea to get outside this week and get some exercise, just to help burn off some of that energy!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 7 to Nov 10 | Exact: Nov 10, 2024
What's up, lovebirds? That's you two this week -- a couple of lovebirds sitting together in the sun, cooing softly as you stroke each other's feathers. This should be a fun week; any tensions in your relationship are alleviated as you reconnect with all the reasons why you adore each other. Your attraction toward each other reaches a definite high this week, so make sure to leave time for a little one-on-one behind closed doors! Getting together with friends is also a priority now, as is getting out of the house, so you probably won't want to spend all your time together in the bedroom. The only thing you may not want to do together this week is the not-so-fun stuff -- cleaning, arguing, taking care of whatever business may be on your plates... But that's okay. This is a relatively short period and it should be enjoyed for its own sake. Dinner parties with friends are especially fun now, as are shopping trips. Even window shopping gives you a kick, because it will fill your minds with ideas for all the things you want to purchase in the future -- but dropping some cash on something fun might feel even better now, whether you can afford it or not!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 8 to Nov 11 | Exact: Nov 10, 2024
As a couple, you're both at your articulate, sociable and attractive best this week. Important social functions -- such as fundraisers or dinner with the boss -- go even better than they would have if you'd each attended alone. Other people are impressed by what a friendly, intelligent and good-looking duo you make! And there's nothing like a good impression to grease those wheels. But the current energy isn't wasted on simple social gatherings or one-on-one dates, either. You're both feeling much more like getting along than going head-to-head on any subject, so conversations go smoothly now. In fact, this would be a good time to have a little talk about any problems that have been affecting your relationship lately. You'll be able to articulate yourselves better than usual, and you'll both place harmony over all else, making it easier to stay calm and get along. But don't feel as though you have to spend this period discussing heavy issues. This is a time to be light of heart. A great date now might be to a gallery opening or a botanical garden -- someplace where you can soak up the beauty together, and revel in the sweetness of your connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 9 to Nov 12 | Exact: Nov 11, 2024
A good date for you two this week might be to rent a bunch of Hitchcock films and have a private screening party, with just the two of you in attendance -- because your minds are sharp now and you're both in the mood for a little mental sleuthing. You both want to know what's going on under the surface of things, including your relationship and each other, so you may also have some interesting discussions this week, ones that dig deeply into who you both are as people and what makes your relationship tick in the way that it does. Neither one of you is satisfied now with easy, glib answers, so your conversations will be long, multifaceted and far-reaching -- but in a fun way. Neither one of you is out to make the other feel defensive; instead, you're both feeling rather open and vulnerable in a good way. Furthermore, you're quite observant as a couple now. Getting together with friends could be extra interesting, because you'll both want to go home afterwards and discuss everything you saw, heard and sensed. Yep, even your close friends are fodder now for your keen and probing minds!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 13 to Nov 19 | Exact: Nov 17, 2024
This ten-day period may not be a barrel of monkeys for the two of you; the focus is off laughter and romance and on taking care of business. But what a lot of business you can tackle this week, when you work as a team. You're disciplined and focused when you're together; when one of you starts to stray from the task at hand, the other can gently bring you back around again. When you put your heads together, you can work out almost any snag, solve almost any problem. All of those skills are your forte now as a couple, and you should certainly put them to use in whatever arena is appropriate. Do you have some paperwork to finalize together, or a project around the house that needs attention? Does one of you have a family situation that needs resolving, something that could go more smoothly if you both work on it together? Whatever it is, give it your attention as a team now. You can also help each other simply with working on or understanding something on a personal level, such as an interesting problem in your school work or career. Now would also be a good time to help each other brainstorm ways to chat up your boss for a raise or promotion.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 14 to Dec 22 | Exact: Nov 22, 2024
Over the next few months, you'll enjoy a balanced view of your relationship -- one that is both optimistic and practical. Rather than being idealistic about what you can achieve together, which often leads to disappointment down the line, now you're realistic about your bond. You know what you want to achieve together and how to make it happen, and this period offers you the perfect opportunity to set your goals in motion. You can make solid plans together now, ones that are based in a clear sense of reality and a willingness to really apply yourselves to the task at hand. This period could be a trust-building one for you both, because it will show you that you're both invested and involved in the relationship. You're truly a team now, and you should take advantage of this dynamic. Examine the hopes and goals you have as a couple. Which ones are realistic, and which ones are little more than pipe dreams? Discard the pipe dreams, but make the workable ones a reality. If you apply yourselves and your energies throughout this period, you'll come through it a stronger, closer couple, and you'll be much closer to the relationship and the life you've been dreaming of.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 15 to Nov 18 | Exact: Nov 17, 2024
During a week like this one, it's best not to try too hard to stick to the status quo you two have established for your relationship. Instead, embrace the unexpected moments of sweetness that will arise, because that's what the current energy is all about -- spontaneous expression of your affection for each other. You're both feeling a little more energetic and playful than usual. You want to connect with each other in a new way, so don't close yourselves off to your sweetie's suggestions -- and open yourselves up to exploring your own fantasies! This could be a really fun period if you open yourself up to all things wild, weird and wonderful. Also, stay open to unexpected get-togethers with old friends and new acquaintances. If you say yes to all social invitations -- and you should -- you're bound to get into something fun and new and different from what you normally do. And what could be better than that? If you let it, this period will go a long way toward revitalizing your interest in the relationship and broadening your sense of what's possible between the two of you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 18 to Nov 22 | Exact: Nov 19, 2024
Things feel sweet and easy this week. Your bond is a source of pleasure, support and warmth for both of you. Things just feel natural and right. Any recent tensions that have been bugging you fall away, or at least recede into the background. So take advantage of all the good energy -- get out of the house together for some fun to strengthen and renew your connection. It's the perfect time for a romantic date or to get together with friends for board games, dinner parties or a pickup softball game -- anything fun and active that will make you laugh and bring you closer together! And if there have been any recent tensions marring the surface of your relationship, this might be a good time to address them. It's fine if you want to just enjoy the sweetness of the moment and not discuss heavy subjects, but if you do decide to tackle some little issue between you, you'll both be more receptive now to listening calmly. If an argument results, it shouldn't get too heated, because you both have the best interests of the relationship in mind now. But keeping things simple, sweet and friendly may be your best bet. Every relationship can benefit from a period of warmth like this.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 24 to Nov 28 | Exact: Nov 27, 2024
You can really get through to each other this week. Sometimes communicating can be so confusing, even downright difficult, but right now those pathways are wide open, making it a grand time to put your heads together and connect. If the air needs clearing, make it happen now: You can say what you mean, mean what you say and really get through to each other. Also take some time this week to take stock of the relationship as a whole, either together or each on your own. Think about what you hoped the relationship would be as compared to what it has turned out to be. Are things going the way you'd hope? Is it turning out to meet or exceed your dreams? Here's hoping that the answers to both are a resounding 'yes' -- but if not, not to worry. This period is perfect for getting things back on track if they've gone off-course. Plan a summit meeting -- er, date -- to get together, connect, talk, make plans for the future and focus on any areas of the relationship that aren't living up to their potential. And finally, remember that things don't have to be so serious! While there's a wonderfully clear-headed energy now, it's also a great week just to make each other laugh.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 24 to Dec 18 | Exact: 12/05/2024,12/07/2024
The next couple of weeks should bring a lot of fun activity and communication to your lives. This is the perfect time to take a trip together and visit a relative or an old friend; it's also a good time to negotiate any business that may be before you as a couple. Conversation flows, so long stretches on the road together or in a plane will be a snap; you'll wonder where the hours went after you've chatted the time away. And don't neglect your friends during this period. When you two join the party, everyone has a better time, because you're both in such a good mood -- you're talkative, charming, persuasive, and everyone wants to be in your warm, friendly orbit. If you use this period only for social pursuits, it certainly won't be wasted; you'll have a good time together and you'll both feel energized by your connection. But if there's any business to take care of together, don't miss this opportunity. As charming and convincing as you two are right now, you could sell a bicycle to a fish. With this smooth-talking, humorous gift you have, you could really grease the wheels with your loan officer or anyone else you're trying to do business with.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 28 to Dec 2 | Exact: Dec 2, 2024
You're both full to the brim this week with sweet, soft feelings of affection. Your relationship feels like a nice, safe haven to come home to; you offer each other a lot of tenderness and support now, and it just feels right. If either of you has felt stressed out lately, this week could be just what you need to start feeling good again. You don't even need to try very hard to romance each other's socks off; this is the kind of period when a foot massage, a few murmured words of affection or a single rose will sweep you off your feet. So spend some time on romance, because your connection will definitely benefit from it. If you live together, this is a wonderful time to buy something new and beautiful together to make your surroundings even more reflective of your bond as a couple. It's a great time to purchase artwork! Or, cook, make a painting or write a short story together. You're even more creative now as a couple than you are as individuals, and activities like these will really strengthen your bond. It's a great time to get together with friends. Invite them over for a dinner party; you'll all have a great time laughing together and enjoying the sumptuous spread.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 30 to Dec 4 | Exact: Dec 3, 2024
Whatever unpleasantness you've been dealing with together, whether its source is within your relationship itself or outside of it, now you've got a little window of time and energy to deal with it once and for all. This ten-day period is about facing down your issues as a team and tackling them together with the sudden, creative determination that both of you feel inside yourselves. New solutions to old problems seem to pop up out of nowhere whenever you're together. You inspire each other now to be creative and proactive, and the results could be truly amazing! This is a great time to transform whatever needs it -- your home, your outlook on life, your relationship itself. Any problems can be pulled out by the roots like a weed, because your understanding is deep right now and your mutual perceptions are keen. It's like that old saying, 'Two heads are better than one' -- that's really the truth about you two at the moment. This is only a ten-day period, so take advantage. Put your heads together to fix whatever needs fixing, whether it's physical, such as something around the house, or emotional, such as the way the two of you communicate.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 1 to Dec 6 | Exact: Dec 2, 2024
This ten-day period may not be a barrel of monkeys for the two of you; the focus is off laughter and romance and on taking care of business. But what a lot of business you can tackle this week, when you work as a team. You're disciplined and focused when you're together; when one of you starts to stray from the task at hand, the other can gently bring you back around again. When you put your heads together, you can work out almost any snag, solve almost any problem. All of those skills are your forte now as a couple, and you should certainly put them to use in whatever arena is appropriate. Do you have some paperwork to finalize together, or a project around the house that needs attention? Does one of you have a family situation that needs resolving, something that could go more smoothly if you both work on it together? Whatever it is, give it your attention as a team now. You can also help each other simply with working on or understanding something on a personal level, such as an interesting problem in your school work or career. Now would also be a good time to help each other brainstorm ways to chat up your boss for a raise or promotion.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 3 to Dec 8 | Exact: Dec 4, 2024
You two are in the mood to spend time together and with friends, enjoying your connection and making each other happy. This should be a really nice week! No, you probably won't get a lot done, but that's fine for now. You're both feeling very loving toward each other, and it's good to indulge that feeling -- since so often it can get submerged beneath all your day-to-day duties and worries and the little tribulations of life. Now, you can just enjoy each other's company. This is a great time to go out on a date together, or to stay in -- or invite friends over for a dinner party. You could even make some new, fast friends together, because you're both at your charming best now, and as a duo, well, you'll make everyone laugh and feel completely at ease! And when your friends leave for the evening, you two will have a great time cuddling up and getting romantic. The sense of attraction and affection between you is strong now, and you should indulge it. Don't worry about cleaning the house or doing the dishes; those things can wait. This period should about the two of you, reaffirming the very wonderful and satisfying bond between you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 5 to Dec 10 | Exact: Dec 9, 2024
The sense of loyalty between the two of you can really increase during this ten-day period. Suddenly, you're both very conscious of your commitment to each other and to the relationship itself, and you're both feeling solid and stable in your bond. This is a great time to put your heads together and get some serious work done in important areas of the relationship, whether that's paying the bills, fixing or cleaning things around the house or having a serious discussion about something that's important to both of you. This is also the perfect time to make long-range plans as a couple, because you're both quite realistic about what you can and can't expect out of the relationship. Do you want to travel more as a couple? Get married? Buy a house together, or move to a new city? Have children someday? Whatever your long-term goals might be, you can discuss them now and start making some serious plans. Whatever plans you make now will be good ones, because when you put your heads together, you don't just have an eye for detail -- you've got four! Together you can think realistically now about what you want and how you can make it happen.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 7 to Dec 10
A good date for you two this week might be to rent a bunch of Hitchcock films and have a private screening party, with just the two of you in attendance -- because your minds are sharp now and you're both in the mood for a little mental sleuthing. You both want to know what's going on under the surface of things, including your relationship and each other, so you may also have some interesting discussions this week, ones that dig deeply into who you both are as people and what makes your relationship tick in the way that it does. Neither one of you is satisfied now with easy, glib answers, so your conversations will be long, multifaceted and far-reaching -- but in a fun way. Neither one of you is out to make the other feel defensive; instead, you're both feeling rather open and vulnerable in a good way. Furthermore, you're quite observant as a couple now. Getting together with friends could be extra interesting, because you'll both want to go home afterwards and discuss everything you saw, heard and sensed. Yep, even your close friends are fodder now for your keen and probing minds!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 8 to Dec 12
As a couple, you're both at your articulate, sociable and attractive best this week. Important social functions -- such as fundraisers or dinner with the boss -- go even better than they would have if you'd each attended alone. Other people are impressed by what a friendly, intelligent and good-looking duo you make! And there's nothing like a good impression to grease those wheels. But the current energy isn't wasted on simple social gatherings or one-on-one dates, either. You're both feeling much more like getting along than going head-to-head on any subject, so conversations go smoothly now. In fact, this would be a good time to have a little talk about any problems that have been affecting your relationship lately. You'll be able to articulate yourselves better than usual, and you'll both place harmony over all else, making it easier to stay calm and get along. But don't feel as though you have to spend this period discussing heavy issues. This is a time to be light of heart. A great date now might be to a gallery opening or a botanical garden -- someplace where you can soak up the beauty together, and revel in the sweetness of your connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 9 to Dec 22 | Exact: Dec 15, 2024
Take a class together this week in something that interests both of you, or even in a subject that's brand-new; or read a book together, or watch a history show on TV. In some way, you both want to be enlightened when you get together now. You want to use your minds and talk over all the ideas that come into your heads. Your energy is sparked up when you get together, and for now, instead of being sexual, it's intellectual. You're both feeling chatty and communicative, and ideas are important to you -- not just what happened to each of you today, but how it made you feel and what it made you think of. You can expect to stay up late chatting at least a few nights this week; when you get together, you'll both feel that energy humming in your veins, making you listen up, tune in and focus. You may have a lot of busy work to take care of together, such as paying bills, negotiating contracts and the like. If so, you'll tackle it as a team and it will only add to the feeling that you're working together in a fun and interesting way. It would be a good idea to get outside this week and get some exercise, just to help burn off some of that energy!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 10 to Mar 30 | Exact: Feb 4, 2025
You should definitely try to get out of town together at some point during the next few months, at least for a fun weekend fling. Even a day's drive into the country would be a wonderful way to enjoy each other's company and your time together -- but in fact, getting away from home isn't necessary now. At least, you don't have to leave town to enjoy all the benefits and sweetness of the current energy; that's just one way to amuse yourselves. You can also stay home and invite over all your friends for brunch or a backyard barbecue, or accept every invitation that comes your way. Attend friends' weddings, go out dancing together, attend parties, get together with another couple for dinner...whatever it is, you two are up for it. You both want to have as much fun as possible now, and that shouldn't be difficult. You're suddenly surrounded by friends who can't seem to get enough of your company! And right in the middle of the laughing, chatting, happy crowd, there's the two of you, in each other's arms, gazing into each other's eyes with the big, goofy grin of two people very much in love. That's what the next few months are all about. Enjoy it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 11 to Dec 16 | Exact: Dec 12, 2024
Whatever else you do this week, you should both be sure to spend some time putting your feelings for each other into words. Get as creative as you want with this sweet, romantic little project; your imaginations are sparked and you've both got love on your minds. Write a poem just for your honey; paint the way they make you feel on a canvas; or just send them an email telling them how cute and funny and all-around wonderful you think they are. This is a time to express your mutual affection in whatever style works best for you. It's also a good time to discuss issues between you that would normally make things tense, because you're both focused now on harmony and sweetness, and unless there are other factors making things difficult between you, any discussions about the relationship or about your needs or desires should go well. You both want to please each other, and you both want to maintain the harmony, so it will take a lot to start an argument. A great date now will be something that you can discuss together afterward -- a movie, an art exhibit, a poetry reading, perhaps. Anything that stimulates conversation and creativity is right up your alley!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 13 to Dec 19 | Exact: Dec 17, 2024
You'll both be swept away this week on the power and intensity of your feelings for each other. Suddenly, the love that exists between you is like a living, breathing organism, or an electric current of energy that runs between you and binds you like a cord. You're both aware of each other now in a way that you may not remember experiencing before, and this energy is rare and precious, so you should both honor and enjoy it. Your sexual experiences with each other will be incredible now, to say the least -- passionate, full of ardor, a deeply moving experience for you both. You're in tune with each other at a deep level, possibly one that's deeper than either of you can fully understand; and that's fine. In fact, you'll both enjoy trying to get to the gold -- the pure, potent source of connection that draws you together and keeps you there, even through the rough times. This would be a good time to explore together the ins and outs of your relationship, in fact, especially if you've been dealing with any issues together of late. Now you can really get to the bottom of things -- the core of the core, so to speak.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 15 to Dec 18 | Exact: Dec 18, 2024
Don't try to get much done that's serious or business-oriented this week, because your hearts just won't be in it and you could end up missing important details, even if you're working together. Instead, this period should be about romance and relaxation, and nurturing the intuitive connection you share. You're both feeling extra tender and in tune with each other, and you'll want to avoid arguments even more than difficult or detailed work. Now is the perfect time to do something really romantic together, whether it's just cuddling together on the couch and sharing your dreams and fantasies or something more imaginative than that. A good date now might be attending a play, a poetry reading or a gallery opening, but you'll also be perfectly content with staying home and renting a movie. Napping together is also fun now, and you might both need the rest -- your combined energy levels are low at the moment. Indulging in dreams and fantasies is the main focus of this period. When you have to be apart, taking care of the business of your day, be sure to call up your sweetie or send them an email to let them know you're thinking of them.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 15 to Dec 20 | Exact: Dec 16, 2024
Any problems or issues the two of you may have been experiencing of late should be alleviated by this warm and affectionate period. And if things have been rolling along smoothly in your relationship, then this period will only serve to underscore the sense of love, affection, attraction and trust that you share. Good feelings abound this week; you both want nothing more than to enjoy each other's company and revel in the bond that you share. Staying home together, cooking, laughing and relaxing, would be a wonderful way to spend this time, as would getting together with friends. You're both in the mood for a party now, in fact, so accept all invitations that come your way. Laughter, after all, is good for the soul, as are togetherness, community, fun and romance. You should definitely take it easy together now. Your energy isn't so much low as mellow; you're less in the mood to go play a pickup game of soccer together than to lounge around, enjoying good food and drink, or just cuddling and enjoying the sensations you can bring each other through caresses and sweet murmurings of affection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 16 to Dec 20 | Exact: Dec 19, 2024
As long as you're working together, as a team, you can get a lot done during this ten-day period. On your own, one or both of you could be feeling lazy or less than motivated; but there's a certain energy that's sparked up when you're together now, and you can really give each other that little kick in the pants that you might need to get out into the world and get active. This is a great time for just about any kind of project or endeavor as a couple: You could take a trip together, and explore someplace you've never been before; you could go work out at the gym together; you could do a deep-cleaning session at home, each of you tackling a different corner and working together to really make things shine. It's really up to the two of you. Sports and board games will be especially fun for you now, because there's a fun, healthy little element of competition infusing the relationship that will make both of you put in a little extra effort. Physical activity is highlighted now, so needless to say, this is a great time for a little action in the bedroom. You're both feeling just a bit daring, and you'll challenge each other to take things further than you would on your own.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 17 to Dec 22 | Exact: Dec 21, 2024
You two can really get other people on your side this week, and you can also appeal to each other to maximum effect. What projects do you have underway that you need help on? Are you moving, painting your kitchen, building a doghouse or a new fence? Whatever it is, ask for help -- of each other, if you've been working alone, or of your mutual friends, if you've been doing it together. A team effort will really give it the push it needs. You're both very much in the mood for fun, so make it a good time by cooking up a big mess of food and passing out the paper plates. But this week shouldn't be all about work or projects; in fact, you two are probably feeling more lazy than industrious at the moment. You both just want to lie around, laughing together and generally enjoying each other's company. That big mess of food is still a good idea, though; throw a dinner party or a back yard barbecue, and invite everyone you know. A rollicking bash is just the thing to put a smile on your faces and make you both feel great! A road trip would be another way to expand your horizons and have fun together. Whatever you get up to, the outlook is rosy.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 18 to Dec 24 | Exact: Dec 23, 2024
As a couple, you're both at your articulate, sociable and attractive best this week. Important social functions -- such as fundraisers or dinner with the boss -- go even better than they would have if you'd each attended alone. Other people are impressed by what a friendly, intelligent and good-looking duo you make! And there's nothing like a good impression to grease those wheels. But the current energy isn't wasted on simple social gatherings or one-on-one dates, either. You're both feeling much more like getting along than going head-to-head on any subject, so conversations go smoothly now. In fact, this would be a good time to have a little talk about any problems that have been affecting your relationship lately. You'll be able to articulate yourselves better than usual, and you'll both place harmony over all else, making it easier to stay calm and get along. But don't feel as though you have to spend this period discussing heavy issues. This is a time to be light of heart. A great date now might be to a gallery opening or a botanical garden -- someplace where you can soak up the beauty together, and revel in the sweetness of your connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 21 to Dec 25 | Exact: Dec 25, 2024
A good date for you two this week might be to rent a bunch of Hitchcock films and have a private screening party, with just the two of you in attendance -- because your minds are sharp now and you're both in the mood for a little mental sleuthing. You both want to know what's going on under the surface of things, including your relationship and each other, so you may also have some interesting discussions this week, ones that dig deeply into who you both are as people and what makes your relationship tick in the way that it does. Neither one of you is satisfied now with easy, glib answers, so your conversations will be long, multifaceted and far-reaching -- but in a fun way. Neither one of you is out to make the other feel defensive; instead, you're both feeling rather open and vulnerable in a good way. Furthermore, you're quite observant as a couple now. Getting together with friends could be extra interesting, because you'll both want to go home afterwards and discuss everything you saw, heard and sensed. Yep, even your close friends are fodder now for your keen and probing minds!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 21 to Mar 20 | Exact: 01/08/2025,03/02/2025
You two are newly in touch with the power that comes from your connection, and you can achieve amazing things over the next few months as a result. Pay attention now, and your knowledge will increase. You're both soaking up information like sponges, and when you put your heads together you can really connect some dots. You're also making great impressions on people in a position to help you, such as loan officers, realtors and the like. Whomever you need to impress to move forward on your projects, now you can make it happen. Try not to be purely self-motivated during this period, though. Your best results will come when you work not only in your own interests, but for the community around you. For example, if you're meeting with architects to discuss building a house, find one that employs green building techniques to ensure that your future home has a soft impact on the environment. If you're taking a class together in a new subject, you can bring your knowledge home and teach a friend all the things you've learned. This period should be about getting in touch with your power as a team in order to make positive progress.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 25 to Dec 29 | Exact: Dec 28, 2024
You think you know someone... But then they turn around and surprise you, in the best way! Suddenly, you both realize that there's a lot more to each other and to your relationship than you knew about yesterday. This ten-day period is all about having your eyes opened in some fun and exciting ways, so don't stick to your normal routine. Get out of the house and do something you've never done before -- try a new kind of cuisine for dinner, or try out a new sport together. Anything active and just a little bit daring would be right up your alley now, because you've both got a taste for excitement. If you do stay in, you can bring that excitement to your intimate moments, trying new ways of showing each other just how much you mean to each other. Ooh, la la! Isn't it fun to realize that you can keep surprising and inspiring each other every day, no matter how long you've been together or how well you think you know each other? You're both truly being yourselves now, and you're inspiring and delighting each other in the process. Anything fun and spontaneous is highlighted: an impromptu day trip, cliff diving, a trip to an amusement park... Just enjoy each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 26 to Dec 31 | Exact: Dec 30, 2024
This ten-day period may not be a barrel of monkeys for the two of you; the focus is off laughter and romance and on taking care of business. But what a lot of business you can tackle this week, when you work as a team. You're disciplined and focused when you're together; when one of you starts to stray from the task at hand, the other can gently bring you back around again. When you put your heads together, you can work out almost any snag, solve almost any problem. All of those skills are your forte now as a couple, and you should certainly put them to use in whatever arena is appropriate. Do you have some paperwork to finalize together, or a project around the house that needs attention? Does one of you have a family situation that needs resolving, something that could go more smoothly if you both work on it together? Whatever it is, give it your attention as a team now. You can also help each other simply with working on or understanding something on a personal level, such as an interesting problem in your school work or career. Now would also be a good time to help each other brainstorm ways to chat up your boss for a raise or promotion.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 2 to Jan 14 | Exact: Jan 12, 2025
Whatever projects face you as a couple, the next couple of weeks are the time to tackle them together. Your combined energies are running high -- much higher than the sum of your two parts -- and you're both feeling motivated. Starting a fitness routine together will go well now, because you're both really into making positive moves toward the future. A nice, light, healthy sense of competition exists between you at the moment -- just enough to give you that extra kick, but not so much that spats will break out between you. If they do, they'll make you laugh! But in general, you'll be able to work together now like a smooth-running, well-oiled machine. Getting the house cleaned, the cars washed and the yard raked is easier now than usual, too, so take advantage of this energy. A good date now is one that's more active than just dinner and a movie: Go out dancing together, or if the weather is nice, take a walk outside. Go for a bike ride or rent a canoe for a day on the water. Now is also a great time to join a couples' softball or soccer team and get active with other couples looking to have some sporty fun.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 4 to Jan 7 | Exact: Jan 7, 2025
This should be a fun week for the two of you. Whatever may have been going on between you lately, all of a sudden you both feel excited, energetic, turned on and tuned in. Your conversations are fast-paced and lively; you're making each other laugh and listen up instead of tuning out, as you may sometimes do. This is a great week to launch a new plan or project, because when you're together, you're not just about talk; you're about action. You don't want to just fantasize about taking a vacation together; you actually want to get online, buy the plane tickets and reserve the hotel room, making the fantasy a reality. You don't want to sit around sighing, 'Wouldn't it be great if...' Instead, you want to make it happen. This proactive energy can be put toward just about anything -- getting the house cleaned up, making that dream vacation a reality, even launching an entrepreneurial project together. As a duo, you're as impressive now as you are to each other as individuals, so it's a great time to get out there and chat people up, asking for the favors that you need. You can really make things happen now if you just put your minds to it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 5 to Jan 11 | Exact: Jan 10, 2025
If you go out together this week, don't make it your usual restaurant, and skip the usual dinner-and-a-movie get-together for something more unique and unusual. An interesting energy is created whenever you're together now, and you could really have some eye-opening experiences as a couple if you commit to varying the routine. If you live together, this is a great time to redecorate, but again, don't do things in the usual way. Your focus as a couple now should be on anything that's different -- anything that gives you that sense of being alive, that feeling that the universe is limitless, and you've only uncovered a tiny corner of it yet. There's so far to go! This is always true, of course, but normally we get too caught up in the day-to-day minutiae of life to remember that the world holds far more than we've ever dreamed of or imagined. Now, you can get back in touch with that feeling of newness, as a couple. Take an impromptu weekend trip, or play hooky together from work. Buy a piece of abstract art and display it proudly in the living room. Do something -- anything -- that's outside your usual beat. You'll discover amazing things if you do.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 11 to Jan 13 | Exact: Jan 13, 2025
Your conversations go places neither of you expects this week -- fun places, ones that make you both laugh and tune in for more. Your imaginations are sparked when you're together now, and you want to have fun. This is definitely a good week to forego the usual dinner-and-a-movie type of date in favor of something more unique and intellectual. If you do see a movie together, make it something challenging -- a documentary or a foreign film, maybe, something thought-provoking that will spur conversation between you when the film ends. This is the kind of period that renews your interest in the relationship itself, because you're both suddenly reminded that things are a lot more interesting and unusual than you ordinarily realize. The longer you're together, the more you might slip into a pattern of discussing mainly trivial, mundane subjects, like the minutiae of your days at work or what you need to pick up at the grocery store. That's why times like these are so fun: They remind you of what it was like in the beginning, when your minds ranged far and wide and you turned each other on just through conversation and mental exploration of the unknown.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 15 to Jan 21 | Exact: Jan 17, 2025
Your relationship is a warm and friendly place to be right now. You both feel open, attractive, accessible -- basically, how you wish you could feel every day! So take advantage of this week-long period. The strengths of your bond are at the forefront now, and you can really enjoy each other's company. You should get along well; even arguments can easily be kept within the realm of fun, friendly debates or gentle, flirtatious ribbing. You should get a lot of pleasure just out of being together, whether you're doing something calm, like watching TV together, or something more active, like going on a date or out with friends. This period can also serve as a really nice respite from any recent stresses, whether they've occurred in your own, personal lives or within the relationship itself. Now you can be happy and calm, and optimistic about the future of your relationship. You can tune in to each other and the bond you've created together. It really is a nice connection you've got, isn't it? And there's a lot of love and affection there between you. So enjoy it! It should be easy now to make a point of exchanging plenty of smiles, kisses and affectionate words.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 21 to Jan 27 | Exact: Jan 25, 2025
This week you two should set aside time for some quality interactions, because suddenly, the lines of communication are open. You both feel heard and understood, and you're able to express yourselves well, in a way that's both tactful and direct. If there are any issues that need airing out between you, now is definitely the time; you can talk about potentially troublesome or serious subjects without the usual layers of defensiveness that can often get in the way of good communication. It's also a good time for less serious matters. Go see a movie together, and then head out afterward for coffee or ice cream and a discussion of what you both saw, heard and felt. Read a book together by chapters, taking turn reading aloud to each other. This is also a great time for fun day trips, so if you can get out and away, you'll have a great time. There's no need to pack CDs for the road; you'll both have a great time just chatting about anything and everything that comes into your heads. And last but not least, this is a good time for any contracts or negotiations that directly involve your relationship. Think marriage licenses, rental agreements and the like. How exciting!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 25 to Jan 28 | Exact: Jan 26, 2025
Communication is highlighted for you two now, both with each other and with people outside the relationship regarding matters that are important to the two of you. It's a great time to sign contracts together, because you'll put your eyes and your minds together and make sure that your best interests are being represented fairly and accurately. But it's also a good time just to spend some time together enjoying each other's company and stimulating each other on a mental level. Go see a movie together, and talk about it afterward; go on a date to a poetry or book reading, and enjoy yourselves as ideas come to you. And, perhaps most importantly of all, make sure that you put your feelings for each other into words. Sometimes we forget to tell each other how much we care about each other; sometimes we're just plain too upset with each other to do it. But in weeks like this one, when your hearts are as open and communicative as your minds, you should put in a special effort to verbalize your affection for each other. Talk about plans for your shared future, and set things in motion. Your combined thinking is clear at the moment, and whatever you plan now will be solid.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 25 to Jan 31 | Exact: Jan 30, 2025
This ten-day transit is a great time to revel in your love for each other, and to strengthen that bond in some direct and meaningful ways. After all, every couple goes through phases where their attention is distracted; we can't always tune in to each other and romance each other's socks off every day of the month. Good thing, then, that periods like this come around every once in a while, putting us in the mood to honor that loving bond! Setting aside time for a special date shouldn't be hard this week; you're both feeling amorous, and you'll both catch a little thrill each time you see your sweetie's name on the Caller ID or open your email and find a new message waiting for you. So send those love notes and leave those romantic messages. Now is the time for both of you to be proactive about your love for each other, to reassure each other that what you've got is still special and sacred. Romantic gestures are highlighted now, whether it's a bouquet of roses or a surprise back rub. Beauty and creativity are also highlighted during this period; a great date might include going to a couples' cooking class, a botanical garden or an art gallery.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 27 to Feb 2 | Exact: Jan 31, 2025
Whatever issues or problems you face as a couple, this ten-day period could be the one in which you decide to tackle and deal with them as a team, once and for all. As a couple, your drive and determination are increased tenfold now; all of a sudden, you both realize that you've got to either accept the status quo or work actively to change it. Transformation is on your minds; you both realize that things could be so much better; there's always room for improvement, even if they're already really good. This could apply to your relationship itself, if you've been having any communication issues or other problems; you might choose to have a big talk to clear the air, or even to go visit a couples' counselor to make progress that way. Or, the current energy could apply itself to representations of your relationship -- your home, for example. Anything that needs fixing -- that leaky faucet, that creaky screen door, that broken light fixture -- you can now tackle it together and get it done. And through working together on your home, you'll both feel as if the relationship itself has been renewed and transformed -- kind of a Spring Cleaning of the soul, even if it isn't spring!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 28 to Feb 1 | Exact: Feb 1, 2025
You're extra tuned in to each other during this ten-day transit, at a level that you don't normally get to indulge in and enjoy. You could have experiences like knowing exactly what's going through each other's heads, or picking up the phone to call each other only to find that you're already connected. The current energy is the kind that binds you together at a subtle level and intensifies your sensitivity toward each other's moods and needs. You can offer each other a lot of sweetness, compassion and support now...and let's not forget the romance! Yes, this is a wonderful time to reaffirm your bond and your love for each other with a little good, old-fashioned lovemaking. A picnic on a hillside at sunset would be the perfect date for you now, or taking a canoe out to a secluded spot on the lake. Anything that lets you enjoy each other's company and get lost together in all the wonderful possibilities of your love is perfect. Yes, you're a little bit idealistic now, and you're putting each other up on a pedestal -- but so what? You can spend the rest of the year being realistic about the limitations of your bond. Now is the time for stars in your eyes.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 30 to Feb 3 | Exact: Jan 31, 2025
This week, you two are getting back in touch with that sweet meeting of the minds that attracted you to each other in the first place. You may have a lot of busy-work to attend to as a team, such as paying bills or negotiating contracts on something big that you're purchasing together; but if you have any free time together at all, you should definitely spend it exercising your minds together. Go see a play or a lecture, or take a trip someplace new together. You're both in the mood to expand your minds and to talk about everything that occurs to you about what you see, hear and feel. If any issues have been coming between you lately, now would be a great time to talk them out, because you're both more logical than emotional at the moment, and you can really express yourselves without the usual defensive filters in place. Again, though, this ten-day period should be about fun -- about interesting conversations and interactions. You're tapping into the excitement of your relationship, and this could happen in big ways or small ones -- like playing a game of Scrabble together and laughing over the words you both come up with!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 31 to Feb 6 | Exact: Feb 4, 2025
Your relationship should be a sweet, peaceful haven to revel in during this week-long transit, but don't miss out on the opportunities available to you now by just lazing around together! You can actually put this wonderful energy to good use, if you try. For one thing, you can make some real headway now on resolving any issues that may have been a problem between you recently. You're both feeling calm and optimistic about your future as a couple, which means you'll be much more open to working together than usual, and far less defensive or pessimistic about where things could go from here. This is your time to work as a team and really shoot for the stars! This can also apply to projects that you work on as a team now. Planting a garden, refinishing an old wardrobe, writing a short story -- whatever it is, you'll be infused with creativity and very open to each other's ideas. In fact, you'll both expand each other's creative energies, broadening things beyond anything either of you could have done on your own. So don't just lie around, feeling good! Get something done that you can both be proud of for a long time to come.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 31 to Feb 4 | Exact: Feb 3, 2025
When you two get together this week, the conversation flows. At the moment, diplomacy is your forte as a couple; use it at home if there's an issue that needs to be discussed, or use it out and about, because now's a great time to get together with friends. As a duo, you're extra charming, and parties and get-togethers will be really fun for everyone involved! As a team, you can charm and entertain all your friends. In fact, group games that involve teamwork and creativity, like charades, would be perfect for you now. Together, you'll have everyone in stitches. This is also a great time to spend a little money and time on making your home more beautiful and comfortable, especially if you live together. Going shopping will be fun for you both now, even if you're drawn to different items in the store; but odds are good that you'll be more of a like mind than usual. Joint ventures like renting or buying a home are also favored now, as are creative team efforts, such as writing a book together, painting a room in your house a new color, or cooking up a big spread and having some friends over. And don't forget to tell each other you love each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 1 to Feb 4 | Exact: Feb 4, 2025
This week is the perfect time to get it all out there -- to be perfectly honest with each other about your feelings, needs, desires and fears, and talk it all out. It's a great time, in fact, to talk about sex! So if there's been something bothering either of you about your sexual connection, or something you'd like to try out but you've been afraid to speak up about it, now is the time. You'll get into intense discussions about a variety of subjects during this ten-day period, and you very well might come through this period with a brand-new perspective on this person you thought you knew so well already. Isn't it wonderful to be surprised by someone you're intimate with? It keeps the relationship interesting, and you can both go through a process of self-discovery as well, learning much about yourselves in the process of uncovering each other's hidden thoughts and feelings. This is also a good time to make plans together for the future, especially as regarding your finances. You're both very persuasive at the moment, and you can bring each other around to seeing things your way if you put a little effort into presenting your ideas in a compelling manner.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 2 to Feb 4 | Exact: Feb 4, 2025
Your connection feels a lot more intuitive this week than usual. You're tuning in with each other in a way that goes beyond simple conversation or other aboveboard signals. You're both feeling rather sentimental about your bond, and you want to show each other how much you value the relationship by tuning in and supporting each other on an emotional level. This could be a bit of a low-energy week, so don't be surprised if you're both more into dates that involve cuddling, talking and communing in sweet silence over dates that are about extreme energy output. You're a lot more likely to take a candlelit bubble bath together than to go out to the batting cages and hit the balls around! Your collective creativity is running strong now, so you may want to watch a lot of movies together this week or even create something artistic together -- a story or poem or painting that comes about through team effort. You're both feeling somewhat idealistic about your bond now, too, which is just fine -- if nothing else, it can counterbalance those times when you feel a little bit distanced from each other or even pessimistic about your future.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 4 to Feb 7 | Exact: Feb 6, 2025
You both feel a boost in confidence this week regarding your romantic bond. You feel lighthearted when you're together; things seem funnier than usual, and you're both ready to crack a smile at the least provocation. This increased confidence is a real gift to your relationship, since sometimes you may not feel certain about where you're headed together (or why). But for now, during this ten-day period, you can both see the horizon clearly, and what you see fills you with hope and happiness. This would be a great time to do something interesting, even mind-expanding, together -- take a couples' cooking class, go on a weekend trip to someplace you've never been before, or attend a lecture or book reading. You're both in the mood to express everything you're thinking, feeling and perceiving. You're also in the mood for some fun social activity with friends, so throw a dinner party together and cook up the recipes you learned in that couples' cooking class, or accept an invitation from friends and head out on the town. Any joint purchases or legal decisions should go smoothly now, but try not to pump each other up so much that you become overconfident.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 16 to Feb 18 | Exact: Feb 18, 2025
This ten-day period, you should take the opportunity to break out of your routine. When you two get together this week, you're both in the mood to do something new and unusual. You're feeling sparked up, and the same ol', same ol' just won't cut it. So why not liven things up a little? Instead of spending the evening at home, cuddling on the couch in front of the TV, you should get out on the town. Take a salsa class, or go see a foreign film and go out for dessert afterward, so that you can discuss your impressions. New ideas excite you both now; you feel stimulated by anything that's outside the bounds of what you normally think or talk about. This is a great time to bring up ideas with each other that you might normally keep under wraps because they're a little too 'out-there' or risque; at the moment, anything goes! This is also a great time to put your heads together and come up with a truly creative solution to anything that's been bothering you lately. You might dream up an invention to fix that broken table leg in the kitchen, or you might decide to paint the walls of the bedroom a bold, bright shade of green! Whatever you do, just make sure it's different.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 18 to Mar 12
You're both feeling sensitive and compassionate toward each other now, and as protective of your bond as you might be of a newborn child. This is a wonderful time to renew your feelings for each other, because you're both in an especially romantic mindset, and you're experiencing your bond as a warm, subtle current of energy that's running between you. That bond is always there, in fact; you just don't normally have the time or inclination to tap into it with such sensitivity. That's why you shouldn't let this week pass you by without reveling in each other's love and company. A perfect date for you now would be something graceful and romantic; go out dancing or read a book of poetry together, or have a picnic on a blanket beside running water. Let your imaginations carry you away together. Sex takes on a spiritual feeling now; your lovemaking is more than two bodies meeting in physical passion. It's a way to express the true depths of your feelings for each other, and could be more emotional than physical. Fantasy play is especially enhanced for you now, as is anything that combines creativity with a heightened sense of your loving connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 21 to Feb 27 | Exact: Feb 25, 2025
Now is the time to celebrate everything that's unexpected and spontaneous about your relationship. This isn't the time to make firm, rigid plans and try to hold each other to them; instead, play things by ear. Keep it fun, light, footloose and fancy-free. The rest of your year can be scheduled down to a T, so why not enjoy this little ten-day respite from all that and really cut loose as a couple? You feel sparked up when you're together, and you both crave a little excitement, a little spontaneity. So get active: Go out dancing together, and cut up the floor with some hot salsa or cool swing moves. Go for a hike in a place you've never been before. Or, get really daring and try out a wild amusement park ride, wall climbing, roller skating... Whatever it is that puts you in touch, as a couple, with that sense of adventure that you crave, get out and do it! Short, impromptu day trips are highlighted now, as are all the fun, simple moments in which you make each other laugh and remind each other that, no matter how long you've been together or how well you think you know each other, there's always more to discover about each other and the special bond that you share.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 10 to Mar 19
When you two open up to each other about your feelings this week, you'll both tune in and listen with more than just your ears. You're feeling softer than usual toward each other now; you want to know what's going on with your sweetie, and your most sensitive feelers -- your instincts and intuition -- are working to give you a subtle view of what's in their mind and their heart. And they're returning the favor. If either of you encounters problems at work or otherwise in your daily life, you know that you can bring them home this week and receive a lot of sympathy and support from your sweetie for your travails. A wonderful date for you two now might be a long walk out in nature, during which you can talk together or simply commune silently with each other and with the world around you. At night, before you go to sleep, take a few minutes to read aloud to each other -- a bit of poetry would be perfect -- to prepare each other and yourselves for the dream world you're about to enter. You'll put each other in a highly imaginative and receptive frame of mind, and you could end up having some incredible dreams -- maybe even about each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 20 to Apr 19 | Exact: Apr 14, 2025
Over the next few months, you'll enjoy a balanced view of your relationship -- one that is both optimistic and practical. Rather than being idealistic about what you can achieve together, which often leads to disappointment down the line, now you're realistic about your bond. You know what you want to achieve together and how to make it happen, and this period offers you the perfect opportunity to set your goals in motion. You can make solid plans together now, ones that are based in a clear sense of reality and a willingness to really apply yourselves to the task at hand. This period could be a trust-building one for you both, because it will show you that you're both invested and involved in the relationship. You're truly a team now, and you should take advantage of this dynamic. Examine the hopes and goals you have as a couple. Which ones are realistic, and which ones are little more than pipe dreams? Discard the pipe dreams, but make the workable ones a reality. If you apply yourselves and your energies throughout this period, you'll come through it a stronger, closer couple, and you'll be much closer to the relationship and the life you've been dreaming of.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 28 to Apr 3 | Exact: Apr 2, 2025
This ten-day period would be a great time to plan something on the sly for your sweetie. A surprise party could be fun, but you're probably both more in the mood for a romantic date just for the two of you. Set up the candles, the flowers and the meal and then lead in your honey, blindfolded, for a sweet surprise! Because secrets and mysteries are especially fun for the two of you right now. You're more tuned in to each other than usual; any signals you're picking up on are probably correct, and definitely merit being taken seriously. When you spend time together this week, take it easy. This is a period for relaxing together; you might even end up taking a nap and dreaming of each other! Isn't it nice to get some low-key, low-energy time to just revel in each other's company? You can talk things over if you need to, if there's anything going on in either of your lives that's been troublesome lately; but it's even more likely that you won't need to talk at all. You both just know what's going on in each other's minds, and you're there to help. Finally, you can also stimulate each other's creative sides now, so get artistic or make that date a trip to the museum.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 2 to Apr 6 | Exact: Apr 5, 2025
If you two happen to have big things planned together during this ten-day period -- a move, maybe, or the culmination of a project you've been working on as a team -- you can expect things to go well, because when you get together, you both just feel positive, as if anything's possible. And that optimistic outlook can really make wheels turn if you put your minds to it! But even if there are no big plans in the works, you can still make the most of this energy just by spending time together, having fun and reaffirming your bond as a couple. You can offer each other a lot of support right now, because you both feel confident in the relationship itself. This would be a wonderful time to make plans for the future, such as planning a vacation or a joint purchase of something that will make your lives more enjoyable as a couple -- that new plasma TV you've been ogling, perhaps, or something similar. You know what you can and can't afford in terms of time and money, and you're in the mood to treat yourselves and each other. This is also a wonderful time to get together with friends, especially other couples. You can spread all the good feelings around!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 2 to Apr 9 | Exact: Apr 7, 2025
The sense of loyalty between the two of you can really increase during this ten-day period. Suddenly, you're both very conscious of your commitment to each other and to the relationship itself, and you're both feeling solid and stable in your bond. This is a great time to put your heads together and get some serious work done in important areas of the relationship, whether that's paying the bills, fixing or cleaning things around the house or having a serious discussion about something that's important to both of you. This is also the perfect time to make long-range plans as a couple, because you're both quite realistic about what you can and can't expect out of the relationship. Do you want to travel more as a couple? Get married? Buy a house together, or move to a new city? Have children someday? Whatever your long-term goals might be, you can discuss them now and start making some serious plans. Whatever plans you make now will be good ones, because when you put your heads together, you don't just have an eye for detail -- you've got four! Together you can think realistically now about what you want and how you can make it happen.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 9 to Apr 21 | Exact: Apr 11, 2025
Whatever projects face you as a couple, the next couple of weeks are the time to tackle them together. Your combined energies are running high -- much higher than the sum of your two parts -- and you're both feeling motivated. Starting a fitness routine together will go well now, because you're both really into making positive moves toward the future. A nice, light, healthy sense of competition exists between you at the moment -- just enough to give you that extra kick, but not so much that spats will break out between you. If they do, they'll make you laugh! But in general, you'll be able to work together now like a smooth-running, well-oiled machine. Getting the house cleaned, the cars washed and the yard raked is easier now than usual, too, so take advantage of this energy. A good date now is one that's more active than just dinner and a movie: Go out dancing together, or if the weather is nice, take a walk outside. Go for a bike ride or rent a canoe for a day on the water. Now is also a great time to join a couples' softball or soccer team and get active with other couples looking to have some sporty fun.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 14 to Apr 18 | Exact: Apr 17, 2025
As long as you're working together, as a team, you can get a lot done during this ten-day period. On your own, one or both of you could be feeling lazy or less than motivated; but there's a certain energy that's sparked up when you're together now, and you can really give each other that little kick in the pants that you might need to get out into the world and get active. This is a great time for just about any kind of project or endeavor as a couple: You could take a trip together, and explore someplace you've never been before; you could go work out at the gym together; you could do a deep-cleaning session at home, each of you tackling a different corner and working together to really make things shine. It's really up to the two of you. Sports and board games will be especially fun for you now, because there's a fun, healthy little element of competition infusing the relationship that will make both of you put in a little extra effort. Physical activity is highlighted now, so needless to say, this is a great time for a little action in the bedroom. You're both feeling just a bit daring, and you'll challenge each other to take things further than you would on your own.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 18 to Oct 30 | Exact: May 23, 2025
What kind of relationship do you each want, and what kind of lover and partner do you want to be? Think about the answers to those questions, because the next year of your relationship will be about making positive innovations to create exactly the unique sort of bond that you dream of. There's a subtle current of excitement running just beneath the surface of things, making your day-to-day interactions more fun and interesting. New friends will also play a role in the uniqueness of your experiences this year, so go out as much as you can and nurture new relationships. You both have a taste for something new and different, so don't try to stick to your usual routine. Instead, switch it up: Try out a new restaurant, one that serves spicy, exotic food that challenges your palates. Better yet, travel to the foreign country where that cuisine comes from, and experience it in person! Since this period is about the easing up of restrictions, that could apply to a tight schedule or budget as well -- meaning you two will have more time and money this year to make your dreams come true. If that's the case, use it to expand your lives and your perception of what's possible.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 25 to Apr 29 | Exact: Apr 28, 2025
When you two open up to each other about your feelings this week, you'll both tune in and listen with more than just your ears. You're feeling softer than usual toward each other now; you want to know what's going on with your sweetie, and your most sensitive feelers -- your instincts and intuition -- are working to give you a subtle view of what's in their mind and their heart. And they're returning the favor. If either of you encounters problems at work or otherwise in your daily life, you know that you can bring them home this week and receive a lot of sympathy and support from your sweetie for your travails. A wonderful date for you two now might be a long walk out in nature, during which you can talk together or simply commune silently with each other and with the world around you. At night, before you go to sleep, take a few minutes to read aloud to each other -- a bit of poetry would be perfect -- to prepare each other and yourselves for the dream world you're about to enter. You'll put each other in a highly imaginative and receptive frame of mind, and you could end up having some incredible dreams -- maybe even about each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 28 to May 1 | Exact: May 1, 2025
You should have a really good time together this week. Things just seem funnier, sweeter, and the possibilities for your relationship seem limitless. You're both feeling optimistic, so give this feeling a boost by taking a short trip somewhere. Whether it's a mental trip via a foreign film or a long discussion, or a physical trip via a drive to a museum or even another town, you'll both have a great time. You're in the mood for mental stimulation on a grand scale. You want to talk about deeper subjects than simple, day-to-day concerns; you want to move past 'How was your day, honey?' to 'What do you think about this culture, philosophy, way of life...?' This is also a good week for getting plans in writing. Negotiating contracts together is easier now than usual; when you put your heads together, you can catch any inconsistencies in the terms. As a team, you can convince anyone of pretty much anything you put your minds to, so whatever plans you've got in the works, this is the perfect time to get other people (such as your parents, your friends, your loan officer at the bank...) on your side. Think big, and plan even bigger. The stars are behind you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 29 to May 3 | Exact: May 2, 2025
This ten-day period may not be a barrel of monkeys for the two of you; the focus is off laughter and romance and on taking care of business. But what a lot of business you can tackle this week, when you work as a team. You're disciplined and focused when you're together; when one of you starts to stray from the task at hand, the other can gently bring you back around again. When you put your heads together, you can work out almost any snag, solve almost any problem. All of those skills are your forte now as a couple, and you should certainly put them to use in whatever arena is appropriate. Do you have some paperwork to finalize together, or a project around the house that needs attention? Does one of you have a family situation that needs resolving, something that could go more smoothly if you both work on it together? Whatever it is, give it your attention as a team now. You can also help each other simply with working on or understanding something on a personal level, such as an interesting problem in your school work or career. Now would also be a good time to help each other brainstorm ways to chat up your boss for a raise or promotion.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 30 to May 9 | Exact: May 1, 2025
The next couple of weeks should bring a lot of fun activity and communication to your lives. This is the perfect time to take a trip together and visit a relative or an old friend; it's also a good time to negotiate any business that may be before you as a couple. Conversation flows, so long stretches on the road together or in a plane will be a snap; you'll wonder where the hours went after you've chatted the time away. And don't neglect your friends during this period. When you two join the party, everyone has a better time, because you're both in such a good mood -- you're talkative, charming, persuasive, and everyone wants to be in your warm, friendly orbit. If you use this period only for social pursuits, it certainly won't be wasted; you'll have a good time together and you'll both feel energized by your connection. But if there's any business to take care of together, don't miss this opportunity. As charming and convincing as you two are right now, you could sell a bicycle to a fish. With this smooth-talking, humorous gift you have, you could really grease the wheels with your loan officer or anyone else you're trying to do business with.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 6 to May 19 | Exact: May 16, 2025
If you two have been feeling at all overworked or otherwise distant from each other lately, then take heart, because this period should go far in bringing you closer together again. Whatever may have been going on lately, now you're both in the mood to make a warm, intuitive and sympathetic connection with each other. For each of you, the relationship is suddenly a safe haven -- a sweet spot you can retreat to and find a true friend. The current energy may spark up your sexual attraction to each other, but if so, it will be in a decidedly sensual, emotional way. This is a wonderful time, in fact, to explore your fantasies together. Sex and fantasy play will take on a more intense power now than usual and you'll both feel overwhelmed by the strength and depth of your physical connection, because now it extends into the emotional realm. It's good to stay physically active together during this period, but keep it slower-paced, with the mind-body connection in mind. Taking a yoga class together would be perfect, or a long walk outside -- or just a nice nap in the sun. You'll both feel healed and refreshed, as if your bond has been quietly strengthened.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 7 to May 9 | Exact: May 9, 2025
This should be a fun week for the two of you. Whatever may have been going on between you lately, all of a sudden you both feel excited, energetic, turned on and tuned in. Your conversations are fast-paced and lively; you're making each other laugh and listen up instead of tuning out, as you may sometimes do. This is a great week to launch a new plan or project, because when you're together, you're not just about talk; you're about action. You don't want to just fantasize about taking a vacation together; you actually want to get online, buy the plane tickets and reserve the hotel room, making the fantasy a reality. You don't want to sit around sighing, 'Wouldn't it be great if...' Instead, you want to make it happen. This proactive energy can be put toward just about anything -- getting the house cleaned up, making that dream vacation a reality, even launching an entrepreneurial project together. As a duo, you're as impressive now as you are to each other as individuals, so it's a great time to get out there and chat people up, asking for the favors that you need. You can really make things happen now if you just put your minds to it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 7 to May 16 | Exact: May 14, 2025
You know those plans you two have been talking about forever? You know the ones -- taking that dream vacation, starting a new fitness routine, moving to a bigger, better apartment, maybe even buying a new home together. Whatever it is that's been existing solely on the horizon and in your mental file marked 'Someday,' now would be a great time to pull that file folder out and crack it open, exposing your dreams to the light of reality. You can make some real headway now if you put your heads together. You've got the energy, the assertiveness and the sense of direction that you need to make great things happen. Whatever you accomplish during this period will go under the heading of 'life-changing' in a wonderful way, too, so make it something big, something real, something you both really, really want. If there's any part of your connection with each other that needs an update, now's the time. Talk out those old, tired issues; now you can move past them and create something brand-new that's even more wonderful than what you've had together in the past. All you have to do is make it happen.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 10 to May 19 | Exact: May 11, 2025
During the next couple of weeks, you're the couple that all your friends envy. You're holding hands, cooing at each other, gazing into each other's eyes, laughing at one another's jokes, each marveling at how lucky you are to have this amazing, sweet and sexy person in your life. Your internal radars are blipping and humming during this period, tuning right in to each other's frequencies. You're both feeling full of energy and desire, affection and appreciation for this person you so adore. Make time for some intimate play, because you're both in the mood and sex is a really fun way to use up some of this energy you've got humming inside you right now! You don't have to spend all your time alone together, holed up in the bedroom, of course; you can also go out with friends and have a great time that way. Going out on the town or to a party will be even more fun than usual, because you're both in the mood to have a great time. Going out dancing together will be especially fun -- but be forewarned that you're going to make everyone jealous as you get closer and closer as the night wears on!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 12 to May 20 | Exact: May 18, 2025
You're both feeling sensitive and compassionate toward each other now, and as protective of your bond as you might be of a newborn child. This is a wonderful time to renew your feelings for each other, because you're both in an especially romantic mindset, and you're experiencing your bond as a warm, subtle current of energy that's running between you. That bond is always there, in fact; you just don't normally have the time or inclination to tap into it with such sensitivity. That's why you shouldn't let this week pass you by without reveling in each other's love and company. A perfect date for you now would be something graceful and romantic; go out dancing or read a book of poetry together, or have a picnic on a blanket beside running water. Let your imaginations carry you away together. Sex takes on a spiritual feeling now; your lovemaking is more than two bodies meeting in physical passion. It's a way to express the true depths of your feelings for each other, and could be more emotional than physical. Fantasy play is especially enhanced for you now, as is anything that combines creativity with a heightened sense of your loving connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 15 to May 24 | Exact: May 22, 2025
The next couple of weeks could be a hectic period of social activity, high energy and exuberance for you two. You might receive an invitation to a party for the same evening that your sweetie's set aside for dinner with friends, and you'll probably try to do both -- which could leave you feeling tired out at work the next morning. But what fun you'll have in the meantime! Any slow mornings are probably worth it. You've got extra energy to burn anyway, and getting out of the house together will be more than just simple fun. It could lead you to greater understanding of where your lives are headed, or even to opportunities that you would have missed out on if you'd decided to stay home and play it safe. This is definitely not the time to stay home or keep quiet. So you've got four get-togethers to go to in one weekend -- so what? Put on your snazziest shoes and head on out the door! You might also have a lot of business to take care of together during these few weeks. If so, don't be intimidated about speaking up and asking for the terms you want. People are responding favorably to the two of you, and your greatest gift is bravery.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 16 to May 22 | Exact: May 17, 2025
Your relationship is a warm and friendly place to be right now. You both feel open, attractive, accessible -- basically, how you wish you could feel every day! So take advantage of this week-long period. The strengths of your bond are at the forefront now, and you can really enjoy each other's company. You should get along well; even arguments can easily be kept within the realm of fun, friendly debates or gentle, flirtatious ribbing. You should get a lot of pleasure just out of being together, whether you're doing something calm, like watching TV together, or something more active, like going on a date or out with friends. This period can also serve as a really nice respite from any recent stresses, whether they've occurred in your own, personal lives or within the relationship itself. Now you can be happy and calm, and optimistic about the future of your relationship. You can tune in to each other and the bond you've created together. It really is a nice connection you've got, isn't it? And there's a lot of love and affection there between you. So enjoy it! It should be easy now to make a point of exchanging plenty of smiles, kisses and affectionate words.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 18 to May 23 | Exact: May 22, 2025
Your mood as a couple during this period is the type in which you'd be perfectly happy with a backyard barbecue and all your best friends in attendance -- even if it's only thirty degrees outside! You've got enough warmth in your hearts at the moment to combat even the coldest temperatures! Your loving feelings are renewed this week, and you also want to reach out as a couple to your loved ones and let them know you care about them. Any business you have on your plates as a duo should go very well; together you'll charm your boss or their business associate, and you'll have your loan officer laughing and wanting to cut you a deal. In fact, this could be a 'lucky' week for you two. Opportunities may fall into your laps, delighting you and making you feel as if the universe is working in your favor, when what's really going on is that you're getting back some of that sweet, generous energy you're putting out into the world. Last but not least, this is a wonderful time to get in touch with the beliefs that you share as a couple, whatever that means for you. It's a perfect time to be contemplative, to meditate on the things that matter most to you in the world.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 19 to May 26 | Exact: May 24, 2025
This week is about getting in touch with the more refined and serious side of your relationship. You can talk out problems and quietly reaffirm your deep, loving feelings for each other, and solidify your commitment. You're both feeling even more loyal than usual, and you're grounded together in a warm, sweet feeling of togetherness. Your minds are attuned now to things of value; you might invest together in a business, furniture, jewelry or property, as long as it's something that you know will only increase in value. Neither one of you is interested in something flashy but fleeting just now, and that goes for the relationship itself as well as whatever products or services you're eyeing together. Instead, you want quality and longevity. You're both sensible enough at the moment to know that, like any long journey, your relationship will hit some bumps in the road from time to time; your connection won't always feel as genuine and heartfelt as it does right now. But it's times like these that prepare you for those future moments of doubt. You'll be able to look back on this week and remember what it feels like to be so truly bonded, so solidly together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 22 to May 28 | Exact: May 26, 2025
This week you two should set aside time for some quality interactions, because suddenly, the lines of communication are open. You both feel heard and understood, and you're able to express yourselves well, in a way that's both tactful and direct. If there are any issues that need airing out between you, now is definitely the time; you can talk about potentially troublesome or serious subjects without the usual layers of defensiveness that can often get in the way of good communication. It's also a good time for less serious matters. Go see a movie together, and then head out afterward for coffee or ice cream and a discussion of what you both saw, heard and felt. Read a book together by chapters, taking turn reading aloud to each other. This is also a great time for fun day trips, so if you can get out and away, you'll have a great time. There's no need to pack CDs for the road; you'll both have a great time just chatting about anything and everything that comes into your heads. And last but not least, this is a good time for any contracts or negotiations that directly involve your relationship. Think marriage licenses, rental agreements and the like. How exciting!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 24 to May 26
Communication is highlighted for you two now, both with each other and with people outside the relationship regarding matters that are important to the two of you. It's a great time to sign contracts together, because you'll put your eyes and your minds together and make sure that your best interests are being represented fairly and accurately. But it's also a good time just to spend some time together enjoying each other's company and stimulating each other on a mental level. Go see a movie together, and talk about it afterward; go on a date to a poetry or book reading, and enjoy yourselves as ideas come to you. And, perhaps most importantly of all, make sure that you put your feelings for each other into words. Sometimes we forget to tell each other how much we care about each other; sometimes we're just plain too upset with each other to do it. But in weeks like this one, when your hearts are as open and communicative as your minds, you should put in a special effort to verbalize your affection for each other. Talk about plans for your shared future, and set things in motion. Your combined thinking is clear at the moment, and whatever you plan now will be solid.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 25 to Jun 24 | Exact: Jun 2, 2025
You're both feeling good now. When you get together during the next few months, you'll feel infused with energy, as if anything is possible. And in truth, it is. As long as you two work together, you really can achieve just about anything you put your minds to. If you have big projects in mind, you should certainly take advantage of this beneficial energy, as it only comes around once in six years, and it only sticks around for a few months. So get started on those projects, whatever they are. What have you been dreaming of together? Planning a trip around the world? Building a house, or a business? Think big now, and put it in the works. You're both feeling ambitious and optimistic, and that's a great combination. Good thing there's two of you, too -- because the tendency with this transit is to push the boundaries, which is a great thing up to a point. Working together, you can keep each other in line! The occasional reality check isn't a bad thing during this period, but in general, if you can dream it up, you can make it happen. It's a good time for money matters. Ask for that loan, or negotiate a contract to your liking. Things should go well.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 27 to Jun 2 | Exact: May 31, 2025
This ten-day transit is a great time to revel in your love for each other, and to strengthen that bond in some direct and meaningful ways. After all, every couple goes through phases where their attention is distracted; we can't always tune in to each other and romance each other's socks off every day of the month. Good thing, then, that periods like this come around every once in a while, putting us in the mood to honor that loving bond! Setting aside time for a special date shouldn't be hard this week; you're both feeling amorous, and you'll both catch a little thrill each time you see your sweetie's name on the Caller ID or open your email and find a new message waiting for you. So send those love notes and leave those romantic messages. Now is the time for both of you to be proactive about your love for each other, to reassure each other that what you've got is still special and sacred. Romantic gestures are highlighted now, whether it's a bouquet of roses or a surprise back rub. Beauty and creativity are also highlighted during this period; a great date might include going to a couples' cooking class, a botanical garden or an art gallery.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 28 to May 30
This week, you two are getting back in touch with that sweet meeting of the minds that attracted you to each other in the first place. You may have a lot of busy-work to attend to as a team, such as paying bills or negotiating contracts on something big that you're purchasing together; but if you have any free time together at all, you should definitely spend it exercising your minds together. Go see a play or a lecture, or take a trip someplace new together. You're both in the mood to expand your minds and to talk about everything that occurs to you about what you see, hear and feel. If any issues have been coming between you lately, now would be a great time to talk them out, because you're both more logical than emotional at the moment, and you can really express yourselves without the usual defensive filters in place. Again, though, this ten-day period should be about fun -- about interesting conversations and interactions. You're tapping into the excitement of your relationship, and this could happen in big ways or small ones -- like playing a game of Scrabble together and laughing over the words you both come up with!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 28 to Jun 3 | Exact: Jun 2, 2025
Whatever issues or problems you face as a couple, this ten-day period could be the one in which you decide to tackle and deal with them as a team, once and for all. As a couple, your drive and determination are increased tenfold now; all of a sudden, you both realize that you've got to either accept the status quo or work actively to change it. Transformation is on your minds; you both realize that things could be so much better; there's always room for improvement, even if they're already really good. This could apply to your relationship itself, if you've been having any communication issues or other problems; you might choose to have a big talk to clear the air, or even to go visit a couples' counselor to make progress that way. Or, the current energy could apply itself to representations of your relationship -- your home, for example. Anything that needs fixing -- that leaky faucet, that creaky screen door, that broken light fixture -- you can now tackle it together and get it done. And through working together on your home, you'll both feel as if the relationship itself has been renewed and transformed -- kind of a Spring Cleaning of the soul, even if it isn't spring!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 28 to May 31 | Exact: May 30, 2025
When you two get together this week, the conversation flows. At the moment, diplomacy is your forte as a couple; use it at home if there's an issue that needs to be discussed, or use it out and about, because now's a great time to get together with friends. As a duo, you're extra charming, and parties and get-togethers will be really fun for everyone involved! As a team, you can charm and entertain all your friends. In fact, group games that involve teamwork and creativity, like charades, would be perfect for you now. Together, you'll have everyone in stitches. This is also a great time to spend a little money and time on making your home more beautiful and comfortable, especially if you live together. Going shopping will be fun for you both now, even if you're drawn to different items in the store; but odds are good that you'll be more of a like mind than usual. Joint ventures like renting or buying a home are also favored now, as are creative team efforts, such as writing a book together, painting a room in your house a new color, or cooking up a big spread and having some friends over. And don't forget to tell each other you love each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 29 to May 31 | Exact: May 31, 2025
This week is the perfect time to get it all out there -- to be perfectly honest with each other about your feelings, needs, desires and fears, and talk it all out. It's a great time, in fact, to talk about sex! So if there's been something bothering either of you about your sexual connection, or something you'd like to try out but you've been afraid to speak up about it, now is the time. You'll get into intense discussions about a variety of subjects during this ten-day period, and you very well might come through this period with a brand-new perspective on this person you thought you knew so well already. Isn't it wonderful to be surprised by someone you're intimate with? It keeps the relationship interesting, and you can both go through a process of self-discovery as well, learning much about yourselves in the process of uncovering each other's hidden thoughts and feelings. This is also a good time to make plans together for the future, especially as regarding your finances. You're both very persuasive at the moment, and you can bring each other around to seeing things your way if you put a little effort into presenting your ideas in a compelling manner.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 31 to Jun 4 | Exact: Jun 4, 2025
What's up, lovebirds? That's you two this week -- a couple of lovebirds sitting together in the sun, cooing softly as you stroke each other's feathers. This should be a fun week; any tensions in your relationship are alleviated as you reconnect with all the reasons why you adore each other. Your attraction toward each other reaches a definite high this week, so make sure to leave time for a little one-on-one behind closed doors! Getting together with friends is also a priority now, as is getting out of the house, so you probably won't want to spend all your time together in the bedroom. The only thing you may not want to do together this week is the not-so-fun stuff -- cleaning, arguing, taking care of whatever business may be on your plates... But that's okay. This is a relatively short period and it should be enjoyed for its own sake. Dinner parties with friends are especially fun now, as are shopping trips. Even window shopping gives you a kick, because it will fill your minds with ideas for all the things you want to purchase in the future -- but dropping some cash on something fun might feel even better now, whether you can afford it or not!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 1 to Jun 3 | Exact: Jun 3, 2025
If you two have any business to take care of as a team -- contract negotiations, perhaps, or getting your finances in order, or even just cleaning the house top to bottom -- now is the time. When you're together this week you'll be in a serious frame of mind. You'll push each other to apply yourselves to the task at hand, and you'll achieve solid results by doing so. This probably won't be a week of frivolous fun or empty social interactions with friends, but you'll both be fine with that. You're in the mood to take care of business with clear heads and a lot of determination; you're definitely not in the mood to get out and chitchat with other couples or giggle together as you cuddle up on the couch. There's too much to be done to waste time with such frivolousness! This is a great time to organize your home, if you live together, or balance your budget. The focus now should be on greater efficiency and functionality, so anything in your relationship that's disorganized or lacking in these qualities, you can tackle it together now and really make headway on bringing it up to speed.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 4 to Jun 9 | Exact: Jun 8, 2025
Now is a great time to make some real progress toward the goals you share as a couple. You're both focused on your responsibilities to the relationship, including communicating well with each other, reaffirming your commitment and making solid, realistic plans for the future. This ten-day period focuses your energies and your mutual commitment in such a way that you can really get things done, if you want or need to. This is a great time to pay bills, fix something that needs fixing around the house or discuss a serious topic that's important to both of you. If you've been batting around ideas for the future, such as a move, a new home purchase, kids and so on, now would be a great time to talk more in detail and set up some plans. You're both feeling serious and solid, and the relationship feels stable, committed and satisfying to both of you. You're both quite realistic about where the relationship is going, too, and what you can and can't expect out of each other. This probably won't be a period of hearts and flowers and stars in your eyes, but that's a good thing -- you're both levelheaded about where you're going together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 5 to Jun 8 | Exact: Jun 7, 2025
Any issues that have come between you of late can get sorted out now, because at the moment, you're both being honest and straightforward about your needs, desires and opinions. Neither one of you is afraid to speak up to the other, because you both feel as if the relationship is an open, equal forum -- a place for both of you to loosen up, let down your hair and let it all hang out, so to speak! While debates are possible between you at the moment, things probably won't spiral into an actual argument. You're both feeling too tuned in and levelheaded for that. You want to cooperate, not fight. You both recognize that speaking clearly and calmly is much more effective than yelling, pouting or whatever other silly behaviors you two might indulge in from time to time, which means that right now, you can really get things done! This is also a great time to work together on things outside the relationship, such as running errands or getting work done as a team. You'll get a lot more done if you work together now than if you try to work alone. Getting some exercise together would also be a great idea now. Go for a walk or a light jog, so that you can talk along the way!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 10 to Jun 13 | Exact: Jun 12, 2025
This ten-day period, you should take the opportunity to break out of your routine. When you two get together this week, you're both in the mood to do something new and unusual. You're feeling sparked up, and the same ol', same ol' just won't cut it. So why not liven things up a little? Instead of spending the evening at home, cuddling on the couch in front of the TV, you should get out on the town. Take a salsa class, or go see a foreign film and go out for dessert afterward, so that you can discuss your impressions. New ideas excite you both now; you feel stimulated by anything that's outside the bounds of what you normally think or talk about. This is a great time to bring up ideas with each other that you might normally keep under wraps because they're a little too 'out-there' or risque; at the moment, anything goes! This is also a great time to put your heads together and come up with a truly creative solution to anything that's been bothering you lately. You might dream up an invention to fix that broken table leg in the kitchen, or you might decide to paint the walls of the bedroom a bold, bright shade of green! Whatever you do, just make sure it's different.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 14 to Jun 20 | Exact: Jun 19, 2025
This ten-day period is perfect for getting physical. Yes, you can get that kind of physical -- your passion for each other is revitalized now, and this is a great time to get close in the bedroom! But you can also focus your teamwork and energies on other projects, like cleaning house, working out, playing sports together or whatever project comes to mind. When you're together, you'll both feel enthusiastic and motivated; this should be a very dynamic period. You'll certainly be able to get more done together than alone, and you should capitalize on that. If there are any projects you've started together in the past but left unfinished, now is the perfect time to tackle them again with renewed energy, and get things squared away. Finish building those bookshelves together, or planting the garden, or completing that physical fitness course at the park. You've got the drive now to get things done, and you can push each other a little harder than you'd push yourselves. Okay, a lot harder! There's a healthy, fun sense of competition between you now, so you'll both have a great time trying to outdo each other, and yourselves.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 22 to Jul 22 | Exact: Jul 13, 2025
All of a sudden, everything seems new, starting with your connection with each other! It's as if you're both looking at life through brand-new eyes, and perhaps you are. New and interesting things certainly do seem to happen these days. New people are coming into your life, too -- people you meet through friends, or through a project you're all working on together. Expect them to be surprising and engaging, and to ultimately help open your perspective even wider. Speaking of projects, now is a great time to work on something together. When you're united as a team, your ideas are out there -- in the best way! Your thinking is elevated now; new, brilliant ideas are zipping your way like lightning bolts. You can push each other to really get out there, to think bigger and bolder than either of you thought possible last week, or even yesterday. This period should really be about that: broadening your minds and your perspective to include people, experiences and emotions that you weren't even aware were possible.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 24 to Jul 1 | Exact: Jun 30, 2025
Neither one of you is in the mood to stick to the same old routine. During the next couple of weeks, you want to mix it up in a big way. Why not take a trip to someplace exotic -- somewhere you've never been before? And you should definitely rough it at least a little bit. The kind of energy that's currently influencing your relationship makes you much more in the mood for backpacks and hiking boots than five-star resort hotels and room service. If you can't get out of town, you can still bring that adventurous spirit into your relationship by doing something brand-new and just a little daring within the confines of your own town -- even your own house. Whatever you normally do together on dates, switch it up for something neither of you has ever tried before. Take a salsa lesson; go to the amusement park and ride the biggest, scariest roller coaster you can find. It's a good idea during periods like this one to invite those exciting, unpredictable influences into your life -- because if you don't, they'll have a way of popping up anyway, when you least expect it. Better to embrace the unexpected than to let it get the better of you!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 24 to Jun 27
You probably won't have much downtime together during this fun, active ten-day period. If you're on the couch watching TV together, you're both laughing and yelling at the TV; if you're trying to take a nap together, new thoughts and ideas will keep popping into both of your heads, and you'll just have to get it out. And when you're apart, the phone calls, emails and IMs will be never-ending. What fun! But even more than fun, this is a real opportunity to get to know each other even better than ever before. You'll amaze each other with your honesty and your insights. You'll open up in ways that you usually don't. And you may even surprise yourselves with what comes out of your mouth when the two of you are together. Because of all the heightened clarity of communication going on, this is an excellent time for making plans and decisions together. As a team, you can weigh out all the pros and cons of a situation and decide together where to go next. If there's something important or serious on your horizons -- an upcoming new job, move or other change -- you can talk things out and make sure that both of you are comfortable with where things are going.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 24 to Jun 30 | Exact: Jun 28, 2025
Now is the time to celebrate everything that's unexpected and spontaneous about your relationship. This isn't the time to make firm, rigid plans and try to hold each other to them; instead, play things by ear. Keep it fun, light, footloose and fancy-free. The rest of your year can be scheduled down to a T, so why not enjoy this little ten-day respite from all that and really cut loose as a couple? You feel sparked up when you're together, and you both crave a little excitement, a little spontaneity. So get active: Go out dancing together, and cut up the floor with some hot salsa or cool swing moves. Go for a hike in a place you've never been before. Or, get really daring and try out a wild amusement park ride, wall climbing, roller skating... Whatever it is that puts you in touch, as a couple, with that sense of adventure that you crave, get out and do it! Short, impromptu day trips are highlighted now, as are all the fun, simple moments in which you make each other laugh and remind each other that, no matter how long you've been together or how well you think you know each other, there's always more to discover about each other and the special bond that you share.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 30 to Jul 6 | Exact: Jul 2, 2025
You two are in the mood to spend time together and with friends, enjoying your connection and making each other happy. This should be a really nice week! No, you probably won't get a lot done, but that's fine for now. You're both feeling very loving toward each other, and it's good to indulge that feeling -- since so often it can get submerged beneath all your day-to-day duties and worries and the little tribulations of life. Now, you can just enjoy each other's company. This is a great time to go out on a date together, or to stay in -- or invite friends over for a dinner party. You could even make some new, fast friends together, because you're both at your charming best now, and as a duo, well, you'll make everyone laugh and feel completely at ease! And when your friends leave for the evening, you two will have a great time cuddling up and getting romantic. The sense of attraction and affection between you is strong now, and you should indulge it. Don't worry about cleaning the house or doing the dishes; those things can wait. This period should about the two of you, reaffirming the very wonderful and satisfying bond between you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 1 to Jul 5
Take a class together this week in something that interests both of you, or even in a subject that's brand-new; or read a book together, or watch a history show on TV. In some way, you both want to be enlightened when you get together now. You want to use your minds and talk over all the ideas that come into your heads. Your energy is sparked up when you get together, and for now, instead of being sexual, it's intellectual. You're both feeling chatty and communicative, and ideas are important to you -- not just what happened to each of you today, but how it made you feel and what it made you think of. You can expect to stay up late chatting at least a few nights this week; when you get together, you'll both feel that energy humming in your veins, making you listen up, tune in and focus. You may have a lot of busy work to take care of together, such as paying bills, negotiating contracts and the like. If so, you'll tackle it as a team and it will only add to the feeling that you're working together in a fun and interesting way. It would be a good idea to get outside this week and get some exercise, just to help burn off some of that energy!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 2 to Jul 7 | Exact: Jul 6, 2025
As a couple, you're both at your articulate, sociable and attractive best this week. Important social functions -- such as fundraisers or dinner with the boss -- go even better than they would have if you'd each attended alone. Other people are impressed by what a friendly, intelligent and good-looking duo you make! And there's nothing like a good impression to grease those wheels. But the current energy isn't wasted on simple social gatherings or one-on-one dates, either. You're both feeling much more like getting along than going head-to-head on any subject, so conversations go smoothly now. In fact, this would be a good time to have a little talk about any problems that have been affecting your relationship lately. You'll be able to articulate yourselves better than usual, and you'll both place harmony over all else, making it easier to stay calm and get along. But don't feel as though you have to spend this period discussing heavy issues. This is a time to be light of heart. A great date now might be to a gallery opening or a botanical garden -- someplace where you can soak up the beauty together, and revel in the sweetness of your connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 4 to Jul 9 | Exact: Jul 8, 2025
A good date for you two this week might be to rent a bunch of Hitchcock films and have a private screening party, with just the two of you in attendance -- because your minds are sharp now and you're both in the mood for a little mental sleuthing. You both want to know what's going on under the surface of things, including your relationship and each other, so you may also have some interesting discussions this week, ones that dig deeply into who you both are as people and what makes your relationship tick in the way that it does. Neither one of you is satisfied now with easy, glib answers, so your conversations will be long, multifaceted and far-reaching -- but in a fun way. Neither one of you is out to make the other feel defensive; instead, you're both feeling rather open and vulnerable in a good way. Furthermore, you're quite observant as a couple now. Getting together with friends could be extra interesting, because you'll both want to go home afterwards and discuss everything you saw, heard and sensed. Yep, even your close friends are fodder now for your keen and probing minds!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 4 to Jul 13 | Exact: Jul 9, 2025
When you two open up to each other about your feelings this week, you'll both tune in and listen with more than just your ears. You're feeling softer than usual toward each other now; you want to know what's going on with your sweetie, and your most sensitive feelers -- your instincts and intuition -- are working to give you a subtle view of what's in their mind and their heart. And they're returning the favor. If either of you encounters problems at work or otherwise in your daily life, you know that you can bring them home this week and receive a lot of sympathy and support from your sweetie for your travails. A wonderful date for you two now might be a long walk out in nature, during which you can talk together or simply commune silently with each other and with the world around you. At night, before you go to sleep, take a few minutes to read aloud to each other -- a bit of poetry would be perfect -- to prepare each other and yourselves for the dream world you're about to enter. You'll put each other in a highly imaginative and receptive frame of mind, and you could end up having some incredible dreams -- maybe even about each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 8 to Jul 13 | Exact: Jul 9, 2025
Whatever else you do this week, you should both be sure to spend some time putting your feelings for each other into words. Get as creative as you want with this sweet, romantic little project; your imaginations are sparked and you've both got love on your minds. Write a poem just for your honey; paint the way they make you feel on a canvas; or just send them an email telling them how cute and funny and all-around wonderful you think they are. This is a time to express your mutual affection in whatever style works best for you. It's also a good time to discuss issues between you that would normally make things tense, because you're both focused now on harmony and sweetness, and unless there are other factors making things difficult between you, any discussions about the relationship or about your needs or desires should go well. You both want to please each other, and you both want to maintain the harmony, so it will take a lot to start an argument. A great date now will be something that you can discuss together afterward -- a movie, an art exhibit, a poetry reading, perhaps. Anything that stimulates conversation and creativity is right up your alley!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 9 to Jul 26 | Exact: Jul 17, 2025
You should have a really good time together this week. Things just seem funnier, sweeter, and the possibilities for your relationship seem limitless. You're both feeling optimistic, so give this feeling a boost by taking a short trip somewhere. Whether it's a mental trip via a foreign film or a long discussion, or a physical trip via a drive to a museum or even another town, you'll both have a great time. You're in the mood for mental stimulation on a grand scale. You want to talk about deeper subjects than simple, day-to-day concerns; you want to move past 'How was your day, honey?' to 'What do you think about this culture, philosophy, way of life...?' This is also a good week for getting plans in writing. Negotiating contracts together is easier now than usual; when you put your heads together, you can catch any inconsistencies in the terms. As a team, you can convince anyone of pretty much anything you put your minds to, so whatever plans you've got in the works, this is the perfect time to get other people (such as your parents, your friends, your loan officer at the bank...) on your side. Think big, and plan even bigger. The stars are behind you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 11 to Jul 16 | Exact: Jul 15, 2025
You'll both be swept away this week on the power and intensity of your feelings for each other. Suddenly, the love that exists between you is like a living, breathing organism, or an electric current of energy that runs between you and binds you like a cord. You're both aware of each other now in a way that you may not remember experiencing before, and this energy is rare and precious, so you should both honor and enjoy it. Your sexual experiences with each other will be incredible now, to say the least -- passionate, full of ardor, a deeply moving experience for you both. You're in tune with each other at a deep level, possibly one that's deeper than either of you can fully understand; and that's fine. In fact, you'll both enjoy trying to get to the gold -- the pure, potent source of connection that draws you together and keeps you there, even through the rough times. This would be a good time to explore together the ins and outs of your relationship, in fact, especially if you've been dealing with any issues together of late. Now you can really get to the bottom of things -- the core of the core, so to speak.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 12 to Jul 18 | Exact: Jul 14, 2025
Any problems or issues the two of you may have been experiencing of late should be alleviated by this warm and affectionate period. And if things have been rolling along smoothly in your relationship, then this period will only serve to underscore the sense of love, affection, attraction and trust that you share. Good feelings abound this week; you both want nothing more than to enjoy each other's company and revel in the bond that you share. Staying home together, cooking, laughing and relaxing, would be a wonderful way to spend this time, as would getting together with friends. You're both in the mood for a party now, in fact, so accept all invitations that come your way. Laughter, after all, is good for the soul, as are togetherness, community, fun and romance. You should definitely take it easy together now. Your energy isn't so much low as mellow; you're less in the mood to go play a pickup game of soccer together than to lounge around, enjoying good food and drink, or just cuddling and enjoying the sensations you can bring each other through caresses and sweet murmurings of affection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 17 to Jul 20 | Exact: Jul 20, 2025
Spend some time this week discussing your relationship, including its weak points. You're both able to take a serious view of things now, without blinders or filters that can distort your view of reality. Though that may not seem very romantic, it's actually a good thing -- you're in touch with the truth of your relationship, which is the perfect foundation for improving anything that needs it. Neither one of you is expecting more out of your bond than you're going to get, which means the pressure is off. Whew! That's when you can really start tackling the big issues and deciding whether or not you've made a match that's going to last. Now, that's not to scare you or make you uneasy; facing the truth can seem like a nerve-racking prospect, but in truth, you'll be able to do it as a team this week, calmly and honestly. The energy at work now ensures that any decisions you make as a couple regarding your bond are good ones. If you stay together, it's with your eyes wide open and fixed firmly on the future. If you decide that you're not as great of a match as you might wish, you'll be able to proceed from there with mutual respect and good wishes.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 19 to Jul 23
Things feel sweet and easy this week. Your bond is a source of pleasure, support and warmth for both of you. Things just feel natural and right. Any recent tensions that have been bugging you fall away, or at least recede into the background. So take advantage of all the good energy -- get out of the house together for some fun to strengthen and renew your connection. It's the perfect time for a romantic date or to get together with friends for board games, dinner parties or a pickup softball game -- anything fun and active that will make you laugh and bring you closer together! And if there have been any recent tensions marring the surface of your relationship, this might be a good time to address them. It's fine if you want to just enjoy the sweetness of the moment and not discuss heavy subjects, but if you do decide to tackle some little issue between you, you'll both be more receptive now to listening calmly. If an argument results, it shouldn't get too heated, because you both have the best interests of the relationship in mind now. But keeping things simple, sweet and friendly may be your best bet. Every relationship can benefit from a period of warmth like this.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 21 to Aug 1 | Exact: Jul 25, 2025
When you two open up to each other about your feelings this week, you'll both tune in and listen with more than just your ears. You're feeling softer than usual toward each other now; you want to know what's going on with your sweetie, and your most sensitive feelers -- your instincts and intuition -- are working to give you a subtle view of what's in their mind and their heart. And they're returning the favor. If either of you encounters problems at work or otherwise in your daily life, you know that you can bring them home this week and receive a lot of sympathy and support from your sweetie for your travails. A wonderful date for you two now might be a long walk out in nature, during which you can talk together or simply commune silently with each other and with the world around you. At night, before you go to sleep, take a few minutes to read aloud to each other -- a bit of poetry would be perfect -- to prepare each other and yourselves for the dream world you're about to enter. You'll put each other in a highly imaginative and receptive frame of mind, and you could end up having some incredible dreams -- maybe even about each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 23 to Oct 30
During the next two to three years, the focus of your relationship should be on making positive changes -- ones that have been waiting in the wings for some time, and that will make things better between you in the long run. Whether it's establishing better communication, greater respect, a firmer sense of trust or what have you, you can take steps now toward making it happen. Old, bad habits of behavior can now be swept out, too. If jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation or control have been issues between you, now you have the focus and willpower it takes to look closely at these issues, figure out their sources, talk them out and let them go forever. This is also a great period for working together to get in shape. Joining a gym, stepping up your exercise program, cleaning up your eating habits -- all of these are excellent projects to tackle together during this time, because you can act as sources of support and motivation for each other. When it comes to not-so-fun endeavors like eating better and getting in shape, it's always more fun to do it with a buddy. So why not do it with your closest, most intimate pal?
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 24 to Jul 29 | Exact: Jul 28, 2025
You can really get through to each other this week. Sometimes communicating can be so confusing, even downright difficult, but right now those pathways are wide open, making it a grand time to put your heads together and connect. If the air needs clearing, make it happen now: You can say what you mean, mean what you say and really get through to each other. Also take some time this week to take stock of the relationship as a whole, either together or each on your own. Think about what you hoped the relationship would be as compared to what it has turned out to be. Are things going the way you'd hope? Is it turning out to meet or exceed your dreams? Here's hoping that the answers to both are a resounding 'yes' -- but if not, not to worry. This period is perfect for getting things back on track if they've gone off-course. Plan a summit meeting -- er, date -- to get together, connect, talk, make plans for the future and focus on any areas of the relationship that aren't living up to their potential. And finally, remember that things don't have to be so serious! While there's a wonderfully clear-headed energy now, it's also a great week just to make each other laugh.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 25 to Jul 31 | Exact: Jul 26, 2025
A good date for you two this week might be to rent a bunch of Hitchcock films and have a private screening party, with just the two of you in attendance -- because your minds are sharp now and you're both in the mood for a little mental sleuthing. You both want to know what's going on under the surface of things, including your relationship and each other, so you may also have some interesting discussions this week, ones that dig deeply into who you both are as people and what makes your relationship tick in the way that it does. Neither one of you is satisfied now with easy, glib answers, so your conversations will be long, multifaceted and far-reaching -- but in a fun way. Neither one of you is out to make the other feel defensive; instead, you're both feeling rather open and vulnerable in a good way. Furthermore, you're quite observant as a couple now. Getting together with friends could be extra interesting, because you'll both want to go home afterwards and discuss everything you saw, heard and sensed. Yep, even your close friends are fodder now for your keen and probing minds!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 25 to Jul 30 | Exact: Jul 29, 2025
You two are feeling really in love now. All the good things that come with it -- attraction, passion, excitement, warmth -- are in high gear this week. You've both got a renewed sense of just what it is that connects you, and keeps that connection going through the dull days and the difficult ones. Ah, it's days like these that are the real gold of a relationship! You only have to look at each other this week to feel turned on and tuned in. Getting together with friends would be great now, if you can spare the one-on-one time -- you might just want to stay in together, with the bedroom door firmly shut! But you are both feeling social, and you should get out and have a good time with good friends. At home, you can give this new sensual energy running between you a boost by cooking together or doing something fun and hedonistic like taking a candlelit bath or giving each other massages. Whatever your desires might be this week, you should voice them, or otherwise make them known. You're both in the mood to pleasure each other, as much as you want to seek your own; you're both even more open than usual to fun, sexy, passionate play.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 28 to Aug 3 | Exact: Jul 29, 2025
As a couple, you're both at your articulate, sociable and attractive best this week. Important social functions -- such as fundraisers or dinner with the boss -- go even better than they would have if you'd each attended alone. Other people are impressed by what a friendly, intelligent and good-looking duo you make! And there's nothing like a good impression to grease those wheels. But the current energy isn't wasted on simple social gatherings or one-on-one dates, either. You're both feeling much more like getting along than going head-to-head on any subject, so conversations go smoothly now. In fact, this would be a good time to have a little talk about any problems that have been affecting your relationship lately. You'll be able to articulate yourselves better than usual, and you'll both place harmony over all else, making it easier to stay calm and get along. But don't feel as though you have to spend this period discussing heavy issues. This is a time to be light of heart. A great date now might be to a gallery opening or a botanical garden -- someplace where you can soak up the beauty together, and revel in the sweetness of your connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 29 to Aug 3 | Exact: Aug 2, 2025
You're both full to the brim this week with sweet, soft feelings of affection. Your relationship feels like a nice, safe haven to come home to; you offer each other a lot of tenderness and support now, and it just feels right. If either of you has felt stressed out lately, this week could be just what you need to start feeling good again. You don't even need to try very hard to romance each other's socks off; this is the kind of period when a foot massage, a few murmured words of affection or a single rose will sweep you off your feet. So spend some time on romance, because your connection will definitely benefit from it. If you live together, this is a wonderful time to buy something new and beautiful together to make your surroundings even more reflective of your bond as a couple. It's a great time to purchase artwork! Or, cook, make a painting or write a short story together. You're even more creative now as a couple than you are as individuals, and activities like these will really strengthen your bond. It's a great time to get together with friends. Invite them over for a dinner party; you'll all have a great time laughing together and enjoying the sumptuous spread.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 30 to Aug 6 | Exact: Aug 4, 2025
Take a class together this week in something that interests both of you, or even in a subject that's brand-new; or read a book together, or watch a history show on TV. In some way, you both want to be enlightened when you get together now. You want to use your minds and talk over all the ideas that come into your heads. Your energy is sparked up when you get together, and for now, instead of being sexual, it's intellectual. You're both feeling chatty and communicative, and ideas are important to you -- not just what happened to each of you today, but how it made you feel and what it made you think of. You can expect to stay up late chatting at least a few nights this week; when you get together, you'll both feel that energy humming in your veins, making you listen up, tune in and focus. You may have a lot of busy work to take care of together, such as paying bills, negotiating contracts and the like. If so, you'll tackle it as a team and it will only add to the feeling that you're working together in a fun and interesting way. It would be a good idea to get outside this week and get some exercise, just to help burn off some of that energy!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 31 to Aug 4 | Exact: Aug 4, 2025
Whatever unpleasantness you've been dealing with together, whether its source is within your relationship itself or outside of it, now you've got a little window of time and energy to deal with it once and for all. This ten-day period is about facing down your issues as a team and tackling them together with the sudden, creative determination that both of you feel inside yourselves. New solutions to old problems seem to pop up out of nowhere whenever you're together. You inspire each other now to be creative and proactive, and the results could be truly amazing! This is a great time to transform whatever needs it -- your home, your outlook on life, your relationship itself. Any problems can be pulled out by the roots like a weed, because your understanding is deep right now and your mutual perceptions are keen. It's like that old saying, 'Two heads are better than one' -- that's really the truth about you two at the moment. This is only a ten-day period, so take advantage. Put your heads together to fix whatever needs fixing, whether it's physical, such as something around the house, or emotional, such as the way the two of you communicate.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 31 to Aug 6 | Exact: Aug 4, 2025
This ten-day period would be a great time to plan something on the sly for your sweetie. A surprise party could be fun, but you're probably both more in the mood for a romantic date just for the two of you. Set up the candles, the flowers and the meal and then lead in your honey, blindfolded, for a sweet surprise! Because secrets and mysteries are especially fun for the two of you right now. You're more tuned in to each other than usual; any signals you're picking up on are probably correct, and definitely merit being taken seriously. When you spend time together this week, take it easy. This is a period for relaxing together; you might even end up taking a nap and dreaming of each other! Isn't it nice to get some low-key, low-energy time to just revel in each other's company? You can talk things over if you need to, if there's anything going on in either of your lives that's been troublesome lately; but it's even more likely that you won't need to talk at all. You both just know what's going on in each other's minds, and you're there to help. Finally, you can also stimulate each other's creative sides now, so get artistic or make that date a trip to the museum.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 2 to Aug 7 | Exact: Aug 6, 2025
If you go out together this week, don't make it your usual restaurant, and skip the usual dinner-and-a-movie get-together for something more unique and unusual. An interesting energy is created whenever you're together now, and you could really have some eye-opening experiences as a couple if you commit to varying the routine. If you live together, this is a great time to redecorate, but again, don't do things in the usual way. Your focus as a couple now should be on anything that's different -- anything that gives you that sense of being alive, that feeling that the universe is limitless, and you've only uncovered a tiny corner of it yet. There's so far to go! This is always true, of course, but normally we get too caught up in the day-to-day minutiae of life to remember that the world holds far more than we've ever dreamed of or imagined. Now, you can get back in touch with that feeling of newness, as a couple. Take an impromptu weekend trip, or play hooky together from work. Buy a piece of abstract art and display it proudly in the living room. Do something -- anything -- that's outside your usual beat. You'll discover amazing things if you do.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 4 to Aug 9 | Exact: Aug 8, 2025
If you two happen to have big things planned together during this ten-day period -- a move, maybe, or the culmination of a project you've been working on as a team -- you can expect things to go well, because when you get together, you both just feel positive, as if anything's possible. And that optimistic outlook can really make wheels turn if you put your minds to it! But even if there are no big plans in the works, you can still make the most of this energy just by spending time together, having fun and reaffirming your bond as a couple. You can offer each other a lot of support right now, because you both feel confident in the relationship itself. This would be a wonderful time to make plans for the future, such as planning a vacation or a joint purchase of something that will make your lives more enjoyable as a couple -- that new plasma TV you've been ogling, perhaps, or something similar. You know what you can and can't afford in terms of time and money, and you're in the mood to treat yourselves and each other. This is also a wonderful time to get together with friends, especially other couples. You can spread all the good feelings around!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 15 to Aug 20 | Exact: Aug 16, 2025
Take a class together this week in something that interests both of you, or even in a subject that's brand-new; or read a book together, or watch a history show on TV. In some way, you both want to be enlightened when you get together now. You want to use your minds and talk over all the ideas that come into your heads. Your energy is sparked up when you get together, and for now, instead of being sexual, it's intellectual. You're both feeling chatty and communicative, and ideas are important to you -- not just what happened to each of you today, but how it made you feel and what it made you think of. You can expect to stay up late chatting at least a few nights this week; when you get together, you'll both feel that energy humming in your veins, making you listen up, tune in and focus. You may have a lot of busy work to take care of together, such as paying bills, negotiating contracts and the like. If so, you'll tackle it as a team and it will only add to the feeling that you're working together in a fun and interesting way. It would be a good idea to get outside this week and get some exercise, just to help burn off some of that energy!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 18 to Aug 21 | Exact: Aug 21, 2025
As a couple, you're both at your articulate, sociable and attractive best this week. Important social functions -- such as fundraisers or dinner with the boss -- go even better than they would have if you'd each attended alone. Other people are impressed by what a friendly, intelligent and good-looking duo you make! And there's nothing like a good impression to grease those wheels. But the current energy isn't wasted on simple social gatherings or one-on-one dates, either. You're both feeling much more like getting along than going head-to-head on any subject, so conversations go smoothly now. In fact, this would be a good time to have a little talk about any problems that have been affecting your relationship lately. You'll be able to articulate yourselves better than usual, and you'll both place harmony over all else, making it easier to stay calm and get along. But don't feel as though you have to spend this period discussing heavy issues. This is a time to be light of heart. A great date now might be to a gallery opening or a botanical garden -- someplace where you can soak up the beauty together, and revel in the sweetness of your connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 19 to Aug 23 | Exact: Aug 22, 2025
A good date for you two this week might be to rent a bunch of Hitchcock films and have a private screening party, with just the two of you in attendance -- because your minds are sharp now and you're both in the mood for a little mental sleuthing. You both want to know what's going on under the surface of things, including your relationship and each other, so you may also have some interesting discussions this week, ones that dig deeply into who you both are as people and what makes your relationship tick in the way that it does. Neither one of you is satisfied now with easy, glib answers, so your conversations will be long, multifaceted and far-reaching -- but in a fun way. Neither one of you is out to make the other feel defensive; instead, you're both feeling rather open and vulnerable in a good way. Furthermore, you're quite observant as a couple now. Getting together with friends could be extra interesting, because you'll both want to go home afterwards and discuss everything you saw, heard and sensed. Yep, even your close friends are fodder now for your keen and probing minds!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 19 to Aug 24 | Exact: Aug 23, 2025
When you two open up to each other about your feelings this week, you'll both tune in and listen with more than just your ears. You're feeling softer than usual toward each other now; you want to know what's going on with your sweetie, and your most sensitive feelers -- your instincts and intuition -- are working to give you a subtle view of what's in their mind and their heart. And they're returning the favor. If either of you encounters problems at work or otherwise in your daily life, you know that you can bring them home this week and receive a lot of sympathy and support from your sweetie for your travails. A wonderful date for you two now might be a long walk out in nature, during which you can talk together or simply commune silently with each other and with the world around you. At night, before you go to sleep, take a few minutes to read aloud to each other -- a bit of poetry would be perfect -- to prepare each other and yourselves for the dream world you're about to enter. You'll put each other in a highly imaginative and receptive frame of mind, and you could end up having some incredible dreams -- maybe even about each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 21 to Aug 28 | Exact: Aug 27, 2025
Your relationship feels like a place of real comfort and support, even more so than usual. Whatever happens over the next couple of weeks, you'll want to bring it straight home and talk it over with your sweetie. They're the only one who understands you right now, and you're the only one who gets them. You're both feeling very tender toward each other -- as if you'd do anything to show your understanding and acceptance of your honey. When you go out on a date during this period, be creative about where you go and what you do. When you give each other a gift or a card now, make it yourselves instead of purchasing something at the store. These little personal touches will really heighten your experience of the connection that you share. You're both feeling more compassionate now than usual, so you want to go out of your way to help each other; since you're both in this mood, there's little danger that either of you will take advantage of it. But don't forget to pay attention to yourselves as well as each other and the relationship. Keep up your exercise routine, but don't push it too hard, because your energies aren't quite as high as usual.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 23 to Aug 25 | Exact: Aug 25, 2025
You should have a really good time together this week. Things just seem funnier, sweeter, and the possibilities for your relationship seem limitless. You're both feeling optimistic, so give this feeling a boost by taking a short trip somewhere. Whether it's a mental trip via a foreign film or a long discussion, or a physical trip via a drive to a museum or even another town, you'll both have a great time. You're in the mood for mental stimulation on a grand scale. You want to talk about deeper subjects than simple, day-to-day concerns; you want to move past 'How was your day, honey?' to 'What do you think about this culture, philosophy, way of life...?' This is also a good week for getting plans in writing. Negotiating contracts together is easier now than usual; when you put your heads together, you can catch any inconsistencies in the terms. As a team, you can convince anyone of pretty much anything you put your minds to, so whatever plans you've got in the works, this is the perfect time to get other people (such as your parents, your friends, your loan officer at the bank...) on your side. Think big, and plan even bigger. The stars are behind you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 23 to Aug 26
Clear your schedules, call your florist, make dinner reservations for two at the most romantic restaurant you know -- because you two are really getting in touch with the sweetness of your bond this week, and you're going to want to spend a lot of time together, looking deeply into each other's eyes while cooing sweet nothings! You're both feeling very much in love this week, and you want to show it. You want nothing more than to touch your honey -- to stroke their hair, to run your fingers over the planes of their face, to hold on to them and never let go. And they're feeling the same about you. When you two go out on a date during this period, the only thing you'll argue over is who's going to pick up the tab, because you both want to treat each other. Shopping together will be especially fun now, even if it's just window shopping -- but you'll really want to drop some cash and buy tangible tokens of your affections for your sweetie. If there have been any tensions between you of late, this period will do wonders toward dispelling them, because you'll both get back in touch with the reasons why you're together in the first place.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 25 to Sep 4 | Exact: Sep 1, 2025
If you two don't get out of the house during this period to enjoy each other's company and the world at large, you'll be missing out on an opportunity for fun. Your combined energies are humming; when you get together, you make each other laugh and feel great. You want to treat each other to the good life, making this a good time to go out to dinner or get together with friends. Your connection is palpable now, visible to everyone around you, even; you both feel optimistic and lighthearted about the relationship, and it shows. Recent worries are no longer getting you down; you feel at ease now, and very much in the mood for celebration. If you do decide to stay in, invite friends over for a dinner party and get your ya-yas out that way! This new infusion of energy is also perfect for getting out of the house for some exercise. You might even want to start a new project or physical challenge together, such as losing weight in tandem or training for a marathon. If you do set weight-loss goals, though, don't expect to make major headway for a couple of weeks at least -- you two are too much in the mood for fun to restrict your diets just now!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 26 to Aug 31 | Exact: Aug 30, 2025
You think you know someone... But then they turn around and surprise you, in the best way! Suddenly, you both realize that there's a lot more to each other and to your relationship than you knew about yesterday. This ten-day period is all about having your eyes opened in some fun and exciting ways, so don't stick to your normal routine. Get out of the house and do something you've never done before -- try a new kind of cuisine for dinner, or try out a new sport together. Anything active and just a little bit daring would be right up your alley now, because you've both got a taste for excitement. If you do stay in, you can bring that excitement to your intimate moments, trying new ways of showing each other just how much you mean to each other. Ooh, la la! Isn't it fun to realize that you can keep surprising and inspiring each other every day, no matter how long you've been together or how well you think you know each other? You're both truly being yourselves now, and you're inspiring and delighting each other in the process. Anything fun and spontaneous is highlighted: an impromptu day trip, cliff diving, a trip to an amusement park... Just enjoy each other!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 29 to Sep 5 | Exact: Sep 4, 2025
This period is about using your combined energies to get something worthwhile accomplished. As a team, you've got a lot of focus and discipline now. How are you going to use it? You can tackle big, arduous projects that you might normally avoid because they're too tedious or dull -- such as giving the house a major, top-to-bottom cleaning; tackling your finances and balancing your budget; painting your kitchen, re-grouting your bathtub... Whatever it is that needs to get done, tackle it now. You've got the stamina needed to carry you through, and you can keep each other motivated and on task. And isn't it more fun to work side-by-side with someone you care about, rather than trying to handle things on your own? Even though you'll be expending energy working on your projects around the house, you'll both still have some left over for daily exercise, which is another routine to keep up during this period. You may not exactly enjoy that morning walk or jog, but you can do it with determination now, and when you get through this period in a few weeks with a lot of finished projects under your belt, you'll be glad you stuck to it as well as you did.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 30 to Sep 2
You could just have a really good time together this week, chatting over romantic dinners and reconnecting with exactly why it is that you adore each other; or you could actually make some progress through any relationship issues that may have been bothering you lately. This week would be good for either or both, as it's a time to reaffirm your romantic connection and let each other know just how you feel about each other. You could even take care of a little business as a team this week, in a fun way. This period is perfect for networking in a social sphere, such as taking one of your bosses out to dinner or attending a fundraiser for a cause you both believe in. When you're together, conversation will flow not only with each other but with everyone you come into contact with. Basically, you two can charm anyone now, starting with one another! So use the current energy as a gift that's to your advantage. Talk over an issue if there's anything that's been upsetting you lately; make a good impression on your boss or an associate. You're projecting a wonderful image now, that of a couple who's warm and loving, vibrant and appealing.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 1 to Sep 5 | Exact: Sep 4, 2025
This period marks a renewal of your deepest feelings of love and attraction for each other. You could have a lot of fun this week, especially if you honor your connection in a fun way that's out of the norm -- like reserving a hotel room for a romantic tryst away from home, even (or especially) if you live together! You can really peel back the layers of your connection now like an onion, getting to the sweet stuff that's deep inside. If you talk things through, being completely honest with each other, you'll both come through this period feeling as if your bond has deepened and matured, even in the space of just a few days. If you've been going through any tensions together of late, this period will really go a long way toward strengthening your relationship. Old issues are suddenly illuminated with new understanding, and you both feel a new sense of tenderness and togetherness. And your sexual connection -- whew! Let's just say, things will really heat up between you now, with an emphasis on the emotional part of connecting on a physical level. Have a great week.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 1 to Sep 6 | Exact: Sep 5, 2025
You're both feeling sensitive and compassionate toward each other now, and as protective of your bond as you might be of a newborn child. This is a wonderful time to renew your feelings for each other, because you're both in an especially romantic mindset, and you're experiencing your bond as a warm, subtle current of energy that's running between you. That bond is always there, in fact; you just don't normally have the time or inclination to tap into it with such sensitivity. That's why you shouldn't let this week pass you by without reveling in each other's love and company. A perfect date for you now would be something graceful and romantic; go out dancing or read a book of poetry together, or have a picnic on a blanket beside running water. Let your imaginations carry you away together. Sex takes on a spiritual feeling now; your lovemaking is more than two bodies meeting in physical passion. It's a way to express the true depths of your feelings for each other, and could be more emotional than physical. Fantasy play is especially enhanced for you now, as is anything that combines creativity with a heightened sense of your loving connection.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 3 to Sep 6
You two want nothing more than to spend time with each other this week, whether it's one-on-one or with friends -- as long as you're together. You're both experiencing a renewal of your attraction and adoration for each other. It's as if you're back in the first bloom of romance again -- all tender thrills, soft sighs and murmured words of affection. You'll both feel amazed anew at your bond. 'How did we get so lucky as to find each other?' you'll ask one another, as you stare deeply into each other's eyes. What a nice feeling! You may not get a lot done around the house this week, because you just want to have an easy, relaxed and romantic time. Of course, if there have been any issues between you of late, they won't get dealt with now either. Neither one of you wants to rock the boat at the moment; you just want to get along and revel in the sweet harmony between you. There's nothing wrong with that; just know that if there are problems simmering between you, putting them on the back burner will only delay the inevitable. On the other hand, this week is so sweet that it could go a long way toward alleviating tensions.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 4 to Sep 6 | Exact: Sep 6, 2025
Your conversations go places neither of you expects this week -- fun places, ones that make you both laugh and tune in for more. Your imaginations are sparked when you're together now, and you want to have fun. This is definitely a good week to forego the usual dinner-and-a-movie type of date in favor of something more unique and intellectual. If you do see a movie together, make it something challenging -- a documentary or a foreign film, maybe, something thought-provoking that will spur conversation between you when the film ends. This is the kind of period that renews your interest in the relationship itself, because you're both suddenly reminded that things are a lot more interesting and unusual than you ordinarily realize. The longer you're together, the more you might slip into a pattern of discussing mainly trivial, mundane subjects, like the minutiae of your days at work or what you need to pick up at the grocery store. That's why times like these are so fun: They remind you of what it was like in the beginning, when your minds ranged far and wide and you turned each other on just through conversation and mental exploration of the unknown.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 5 to Sep 8 | Exact: Sep 8, 2025
Your mood as a couple during this period is the type in which you'd be perfectly happy with a backyard barbecue and all your best friends in attendance -- even if it's only thirty degrees outside! You've got enough warmth in your hearts at the moment to combat even the coldest temperatures! Your loving feelings are renewed this week, and you also want to reach out as a couple to your loved ones and let them know you care about them. Any business you have on your plates as a duo should go very well; together you'll charm your boss or their business associate, and you'll have your loan officer laughing and wanting to cut you a deal. In fact, this could be a 'lucky' week for you two. Opportunities may fall into your laps, delighting you and making you feel as if the universe is working in your favor, when what's really going on is that you're getting back some of that sweet, generous energy you're putting out into the world. Last but not least, this is a wonderful time to get in touch with the beliefs that you share as a couple, whatever that means for you. It's a perfect time to be contemplative, to meditate on the things that matter most to you in the world.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 17 to Sep 26 | Exact: Sep 19, 2025
When you're together now, your energies are running warm and strong, making it a great time to push forward on a new project. Or, just get a little closer and enjoy your connection! Your sexual appetites are given a boost now, and you can get together in a fun and exciting way. But you can also get down to business and make serious headway on projects, because you've got plenty of passion between you and your sense of togetherness is much stronger than usual. So what's on your plates for the next few weeks? If you have work to do around the house, tackle it together. This is also a great time for team sports with friends; make sure you're on the same team, because you'll want to rely on each other and use that combined zealous spirit to obliterate the competition! This would also be a great time to join the gym or step up your exercise routine so that you can sweat it out side by side. This period is really about teamwork and getting physical, and combining your efforts for the best possible results. Whatever you have on the agenda, you can almost certainly make more headway on it as a unit than you would alone.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 22 to Sep 25 | Exact: Sep 25, 2025
During a week like this one, it's best not to try too hard to stick to the status quo you two have established for your relationship. Instead, embrace the unexpected moments of sweetness that will arise, because that's what the current energy is all about -- spontaneous expression of your affection for each other. You're both feeling a little more energetic and playful than usual. You want to connect with each other in a new way, so don't close yourselves off to your sweetie's suggestions -- and open yourselves up to exploring your own fantasies! This could be a really fun period if you open yourself up to all things wild, weird and wonderful. Also, stay open to unexpected get-togethers with old friends and new acquaintances. If you say yes to all social invitations -- and you should -- you're bound to get into something fun and new and different from what you normally do. And what could be better than that? If you let it, this period will go a long way toward revitalizing your interest in the relationship and broadening your sense of what's possible between the two of you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 23 to Sep 25 | Exact: Sep 25, 2025
Your connection feels a lot more intuitive this week than usual. You're tuning in with each other in a way that goes beyond simple conversation or other aboveboard signals. You're both feeling rather sentimental about your bond, and you want to show each other how much you value the relationship by tuning in and supporting each other on an emotional level. This could be a bit of a low-energy week, so don't be surprised if you're both more into dates that involve cuddling, talking and communing in sweet silence over dates that are about extreme energy output. You're a lot more likely to take a candlelit bubble bath together than to go out to the batting cages and hit the balls around! Your collective creativity is running strong now, so you may want to watch a lot of movies together this week or even create something artistic together -- a story or poem or painting that comes about through team effort. You're both feeling somewhat idealistic about your bond now, too, which is just fine -- if nothing else, it can counterbalance those times when you feel a little bit distanced from each other or even pessimistic about your future.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 25 to Sep 28 | Exact: Sep 27, 2025
You both feel a boost in confidence this week regarding your romantic bond. You feel lighthearted when you're together; things seem funnier than usual, and you're both ready to crack a smile at the least provocation. This increased confidence is a real gift to your relationship, since sometimes you may not feel certain about where you're headed together (or why). But for now, during this ten-day period, you can both see the horizon clearly, and what you see fills you with hope and happiness. This would be a great time to do something interesting, even mind-expanding, together -- take a couples' cooking class, go on a weekend trip to someplace you've never been before, or attend a lecture or book reading. You're both in the mood to express everything you're thinking, feeling and perceiving. You're also in the mood for some fun social activity with friends, so throw a dinner party together and cook up the recipes you learned in that couples' cooking class, or accept an invitation from friends and head out on the town. Any joint purchases or legal decisions should go smoothly now, but try not to pump each other up so much that you become overconfident.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 26 to Sep 28 | Exact: Sep 28, 2025
If you two have any business to take care of as a team -- contract negotiations, perhaps, or getting your finances in order, or even just cleaning the house top to bottom -- now is the time. When you're together this week you'll be in a serious frame of mind. You'll push each other to apply yourselves to the task at hand, and you'll achieve solid results by doing so. This probably won't be a week of frivolous fun or empty social interactions with friends, but you'll both be fine with that. You're in the mood to take care of business with clear heads and a lot of determination; you're definitely not in the mood to get out and chitchat with other couples or giggle together as you cuddle up on the couch. There's too much to be done to waste time with such frivolousness! This is a great time to organize your home, if you live together, or balance your budget. The focus now should be on greater efficiency and functionality, so anything in your relationship that's disorganized or lacking in these qualities, you can tackle it together now and really make headway on bringing it up to speed.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 2 to Oct 6 | Exact: Oct 5, 2025
You're extra tuned in to each other during this ten-day transit, at a level that you don't normally get to indulge in and enjoy. You could have experiences like knowing exactly what's going through each other's heads, or picking up the phone to call each other only to find that you're already connected. The current energy is the kind that binds you together at a subtle level and intensifies your sensitivity toward each other's moods and needs. You can offer each other a lot of sweetness, compassion and support now...and let's not forget the romance! Yes, this is a wonderful time to reaffirm your bond and your love for each other with a little good, old-fashioned lovemaking. A picnic on a hillside at sunset would be the perfect date for you now, or taking a canoe out to a secluded spot on the lake. Anything that lets you enjoy each other's company and get lost together in all the wonderful possibilities of your love is perfect. Yes, you're a little bit idealistic now, and you're putting each other up on a pedestal -- but so what? You can spend the rest of the year being realistic about the limitations of your bond. Now is the time for stars in your eyes.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 2 to Oct 6 | Exact: Oct 5, 2025
Any issues that have come between you of late can get sorted out now, because at the moment, you're both being honest and straightforward about your needs, desires and opinions. Neither one of you is afraid to speak up to the other, because you both feel as if the relationship is an open, equal forum -- a place for both of you to loosen up, let down your hair and let it all hang out, so to speak! While debates are possible between you at the moment, things probably won't spiral into an actual argument. You're both feeling too tuned in and levelheaded for that. You want to cooperate, not fight. You both recognize that speaking clearly and calmly is much more effective than yelling, pouting or whatever other silly behaviors you two might indulge in from time to time, which means that right now, you can really get things done! This is also a great time to work together on things outside the relationship, such as running errands or getting work done as a team. You'll get a lot more done if you work together now than if you try to work alone. Getting some exercise together would also be a great idea now. Go for a walk or a light jog, so that you can talk along the way!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 4 to Oct 10 | Exact: Oct 9, 2025
Your relationship should be a sweet, peaceful haven to revel in during this week-long transit, but don't miss out on the opportunities available to you now by just lazing around together! You can actually put this wonderful energy to good use, if you try. For one thing, you can make some real headway now on resolving any issues that may have been a problem between you recently. You're both feeling calm and optimistic about your future as a couple, which means you'll be much more open to working together than usual, and far less defensive or pessimistic about where things could go from here. This is your time to work as a team and really shoot for the stars! This can also apply to projects that you work on as a team now. Planting a garden, refinishing an old wardrobe, writing a short story -- whatever it is, you'll be infused with creativity and very open to each other's ideas. In fact, you'll both expand each other's creative energies, broadening things beyond anything either of you could have done on your own. So don't just lie around, feeling good! Get something done that you can both be proud of for a long time to come.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 7 to Oct 11 | Exact: Oct 10, 2025
Now is a great time to make some real progress toward the goals you share as a couple. You're both focused on your responsibilities to the relationship, including communicating well with each other, reaffirming your commitment and making solid, realistic plans for the future. This ten-day period focuses your energies and your mutual commitment in such a way that you can really get things done, if you want or need to. This is a great time to pay bills, fix something that needs fixing around the house or discuss a serious topic that's important to both of you. If you've been batting around ideas for the future, such as a move, a new home purchase, kids and so on, now would be a great time to talk more in detail and set up some plans. You're both feeling serious and solid, and the relationship feels stable, committed and satisfying to both of you. You're both quite realistic about where the relationship is going, too, and what you can and can't expect out of each other. This probably won't be a period of hearts and flowers and stars in your eyes, but that's a good thing -- you're both levelheaded about where you're going together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 16 to Oct 22 | Exact: Oct 21, 2025
This ten-day period is perfect for getting physical. Yes, you can get that kind of physical -- your passion for each other is revitalized now, and this is a great time to get close in the bedroom! But you can also focus your teamwork and energies on other projects, like cleaning house, working out, playing sports together or whatever project comes to mind. When you're together, you'll both feel enthusiastic and motivated; this should be a very dynamic period. You'll certainly be able to get more done together than alone, and you should capitalize on that. If there are any projects you've started together in the past but left unfinished, now is the perfect time to tackle them again with renewed energy, and get things squared away. Finish building those bookshelves together, or planting the garden, or completing that physical fitness course at the park. You've got the drive now to get things done, and you can push each other a little harder than you'd push yourselves. Okay, a lot harder! There's a healthy, fun sense of competition between you now, so you'll both have a great time trying to outdo each other, and yourselves.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 21 to Oct 24 | Exact: Oct 24, 2025
Don't try to get much done that's serious or business-oriented this week, because your hearts just won't be in it and you could end up missing important details, even if you're working together. Instead, this period should be about romance and relaxation, and nurturing the intuitive connection you share. You're both feeling extra tender and in tune with each other, and you'll want to avoid arguments even more than difficult or detailed work. Now is the perfect time to do something really romantic together, whether it's just cuddling together on the couch and sharing your dreams and fantasies or something more imaginative than that. A good date now might be attending a play, a poetry reading or a gallery opening, but you'll also be perfectly content with staying home and renting a movie. Napping together is also fun now, and you might both need the rest -- your combined energy levels are low at the moment. Indulging in dreams and fantasies is the main focus of this period. When you have to be apart, taking care of the business of your day, be sure to call up your sweetie or send them an email to let them know you're thinking of them.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 23 to Oct 27 | Exact: Oct 26, 2025
You two can really get other people on your side this week, and you can also appeal to each other to maximum effect. What projects do you have underway that you need help on? Are you moving, painting your kitchen, building a doghouse or a new fence? Whatever it is, ask for help -- of each other, if you've been working alone, or of your mutual friends, if you've been doing it together. A team effort will really give it the push it needs. You're both very much in the mood for fun, so make it a good time by cooking up a big mess of food and passing out the paper plates. But this week shouldn't be all about work or projects; in fact, you two are probably feeling more lazy than industrious at the moment. You both just want to lie around, laughing together and generally enjoying each other's company. That big mess of food is still a good idea, though; throw a dinner party or a back yard barbecue, and invite everyone you know. A rollicking bash is just the thing to put a smile on your faces and make you both feel great! A road trip would be another way to expand your horizons and have fun together. Whatever you get up to, the outlook is rosy.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 25 to Oct 28 | Exact: Oct 28, 2025
Spend some time this week discussing your relationship, including its weak points. You're both able to take a serious view of things now, without blinders or filters that can distort your view of reality. Though that may not seem very romantic, it's actually a good thing -- you're in touch with the truth of your relationship, which is the perfect foundation for improving anything that needs it. Neither one of you is expecting more out of your bond than you're going to get, which means the pressure is off. Whew! That's when you can really start tackling the big issues and deciding whether or not you've made a match that's going to last. Now, that's not to scare you or make you uneasy; facing the truth can seem like a nerve-racking prospect, but in truth, you'll be able to do it as a team this week, calmly and honestly. The energy at work now ensures that any decisions you make as a couple regarding your bond are good ones. If you stay together, it's with your eyes wide open and fixed firmly on the future. If you decide that you're not as great of a match as you might wish, you'll be able to proceed from there with mutual respect and good wishes.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 26 to Oct 30
You probably won't have much downtime together during this fun, active ten-day period. If you're on the couch watching TV together, you're both laughing and yelling at the TV; if you're trying to take a nap together, new thoughts and ideas will keep popping into both of your heads, and you'll just have to get it out. And when you're apart, the phone calls, emails and IMs will be never-ending. What fun! But even more than fun, this is a real opportunity to get to know each other even better than ever before. You'll amaze each other with your honesty and your insights. You'll open up in ways that you usually don't. And you may even surprise yourselves with what comes out of your mouth when the two of you are together. Because of all the heightened clarity of communication going on, this is an excellent time for making plans and decisions together. As a team, you can weigh out all the pros and cons of a situation and decide together where to go next. If there's something important or serious on your horizons -- an upcoming new job, move or other change -- you can talk things out and make sure that both of you are comfortable with where things are going.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 30 to Oct 30
Whatever projects face you as a couple, the next couple of weeks are the time to tackle them together. Your combined energies are running high -- much higher than the sum of your two parts -- and you're both feeling motivated. Starting a fitness routine together will go well now, because you're both really into making positive moves toward the future. A nice, light, healthy sense of competition exists between you at the moment -- just enough to give you that extra kick, but not so much that spats will break out between you. If they do, they'll make you laugh! But in general, you'll be able to work together now like a smooth-running, well-oiled machine. Getting the house cleaned, the cars washed and the yard raked is easier now than usual, too, so take advantage of this energy. A good date now is one that's more active than just dinner and a movie: Go out dancing together, or if the weather is nice, take a walk outside. Go for a bike ride or rent a canoe for a day on the water. Now is also a great time to join a couples' softball or soccer team and get active with other couples looking to have some sporty fun.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Dec 20 | Exact: Dec 5, 2024
You two have been together long enough to know each other's habits, or so you think. You each believe you can predict what the other would do and say in any given situation. And you have been through plenty together -- ups and downs, thick periods and thin ones. So, now's the time to celebrate your connection! You may think you know each other through and through, but you don't -- and that's the beauty of the next few months. Your eyes will be opened to the fact that there are always more things to learn about your sweetie -- new facets of their personality, their desires and ambitions to uncover. And there will always be more to learn about your connection, as well, which will become evident over the next few months. On the surface, you two might focus your learning by taking a class together in a new subject or traveling to a part of the world that's brand-new to you -- but rest assured that in the process of growth that ensues, you'll learn a great deal, not only about yourselves and each other but about the way that the two of you connect as a couple.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Oct 31
Hmm, this ten-day period could go either way. It could be really fun, a time when you're both feeling sparked up, spontaneous and ready for anything new and fun...or it could verge into the arena of a little too much instability, and could actually lead to arguments and other mini-flare-ups that undermine the solidity of your bond. It's all in how you handle this energy, which will certainly fire things up between you, one way or another. This would be a great time to go on an impromptu day trip, or do something together that you've never done before. Something a little bit daring would be just the ticket, like skydiving or bungee jumping! But you might be inclined to do something really risky together, like eloping or deciding to move in together. Just try to be careful; sudden moves can often lead to regrets later. Think it through before you act. For now, smaller ways of tasting the unusual side of life would be better: Go see a foreign film together, and then discuss it over a meal of ethnic cuisine that neither of you has ever tried before. Anything more major than that could end up being disruptive to your relationship, instead of a fun way to do something new together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 8 to Nov 13 | Exact: Nov 12, 2024
Explaining yourselves could be an impossibility during this week-long period. Suddenly, your communication hits a nebulous patch. What are you talking about? What is your sweetie saying? Who knows? If you can both be comfortable with a certain amount of ambiguity in the conversations you'll get into and the ideas you'll try to translate to each other, then this could actually be a really fun period. You could enjoy abstract films or art together, for example, because right now your minds are able to handle things that aren't concrete. But if either of you is the type to get nervous when faced with ambiguity, then this may not be a very fun period at all. This could especially become a problem if there's a task ahead of you that requires logic or clear, detailed thinking, such as any kind of contract that needs signing or any technical decisions that you need to make as a team. Endeavors that relate to business, contracts or other negotiations are probably best put off for a week or two, until your minds clear and things aren't hazy any longer. For now, just enjoy your odd conversations, interesting dreams and unusual trains of thought.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 29 to Dec 5 | Exact: Dec 4, 2024
This is the perfect period to indulge in a little dreamy romance together, because when you're in the same room, you're not likely to be focused on anything concrete. Trying to stick to rigid plans or timetables will be difficult for this ten-day period, as will taking care of mundane responsibilities like paying the bills or cleaning the house, even as a team. For this week or so, when you're together, you'll both be much more in the mood for something related to sweetness and fantasy. Spending a little time in each other's arms could be a wonderfully fulfilling, transporting experience; so could going together to an art gallery or a museum to share and enjoy your impressions. Facing any cold, hard truths about your relationship probably isn't on the agenda this week, because neither one of you is in the mood to disturb your dreamy bond. Though you're not exactly looking at the world through the eyes of truth, you'll still be able to tune in to each other and be sensitive to each other's moods and needs. You can treat each other with a lot of compassion now, and make each other feel wonderful. There will be time enough next week to deal with reality again.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 5 to Dec 12 | Exact: Dec 6, 2024
Explaining yourselves could be an impossibility during this week-long period. Suddenly, your communication hits a nebulous patch. What are you talking about? What is your sweetie saying? Who knows? If you can both be comfortable with a certain amount of ambiguity in the conversations you'll get into and the ideas you'll try to translate to each other, then this could actually be a really fun period. You could enjoy abstract films or art together, for example, because right now your minds are able to handle things that aren't concrete. But if either of you is the type to get nervous when faced with ambiguity, then this may not be a very fun period at all. This could especially become a problem if there's a task ahead of you that requires logic or clear, detailed thinking, such as any kind of contract that needs signing or any technical decisions that you need to make as a team. Endeavors that relate to business, contracts or other negotiations are probably best put off for a week or two, until your minds clear and things aren't hazy any longer. For now, just enjoy your odd conversations, interesting dreams and unusual trains of thought.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 19 to Dec 27 | Exact: Dec 26, 2024
Explaining yourselves could be an impossibility during this week-long period. Suddenly, your communication hits a nebulous patch. What are you talking about? What is your sweetie saying? Who knows? If you can both be comfortable with a certain amount of ambiguity in the conversations you'll get into and the ideas you'll try to translate to each other, then this could actually be a really fun period. You could enjoy abstract films or art together, for example, because right now your minds are able to handle things that aren't concrete. But if either of you is the type to get nervous when faced with ambiguity, then this may not be a very fun period at all. This could especially become a problem if there's a task ahead of you that requires logic or clear, detailed thinking, such as any kind of contract that needs signing or any technical decisions that you need to make as a team. Endeavors that relate to business, contracts or other negotiations are probably best put off for a week or two, until your minds clear and things aren't hazy any longer. For now, just enjoy your odd conversations, interesting dreams and unusual trains of thought.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 27 to Jan 2 | Exact: Jan 1, 2025
You two are all revved up and ready to go this week. You're feeling passionate toward each other and about the relationship itself. You can expect some major fireworks behind closed doors...or out in the open, if the mood strikes when you're out on a date or even in the grocery store together! In fact, PDA could be a really fun and spontaneous way to express your feelings for each other this week; just be sure keep it G-rated! Going outside the bounds of decency won't be much of a problem now, though, because while your passion for each other is on high, you're both still conscious of social tact and grace. Still, your blood is up and humming and you want to have fun together. Whatever you get up to, excitement is the name of your game. Whichever one of you is normally the aggressor in the relationship, you'll be in an especially forward mood; but both of you will take turns initiating adventures, because you've both got that feeling -- that need to make something happen, something that reflects the passion and energy you're feeling inside. Playing sports together could be just as fun this week as spending time in the bedroom.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 10 to Feb 13 | Exact: Feb 13, 2025
When you get together during this ten-day period, you'll probably have a lot to discuss -- and not all of it will be fun, light conversation. The current energy increases the chance that you'll irritate and annoy each other, no matter how calm you feel when you're apart! For whatever reason, when you get together this week, you'll just set each other off without meaning to. Arguments are a possibility now, as are debates, because you're both feeling strong about your own opinions and you'll both be very vocal about standing up for yourselves. A good thing to ask yourselves, though, may be -- what, exactly, are you standing up against? This isn't a competition, after all! It's a relationship, and there's room enough for the both of you, including all your differences of opinion and viewpoints. As long as you can remember that you're supposed to be a team that works together, not two adversaries who are opposed to each other, this could actually be a fun period. Furthermore, your mutual assertiveness could mean that you make real headway on any project that involves the both of you, such as negotiating business or signing contracts together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 11 to Feb 18 | Exact: Feb 16, 2025
This ten-day period is a great time to start new projects together, or to play on the same team in a game of Scrabble or softball with friends. Whatever you've been talking about doing -- planting a garden, taking a day trip, reorganizing the kitchen or joining the gym -- now you can get it done. But whatever you do, do it as a team. The current energy is really about togetherness and taking huge strides as a couple. You can certainly get more done together than either of you can on your own, and cleaning the house top to bottom can be a bonding experience! No, really. There's potential now for arguments, though, so make sure that whatever you do together, you're both pulling your weight. If one of you feels like you're stuck with a heavier load than the other, you'll start to feel pretty ticked off about it all, pretty fast. You know, on second thought, this may not be the best time for that weekend deep-cleaning session at home; there's too much potential there for irritation. Why not keep it fun? But do keep it active. Go for a jog together, play some racquetball or rent a canoe for the afternoon. Together you can sweat off some of your aggression.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 21 to May 5 | Exact: Apr 3, 2025
You two have been together long enough to know each other's habits, or so you think. You each believe you can predict what the other would do and say in any given situation. And you have been through plenty together -- ups and downs, thick periods and thin ones. So, now's the time to celebrate your connection! You may think you know each other through and through, but you don't -- and that's the beauty of the next few months. Your eyes will be opened to the fact that there are always more things to learn about your sweetie -- new facets of their personality, their desires and ambitions to uncover. And there will always be more to learn about your connection, as well, which will become evident over the next few months. On the surface, you two might focus your learning by taking a class together in a new subject or traveling to a part of the world that's brand-new to you -- but rest assured that in the process of growth that ensues, you'll learn a great deal, not only about yourselves and each other but about the way that the two of you connect as a couple.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 15 to May 29 | Exact: May 26, 2025
Don't be too hard on each other or yourselves during this period of a few weeks, because your energies are running low for things like fun, exercise and other usually lighthearted activities. You've both got some work to do -- maybe even too much on your plate -- and that's what you're focused on now. That sweet feeling of romance and the sizzle of passion that normally spice things up between you so nicely may just have to take a back burner now to whatever it is that you have to get done, and that could feel a bit frustrating, or even depressing. Part of the problem is that you're putting too much pressure on yourselves to do it all -- to work hard, to get it done, to go above and beyond. And, oh yeah, to keep your romantic relationship going strong in the meantime as well. You can't do it all; you heard it here first. Instead, pick the most important projects and focus on them, putting in a good effort until you've made real progress. Don't try to take on anything new now, and excuse yourselves from your normal, funny, lighthearted way of interacting with each other. The fun part of your relationship will return in a few weeks, don't worry!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 31 to Jun 2 | Exact: Jun 2, 2025
If you two have been thinking about doing anything together that's related to business, legal or monetary concerns, such as starting a business together, getting married or buying a house or other property, this ten-day period is a great time to brainstorm and finalize your plans. When you put your heads together, you're able to come up with far more now than you would on your own, and you can help each other to see all the wonderful possibilities that exist on the horizon of your relationship. This is also a great time to plan a vacation together to an exotic locale, because you've both got faraway places on your minds -- anywhere that's different from home. And you want to experience this broadening of the mind together, not alone. This period is more about talk than it is about action, but that's okay -- it's a great time to plan things that you'll put into effect in the future. The only thing to watch out for is that you might talk each other up so much that you get into areas that are beyond planning, and are just pure fantasy! But even that's okay; you'll come down to earth together soon enough, so why not enjoy the mental trip now?
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 31 to Jun 8 | Exact: Jun 6, 2025
Be sure to get out of the house and do something fun during this ten-day transit, because when you're together, you just feel great -- energetic, optimistic, as if anything is possible. And hey, under the current energy, it just might be! If you've been having any trouble getting along of late, or even just if things have been a little on the mundane side, this period will surely give your relationship the injection of fun that it needs. This is the kind of energy that could encourage you to start making big plans for the future together -- a vacation, maybe, or even a move or a house purchase. Do take care that you don't get too expansive, or plan something that's really outside your budget or the amount of time that you can spare. But as long as at least one of you keeps things grounded in what's actually possible, what's wrong with dreaming the dream? Aside from making plans for the future, you should also focus on your bond in the here and now. You'll probably both be in the mood for some fun, varied, jam-packed days, full of activities that allow you to use both your minds and your bodies. So get out there and make it happen!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 9 to Jul 26
The two of you have some tasks to work on together over the next week or so, and the current energy gives you a lot of focus and the determination you need to get the job done. This may not be the most fun or romantic period of your relationship, but it's only a week or so long, and you can get a lot done if you put your heads together and get to it. This period is great for paying bills; finalizing legal or monetary matters; cleaning the house top to bottom; taking the cars in for tune-ups or inspections -- anything that falls under the category of taking care of the mundane pieces of business that you normally try to avoid because they aren't very fun or interesting. Make sure that you work as a team now; you should be sharing roughly equal responsibility for the tasks that are before you, so that neither one of you ends up feeling like you've got way more to do and not enough appreciation for your efforts. Speaking of which, tell each other often how much you appreciate everything you're both doing! There's nothing wrong with putting it into words, so that no one feels taken for granted. More romantic, lighthearted times are ahead; now is just for getting things done.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 14 to Jul 20 | Exact: Jul 19, 2025
You two are feeling incredibly affectionate and indulgent toward each other this week. When you get together, you don't want to focus on work or mundane tasks like cleaning, bill-paying and so on; you want to indulge in sensual pleasures together, and explore all the good feelings you're both experiencing. Now is not the time to try to stick to any diets you've been adhering to, because you're both in the mood to go out to dinner and have whatever looks like the richest, most delicious treat on the menu -- calories be darned! Shopping trips will also be fun now; you want to treat each other to whatever your sweetie's heart desires, and you could end up spending more than you planned, and maybe even more than you can strictly afford. But what can you do? Just try not to go too far overboard now, and accept that this period of indulgence will mean a bit of scrimping and saving later, or being especially strict about your diet and exercise routine. But that's for next week. This week is simply for having a good time together and reconnecting with that pleasurable urge to satisfy and fulfill one another's every wish, whim and desire.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 31 to Aug 11 | Exact: Aug 2, 2025
If one of you takes a jab at the other during this three-week period, you'll jab back. You're both infused with a new, slightly aggressive energy, and neither one of you feels like backing down from conflict. For this reason, you could get into a doozie of an argument during this phase, unless you're careful to be nice to your sweetie and keep things light and fun. Remember the Golden Rule: If you don't want them taking shots at you, you're not allowed to poke at them either. On a more positive note, this should be a really fun phase, especially if you stay active as a couple. You've got plenty of energy to burn, so you should get outside together -- go for a walk or, better yet, a run, and work up a real sweat. Team sports would also be a great stress-reliever now; play on the same team for the best results. Neither one of you is satisfied with humdrum dates, like dinner and a movie; you both want something more interesting, unique, dynamic. So use your imagination when you get together, and think up something really fun and different to do. Skydiving, maybe? Racing go-carts around a track? Riding a roller coaster together? Whatever you do, keep it exciting!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 4 to Aug 11 | Exact: Aug 10, 2025
This ten-day period is all about taking care of business as a team. You probably won't have too many romantic moments, or even much downtime in general; this is a period for focusing on your responsibilities, not for canoodling. And that's okay. When you're together, you're both feeling serious, not goofy and flirty. Whatever needs to get done -- cleaning the house, paying the bills, making major decisions about the future -- can get done now. Make sure that you're both contributing, though, and that neither one of you is having to pull more than your fair share of the weight. That's what relationships are all about, after all: having a partner who can take some of the burden off of you, and returning that favor. As long as you're both contributing your own strengths, you'll do fine. This is also a good time to reaffirm your commitment to each other, in a serious and meaningful way. This could mean simply reassuring each other about how you feel and what your hopes and intentions are for the relationship, but it's likely to take on a more realistic tone. You're both aware of the strengths and limitations of the relationship now, and this is a time to accept them.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 13 to Aug 25 | Exact: Aug 16, 2025
It's likely that the two of you are going to get into more arguments than usual during this three-week period, or at least some heated debates, because suddenly, you're both standing behind your own opinions as if you were defending your own body. Neither one of you is in the mood to back down, either; if an argument starts, you'll both push things to the limit just to have the last word. That's no fun, so do try to keep a sense of perspective when conversations start heating up between you. Even if you think you have to hammer a point home and make sure you were heard, it's still possible to take a step back and realize that that's really just your ego talking. On a more positive note, you're not just talking now; you're making things happen. That's why it's so important to avoid the potential for argument that this period brings; because, when you're working as a couple now, you can get an incredible amount done -- much more than you could have done on your own. But if you're too busy fighting, neither one of you will be very productive! So remember that you're on the same team, and work together toward the same objective.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 17 to Aug 28 | Exact: Aug 26, 2025
You could really get on each other's nerves during this period, because you've got two clashing agendas and you're both pushing hard for yours to be the one that wins out in the end. Your sexual passions are on high now, just like your emotions and your deep urges to have things your own way. Thus, this could be a very intense time of ups and downs, one in which you feel closer than you thought possible one minute but then like enemies the next. To tell you to stop trying to control each other wouldn't work; these are deep feelings and compulsions that you're under the sway of, and it would take a lot of willpower and brutal honesty with yourself to realize what you're doing and why. Your best bet for dealing with this troublesome energy might just be either to spend some time apart or do active things together -- activities that will work out some of your energy and aggression. If you're playing team sports together, playing on opposite teams could get tricky; your competitive spirits are decidedly at the forefront now. If you can possibly work together, that would be best, because you need something to remind you that you're a couple, not adversaries.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 21 to Sep 1 | Exact: Aug 23, 2025
The sizzle comes back in a major way during these few weeks to spice up your mutual passion, so take advantage! You can have a lot of fun together now, both in the bedroom and out of it. Yes, your sex life is given a definite boost, but you can also take that heightened sense of energy, warmth and interest and use it to make your relationship more dynamic as a whole. This would be a great time to take a trip together to someplace warm and exotic -- someplace that brings you even closer together and that offers an array of new sights, sounds, scents and flavors to revel in. Your senses are on high alert now, and you'll both get a kick out of spicy foreign foods, sweat trickling down the backs of your necks, the sound of waves crashing against the shore... Okay, if a tropical vacation isn't an option, you can recreate the same feeling at home. Just light some candles, turn on some romantic music and take your sweetheart into your arms to let them know just how much they mean to you and how much you desire them. With all this heightened passion, arguments are possible, so focus your efforts on keeping things within the realm of romance and sensuality.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 23 to Aug 27 | Exact: Aug 26, 2025
The two of you have some tasks to work on together over the next week or so, and the current energy gives you a lot of focus and the determination you need to get the job done. This may not be the most fun or romantic period of your relationship, but it's only a week or so long, and you can get a lot done if you put your heads together and get to it. This period is great for paying bills; finalizing legal or monetary matters; cleaning the house top to bottom; taking the cars in for tune-ups or inspections -- anything that falls under the category of taking care of the mundane pieces of business that you normally try to avoid because they aren't very fun or interesting. Make sure that you work as a team now; you should be sharing roughly equal responsibility for the tasks that are before you, so that neither one of you ends up feeling like you've got way more to do and not enough appreciation for your efforts. Speaking of which, tell each other often how much you appreciate everything you're both doing! There's nothing wrong with putting it into words, so that no one feels taken for granted. More romantic, lighthearted times are ahead; now is just for getting things done.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 5 to Sep 10 | Exact: Sep 9, 2025
Whatever you two have to accomplish this week as a team -- paying bills, cleaning the house, making plans for the future and so on -- make sure that it involves at least a bit of pleasure. If you're busy setting the house to rights, turn on the stereo and dance your way through the ordinarily tedious chore. If you're paying bills, take each other out for dinner or a sweet treat when you're finished -- keeping it economical, of course! If you're having a planning session about something in the future, like a project or a trip, bake some cookies or muffins together first and have some tea while you talk. You'll both benefit from keeping things pleasant and fun, even when you've got business to attend to. And in general, you will have something that needs your attention this week, whether it's something mundane like the above-mentioned chores or something more personal -- like thinking or making a decision about the relationship itself. You're both concerned with serious matters at the moment, and you might even feel a bit detached from each other; all the more reason to make that extra effort to connect in a sweet way. Keeping it light will help you both get through it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 16 to Sep 19
You're both in the mood to chat now. Suddenly, communication is big between you; whenever you get together during this ten-day transit, the ideas and discussions will flow. And when you're not together, you'll be calling each other on the phone, sending emails and IMs and generally keeping in touch. Arguments are possible, but debates are more likely, as anger shouldn't really become a part of things. Right now, you're both more concerned with getting your opinions across with clarity and finesse than you are about hammering them home by yelling or being insistent. Dates should focus on conversation; go to dinner together so you can talk, or if you do see a movie, go out afterward for coffee and a chat about what you both saw. Day trips are also a great idea now; getting away from your usual environment for a few hours will really spark you two up. In fact, the more spontaneous your activities are, the better. Don't try to schedule things down to a T; instead, just plan to get together and then leave the rest of it open. You won't have any trouble figuring out what to do; you'll both have plenty ideas for what you're in the mood to go see, experience and talk about!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 20 to Sep 24 | Exact: Sep 21, 2025
Don't expect to get a lot of rest when you're together this week, because you two are about to get back in touch with everything that drew you together in the first place: a feeling of excitement when you're together, a sense of intellectual stimulation and the fun that comes with lots of chatting and tossing ideas around. If there's something regarding your relationship that you've been needing to discuss but haven't found a good moment for it, now would be a great time. You're communicating with each other better than usual because you're both listening up, tuning in and speaking clearly. But this period needn't be all about serious matters or tackling previously unaired relationship issues; it should also be about having a great time together. Get out of the house together; in fact, a spontaneous little day trip or weekend away would be perfect. Don't forget to bring along a journal, or something to use when great ideas come to you and you just have to write them down! The current energy is the kind that could lead to some great, spontaneous brainstorming sessions where you both spark ideas off each other and come up with something amazing.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 21 to Sep 25 | Exact: Sep 24, 2025
Take this ten-day period to really let each other know how you feel about each other. You're both feeling amorous, and you both want to express it in words. Write your sweetie a love poem; leave a sweet message on their voice mail; whisper sweet somethings in their ear. You could even compose a song about the love you share! However you do it, just make sure you get it out there, because sometimes we forget to make our feelings clear, when the chaotic rush of life takes over. Now, this period will probably be a fast-paced one, too, but it will be fast-paced in terms of frequent conversations, phone calls, emails and IMs. This is a great time to have a heart-to-heart about anything that's been bugging either of you about the relationship. You're both a little more tactful now than usual, because getting along with each other is at the forefront of your minds. You're both able to put things in a softer and more eloquent way now, so put this new (and temporary!) skill to use to air out any grievances or issues that either of you has. And have fun! This is a great time to spend time together, or to go out with friends.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 22 to Sep 25 | Exact: Sep 25, 2025
Has either of you been keeping secrets of any kind? Because it's likely that they'll come out now. No, not big, deep, terrible secrets; more the kind of secrets that will surprise and even delight you when you uncover them about your sweetie, whom you thought you knew so well. You'll have deep and intense conversations with each other this week and discover things about each other that you've never even guessed at before. What fun! Isn't it exciting to discover new and interesting things about your intimate partner? You can also turn this depth of perception outward toward any projects or other matters that are calling for your mutual attention. Together you're focused on becoming healthier, stronger and more truly yourselves, so this would be a great time to discuss joining the gym or even going to counseling together. You can also turn your attention now to wrapping up old, unfinished business. Are there any overdue bills that need to be paid, or business matters that you've left dangling while other parts of your lives have taken precedence? Tackle it all now, this week, when you've got the combined energy and focus needed to really get things done.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 23 to Sep 30 | Exact: Sep 28, 2025
The focus during this period is on the way you communicate with each other -- both in overt ways, like conversation, flirtation, trading jokes and even jabs; and in more subtle ways, like your intuitive bond. This week-long period should give a real boost to your communication. You'll find yourselves laughing together more than usual and chatting till late into the night about your days, your thoughts, just whatever comes into your heads. This is the perfect time to do something cerebral or intellectual together, like working a crossword or logic puzzle or making a date to go to a debate or a poetry reading. Little love notes will have a big impact now, and you'll both find yourselves wanting to call each other at odd moments throughout the day -- ostensibly to ask some question or relay something you forgot to tell each other earlier, but really, just to hear each other's voices one more time and have that little bit of contact. Short trips would also be a wonderful way to connect now. Take a day trip out of town; bring CDs for the road so you can both sing along, and take a picnic basket so you can linger awhile, drawing out the conversation.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 25 to Oct 5 | Exact: Oct 3, 2025
This period of a few weeks could be just the injection of excitement and spontaneity your relationship needs -- or it could make you feel seriously insecure, as your bond takes twists and turns that are completely unexpected. It's up to you how you experience the energy of this period, but either way, it will at least be an exciting phase! You're both feeling just a little bit rebellious. You want something to shock and amaze you about your sweetheart, about the bond that you share -- you want to be shown that, however long you've known each other, there are still secrets to uncover about each other. Making plans probably won't work out very well now; instead, play it by ear, and follow where your urges take you. Scheduling an evening or a weekend would only lead to broken plans, so just leave your time open. Your impulses will take you where you want to go. Now, do be careful that you don't do anything too rash or impulsive! This is the kind of energy that could make some couples elope, or break up, or get into a sudden argument for no reason other than an excess of energy. If you're in the mood for something new, make it fun and experience it together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 27 to Oct 5 | Exact: Oct 3, 2025
Ooh, la la -- the two of you should make a point of enjoying this fun, lovey-dovey period, because it lasts less than two weeks. The attraction between you is warm and strong now; you just really like each other. Affectionate smiles and touches feel spontaneous and perfectly natural. You want to hang out together and enjoy each other's company, and you should do it. Set aside time to be alone together, but also know that this is a great time to get together with other couples and friends; you'll both enjoy the social activity and the energy it creates. If you've been feeling at all distant or overworked lately, this is the perfect time to relax together and revel in the closeness your relationship brings you. And it's a great time for some lovemaking. Long, sensual massages are just the ticket; so is playful fun in the bedroom! You may not get a lot done together now in terms of mundane, day-to-day things like cleaning the house and paying the bills -- and in fact, a shopping spree together is much more likely. But that's okay; you need little periods like this sometimes, to rejuvenate your positive feelings for each other.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 29 to Oct 6 | Exact: Oct 5, 2025
This period could be an intense one for the two of you, but will ultimately prove beneficial. You're likely to get into some power struggles with each other now; you might both feel calm and centered on your own, but when you get together, something big is bubbling to the surface, demanding that you deal with it. And your way of dealing with it might well be to argue, or take subtler routes of attempted domination and control. 'I'm holding the remote control tonight, honey,' you might say, with a grin pasted on to hide the fact that your jaw is set like concrete! Whatever's coming up is something that's been there for a long time, so why not go ahead and face it down now and be done with it, once and for all? It could be an intense, even difficult process, yes. But it could also be really transformative for your relationship as a whole. By the end of this ten-day period, you could both feel as if you understand each other and yourselves and even your bond infinitely better than you did a week ago. Expect intense sexual chemistry now, too -- even if you're arguing a lot, or even because of it. Something about your mutual displays of domination will really turn you both on!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 8 to Oct 12 | Exact: Oct 11, 2025
When you put your minds together this week, you'll come up with some crazy stuff -- some of it downright brilliant. Any task or project that you're working on together can make real headway during this ten-day period, because you're bringing out the genius in each other. When you work together, your ideas are sparkling, and more than a little bit ahead of your time! This period is all about tossing around ideas rather than trying to hammer anything down or come to any definite conclusions. You can really get outside your normal ways of thinking together; you can be very innovative in how you approach any problem as a team. You'll also see the humor in any and all situations that you get into together, so this should be a fun period, one that renews your senses of interest in the relationship and in the possibilities that your shared future holds. This would be a great time to take some sort of class together, preferably in an area such as computer technology or Web design -- anything that encourages thinking outside the box. And if you have a chance to work as a team on a project like this, then so much the better! You'll leave all the other teams in the dust.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 10 to Oct 15 | Exact: Oct 11, 2025
The love between you will shine strong and bright this week. Your mutual attraction is on high; when you look at each other now, you'll both feel a little rush of gladness and excitement -- what a wonderful bond you've got! What an amazing person you're in love with! Your good feelings about the relationship are at the forefront now. If any issues between you have been making things a little tense of late, now you can reconnect with your more positive feelings about the relationship -- and what a relief. Neither one of you cares right now about whatever may have been bothering you. You don't want to sweat the small stuff any more than you want to address the big stuff; you don't even want to be serious together right now! You're much more in the mood to cuddle, laugh, have a great time and get a little closer. This is a great time to go out on a date, just the two of you, or to spend time with friends, laughing and having fun. Do be careful about how much you spend on each other this week; you're both in the mood to be indulgent, and you might end up overdrawing your checking account if you're not careful. Oh well -- at least it'll be fun!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 17 to Oct 22 | Exact: Oct 18, 2025
Whether you're together in the same house or city this week or far away from each other, you'll both feel very warmly and closely connected. You're both in the mood now to express your love for each other in definite yet romantic terms -- a sweet message left on your honey's voice mail, letting them know you're thinking about them; a love poem penned with them in mind, left on their pillow at night. You'll probably think of each other a lot this week, when you're apart; you'll call each other every chance you get, and when you're together, your conversations will roam far and wide. But always, you'll come back to the wonderful, loving connection that you share. You're both really glad this week for your bond, and you're in the mood to say so -- to let that be known. This is a great time to make a date together to go see an art exhibit or take a drive in the country -- anything that will spark your creativity and get the conversation flowing. Keep your dates on the fancier, more refined side. You're both in the mood to enjoy yourselves in style, and surrounding yourselves with lushness and grace will increase those qualities within yourselves and the relationship.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 19 to Oct 24 | Exact: Oct 23, 2025
You'll both feel the compulsion this week to dig deeply beneath the surface of your attraction, to whatever lies beneath. This would be the perfect time to go to counseling together to uncover some of your more unconscious behaviors in the relationship, or to address your deepest feelings of love, possessiveness, anxiety or insecurity. Or, you could have a deep and intense conversation at home, just the two of you. Make sure that it doesn't devolve into an argument in which neither of you wants to let go of your own suspicions. That would be neither fun nor productive, and any work you do together this week to better understand your relationship should be worthwhile in the long run. Otherwise, what's the point? If you're just dredging up difficult feelings to satisfy some semi-destructive or dramatic urge within you, it will have a more negative effect than if you're doing so to try to effect some positive change in the relationship. It's likely that old, difficult feelings will come up now, such as jealousy or possessiveness. It's up to the two of you as a team what to do about them, but do try for harmony and understanding.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 21 to Oct 26 | Exact: Oct 22, 2025
Ooh, la la -- the two of you are going through a major renewal of your attraction to each other this week! Your loving feelings are warm and strong, and when you look at each other, you get a little thrill in your heart (and perhaps in other regions as well). Basically, you're both wearing rose-colored glasses for the moment, and when you look at each other, you'll both see stars. You'll probably want to make room for some romantic one-on-one time, but getting together with your friends is also a great idea now. Whatever you do this week -- go out to a dinner party, stay in for a little romantic tete-a-tete, go on a date to a fine restaurant, a museum or a walk around the lake -- you'll both have eyes only for each other. You may not stay within your budget or on your diet now, because you want to indulge yourselves and each other with sweet, sugary treats, little gifts that express your devotion and more -- but that's okay. Do try not to go overboard in a big way, but this is a time to enjoy yourselves and each other. You're in touch with all that you admire about each other, and it's periods like this one that keep you afloat through rougher waters.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 25 to Oct 30 | Exact: Oct 30, 2025
Hmm, this ten-day period could go either way. It could be really fun, a time when you're both feeling sparked up, spontaneous and ready for anything new and fun...or it could verge into the arena of a little too much instability, and could actually lead to arguments and other mini-flare-ups that undermine the solidity of your bond. It's all in how you handle this energy, which will certainly fire things up between you, one way or another. This would be a great time to go on an impromptu day trip, or do something together that you've never done before. Something a little bit daring would be just the ticket, like skydiving or bungee jumping! But you might be inclined to do something really risky together, like eloping or deciding to move in together. Just try to be careful; sudden moves can often lead to regrets later. Think it through before you act. For now, smaller ways of tasting the unusual side of life would be better: Go see a foreign film together, and then discuss it over a meal of ethnic cuisine that neither of you has ever tried before. Anything more major than that could end up being disruptive to your relationship, instead of a fun way to do something new together.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Jan 7 | Exact: Dec 7, 2024
Your shared illusions regarding your love affair may crumble during the next several months, as reality and idealism lock together in an uncomfortable standoff. This is a tense confrontation between the way things really are and the way you both wish they could be, and you'll both feel the disappointment of losing some of your most cherished ideals about each other. But facing the truth of a situation is a good thing, however difficult it might be, and this period is no different. Okay, so you don't communicate as well as you thought you did, or the passion you share doesn't burn quite as hot as it once did. You want different things in life; you're two different people, with individual goals that may or may not fit in with the overall scope of your relationship. And on top of it all, neither one of you is that sublime being the other once thought you were! So what? Isn't it the flaws and the unexpectedness and the spontaneity that make relationships interesting? This period challenges you to learn to revel in your differences, and in the surprises your bond brings to the table.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Oct 30 | Exact: Jan 18, 2025
Be certain to deal with each other in a straightforward, aboveboard manner over the next two years. You're both more open now than usual to deception, and any way that you might mislead each other -- including little white lies, the kind you might think you're telling in order to preserve your sweetie's feelings -- will only damage the sense of trust between you. Larger deceptions will be even more hurtful, of course, so if either of you is wondering whether the relationship is really where you want to be, be honest about your feelings. It's best not to be hurtful whenever possible, but sometimes it's even more hurtful to keep your feelings and desires to yourself. This vulnerability to deceit can also happen to the two of you as a team, for example, if you get involved in some speculative venture together, such as investing in property and the like. Neither one of you will be able to read the red flags, so get the opinion of someone you trust before sinking any substantial money or time into anything. Finally, your combined energy level is lower now than usual, so don't expect more of yourselves or each other than you can deliver.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Nov 2 | Exact: Nov 1, 2024
Arguments could be difficult to avoid this week. Touchy subjects will have a way of just coming up when you least expect them, and even if you two are feeling calm and centered when you're apart, there's something about the energy that you'll create when you get together that will lead to tensions and disagreements. You'll both have the tendency to exaggerate about things, which will only add to the problem; overstating your case only undermines its validity in the end, after all. But you've both got a case this week, and neither one of you is backing down from the way you see things or the way that you think that they ought to be. Take care when you're going places together, such as on a day trip or even just a simple trip to the grocery store. Even such innocuous mistakes as taking a wrong turn will cause arguments; you may each be better off doing the grocery shopping and other errands on your own! The more time you spend together this week, the more annoyed you're likely to become with each other. You may want to do things on your own until this troublesome energy passes, or you'll just get into petty arguments that you'll both regret later.
Return to Table of ContentsBefore 10/31/2024 to Nov 1 | Exact: Oct 31, 2024
Let's hope you two don't have any pressing business to tend to this week, like, say, work or paying the bills, because when you get together, neither one of you will be in the mood to buckle down. Instead, you both want to relax together, enjoying good food, long naps and some fine cuddle sessions. Getting up early to make it to work on time will feel like an impossibility this week, as will dragging yourselves to the gym or sticking to your diets. Even if you try to do those things together for the added motivation, you'll probably end up poking each other and making each other giggle, and then off you'll be, acting like a couple of silly teenagers instead of two responsible people with duties to attend to! If you don't live together, now may be a good time to spend a few nights apart, because if you get together you're just going to distract each other. Especially if you've got a lot of work to do or a big project on your plate, you should keep your distance -- because you're both really persuasive when it comes to playing hooky! Overspending is another big possibility for this period, so if you can't afford a shopping spree, wait till next week to get together.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 5 to Nov 11 | Exact: Nov 9, 2024
At the moment your relationship could feel like a source of frustration, friction or limitation, certainly not like the fun, romantic romp that you might both wish it could be. But hey -- you've had your fun, romantic times, and you'll have them again. This period only lasts about ten days or so, and your best bet is just to endure the heavy energy instead of making it worse by worrying about what it all means. Besides, what you're going through is a very important phase for any relationship: a sort of reality check that will ground the two of you in what your relationship really is capable of becoming, rather than what you hope or dream that it could be. Realizing the limitations of your bond can be a bit depressing, of course -- but if you're to be together for the long haul, it's a necessary period of disillusionment, and one you'll be glad for once you're through it. After all, relationships are work. That honeymoon phase in the beginning can't last forever; and why would you want it to? If the goal is to create a stable bond, to become a true team, a partnership, this period is essential to strengthening that bond and putting your teamwork on the line.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 8 to Nov 13 | Exact: Nov 9, 2024
You two may take a turn-the-other-cheek approach to the relationship this week, which might be just as well; otherwise, you could get into some serious arguments, and neither one of you is in the mood for that at the moment. Of course, arguments can be good, even if they're not pleasant; they clear the air and get issues out into the open. The fact that you're both more into preserving the harmony of the relationship now than you are in facing the harsh realities of your bond is okay, but there will be consequences later -- after all, you'll have to face things at some point, and often, putting it off can make it harder in the end. But for the moment, you're just not interested in making waves. You both want to get along, so you may find yourselves biting your tongue when normally you'd speak your mind, or agreeing to something that you're actually not into. The truth is, you're both feeling just the teeniest bit insecure about your bond, and you're both turning to a bit of forced harmony as a way to reassure yourselves that you've still got it. So, go ahead and make nice; there will be time later to address any issues between you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 10 to Nov 17 | Exact: Nov 15, 2024
When you get together this week, you'll both be running off at the mouth -- talking, arguing, monologuing... At the moment, neither of you has any sense of when enough is enough; you'll just keep on talking, or yelling, unless someone (such as your sweetie) stops you. And how will they stop you? By saying something that upsets or offends you, probably because you've misheard them -- because who can listen carefully when they're talking as much and as fast as you will be? It's not just you, either; your sweetie is doing the same thing, and you both need to take a mutual chill pill. Try to listen instead of exaggerating. Another possibility now is that, instead of arguing, you'll be in agreement -- but neither of you has any real sense of reality or perspective at the moment. You could talk each other into a frenzy over something that's really a minor thing, or something that you've misinterpreted from the start. Try to keep in mind that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is; and if you're suddenly up in arms over something or someone, it has more to do with your current state of mind than with them, or with reality.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 13 to Dec 28
When rebellious thoughts enter your heads during this period -- fantasies of ditching out on the ol' ball-and-chain, maybe, and running off to Fiji -- don't take them too seriously! It's just the current energy at work, whispering seductive fantasies in your ear, making you question whether you're leading the life you've dreamed of. Hey, questioning is great, but uprooting yourself just because you're feeling restless isn't great at all. If you're both feeling rebellious, well, at least you can run off together; but chances are good that you'll each secretly feel suspicious that the grass is much greener someplace else. You'll both start behaving in ways that reveal your urges for independence: Maybe you start disagreeing with your sweetie purely for the sake of disagreement itself, and then they start showing up late for dates just to keep you on your toes, which ticks you off... Sounds a little immature, doesn't it? On both your parts. So calm down. The energy passing through is meant to test your bond. Show it how strong you two are by resisting its siren call of freedom -- at least until your heads are clearer and you can make more definite, less impulsive choices about your future.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 15 to Nov 21 | Exact: Nov 19, 2024
Your relationship might not be the sweet, safe haven that it normally is during this ten-day period. Instead, it could become something of a battle ground. Even if you're each feeling okay on your own, something happens when you get together this week; your energy is sparked up, and not in the best way. It's as if your hackles just go up whenever you see each other now, and you're both ready to fight to protect...what? That may not be clear to either of you. After all, you've still got the same amount of love and affection that you had last week, and it should come back next week. But this week, you'll feel impatient with each other. You're both on a short fuse, and you'll both try to dominate each conversation and situation that comes up -- even the little things that don't matter. 'Why do we have to watch this TV show?' one of you will say. 'I want to watch this other one!' Or, 'No, I don't want to eat at that restaurant tonight!' You might be better off spending a little time apart, each tending to your own projects. Otherwise, little arguments (or bigger ones) will result, and you'll both feel tired out from all the stress and frustration that's generated.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 15 to Nov 20 | Exact: Nov 16, 2024
You two really want to get along this week -- which, contrary to logic, could actually make things a bit difficult between you. Neither one of you is feeling very strong at the moment; you're both privately feeling a bit insecure about the relationship, and that could make you be more conciliatory with each other than is strictly necessary. You might both agree to things that you're not really interested in or compromise (meaning, back down) on issues that you really should take a stand on. But you just don't want to get into an argument, or have any unpleasantness between you at all. It's understandable; fights and tension are no fun. But neither is fixing messes later that you created yourself by allowing yourself to be walked all over. Now, neither one of you is going to take advantage of the other purposefully; you've both got the same aim now, which is to get along and have a smooth connection. But do try to remember that keeping the peace isn't always the most important goal, especially if something truly important comes up between you this week. It's important to communicate clearly and honestly, especially about the big things, even if you're afraid you'll upset your honey.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 18 to Nov 23 | Exact: Nov 21, 2024
You could get into some battles of wills this week, either overt ones, such as out-and-out arguments, or more subtle ones that stay under the surface and bother both of you, consuming your thoughts and energy but never coming fully to light. You're both feeling more than a little insecure about your bond at the moment, and this could manifest itself in jealousy, fights or controlling behavior. But instead of lashing out or getting into a heated discussion, you might want to probe your own mind first about whatever it is that you think is bothering you. Could it really be that you're feeling worried about your connection in general? It's likely that you're actually feeling a bit disconnected and insecure about the future of the relationship, so express those feelings rather than hurling accusations and trying to defend yourself against those of your honey. This period is actually a good one for getting down to the truth of things, so at least you've got that going for you -- although the discussions or arguments that ensue won't be much fun for either of you. Of course, you're both feeling extra passionate, so the kissing and making up could be truly inspirational!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Nov 19 to Nov 24 | Exact: Nov 20, 2024
Romance and harmony will be at the forefront of both of your minds this week, and you'll both do just about anything to maintain that feeling of sweetness and indulgence -- even if it means ignoring your responsibilities or any issues that exist between you. Neither one of you is in the mood now for conflict; you want to get along, and you're only interested in togetherness. So much so, in fact, that you might suppress your own personality or your needs in favor of feeling like the two of you are peas in a pod. At least this transit is short! Because it wouldn't do to ignore your unique urges and opinions for long. For the moment, though, it's okay; togetherness is what you're after, and that's what you're creating by becoming each other's carbon copy this week. You'll probably both have fun as a result; just don't be surprised when, next week, you have to go back and clean up the messes you made when you ignored your diet or exercise routine in favor of hanging out with your honey, or when you have to make up extra hours at work to cover what you missed while the two of you were lost together in the land of romance and mutual indulgence!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 2 to Dec 9 | Exact: Dec 7, 2024
The main problem during this ten-day period will be that neither one of you will know when enough is enough. When you're together you'll both just feel so great, so happy and optimistic and indulgent, that you'll egg each other on -- 'Sure, why not buy that expensive wide-screen TV? We'll just put it on credit!' Or, 'Yes, please, give me a third stack of your homemade chocolate-chip pancakes! Yum!' Needless to say, this kind of behavior can easily lead to indigestion or even strained bank balances and a serious morning-after guilt complex. Now, normally, at least one of you is able to be sensible about things. 'No, honey,' you'll say, 'we really can't afford that right now.' Or, 'Here, why don't you eat this apple instead of that third slice of cake?' But right now, when you two get together, neither one of you is in your right mind! You both feel good and you think the way to increase and extend the good feelings is more, more, more. More food, more shopping sprees, more time lying around in bed together instead of getting in to the office at a reasonable hour... Of course, playing hooky is fun sometimes, as is a spontaneous joint purchase. Just try not to overdo it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 3 to Dec 8 | Exact: Dec 4, 2024
When you get together this week, you'll both be running off at the mouth -- talking, arguing, monologuing... At the moment, neither of you has any sense of when enough is enough; you'll just keep on talking, or yelling, unless someone (such as your sweetie) stops you. And how will they stop you? By saying something that upsets or offends you, probably because you've misheard them -- because who can listen carefully when they're talking as much and as fast as you will be? It's not just you, either; your sweetie is doing the same thing, and you both need to take a mutual chill pill. Try to listen instead of exaggerating. Another possibility now is that, instead of arguing, you'll be in agreement -- but neither of you has any real sense of reality or perspective at the moment. You could talk each other into a frenzy over something that's really a minor thing, or something that you've misinterpreted from the start. Try to keep in mind that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is; and if you're suddenly up in arms over something or someone, it has more to do with your current state of mind than with them, or with reality.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 9 to Dec 14 | Exact: Dec 13, 2024
Neither one of you is respecting your bond as a couple this week as much as you should, so take care not to create a real mess. You're both feeling a bit rebellious; you've got grass-is-greener syndrome for the moment, and you both might start wondering if there might be someone out there who's just a little more interesting and exciting. Well, the answer is, probably so. But so what? Someone else might excite you more, but they would come along with their own problems and personality quirks that you'd have to learn to put up with -- which, after a while, would dim your sense of excitement and newness. That's what's going on here; after all, you two found each other pretty exciting back in the beginning, when everything was new and the possibilities were limitless. Now you know each other a little better, including each other's foibles, and it's easy to get impatient with each other and even start thinking that maybe you should look for love somewhere else. Good thing this is a short period of instability; if you're both careful, neither of you will do or say anything you regret, and you'll both be glad next week when you remember how strong and important your bond truly is.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 16 to Mar 25 | Exact: 01/01/2025,03/09/2025
Reality doesn't interest you two as a couple during this period. Instead, you're much more interested in fantasy -- in escaping the everyday life of your relationship, which may be a bit of a disappointment when compared to all you hoped it would be. If you can confine this new interest in fantasy to safe realms, such as, say, the bedroom, then this might be a really fun few months. But if you get a little too attached to trying to make your shared ideals a reality, you may be disappointed in the end. The current energy is the kind that makes you dream big, and you may overextend yourselves trying to make that dream come true. The money runs out, the contractors all shake their heads and go home...and you're left with an unfinished shell of a house and a big dream that's gone suddenly stale. Or something like that. You'll be a lot better off if you can keep your dreams on a much more manageable scale, such as that aforementioned taste for fantasy play or a newly close relationship with your local video store. Escaping into the fantasy world of a good movie is no problem; the problems begin when you actually start confusing fantasy with reality.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 17 to Dec 23 | Exact: Dec 18, 2024
Things could feel a bit strained now. The two of you seem to be working at cross-purposes; your schedules are off, you're both a little moody, and your libidos might not be up to par. You might have lingering doubts at the back of your mind about the relationship -- is this really living up to everything you wanted it to be? Is it even what you thought it would be? Dissatisfaction and anxiety reign now. It's easy to press each other's buttons, and you know each other well enough to know just which ones to push! So don't do it. Keep a handle on yourself; stay calm even when things get tense. The best thing to do during a period like this is just hunker down and wait it out. If you can, spend a little time apart -- absence, as they say, makes the heart grow fonder. If you do have to spend a lot of time in close quarters, don't be surprised if arguments break out and feelings get a little hurt. If this happens, think of it as an emotional clearing of the air for your relationship -- an important thing to do every now and then, even if it's not a fun one. In a week or two, things will start to look rosy again, and you won't even remember what you were so upset about.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 18 to Dec 24 | Exact: Dec 23, 2024
You two want to enjoy each other's company this week, but you've both got a little too much on your plates to really let loose and have a good time. When you go out to dinner together, conversation is stilted; you're both preoccupied with whatever it is that you need to get done, and you may keep sneaking glances at your watches. You'll both feel as if the other is being a little bit uptight -- not realizing that that's how you, yourself, are coming across. You do want to have fun, and you might even try to fake it, laughing at jokes that you don't find funny or trying to hold up your end of the conversation while making it perfectly obvious that your heart's just not in it. Why fake it? Why not just take a break from the fun and games for a week or so, to get some work done? Oh, yeah -- because you're both in the mood for fun. You just can't seem to make it happen. The best you two might be able to do under the current energy is to just let each other, and yourselves, off the hook. If your sweetie seems distracted or uninterested in the conversation, remember that you've been the same way lately. Sunny days will return soon, don't worry.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 22 to Dec 28 | Exact: Dec 27, 2024
This ten-day period will test your ability to listen to each other without defensiveness or other filters that can distort what you hear. It will also challenge you to put your own ideas forward in a clearheaded way, because your communication is afflicted now and you'll both have to try extra hard to get things across. That's a tall order, though, so don't be surprised if arguments break out at random, often with only the slightest provocation -- or, seemingly, none at all. You might say something perfectly innocuous that ends up really ticking your sweetie off. If you're the one who's getting annoyed, remind yourself that it's much more likely due to a misunderstanding on your part than to any ill will on your sweetie's. That's very difficult to do, though; in the moment, you'll probably be so consumed by your own self-righteousness and your hurt feelings that you won't realize till later that you actually misheard what they said. Know that the two of you will probably have trouble agreeing on pretty much everything, for the moment: which movie to see, where to go out to eat, who gets to hold the remote control and so on, up to the bigger, dicier subjects that affect your relationship.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 23 to Dec 30 | Exact: Dec 28, 2024
When you get together this week, you'll both be running off at the mouth -- talking, arguing, monologuing... At the moment, neither of you has any sense of when enough is enough; you'll just keep on talking, or yelling, unless someone (such as your sweetie) stops you. And how will they stop you? By saying something that upsets or offends you, probably because you've misheard them -- because who can listen carefully when they're talking as much and as fast as you will be? It's not just you, either; your sweetie is doing the same thing, and you both need to take a mutual chill pill. Try to listen instead of exaggerating. Another possibility now is that, instead of arguing, you'll be in agreement -- but neither of you has any real sense of reality or perspective at the moment. You could talk each other into a frenzy over something that's really a minor thing, or something that you've misinterpreted from the start. Try to keep in mind that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is; and if you're suddenly up in arms over something or someone, it has more to do with your current state of mind than with them, or with reality.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 27 to Jan 2 | Exact: Dec 31, 2024
You won't get a lot done together during this ten-day period; when you get together, you'll both just want to revel in your bond. You'll find it hard to focus on anything tedious or mundane, like schoolwork, housework, paying bills or getting to the office on time in the morning. It's so much nicer just to loll around in bed together, cuddling, giggling and whispering sweet words of affection! But hey, even though you two are enjoying a little renaissance of love, the world's still carrying on around you. In a week or so, you may have to play catch-up on the extra work that piled up while you were ignoring your responsibilities together. Oh well; that happens sometimes. And what fun it is while it lasts! You'll gaze into each other's eyes, each of you feeling like you're staring at the world's most gorgeous person. You could even both put on a few pounds now, because cooking up rich, sumptuous meals or treats together is high on your list, while hitting the gym probably isn't. If there's something that one of you absolutely has to get done this week, you may need to spend some time apart just to make sure you don't distract each other.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 28 to Jan 3 | Exact: Jan 2, 2025
An 'us against the world' attitude is possible now. Things seem difficult; whatever projects you take on together will probably be slow-going. Circumstances could actually conspire at this time to convince you both that others are against your relationship, whether or not that's true. A friend might dig a little too deeply into the issues you face in your love affair, making you feel uncomfortable and protective of your privacy; or someone close to you, perhaps a family member, might express their reservations about your relationship. In response, the two of you could pull together, or you could actually turn against each other and start doubting the bond yourselves. If those doubts do start to intrude, who's to say whether they're valid or not? Talking to your friends may not help, especially if they're the ones who initially voiced their reservations! It's possible, though, that you're just reading into things others say because really, you both actually feel those doubts, deep down within your own souls. If you can't figure out how to handle it, you'll just have to wait a week or two for things to become clearer, or to come to a head.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Dec 31 to Mar 6 | Exact: Jan 22, 2025
Your relationship suddenly feels like a stifling place to be rather than the open, fun and free bond you both want it to be. Your belief is being tested -- in each other, in your commitment, in the values that you both thought you shared but that now seem worlds apart. What was once a close, fun, affectionate bond now seems like a drag. One or both of you may feel rebellious against the limitations of your relationship, but try not to act on these feelings. You could end up damaging a good thing, just out of a passing sense of being hemmed in. Alternatively, this may be a time when you two question not the relationship itself, but the goals you've formulated as a couple. Something that once seemed really important and appealing now seems to be beside the point. You may want to move in a completely new direction together, but not knowing how, or if it's even the right thing to do, will seem frustrating. The truth is, that frustration is a useful tool if you know how to use it. This period is supposed to be a time of questioning, which can feel really confusing and frustrating. But be sure to act deliberately, not impulsively, when you do finally decide on a course of action.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 5 to Jan 9 | Exact: Jan 6, 2025
This week you're both talking, but neither one of you is hearing what the other is trying to say. Arguments are likely because you're both misunderstanding each other's intentions; when you're together, you'll both get offended more quickly and easily than when you're apart. Good thing this period lasts only a week or so! And if you both can exercise a little patience, you could skate right through this potentially troublesome influence with little or no trouble at all. But it's likely that you will have to work at least a little harder than usual at making yourself heard, and also at listening carefully to what your honey is trying to say. The impulse will be strong now -- for both of you -- not to let the other person finish their sentence, because you'll want to answer whatever they've just said as soon as possible. But a little patience and self-control will go a long way here! If you're feeling critical of each other, try to keep it under your hat; the irritation of this period will pass through when the energy abates. If a truly important issue comes up, on the other hand, now would be a good time to speak honestly, even if what you have to say isn't what your sweetheart wants to hear.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 11 to Jan 15 | Exact: Jan 12, 2025
During this ten-day transit, you could easily work each other's last nerve. No matter how calm and reasonable you may feel when you're apart, miscommunications when you're together will lead to tension. Arguments are likely, but it's just for now; this energy will pass through in a week or so. But if you don't remind yourselves of that fact, you'll be way too hard on each other and you'll make a difficult situation even worse. Even at best, you'll both have to work hard to get your points across. Try active communication: Make eye contact, listen as best you can, wait for your sweetie to stop speaking before you start, and -- here's the important part -- before you assert your own opinion, repeat back what you just heard, just to make sure you're not wildly off-base in your response. If you can both stay patient, you might even get a laugh out of all the myriad ways you'll mishear each other -- like your very own, private game of 'Telephone'! Make sure, also, that you read the fine print on any business, legal or monetary matters that come up this week. Even when you put your heads together, you could miss important details if you're not careful.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 11 to Jan 17 | Exact: Jan 15, 2025
The two of you are living out a dream this week -- a pleasant one, to be sure, but one that is distinctly separate from reality. You may both be putting each other and the relationship up on a pedestal, ignoring the very real flaws in each other and your bond; and for the moment, that's okay. But don't be surprised next week if the return of your normal sense of reality includes a feeling of letdown -- as if all those pretty dreams you wove together about your love are just flimsy fantasies, nothing that could ever stand up against the harsh reality of real life and relationships. Both perspectives are wrong, by the way; romance by definition includes a bit of fantasy and idealism, and relationships by definition are difficult, requiring dedication and maintenance. There's no reason to swing from dreamy idealism to pessimism, but that's just what you'll do if you're not careful to remind yourselves of the truth about things. Speaking of truth, be sure to be honest with each other this week, even if you think you're telling a little white lie for the sake of preserving the peace. Any untruths you tell now will come back bigger and much worse later.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 12 to Jan 16 | Exact: Jan 15, 2025
Miscommunications this week could leave both of you feeling a little frustrated or embarrassed. You might make a date and then find that you both had different ideas in your minds of what, when and where; or one of you could be feeling amorous and chatty while the other just isn't in the mood for much interaction. If things do get tense, try not to let them devolve into criticism and arguments. It's not your sweetie's fault, any more than it's yours; this is just one of those weeks when snafus will happen with annoying regularity, and you'll both just have to roll with the punches. You may end up having to discuss things that neither one of you wants to talk about, such as problems in the relationship. Be especially careful in your communications if you're working together on something that's supposed to beautify things around your home. Again, you could find that you each have very different ideas of what's supposed to happen and when, and if you're not careful, things could turn from pleasant to unpleasant fast! Be clear about your own expectations, and listen carefully when your sweetie is voicing their own. Snafus can be avoided if you both just listen up.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 13 to Jan 17 | Exact: Jan 16, 2025
You two could find yourselves walking on eggshells around each other before this ten-day period is over. Even if you're both feeling calm and centered when you're apart, as soon as you get around each other, strange little suspicions will start to pop into your minds. You'll treat each other with either subtle or overt distrust, which will lead to tense interactions, to say the least. After all, relationships are supposed to be based on a feeling of trust; ideally, you're both supposed to be able to relax around each other and 'let it all hang out,' so to speak. But at the moment, things aren't feeling so loose and carefree. You might take things your sweetie says the wrong way, or vice versa; you'll both treat each other with sarcasm, which will only get your backs up. Needless to say, arguments could result, and if they do occur, they'll probably be intense. You'll both want to go deep and figure out exactly what's going on under the surface of your relationship, and neither one of you will be satisfied with the answer that, well, what you see might really be what you get. Try to remember that trying to control each other is a waste of time. Things should calm down in a week or so.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 14 to Jan 20 | Exact: Jan 19, 2025
You two are in the mood to indulge this week -- in rich foods, playing hooky from work and flirting not only with each other but whoever catches your eye. Neither of you wants to upset the other; far from it. But neither one of you has a sense of boundaries at the moment, and you might be a little bit indiscriminate in your affections. So watch yourselves when you go out to a dinner party or other social gathering together! You might stick closely by each other's sides all night, annoying your friends with excessive PDA and bouts of giggling and whispering; or you might get a little loopy and chat up someone new and cute, thereby upsetting each other. Of course, neither one of you is in the mood for an argument; this week should be generally pleasurable, as you both just want to get along and enjoy yourselves to the fullest. And that's just the problem. Sticking to any kind of budget, routine or diet will fly out the window now, and you'd better believe your indulgences now mean you'll have to double up later on any efforts to save money, get work done or drop some pounds. Oh well; at least you'll both have a good time while you're at it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 22 to Jan 28 | Exact: Jan 27, 2025
You two should expect the unexpected now, because that's what you're most likely to get. Any plans you make as a couple could be suddenly set off-course by something unexpected that comes up, much to your surprise -- and it may not be a welcome surprise. If you make a date to get together, one of you could get stuck in traffic and show up thirty minutes late; if you decide to cook dinner at home, the oven could malfunction and your meal gets overcooked. And since things feel suddenly tense, you'll both have a hard time taking these little changes in plans in stride. But it doesn't have to be the stability of the relationship itself that's undermined, even if that's what it feels like is happening. Think of it more as the universe reminding you who's in charge. It's certainly not the two of you! Just because normally things run nicely along tracks that you can understand doesn't mean that a bit of spontaneity and unexpectedness shouldn't shake things up every now and again. So try not to get into silly little fights whenever things don't go as planned. Instead, loosen up a little, allow for mistakes and get ready to go with the flow for a week or so.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 29 to Feb 2 | Exact: Feb 1, 2025
This is not the week to spend a lot of one-on-one time together at home, because you'll both feel restless together, which can easily turn into irritability. Get out of the house or spend time with other friends until next week, when this energy will pass. Because this week, you both run the risk of saying things you don't really mean and causing arguments. Yes, it's that old foot-in-mouth disease flaring up again. You'll annoy each other much more easily now than usual, especially if you haven't gotten enough exercise or mental stimulation. Needing a mental or physical workout can push you to seek stimulation wherever you can get it, even if it's negative stimulation, such as petty debates and disagreements. Also, be careful if you two are in any kind of legal or monetary negotiations together with a third party. In situations where you're supposed to keep certain things under your hat, so to speak, one or both of you will end up saying things you don't mean to reveal, which could lose you the advantage in the situation. Finally, expect the unexpected now. Even the most well-planned activities won't run according to schedule, and you'll both just have to roll with it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jan 29 to Feb 8 | Exact: Jan 31, 2025
Self-indulgence will play a big role in your relationship this week. Neither one of you feels like getting serious about anything when you're together; you'd both much rather lie around together than clean the house, pay the bills, get to work on time... You might even be so lazy that you'll call out for dinner to be delivered rather than having to go to the store and make your own meals! While everyone gets into these moods sometimes, you two should guard this week against dragging each other down -- in a very pleasurable way, of course. It's just that you'll both be negative motivators for each other. When one of you wants to sleep in and play hooky from work for a few hours, the other will be more than happy to join in the fun -- and then you'll have two annoyed bosses who want to have words with you. But neither one of you is in any mood for confrontation! So why bring that kind of trouble on? Instead of just checking out of every responsibility you have this week, you would do much better to perform at least the essential tasks. If that means you can't hang out together for a few days because of your bent for mutual self-indulgence, then so be it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 1 to Feb 7 | Exact: Feb 6, 2025
If your relationship feels like a cold and lonely place during this ten-day period, try not to lose confidence in your bond. It's just a phase, one that will pass soon enough. But in the meantime, things might not be very fun between the two of you. This could come from within, or it could be an outside influence that seems to challenge you as a pair. There's a feeling of heaviness now that could sap all the romance right out of things. Trying to communicate about how you're feeling may not alleviate the tension, either; in fact, it may only make it worse. You'll have a hard time getting through to each other, which could make both of you feel isolated. These feelings may be subtly present, or they could actually arise strongly from something that happens during this period -- a conversation about your mutual relationship goals, for example, that reveals the fact that those goals aren't as mutual as you thought. If this occurs, just remember that you are two separate people, though you're joined in a type of unit. You'll always see things at least somewhat differently, and that's okay -- it's actually a good thing. But for now, those words probably won't soothe you. You'll both just have to wait patiently for the current feelings of frustration and pessimism to pass.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 4 to Feb 8 | Exact: Feb 7, 2025
You'll both find it hard to express yourselves when you get together this week. You might think that you're trying your hardest to speak your mind and you're just not being heard, but it's actually likely that you're coming across as rather uncommunicative -- and that goes for both of you. This sense of frustration could translate into a kind of pessimism that will make you both start tossing little barbs each other's way. You'll be more critical of each other than usual, because deep down, you're both feeling kind of mad -- mad that things aren't going how you want them to, that you're not being heard and understood and supported in the way that you want to be. And so, you're lashing out, albeit in small ways that will likely evaporate as soon as this energy passes in a week or so. But for the moment, passive-aggressive behavior will be rife on both sides; you'll both communicate your displeasure more through stony silences and disapproving glares than through any actual conversation, which is a big part of the problem -- if you could just talk things out, this period would go much more smoothly. So try to be open instead of passively negative.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 10 to Mar 19 | Exact: 02/13/2025,03/16/2025
You and your sweetie will probably run into a snag or two in your communication this week, and while it may not be pleasant, ultimately, it's probably a good thing. There are a few issues between you that have been on the back burner lately, and now they'll come to the forefront. No, it's no fun to argue, but you need to have it out sooner or later, don't you? And now is as good a time as any. It won't feel like that in the moment, though. In the moment, all you'll be aware of is your own hurt feelings. Something your honey says will rub you the wrong way, and you'll get defensive, thinking they took a jab at you when really, you were just being a little too sensitive. But again, that sensitivity points to an area of real tension between you. You wouldn't feel sensitive or defensive if there weren't a real issue there that needs to be resolved, regardless of whether it originates within you or within them. Either way, it needs to get talked out. You may have a few false starts, meaning, silly, dramatic arguments that go nowhere fast. But sooner or later, you'll get down to the meat of the conversation: what's really going on between you, and what you're going to do about it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 14 to Mar 15
You two are both reacting against the slightest provocations this week. You've got a strange energy at work inside you; you're up, you're down, calm one minute and then in a huff the next. If you like dramatics and excitement, you may have fun with this period. If not, you may get more than a little annoyed with the minefield that's suddenly your relationship -- and that sense of annoyance will only add to the mess. Just remember, this, too, shall pass! In the meantime, try to keep calm, and be honest about whatever it is that's bubbling up inside you. Are you feeling jealous? Possessive? Insecure about the bond you share with your sweetie? Sexual obsession is a big possibility now, whether you're projecting it at your lover or at someone outside the relationship. If you two have roving eyes this week, you could really push each other to jealous extremes, so instead, think about what it is you're trying to avoid by focusing on someone other than your partner. And if your intense, uncomfortable feelings are for your partner alone, then consider their source. If it's that you're worried the relationship will end, talk it out instead of acting out all the dark passions inside you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 19 to Feb 21 | Exact: Feb 21, 2025
Clear communication will be difficult for you two this week. Plans you made together will suddenly be up in the air, and you'll have trouble following paths that you've set for yourselves, even familiar ones. If you're working together on any kind of project, you could find that you didn't have all the information when you initially set things in motion. Part of the problem this week will be that even putting your heads together won't help much in straightening things out. Your mutual impressions will be off, and your intuitions won't be accurate. If you do operate based on impressions, don't be surprised if you take a wrong turn, literally or figuratively. Perhaps the key to this blessedly short period will be simply not to expect anything less than confusion. Anything you plan together will be disorganized, and in some situations, that's fine -- it could even make things more fun, such as if you're taking a weekend trip together and you've got time on your hands. But if it's something important that you're planning together, such as a dinner party with your bosses or other VIPs in attendance, get the help of a third party to make sure things run smoothly.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 20 to Feb 23 | Exact: Feb 23, 2025
The two of you might want to stay away from group functions and social outings this week, because as a team, you might be a bit much to handle! Something about the energy that's created when the two of you get together now is swelling up both your heads like balloons; without even realizing it or meaning to, you could both come across as being very boastful. Perhaps you've made some plans recently that you're both excited about, and you'll both go gushing to your friends about everything you've got in the works -- without realizing that you're stepping on their toes in some way. Group conversations with friends or colleagues could have a similar effect if the two of you take a stance on a subject and act like you know all there is to know about it, even if you're far from experts in that area. Part of the problem is that you probably don't have all the information, and you could really be sticking your mutual foot in your mouth, so to speak. Even when you put your heads together, it'll be difficult at the moment for you to pay close attention to detail. If you have to conduct any business together, go over it with a fine-tooth comb before signing anything.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 20 to Mar 10 | Exact: Mar 1, 2025
You two are bottling up your feelings this week instead of talking them out together. You may even push those feelings down and deny them to yourself, because you don't want to face them. Haven't you learned by now that that method never works? If you did talk it out, you'd find you're both feeling similar -- a bit lonely, insecure, even underappreciated. But it's more likely that you'll both try the 'fake it till you make it' route. You might pretend intimacy that you don't feel, not realizing that your honey can see right through you -- except, of course, when they're too busy dealing with their own mixed up feelings. Another route might be to pout and whine, or start an argument about an unrelated subject just to get some interaction going, and some heat. Faking it is much more likely this week than behaving passive-aggressively, though. You'd rather plaster a smile on your face than start a fight, because you don't want to be alone now and you'll do what it takes to make that happen. But if you can open up and talk about whatever insecurities are worrying you inside, you'll make a better and more genuine connection with your honey.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 26 to Mar 4 | Exact: Mar 3, 2025
Suddenly, you might both feel as if the relationship is in doubt -- as if all your plans and goals regarding your future together are tossed up in the air and called into major question. Can you really do the things you've dreamed of doing together? Even your commitment itself suddenly feels like a house built on sand, without a firm foundation. Good thing this period is relatively short! In a week or so, you'll both feel much more solid in your footing; your clear vision of what you want out of the relationship will return. But for now, you could both feel plunged into confusion -- and the worst part of it is, neither one of you is talking. How can you discuss something so vague and amorphous? But you'll both notice that for now, when you get together, neither one of you seems to be your usual self. You might even feel suspicious of your sweetie, as if they're hiding something from you. If that feeling comes up, remind yourself that they're not hiding anything that you're not hiding yourself -- that is, this sense of vague discomfort with the relationship and where it's going. As long as neither of you attaches too much importance to this feeling, you'll get through it fine.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Feb 28 to Mar 5 | Exact: Mar 1, 2025
You two may have to exercise some serious patience this week, because you're not communicating as well as usual. It may start to seem like everything out of your mouth rubs your sweetie the wrong way -- or vice versa. Neither one of you is expressing yourself well; your ideas come out wrong and you'll both suffer from foot-in-mouth disease whenever you get together. Do try to get your feelings and ideas out, though; it wouldn't be good to toss up your hands in defeat and clam up. That would only lead to even bigger misunderstandings than the ones already before you. Instead, practice active communication: Make eye contact, speak calmly and most of all, stop speaking when your honey talks! It sounds elementary, but even those basic rules of communication can fly right out the window when you're feeling like you're not being heard. Furthermore, take a little time to organize your thoughts before you talk, especially about important subjects. And if there's important business to tend to now that affects the relationship, such as rental agreements or other plans for your shared future, you may be best putting it off for a week or so, till you're thinking more clearly.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 2 to Mar 8 | Exact: Mar 6, 2025
Boy, do the two of you have a lot on your plates right now! Your full schedules may make you both feel a bit harried when you get together for some downtime. But with a little care and planning, you'll make it through this phase with few problems. First off, remember this is just a phase, and not a long one. In a week or two, things should return to normal. For now, if things feel a little hectic, try not to start doubting in the relationship itself. You've just got a lot to tend to, and if you can do it as a couple, so much the better -- you'll get things done faster, and the teamwork will be a bonding experience! Second, be willing to cut some plans if need be, to make time for the essentials. Getting enough sleep at night, regular exercise and regular meals throughout the day is essential; making it to your friend's cocktail party on Thursday night probably isn't. Third, keep your attitudes in check! It would be easy to start tossing off orders and generally trying to control things when you feel like there's too much to do and too little time, but it can be damaging to your relationship, at least in the moment. Tone it down, and don't forget to make each other laugh at least once a day!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 6 to Mar 24 | Exact: 03/08/2025,03/22/2025
This period could mark some repeated miscommunications between you, but they don't have to be a big deal -- unless the two of you turn them into one. You've both got your own ideas now, and you're both set on getting those ideas out there. You may feel as if your sweetie isn't understanding what you're saying, and you'll probably push a little harder than usual to make sure that you've been heard and understood exactly as you want to be. Problem is, so will your honey. If you're both being rather vehement about your opinions, arguments could result, unless you can both remember to stay calm and keep a sense of humor about things. Instead of being so married to your own opinion, why not listen up to your sweetie? You could learn a thing or two; after all, these arguments probably aren't over anything of life-and-death significance. Also, during this period you may find that taking short cuts actually makes the trip take longer in the long run. Go ahead and take the tried-and-true route when you're going out together to your favorite restaurant. Don't let your mutual sense of impatience back you into a corner!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 7 to Mar 23 | Exact: Mar 14, 2025
This week, it could feel as if you're having two conversations -- the one on the surface, which is coming out in words; and the one in your hearts, which may be telling you something very different from what you're saying or hearing from your sweetie. You'll probably experience at least a few miscommunications with each other through the course of this short period, because you're both just a little muddled on what's right and what's not. You may argue over something having to do with right and wrong, in fact -- one of you saying something should be done one way, the other insisting it should be done differently, but neither of you really believing in the position you're espousing so firmly. Why not just cool down instead? Take a walk together, and enjoy nature. You might have to agree to disagree on certain subjects at the moment, and that's okay; you can figure out later who was right and who was wrong, if that's even still important. At the moment, neither one of you is communicating clearly with each other; you're projecting things onto each other and you aren't listening carefully. So try to just have fun now, and avoid serious discussions or standoffs.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 8 to Mar 21
Your conversations will be quite intense this week -- but whether that's in a powerful, transformative way or just in an argumentative way remains to be seen. You're both a bit obsessed at the moment with your own perspectives; you think your way is the only way possible, and you'll argue your points down into the dust, if only to stand your ground and refuse to give in to the opposition -- er, to your sweetie. Remember? This is the person you adore, not the person you're in battle with! But you're both feeling a little bit insistent, and maybe even a little suspicious. You both want to dig deep; in an argument, you'll have a hard time letting things go, and you'll want to push down to the root of whatever's bothering you or your honey. That's a good impulse, but the problem at the moment is that you could wear each other and yourselves out. Try to remember that both of you are perceiving things through your own, unique veil of emotions. Whatever you believe or suspect, it's still through that filter, and may not be completely accurate. Why not turn your communicative intensity toward something more fun, like reading a mystery or solving a puzzle together?
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 16 to Mar 23 | Exact: Mar 17, 2025
Your relationship's various strengths and weaknesses are highlighted now, making this an interesting week-long period. It could be a fun one -- your interest in each other and in the relationship is definitely sparked, whether for better or for worse. There's a good chance that your attraction toward each other will enjoy a little spike now; you could have a lot of fun together, not the least of which might be in the bedroom! But this could also be a period of irritation or even slight pessimism, if you're not careful about how you treat each other. If either one of you tends toward aggressiveness, expect some mini-power struggles that seem to come out of nowhere. Just when you're getting along great, things could flare up and someone's feelings will get hurt. It doesn't have to be that way, though. If you're conscious of this tendency, you can be extra careful about compromising instead of insisting on having things your way. What's really going on now is that your differences as a couple are being highlighted, and you're presented with a challenge: Can you appreciate your differences as the spice of life, or will you start questioning the validity of the relationship?
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 20 to Mar 27 | Exact: Mar 26, 2025
If this week finds you signing any contracts as a couple, such as rental agreements, joint accounts, marriage licenses and the like, make sure that you read the fine print. You're not hearing or reading things clearly, and you might jump into something that you don't fully understand. Indeed, misunderstandings and disagreements are likely now. Though you're both feeling engaged, interested and expressive, you're also both a little too hasty about spouting off, and neither one of you is listening well at the moment. Since you're both mostly focused on your own point of view, you'll either miss each other's points entirely or you'll slip into a little battle of wills without even meaning to. To circumvent this potentially challenging energy, keep your ears open and your mouths shut as much as possible. That way, you'll pick up on things you would otherwise have missed. If you two are involved together in anything resembling couples' therapy, expect an interesting session. You may have to agree to disagree for now; you can come back to certain subjects later, when your minds are clearer and your hearts are more receptive.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 21 to Apr 5 | Exact: Mar 31, 2025
Self-indulgence will play a big role in your relationship this week. Neither one of you feels like getting serious about anything when you're together; you'd both much rather lie around together than clean the house, pay the bills, get to work on time... You might even be so lazy that you'll call out for dinner to be delivered rather than having to go to the store and make your own meals! While everyone gets into these moods sometimes, you two should guard this week against dragging each other down -- in a very pleasurable way, of course. It's just that you'll both be negative motivators for each other. When one of you wants to sleep in and play hooky from work for a few hours, the other will be more than happy to join in the fun -- and then you'll have two annoyed bosses who want to have words with you. But neither one of you is in any mood for confrontation! So why bring that kind of trouble on? Instead of just checking out of every responsibility you have this week, you would do much better to perform at least the essential tasks. If that means you can't hang out together for a few days because of your bent for mutual self-indulgence, then so be it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 25 to Apr 19 | Exact: 04/02/2025,04/11/2025
You two may have to exercise some serious patience this week, because you're not communicating as well as usual. It may start to seem like everything out of your mouth rubs your sweetie the wrong way -- or vice versa. Neither one of you is expressing yourself well; your ideas come out wrong and you'll both suffer from foot-in-mouth disease whenever you get together. Do try to get your feelings and ideas out, though; it wouldn't be good to toss up your hands in defeat and clam up. That would only lead to even bigger misunderstandings than the ones already before you. Instead, practice active communication: Make eye contact, speak calmly and most of all, stop speaking when your honey talks! It sounds elementary, but even those basic rules of communication can fly right out the window when you're feeling like you're not being heard. Furthermore, take a little time to organize your thoughts before you talk, especially about important subjects. And if there's important business to tend to now that affects the relationship, such as rental agreements or other plans for your shared future, you may be best putting it off for a week or so, till you're thinking more clearly.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 25 to Apr 1 | Exact: Mar 31, 2025
This ten-day period could be a pleasant, romantic one, or it could bring up some hidden tensions in your relationship -- and the likelihood is that the latter will happen. Every relationship has little problems, after all, and when it comes to dealing with recurring issues, most of us use a combination of talking things out, the occasional argument and sometimes just turning the blind eye. During this period, you'll both want to turn the other way. Neither one of you is in the mood for an argument or even a discussion about the relationship. And so, if the tension in question is a minor one, you could get through this period with little trouble or incident, and have a lot of fun together. But if it's a bigger issue that you're trying to sweep under the rug, don't expect it to work for long. Things don't have to devolve into arguments or hurt feelings, though. You'll probably want to spend a lot of time together now; you're both feeling a bit on the needy side. But why not get together in groups with your friends? That way you'll have a bit of a buffer zone, and you can talk out any relationship stresses with a close pal before you bring it to your sweetie's attention.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Mar 27 to Apr 3 | Exact: Apr 1, 2025
This could be one of those difficult periods that ultimately turns out to be a boon for your relationship, even if it doesn't feel like it while it's happening. Old issues and resentments are coming to the surface now, and you're both feeling the tension that results. Power struggles are likely; one or both of you could really start feeling possessive or even jealous of the other's time and attention, and you won't know how to calm yourself down or talk yourself back into some sense. All you might know how to do is to follow your impulses and lash out, starting arguments and creating hurt feelings. That's not the best way to deal with the current energy, of course. Your best bet might actually be to avoid conflict altogether, or at least to talk things out calmly; but is that possible? Maybe not just now. Thank goodness this period only lasts ten days! In a week or so, you'll be able to discuss things a little more rationally, but for now, don't expect too much out of yourselves or each other along those lines. Do try not to get into anything heated with each other, though. It's very likely that you're creating a mountain out of a molehill, and a little time and perspective will reveal the truth.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 10 to Oct 30 | Exact: 04/28/2025,10/02/2025
This period of nearly a year will test your endurance as a couple and may not be a very fun time for either of you. Suddenly, things seem difficult. Neither one of you has much energy; you may both start feeling as if it's a struggle just to slog through the motions of being intimately involved. Your sex life could take a hit now, in fact; your energies are so low that you may just not feel like making that effort to connect on a fun physical level. 'Fun,' in fact, isn't really part of your common vocabulary during these months. The relationship could feel restrictive to the point that you'll both fantasize about running off -- alone -- to Fiji, or someplace else warm and exotic that will counteract the coldness you both feel in your love life; but that wouldn't be a good idea. Your best bet now is the hardest thing to do, which is simply to wait this period out and accept whatever changes come with it. Even if you feel discouraged about where it looks like you're heading as a couple, this wouldn't be a good time to make major changes in the relationship. Instead, wait and see how you feel about each other once this challenging energy lifts, and decide then what to do.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 20 to May 5 | Exact: Apr 25, 2025
Self-indulgence will play a big role in your relationship this week. Neither one of you feels like getting serious about anything when you're together; you'd both much rather lie around together than clean the house, pay the bills, get to work on time... You might even be so lazy that you'll call out for dinner to be delivered rather than having to go to the store and make your own meals! While everyone gets into these moods sometimes, you two should guard this week against dragging each other down -- in a very pleasurable way, of course. It's just that you'll both be negative motivators for each other. When one of you wants to sleep in and play hooky from work for a few hours, the other will be more than happy to join in the fun -- and then you'll have two annoyed bosses who want to have words with you. But neither one of you is in any mood for confrontation! So why bring that kind of trouble on? Instead of just checking out of every responsibility you have this week, you would do much better to perform at least the essential tasks. If that means you can't hang out together for a few days because of your bent for mutual self-indulgence, then so be it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 21 to Apr 29 | Exact: Apr 27, 2025
When it comes to your relationship, you're both feeling just a little bit rebellious this week. And you may end up surprising each other, or yourselves, with your actions and what they reveal about you. Arguments are possible during this period, especially if there are issues in the relationship that one or both of you are growing tired of dealing with. The current energy is the kind that could make you throw up your hands and say 'Enough! I've had enough!' In fact, deep down, there's a slightly destructive urge within the two of you now, directed toward your bond. Take care not to do something unwise or irrevocable that would negatively affect the relationship from here on out. Instead, keep your acts of rebellion small and manageable. Assert your opinions where you'd normally stay quiet; say where you want to go on your date instead of leaving it up to your honey to decide. And if things aren't happening to your liking, go it alone for a few days. Independence is good now. And in a week or so, when this energy passes, you can come back together with a better understanding of your bond, and what it truly means to the both of you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 21 to Apr 27 | Exact: Apr 22, 2025
This period could mark some repeated miscommunications between you, but they don't have to be a big deal -- unless the two of you turn them into one. You've both got your own ideas now, and you're both set on getting those ideas out there. You may feel as if your sweetie isn't understanding what you're saying, and you'll probably push a little harder than usual to make sure that you've been heard and understood exactly as you want to be. Problem is, so will your honey. If you're both being rather vehement about your opinions, arguments could result, unless you can both remember to stay calm and keep a sense of humor about things. Instead of being so married to your own opinion, why not listen up to your sweetie? You could learn a thing or two; after all, these arguments probably aren't over anything of life-and-death significance. Also, during this period you may find that taking short cuts actually makes the trip take longer in the long run. Go ahead and take the tried-and-true route when you're going out together to your favorite restaurant. Don't let your mutual sense of impatience back you into a corner!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 22 to Apr 28 | Exact: Apr 27, 2025
This week, it could feel as if you're having two conversations -- the one on the surface, which is coming out in words; and the one in your hearts, which may be telling you something very different from what you're saying or hearing from your sweetie. You'll probably experience at least a few miscommunications with each other through the course of this short period, because you're both just a little muddled on what's right and what's not. You may argue over something having to do with right and wrong, in fact -- one of you saying something should be done one way, the other insisting it should be done differently, but neither of you really believing in the position you're espousing so firmly. Why not just cool down instead? Take a walk together, and enjoy nature. You might have to agree to disagree on certain subjects at the moment, and that's okay; you can figure out later who was right and who was wrong, if that's even still important. At the moment, neither one of you is communicating clearly with each other; you're projecting things onto each other and you aren't listening carefully. So try to just have fun now, and avoid serious discussions or standoffs.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 23 to Apr 29 | Exact: Apr 28, 2025
Your conversations will be quite intense this week -- but whether that's in a powerful, transformative way or just in an argumentative way remains to be seen. You're both a bit obsessed at the moment with your own perspectives; you think your way is the only way possible, and you'll argue your points down into the dust, if only to stand your ground and refuse to give in to the opposition -- er, to your sweetie. Remember? This is the person you adore, not the person you're in battle with! But you're both feeling a little bit insistent, and maybe even a little suspicious. You both want to dig deep; in an argument, you'll have a hard time letting things go, and you'll want to push down to the root of whatever's bothering you or your honey. That's a good impulse, but the problem at the moment is that you could wear each other and yourselves out. Try to remember that both of you are perceiving things through your own, unique veil of emotions. Whatever you believe or suspect, it's still through that filter, and may not be completely accurate. Why not turn your communicative intensity toward something more fun, like reading a mystery or solving a puzzle together?
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Apr 24 to May 9 | Exact: May 5, 2025
When rebellious thoughts enter your heads during this period -- fantasies of ditching out on the ol' ball-and-chain, maybe, and running off to Fiji -- don't take them too seriously! It's just the current energy at work, whispering seductive fantasies in your ear, making you question whether you're leading the life you've dreamed of. Hey, questioning is great, but uprooting yourself just because you're feeling restless isn't great at all. If you're both feeling rebellious, well, at least you can run off together; but chances are good that you'll each secretly feel suspicious that the grass is much greener someplace else. You'll both start behaving in ways that reveal your urges for independence: Maybe you start disagreeing with your sweetie purely for the sake of disagreement itself, and then they start showing up late for dates just to keep you on your toes, which ticks you off... Sounds a little immature, doesn't it? On both your parts. So calm down. The energy passing through is meant to test your bond. Show it how strong you two are by resisting its siren call of freedom -- at least until your heads are clearer and you can make more definite, less impulsive choices about your future.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 3 to May 9 | Exact: May 8, 2025
At the moment your relationship could feel like a source of frustration, friction or limitation, certainly not like the fun, romantic romp that you might both wish it could be. But hey -- you've had your fun, romantic times, and you'll have them again. This period only lasts about ten days or so, and your best bet is just to endure the heavy energy instead of making it worse by worrying about what it all means. Besides, what you're going through is a very important phase for any relationship: a sort of reality check that will ground the two of you in what your relationship really is capable of becoming, rather than what you hope or dream that it could be. Realizing the limitations of your bond can be a bit depressing, of course -- but if you're to be together for the long haul, it's a necessary period of disillusionment, and one you'll be glad for once you're through it. After all, relationships are work. That honeymoon phase in the beginning can't last forever; and why would you want it to? If the goal is to create a stable bond, to become a true team, a partnership, this period is essential to strengthening that bond and putting your teamwork on the line.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 3 to Oct 30 | Exact: Jun 6, 2025
Watch yourselves this year, because the energy that's going to influence your relationship over the next many months is a tough one to deal with. If you find yourselves reacting angrily and aggressively against things that normally wouldn't bother you, that's a good indication that it's time to be more conscious of your behavior. Otherwise, this year could turn out to be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Because you're both feeling so restless and aggressive, disputes are likely between you, but also between you two and a third party. If you're trying to get something done, whether it's winning a pickup basketball game or getting a loan to buy a house, play nice! Getting up in someone's face when they're not behaving the way you want them to is a good way to make them even more resistant to helping you out. Rash, volatile behavior could even turn your friends against you this year, so watch yourselves. If it starts to seem like everyone is against you, interested only in thwarting your efforts, take it as a sign that you've got some bridges to mend.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 7 to May 17 | Exact: May 9, 2025
You and your sweetie will probably run into a snag or two in your communication this week, and while it may not be pleasant, ultimately, it's probably a good thing. There are a few issues between you that have been on the back burner lately, and now they'll come to the forefront. No, it's no fun to argue, but you need to have it out sooner or later, don't you? And now is as good a time as any. It won't feel like that in the moment, though. In the moment, all you'll be aware of is your own hurt feelings. Something your honey says will rub you the wrong way, and you'll get defensive, thinking they took a jab at you when really, you were just being a little too sensitive. But again, that sensitivity points to an area of real tension between you. You wouldn't feel sensitive or defensive if there weren't a real issue there that needs to be resolved, regardless of whether it originates within you or within them. Either way, it needs to get talked out. You may have a few false starts, meaning, silly, dramatic arguments that go nowhere fast. But sooner or later, you'll get down to the meat of the conversation: what's really going on between you, and what you're going to do about it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 10 to May 19 | Exact: May 17, 2025
You two are both reacting against the slightest provocations this week. You've got a strange energy at work inside you; you're up, you're down, calm one minute and then in a huff the next. If you like dramatics and excitement, you may have fun with this period. If not, you may get more than a little annoyed with the minefield that's suddenly your relationship -- and that sense of annoyance will only add to the mess. Just remember, this, too, shall pass! In the meantime, try to keep calm, and be honest about whatever it is that's bubbling up inside you. Are you feeling jealous? Possessive? Insecure about the bond you share with your sweetie? Sexual obsession is a big possibility now, whether you're projecting it at your lover or at someone outside the relationship. If you two have roving eyes this week, you could really push each other to jealous extremes, so instead, think about what it is you're trying to avoid by focusing on someone other than your partner. And if your intense, uncomfortable feelings are for your partner alone, then consider their source. If it's that you're worried the relationship will end, talk it out instead of acting out all the dark passions inside you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 11 to May 15 | Exact: May 14, 2025
Don't even try to make plans together this week, because they'll be out the window almost as fast as you set them. The two of you will be much better off if you can just be comfortable flying by the seat of your pants for the time being, because setting plans that are then broken or otherwise disturbed might really tick you off, causing arguments that could have been avoided. All the chaos and unpredictable energy, on the other hand, could also cause disagreements and hurt feelings, and if you do get into an argument, it probably won't be a very productive one. Neither of you is being as tactful as usual; you're both liable now to say things that you don't really mean, and that you'll later regret. But if you can try to expect only the unexpected now, you might ending up having a really good time together. This would be a good time to try something new on a date together -- something daring and exciting would be just the ticket. You also may have some really interesting, fantastical and far-reaching conversations together, in which you both feel as if the universe has just opened up for you in an exciting way.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 13 to May 22 | Exact: May 15, 2025
You two are bottling up your feelings this week instead of talking them out together. You may even push those feelings down and deny them to yourself, because you don't want to face them. Haven't you learned by now that that method never works? If you did talk it out, you'd find you're both feeling similar -- a bit lonely, insecure, even underappreciated. But it's more likely that you'll both try the 'fake it till you make it' route. You might pretend intimacy that you don't feel, not realizing that your honey can see right through you -- except, of course, when they're too busy dealing with their own mixed up feelings. Another route might be to pout and whine, or start an argument about an unrelated subject just to get some interaction going, and some heat. Faking it is much more likely this week than behaving passive-aggressively, though. You'd rather plaster a smile on your face than start a fight, because you don't want to be alone now and you'll do what it takes to make that happen. But if you can open up and talk about whatever insecurities are worrying you inside, you'll make a better and more genuine connection with your honey.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 14 to May 20 | Exact: May 18, 2025
Your relationship might not be the sweet, safe haven that it normally is during this ten-day period. Instead, it could become something of a battle ground. Even if you're each feeling okay on your own, something happens when you get together this week; your energy is sparked up, and not in the best way. It's as if your hackles just go up whenever you see each other now, and you're both ready to fight to protect...what? That may not be clear to either of you. After all, you've still got the same amount of love and affection that you had last week, and it should come back next week. But this week, you'll feel impatient with each other. You're both on a short fuse, and you'll both try to dominate each conversation and situation that comes up -- even the little things that don't matter. 'Why do we have to watch this TV show?' one of you will say. 'I want to watch this other one!' Or, 'No, I don't want to eat at that restaurant tonight!' You might be better off spending a little time apart, each tending to your own projects. Otherwise, little arguments (or bigger ones) will result, and you'll both feel tired out from all the stress and frustration that's generated.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 18 to May 20 | Exact: May 20, 2025
The two of you are going to have to get a little creative during this ten-day period -- which will be easier said than done. Any plans you've made could go out the window, especially ones that weren't very well founded in the first place. You'll be required to think on your feet, but that could be hard now, because your instincts will tell you to stick with what you've already set out and try to make it work. When it doesn't work as you thought it would, you could both start feeling pessimistic about the whole project; and since you're both feeling that way, who's going to be the cheerleader who picks you both up and inspires you again? Good thing this is a relatively short transit! Try not to turn your pessimism toward each other, because it will be all too easy now to get unfairly critical of each other's efforts. 'You're not holding up your end of things,' one of you might complain; you might even get into arguments, asking each other, 'What were you thinking? Of course that wasn't going to work!' But remember that you're in this together. That's what relationships are all about. If you can both loosen up your thinking, things will go much more smoothly.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 21 to Jun 20 | Exact: May 29, 2025
All of a sudden, you two think you can do anything as a team, and while it's wonderful to have confidence in your combined abilities, you also need to keep a realistic perspective -- if only so that you won't let other people down. You might head up a group project together, for example, but secretly it's more out of wanting to look good than out of a genuine desire to help. You also might spend way too much money on each other and your own pleasures, not realizing how sharply you'll feel the overindulgence later. Basically, the next few months will be one test after another of your discipline as a couple. Can you keep each other in line rather than egging each other on to greater and greater heights of excess? Can you put your energies into a project for the right reasons, or will you let arrogance lead you? The laziness and mutual overindulgence that are possible with this transit could easily take over, making it hard get much of anything accomplished. Will you let that happen? It's up to you. You're both feeling optimistic about your bond and your future together, and that's a good thing. But excess can happen before you realize it, so be careful.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 23 to May 25 | Exact: May 24, 2025
Arguments could be difficult to avoid this week. Touchy subjects will have a way of just coming up when you least expect them, and even if you two are feeling calm and centered when you're apart, there's something about the energy that you'll create when you get together that will lead to tensions and disagreements. You'll both have the tendency to exaggerate about things, which will only add to the problem; overstating your case only undermines its validity in the end, after all. But you've both got a case this week, and neither one of you is backing down from the way you see things or the way that you think that they ought to be. Take care when you're going places together, such as on a day trip or even just a simple trip to the grocery store. Even such innocuous mistakes as taking a wrong turn will cause arguments; you may each be better off doing the grocery shopping and other errands on your own! The more time you spend together this week, the more annoyed you're likely to become with each other. You may want to do things on your own until this troublesome energy passes, or you'll just get into petty arguments that you'll both regret later.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 28 to Jun 4 | Exact: Jun 3, 2025
You're both feeling just a bit insecure about the relationship this week, because things seem...confusing. Uncertain. All the plans and goals that you've set together suddenly seem to be in flux, and that leaves the two of you -- where? The truth is, things are no different than they were yesterday. The only thing that has changed is your perceptions, so try not to worry. Things will go back to normal in a week or so, but that may not help much in the meantime. You might both feel very critical of one another, because confusion can often lead to uncomfortable worries and nitpicking behavior. Go easy on each other! If you have any talks about the relationship, be as clear with each other as you can -- easier said than done right now, to be sure. Furthermore, because of the confusion swirling around your bond at the moment, this isn't the best time for legal negotiations or signing any contracts directly involving the relationship. If you have marriage licenses, rental agreements, loans or home purchasing contracts underway, it may be best to put them off till next week if possible, or at least get a third pair of eyes to make sure you're crossing all your Ts and dotting those Is.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom May 29 to Jun 1 | Exact: May 31, 2025
When you two get together this week, you'll both feel confused, as if just by being around each other, your concentration is disturbed. Your conversations will take a meandering route at best; you might find yourselves forgetting what you're trying to say in the middle of a sentence, or losing the train of the discussion right when your sweetie is trying to make their big point. This would be all right if you could just roll with it, but the tendency for both of you will be to feel at least a little nervous as a result. After all, it's no fun to feel as if something is just out of your grasp, and you can't reach it no matter how hard you try. You also might both feel as if your sweetie is thinking or feeling something about you that they're not voicing, which could make you feel very insecure. Instead of falling into that trap, make a firm decision with yourselves that you're simply going to take things at face value this week. Don't try to look for deeper significance or further explanation; just be satisfied with whatever information comes your way. Things will come to light later, anyway, and you'll just drive yourselves crazy if you try to understand something that simply eludes you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 7 to Jun 9
This week you're both talking, but neither one of you is hearing what the other is trying to say. Arguments are likely because you're both misunderstanding each other's intentions; when you're together, you'll both get offended more quickly and easily than when you're apart. Good thing this period lasts only a week or so! And if you both can exercise a little patience, you could skate right through this potentially troublesome influence with little or no trouble at all. But it's likely that you will have to work at least a little harder than usual at making yourself heard, and also at listening carefully to what your honey is trying to say. The impulse will be strong now -- for both of you -- not to let the other person finish their sentence, because you'll want to answer whatever they've just said as soon as possible. But a little patience and self-control will go a long way here! If you're feeling critical of each other, try to keep it under your hat; the irritation of this period will pass through when the energy abates. If a truly important issue comes up, on the other hand, now would be a good time to speak honestly, even if what you have to say isn't what your sweetheart wants to hear.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 8 to Jun 14 | Exact: Jun 13, 2025
Your feelings for each other are probably pinging here, there and everywhere this week, like a ball in a pinball machine -- all flash and reaction, with very little focus or direction. One minute you might feel close and connected, and then the next, you're feeling standoffish and aloof, as if you wouldn't care if the relationship ended tomorrow. But this is just a short period, and you should both try to remember your true feelings for each other, despite what you might feel in the moment. Otherwise, you might end up saying or doing things you'll wish later that you hadn't. A better way to express this unpredictable energy is through doing something new and unusual together. Try a new restaurant, or take a spontaneous road trip to a nearby town where you can explore and see something brand-new to you. If you go out together with a group this week, you'll probably feel as if you stick out like a sore thumb. The group will be talking and laughing while the two of you sit there stone-silent, or vice versa; or the group will take one collective point of view on a topic of conversation, and you two will see it the exact opposite way. Well, at least disagreements and tension aren't boring!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 11 to Jun 13
During this ten-day transit, you could easily work each other's last nerve. No matter how calm and reasonable you may feel when you're apart, miscommunications when you're together will lead to tension. Arguments are likely, but it's just for now; this energy will pass through in a week or so. But if you don't remind yourselves of that fact, you'll be way too hard on each other and you'll make a difficult situation even worse. Even at best, you'll both have to work hard to get your points across. Try active communication: Make eye contact, listen as best you can, wait for your sweetie to stop speaking before you start, and -- here's the important part -- before you assert your own opinion, repeat back what you just heard, just to make sure you're not wildly off-base in your response. If you can both stay patient, you might even get a laugh out of all the myriad ways you'll mishear each other -- like your very own, private game of 'Telephone'! Make sure, also, that you read the fine print on any business, legal or monetary matters that come up this week. Even when you put your heads together, you could miss important details if you're not careful.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 11 to Jun 24 | Exact: Jun 14, 2025
Making time to chill out, relax and collect your thoughts is going to be difficult but essential for both of you during this period. And it may be something that each of you has to do on your own, because for the moment, some seriously aggressive and frustrating energy is at work in your relationship. Whenever you two get together this week, you're both just instantly in a defensive frame of mind, ready to fight -- even if there's nothing really wrong. It'll sure feel like something's wrong; things just seem out of kilter between you, and you're both taking the 'when in doubt, shove' approach to problem-solving. Rather than staying calm and patient and talking things out, you're both much more apt right now to yell it out, to hurl accusations and projections rather than listening to what your sweetie is feeling and thinking. Issues like jealousy, possessiveness and other challenges could rear their ugly heads now, making each of you behave in ways that later you'll look back on with regret. All of which is why your best bet might just be to spend a few days apart, meditate if you can, and hold on to all the myriad reasons why you care about each other.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 12 to Jun 15 | Exact: Jun 15, 2025
You two could find yourselves walking on eggshells around each other before this ten-day period is over. Even if you're both feeling calm and centered when you're apart, as soon as you get around each other, strange little suspicions will start to pop into your minds. You'll treat each other with either subtle or overt distrust, which will lead to tense interactions, to say the least. After all, relationships are supposed to be based on a feeling of trust; ideally, you're both supposed to be able to relax around each other and 'let it all hang out,' so to speak. But at the moment, things aren't feeling so loose and carefree. You might take things your sweetie says the wrong way, or vice versa; you'll both treat each other with sarcasm, which will only get your backs up. Needless to say, arguments could result, and if they do occur, they'll probably be intense. You'll both want to go deep and figure out exactly what's going on under the surface of your relationship, and neither one of you will be satisfied with the answer that, well, what you see might really be what you get. Try to remember that trying to control each other is a waste of time. Things should calm down in a week or so.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 12 to Jun 14 | Exact: Jun 14, 2025
Miscommunications this week could leave both of you feeling a little frustrated or embarrassed. You might make a date and then find that you both had different ideas in your minds of what, when and where; or one of you could be feeling amorous and chatty while the other just isn't in the mood for much interaction. If things do get tense, try not to let them devolve into criticism and arguments. It's not your sweetie's fault, any more than it's yours; this is just one of those weeks when snafus will happen with annoying regularity, and you'll both just have to roll with the punches. You may end up having to discuss things that neither one of you wants to talk about, such as problems in the relationship. Be especially careful in your communications if you're working together on something that's supposed to beautify things around your home. Again, you could find that you each have very different ideas of what's supposed to happen and when, and if you're not careful, things could turn from pleasant to unpleasant fast! Be clear about your own expectations, and listen carefully when your sweetie is voicing their own. Snafus can be avoided if you both just listen up.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 16 to Jun 23 | Exact: Jun 18, 2025
Things could feel a bit strained now. The two of you seem to be working at cross-purposes; your schedules are off, you're both a little moody, and your libidos might not be up to par. You might have lingering doubts at the back of your mind about the relationship -- is this really living up to everything you wanted it to be? Is it even what you thought it would be? Dissatisfaction and anxiety reign now. It's easy to press each other's buttons, and you know each other well enough to know just which ones to push! So don't do it. Keep a handle on yourself; stay calm even when things get tense. The best thing to do during a period like this is just hunker down and wait it out. If you can, spend a little time apart -- absence, as they say, makes the heart grow fonder. If you do have to spend a lot of time in close quarters, don't be surprised if arguments break out and feelings get a little hurt. If this happens, think of it as an emotional clearing of the air for your relationship -- an important thing to do every now and then, even if it's not a fun one. In a week or two, things will start to look rosy again, and you won't even remember what you were so upset about.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 19 to Jun 24 | Exact: Jun 23, 2025
You're both focused on serious matters this week, duties and issues that require your focus and cause you stress or anxiety. You may not want to schedule any romantic dates, because if you go out together now, you'll both just be preoccupied -- worrying not only about whatever's already on your minds, but also about how much you're spending on dinner, whether you can afford the time away from your work and so on and so forth! It may be best now just to focus on whatever it is that you think you need to get done, because you'll be hard-pressed to have any fun anyway. You both might waste some time fretting over the state of your relationship this week, because things seem at least a little bit cool and detached; even when you're together you could both feel lonely. You'd do well to remind yourselves that this is simply a phase, and a relatively short one at that. Your good humor and positive feelings for each other will come back in a week or so, as strong as ever; in fact, you could weaken them artificially just by worrying about them too much. Don't add insecurity about your bond to your already-full plate of worries!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 22 to Jun 28 | Exact: Jun 27, 2025
This ten-day period will test your ability to listen to each other without defensiveness or other filters that can distort what you hear. It will also challenge you to put your own ideas forward in a clearheaded way, because your communication is afflicted now and you'll both have to try extra hard to get things across. That's a tall order, though, so don't be surprised if arguments break out at random, often with only the slightest provocation -- or, seemingly, none at all. You might say something perfectly innocuous that ends up really ticking your sweetie off. If you're the one who's getting annoyed, remind yourself that it's much more likely due to a misunderstanding on your part than to any ill will on your sweetie's. That's very difficult to do, though; in the moment, you'll probably be so consumed by your own self-righteousness and your hurt feelings that you won't realize till later that you actually misheard what they said. Know that the two of you will probably have trouble agreeing on pretty much everything, for the moment: which movie to see, where to go out to eat, who gets to hold the remote control and so on, up to the bigger, dicier subjects that affect your relationship.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 27 to Jul 3 | Exact: Jul 2, 2025
You won't get a lot done together during this ten-day period; when you get together, you'll both just want to revel in your bond. You'll find it hard to focus on anything tedious or mundane, like schoolwork, housework, paying bills or getting to the office on time in the morning. It's so much nicer just to loll around in bed together, cuddling, giggling and whispering sweet words of affection! But hey, even though you two are enjoying a little renaissance of love, the world's still carrying on around you. In a week or so, you may have to play catch-up on the extra work that piled up while you were ignoring your responsibilities together. Oh well; that happens sometimes. And what fun it is while it lasts! You'll gaze into each other's eyes, each of you feeling like you're staring at the world's most gorgeous person. You could even both put on a few pounds now, because cooking up rich, sumptuous meals or treats together is high on your list, while hitting the gym probably isn't. If there's something that one of you absolutely has to get done this week, you may need to spend some time apart just to make sure you don't distract each other.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 28 to Jul 28 | Exact: Jul 6, 2025
You'll both feel infused with new energy over the next few months, as new ideas occur to you and broaden your perspective of your relationship and even of life itself. You're both in the mood to be social, but your friends might actually find you a bit hard to take at the moment. When you're together, you're just so absorbed in each other and your own, combined point of view! After all, it's wonderful that you feel like you're figuring out big, important things about each other and your connection -- but do you really think your friends, your coworkers and the lady at the grocery store checkout counter really want to know about it? They've got their own problems and epiphanies to keep them busy, without having to ooh and ahh over yours. So try to be a little more self-controlled when it comes to all the amazing things you're figuring out about love, life and relationships. You might even find that -- gasp -- you learn something even more amazing when you keep your mouths shut and your ears open in social situations. And your friends will definitely appreciate getting a chance to present their own opinions, without having to fight to be heard!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 28 to Jul 4 | Exact: Jul 2, 2025
You're both feeling passionate this week, but you could be a little too aggressive in getting your feelings and needs across to each other. Part of the problem is that each of you is so focused on your own needs at the moment. Your sensual encounters could feel a little off; though you'll both be very interested in hooking up, you're both pushing for your own desires to be met rather than trying to see what you could do to make your honey feel wonderful, and that creates a basic mismatch between you. You might even end up turning each other off rather than stoking those fires, and arguments could ensue. After all, physical passion can turn quickly into temperamental passion -- the kind that leads to fights and hurt feelings. You're both feeling a bit competitive and confrontational, perhaps without even realizing it; you might start acting competitive and immature if you play board games or sports together. You also might argue this week over money issues; if so, you'll both represent your own perspective with that same passion that you're bringing to the relationship in general. Oh well -- at least there's no shortage of excitement between you!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 29 to Jul 4 | Exact: Jul 3, 2025
This is not the week to spend a lot of one-on-one time together at home, because you'll both feel restless together, which can easily turn into irritability. Get out of the house or spend time with other friends until next week, when this energy will pass. Because this week, you both run the risk of saying things you don't really mean and causing arguments. Yes, it's that old foot-in-mouth disease flaring up again. You'll annoy each other much more easily now than usual, especially if you haven't gotten enough exercise or mental stimulation. Needing a mental or physical workout can push you to seek stimulation wherever you can get it, even if it's negative stimulation, such as petty debates and disagreements. Also, be careful if you two are in any kind of legal or monetary negotiations together with a third party. In situations where you're supposed to keep certain things under your hat, so to speak, one or both of you will end up saying things you don't mean to reveal, which could lose you the advantage in the situation. Finally, expect the unexpected now. Even the most well-planned activities won't run according to schedule, and you'll both just have to roll with it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jun 29 to Jul 5 | Exact: Jul 3, 2025
An 'us against the world' attitude is possible now. Things seem difficult; whatever projects you take on together will probably be slow-going. Circumstances could actually conspire at this time to convince you both that others are against your relationship, whether or not that's true. A friend might dig a little too deeply into the issues you face in your love affair, making you feel uncomfortable and protective of your privacy; or someone close to you, perhaps a family member, might express their reservations about your relationship. In response, the two of you could pull together, or you could actually turn against each other and start doubting the bond yourselves. If those doubts do start to intrude, who's to say whether they're valid or not? Talking to your friends may not help, especially if they're the ones who initially voiced their reservations! It's possible, though, that you're just reading into things others say because really, you both actually feel those doubts, deep down within your own souls. If you can't figure out how to handle it, you'll just have to wait a week or two for things to become clearer, or to come to a head.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 1 to Jul 12 | Exact: Jul 9, 2025
When you get together during this period, you'll both feel a bit glum, as if all your goals as a couple suddenly seem remote, abstract, unreachable, and maybe even a bit ridiculous. One of you might make a suggestion, but the other will shoot it down. 'No, it's not possible.' Or just, 'I don't feel like it.' In fact, 'I don't feel like it' will be your collective refrain during these few weeks, so fun, romantic dates may be out of the question for the moment. You could both start feeling resentful toward the other; 'What a wet blanket,' you might think, not realizing that you're being a bit of a stick-in-the-mud yourself. With your low energy levels, you're a lot more likely to end up on the couch in front of the TV than out someplace fun and noisy, living it up. But that's not so bad, is it? A few lame 'dates' spent watching movies or reruns could be kind of fun. The key is to lower your expectations in order to match the mood of the moment. When you do make a plan together, don't expect it to move forward effortlessly. You're a lot more likely to take two steps forward and one back, unless you decide to do things on your own for now -- which may be your best bet after all.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 7 to Jul 18 | Exact: Jul 15, 2025
Whatever projects or opportunities you two encounter as a couple during these few weeks, make sure that you think things through very carefully before signing any dotted lines or making other commitments of your time and efforts. When you're together, neither one of you is thinking straight. You'll egg each other on and push each other to make fast decisions -- and in this case, fast means risky and not well thought out. You'll bring challenges on yourselves that could have been avoided if you'd just taken things more slowly and carefully, but doing so will seem almost impossible. You'll both feel too excited, or possibly backed into a corner; you'll think you have to act fast or miss out on whatever opportunity is before you. But remember that things that seem too good to be true usually are. Find ways to bring excitement into your lives now that don't involve long-term or major financial commitments: Make a date to go ride the roller coaster at the amusement park, or see an action flick together. And get your exercise! You can work off a lot of this troublesome energy if you just expend some of it at the gym, which can be a fun date in itself if you work out side by side.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 11 to Jul 17 | Exact: Jul 16, 2025
When you two get together this week, you won't exactly be dealing with each other. You'll both be more interested in your own, personal perception of the person you see in front of you, rather than the one that's actually there. The truth is, neither one of you is seeing yourself clearly at the moment, either. You're both in a strange, nebulous cloud of romanticism, loneliness, sentimentality, mixed signals... Lots of contradictions there, right? And that exactly describes you both, at the moment. You'll have a hard time connecting with each other because you can hardly even connect with yourself -- with your own needs or desires. It's highly possible that you'll each misread each other or your relationship this week. A sense of unreality abounds now; whatever read you're getting on your partner, it's probably off. If you're feeling idealistic about the love that you share, you can expect a comedown in a week or two, when reality (read: flaws) comes crashing back in. Take special care now not to mislead each other in any way -- even if you're trying to be sweet or romantic. It's not worth the feelings of disillusionment that will come later.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 12 to Aug 13 | Exact: Aug 3, 2025
You two are in touch with some deep energies during this period, which you'll need; you're running into resistance from all sides now, and only real determination will carry you through. Teamwork makes things easier, of course; but your best course is to temper that combined determination with some social tact and grace. If you try to ram your way through walls -- bullying your bank into giving you a better APR on your credit card, for example, or yelling at the umpire on your intramural soccer team rather than being diplomatic about a bad call -- will only hurt you two in the end. If you start to notice other people being overly aggressive with you when you're trying to get something that you want, take it as a sign that you're being overly aggressive yourselves, and back down a bit. You catch more flies with honey, as they say. But most of all, flexibility is key during the next few months. Even though you two are functioning as a real team now, that doesn't mean everyone else agrees with you. When you're working on a project or playing a game with other people, make sure that you stay open to their ideas and input.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 19 to Aug 20 | Exact: Jul 27, 2025
Don't expect a lot from yourselves when you get together during this period, because your minds and energies are focused much more on a pleasant, relaxed interaction than on hard work, difficult decisions or serious discussions. Rather than tackling problems as a team, you'd rather just avoid them at the moment. Together you're perfectly happy to pretend that all is well in the little universe that is your relationship...and for the moment, all may be well. You're both feeling good about each other, and you both want to get along. This is the perfect time to take a pleasure trip together, or if you can't get out of town, to go out on dates to restaurants you both love or to movies that will make you laugh. You just want to enjoy each other and your time together, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But don't be surprised if, in a few months, the same problems you had together before this pleasant transit began are still there -- and possibly even worse, for being ignored for so long. Also, don't be surprised if the current period inspires you both to spend too much money, or leaves you both with some extra weight to work off at the gym.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 25 to Jul 31 | Exact: Jul 30, 2025
You two should expect the unexpected now, because that's what you're most likely to get. Any plans you make as a couple could be suddenly set off-course by something unexpected that comes up, much to your surprise -- and it may not be a welcome surprise. If you make a date to get together, one of you could get stuck in traffic and show up thirty minutes late; if you decide to cook dinner at home, the oven could malfunction and your meal gets overcooked. And since things feel suddenly tense, you'll both have a hard time taking these little changes in plans in stride. But it doesn't have to be the stability of the relationship itself that's undermined, even if that's what it feels like is happening. Think of it more as the universe reminding you who's in charge. It's certainly not the two of you! Just because normally things run nicely along tracks that you can understand doesn't mean that a bit of spontaneity and unexpectedness shouldn't shake things up every now and again. So try not to get into silly little fights whenever things don't go as planned. Instead, loosen up a little, allow for mistakes and get ready to go with the flow for a week or so.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 27 to Aug 1 | Exact: Jul 28, 2025
You two may take a turn-the-other-cheek approach to the relationship this week, which might be just as well; otherwise, you could get into some serious arguments, and neither one of you is in the mood for that at the moment. Of course, arguments can be good, even if they're not pleasant; they clear the air and get issues out into the open. The fact that you're both more into preserving the harmony of the relationship now than you are in facing the harsh realities of your bond is okay, but there will be consequences later -- after all, you'll have to face things at some point, and often, putting it off can make it harder in the end. But for the moment, you're just not interested in making waves. You both want to get along, so you may find yourselves biting your tongue when normally you'd speak your mind, or agreeing to something that you're actually not into. The truth is, you're both feeling just the teeniest bit insecure about your bond, and you're both turning to a bit of forced harmony as a way to reassure yourselves that you've still got it. So, go ahead and make nice; there will be time later to address any issues between you.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Jul 31 to Aug 20 | Exact: 08/02/2025,08/18/2025
This is not the week to spend a lot of one-on-one time together at home, because you'll both feel restless together, which can easily turn into irritability. Get out of the house or spend time with other friends until next week, when this energy will pass. Because this week, you both run the risk of saying things you don't really mean and causing arguments. Yes, it's that old foot-in-mouth disease flaring up again. You'll annoy each other much more easily now than usual, especially if you haven't gotten enough exercise or mental stimulation. Needing a mental or physical workout can push you to seek stimulation wherever you can get it, even if it's negative stimulation, such as petty debates and disagreements. Also, be careful if you two are in any kind of legal or monetary negotiations together with a third party. In situations where you're supposed to keep certain things under your hat, so to speak, one or both of you will end up saying things you don't mean to reveal, which could lose you the advantage in the situation. Finally, expect the unexpected now. Even the most well-planned activities won't run according to schedule, and you'll both just have to roll with it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 3 to Aug 8 | Exact: Aug 5, 2025
You two really want to get along this week -- which, contrary to logic, could actually make things a bit difficult between you. Neither one of you is feeling very strong at the moment; you're both privately feeling a bit insecure about the relationship, and that could make you be more conciliatory with each other than is strictly necessary. You might both agree to things that you're not really interested in or compromise (meaning, back down) on issues that you really should take a stand on. But you just don't want to get into an argument, or have any unpleasantness between you at all. It's understandable; fights and tension are no fun. But neither is fixing messes later that you created yourself by allowing yourself to be walked all over. Now, neither one of you is going to take advantage of the other purposefully; you've both got the same aim now, which is to get along and have a smooth connection. But do try to remember that keeping the peace isn't always the most important goal, especially if something truly important comes up between you this week. It's important to communicate clearly and honestly, especially about the big things, even if you're afraid you'll upset your honey.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 6 to Aug 11 | Exact: Aug 10, 2025
You could get into some battles of wills this week, either overt ones, such as out-and-out arguments, or more subtle ones that stay under the surface and bother both of you, consuming your thoughts and energy but never coming fully to light. You're both feeling more than a little insecure about your bond at the moment, and this could manifest itself in jealousy, fights or controlling behavior. But instead of lashing out or getting into a heated discussion, you might want to probe your own mind first about whatever it is that you think is bothering you. Could it really be that you're feeling worried about your connection in general? It's likely that you're actually feeling a bit disconnected and insecure about the future of the relationship, so express those feelings rather than hurling accusations and trying to defend yourself against those of your honey. This period is actually a good one for getting down to the truth of things, so at least you've got that going for you -- although the discussions or arguments that ensue won't be much fun for either of you. Of course, you're both feeling extra passionate, so the kissing and making up could be truly inspirational!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 7 to Aug 12 | Exact: Aug 9, 2025
Romance and harmony will be at the forefront of both of your minds this week, and you'll both do just about anything to maintain that feeling of sweetness and indulgence -- even if it means ignoring your responsibilities or any issues that exist between you. Neither one of you is in the mood now for conflict; you want to get along, and you're only interested in togetherness. So much so, in fact, that you might suppress your own personality or your needs in favor of feeling like the two of you are peas in a pod. At least this transit is short! Because it wouldn't do to ignore your unique urges and opinions for long. For the moment, though, it's okay; togetherness is what you're after, and that's what you're creating by becoming each other's carbon copy this week. You'll probably both have fun as a result; just don't be surprised when, next week, you have to go back and clean up the messes you made when you ignored your diet or exercise routine in favor of hanging out with your honey, or when you have to make up extra hours at work to cover what you missed while the two of you were lost together in the land of romance and mutual indulgence!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 15 to Aug 22 | Exact: Aug 20, 2025
Confrontations are likely during this ten-day period. Your relationship is feeling far from calm and cozy; instead, when you get together, you're both sparked up and just a bit on edge, even if you felt fine earlier. Neither one of you is being careful at the moment about what you say and how you say it, or how you come across. And whether you realize it or not, you're both feeling just a little bit competitive when it comes to each other. That feeling could -- and probably will -- make you both behave in ways you normally wouldn't. You'll have short fuses when you're around each other, and lots of little things will set you off; never mind the bigger struggles that will inevitably come up this week! If possible, try to spend some time apart. Teamwork isn't your strongest asset at the moment, so projects that you'd normally work on together, like housework or a board game with friends, won't go very well. Try going it alone, just for now. You'll both get more done apart than you would together, because there won't be that aggressiveness thrown into the mix, creating obstacles in your progress. This energy will pass in a week or so, and then you can work and play together again.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 28 to Sep 2 | Exact: Aug 31, 2025
Neither one of you is respecting your bond as a couple this week as much as you should, so take care not to create a real mess. You're both feeling a bit rebellious; you've got grass-is-greener syndrome for the moment, and you both might start wondering if there might be someone out there who's just a little more interesting and exciting. Well, the answer is, probably so. But so what? Someone else might excite you more, but they would come along with their own problems and personality quirks that you'd have to learn to put up with -- which, after a while, would dim your sense of excitement and newness. That's what's going on here; after all, you two found each other pretty exciting back in the beginning, when everything was new and the possibilities were limitless. Now you know each other a little better, including each other's foibles, and it's easy to get impatient with each other and even start thinking that maybe you should look for love somewhere else. Good thing this is a short period of instability; if you're both careful, neither of you will do or say anything you regret, and you'll both be glad next week when you remember how strong and important your bond truly is.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 29 to Sep 1 | Exact: Sep 1, 2025
The two of you will lack a sense of perspective in your communication this week, and you won't know how to choose your battles. Little things will seem big; big things will seem gigantic! When you get together during this period you'll both be poised for an argument, almost as if you're looking for a fight. You're both excitable and irritable when you're around each other now, so you both need to take care not to set each other off. In fact, it may be best just not to spend much time together until this energy passes. If you live together, that could be difficult; things will feel tense, and you'll both have the impulse to react first and think later -- making you say things you'll almost certainly regret. You very likely to misinterpret anything your sweetie says. Maybe this week is a good time to watch a movie instead of going out to dinner, because there's less chance of conversation during a movie! Find ways to be together that aren't combative. Also, be careful in general, especially when you're angry. With all the excitable energy in the air, neither one of you is being as careful as usual, and that's how accidents happen.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Aug 31 to Sep 6 | Exact: Sep 5, 2025
Suddenly, you might both feel as if the relationship is in doubt -- as if all your plans and goals regarding your future together are tossed up in the air and called into major question. Can you really do the things you've dreamed of doing together? Even your commitment itself suddenly feels like a house built on sand, without a firm foundation. Good thing this period is relatively short! In a week or so, you'll both feel much more solid in your footing; your clear vision of what you want out of the relationship will return. But for now, you could both feel plunged into confusion -- and the worst part of it is, neither one of you is talking. How can you discuss something so vague and amorphous? But you'll both notice that for now, when you get together, neither one of you seems to be your usual self. You might even feel suspicious of your sweetie, as if they're hiding something from you. If that feeling comes up, remind yourself that they're not hiding anything that you're not hiding yourself -- that is, this sense of vague discomfort with the relationship and where it's going. As long as neither of you attaches too much importance to this feeling, you'll get through it fine.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 3 to Sep 10 | Exact: Sep 8, 2025
Boy, do the two of you have a lot on your plates right now! Your full schedules may make you both feel a bit harried when you get together for some downtime. But with a little care and planning, you'll make it through this phase with few problems. First off, remember this is just a phase, and not a long one. In a week or two, things should return to normal. For now, if things feel a little hectic, try not to start doubting in the relationship itself. You've just got a lot to tend to, and if you can do it as a couple, so much the better -- you'll get things done faster, and the teamwork will be a bonding experience! Second, be willing to cut some plans if need be, to make time for the essentials. Getting enough sleep at night, regular exercise and regular meals throughout the day is essential; making it to your friend's cocktail party on Thursday night probably isn't. Third, keep your attitudes in check! It would be easy to start tossing off orders and generally trying to control things when you feel like there's too much to do and too little time, but it can be damaging to your relationship, at least in the moment. Tone it down, and don't forget to make each other laugh at least once a day!
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 6 to Sep 9 | Exact: Sep 9, 2025
Clear communication will be difficult for you two this week. Plans you made together will suddenly be up in the air, and you'll have trouble following paths that you've set for yourselves, even familiar ones. If you're working together on any kind of project, you could find that you didn't have all the information when you initially set things in motion. Part of the problem this week will be that even putting your heads together won't help much in straightening things out. Your mutual impressions will be off, and your intuitions won't be accurate. If you do operate based on impressions, don't be surprised if you take a wrong turn, literally or figuratively. Perhaps the key to this blessedly short period will be simply not to expect anything less than confusion. Anything you plan together will be disorganized, and in some situations, that's fine -- it could even make things more fun, such as if you're taking a weekend trip together and you've got time on your hands. But if it's something important that you're planning together, such as a dinner party with your bosses or other VIPs in attendance, get the help of a third party to make sure things run smoothly.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 8 to Sep 11 | Exact: Sep 10, 2025
The two of you might want to stay away from group functions and social outings this week, because as a team, you might be a bit much to handle! Something about the energy that's created when the two of you get together now is swelling up both your heads like balloons; without even realizing it or meaning to, you could both come across as being very boastful. Perhaps you've made some plans recently that you're both excited about, and you'll both go gushing to your friends about everything you've got in the works -- without realizing that you're stepping on their toes in some way. Group conversations with friends or colleagues could have a similar effect if the two of you take a stance on a subject and act like you know all there is to know about it, even if you're far from experts in that area. Part of the problem is that you probably don't have all the information, and you could really be sticking your mutual foot in your mouth, so to speak. Even when you put your heads together, it'll be difficult at the moment for you to pay close attention to detail. If you have to conduct any business together, go over it with a fine-tooth comb before signing anything.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 13 to Sep 19 | Exact: Sep 17, 2025
Whoa -- you two are extra turned on by each other this week, but not necessarily in a good way. Yes, the romantic and sexual attraction between you is heightened, which should be fun; physical encounters will feel intense and overwhelming, as if you're baring your soul along with your body. But this intensified feeling and emotionalism will easily extend into feelings like jealousy, loneliness, frustration and anger. The least little thing will set one of you off, and you two will suddenly be embroiled in conflict -- even if five minutes ago, you were cooing at each other like lovebirds. The basic problem this week is that you've just got a little too much energy to burn, and you may find unpleasant or unhealthy ways to do so -- like taking your aggressions out on each other, needlessly -- instead of sticking to your exercise routine or whatever it is that ordinarily works out the kinks. Another possibility this week is that your rhythms as a couple will be off. One of you will want to get out of the house, and the other wants to lie around in bed and cuddle. Disagreements like this could spark arguments, unless you can both agree to keep your cool.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 26 to Oct 1 | Exact: Sep 29, 2025
The two of you are living out a dream this week -- a pleasant one, to be sure, but one that is distinctly separate from reality. You may both be putting each other and the relationship up on a pedestal, ignoring the very real flaws in each other and your bond; and for the moment, that's okay. But don't be surprised next week if the return of your normal sense of reality includes a feeling of letdown -- as if all those pretty dreams you wove together about your love are just flimsy fantasies, nothing that could ever stand up against the harsh reality of real life and relationships. Both perspectives are wrong, by the way; romance by definition includes a bit of fantasy and idealism, and relationships by definition are difficult, requiring dedication and maintenance. There's no reason to swing from dreamy idealism to pessimism, but that's just what you'll do if you're not careful to remind yourselves of the truth about things. Speaking of truth, be sure to be honest with each other this week, even if you think you're telling a little white lie for the sake of preserving the peace. Any untruths you tell now will come back bigger and much worse later.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Sep 29 to Oct 3 | Exact: Oct 2, 2025
You two are in the mood to indulge this week -- in rich foods, playing hooky from work and flirting not only with each other but whoever catches your eye. Neither of you wants to upset the other; far from it. But neither one of you has a sense of boundaries at the moment, and you might be a little bit indiscriminate in your affections. So watch yourselves when you go out to a dinner party or other social gathering together! You might stick closely by each other's sides all night, annoying your friends with excessive PDA and bouts of giggling and whispering; or you might get a little loopy and chat up someone new and cute, thereby upsetting each other. Of course, neither one of you is in the mood for an argument; this week should be generally pleasurable, as you both just want to get along and enjoy yourselves to the fullest. And that's just the problem. Sticking to any kind of budget, routine or diet will fly out the window now, and you'd better believe your indulgences now mean you'll have to double up later on any efforts to save money, get work done or drop some pounds. Oh well; at least you'll both have a good time while you're at it.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 11 to Oct 20 | Exact: Oct 18, 2025
When you get together during this period, you might get into arguments, or the tension between you could exist on a more subtle level -- but there will be tension now, one way or another. You're both feeling a bit resentful, as if your relationship has kept you from doing the things that you wanted to do -- travel far and wide, maybe, or date around, or move up that ladder at work. Maybe you wanted to live a footloose, fancy-free lifestyle, and instead you're feeling tied down by commitment and responsibility, the boring, day-to-day minutiae of life in Coupledom. The truth, of course, is that life is all about choices, and you chose to enter this relationship; whatever limitations you feel have been placed on you as a result are your own doing. That may hurt to realize, but it's true -- you are now and always the master of your own destiny. If you think things seem dull between you and your sweetie, it's up to you to liven them up. Don't let yourself get too cynical about love during this period; that won't help anything at all. And try to keep your energy up, because you could feel very run-down, even depressed. Things will get better in a week or two.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 16 to Oct 20 | Exact: Oct 19, 2025
The two of you are going to have to get a little creative during this ten-day period -- which will be easier said than done. Any plans you've made could go out the window, especially ones that weren't very well founded in the first place. You'll be required to think on your feet, but that could be hard now, because your instincts will tell you to stick with what you've already set out and try to make it work. When it doesn't work as you thought it would, you could both start feeling pessimistic about the whole project; and since you're both feeling that way, who's going to be the cheerleader who picks you both up and inspires you again? Good thing this is a relatively short transit! Try not to turn your pessimism toward each other, because it will be all too easy now to get unfairly critical of each other's efforts. 'You're not holding up your end of things,' one of you might complain; you might even get into arguments, asking each other, 'What were you thinking? Of course that wasn't going to work!' But remember that you're in this together. That's what relationships are all about. If you can both loosen up your thinking, things will go much more smoothly.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 23 to Oct 29 | Exact: Oct 27, 2025
Arguments could be difficult to avoid this week. Touchy subjects will have a way of just coming up when you least expect them, and even if you two are feeling calm and centered when you're apart, there's something about the energy that you'll create when you get together that will lead to tensions and disagreements. You'll both have the tendency to exaggerate about things, which will only add to the problem; overstating your case only undermines its validity in the end, after all. But you've both got a case this week, and neither one of you is backing down from the way you see things or the way that you think that they ought to be. Take care when you're going places together, such as on a day trip or even just a simple trip to the grocery store. Even such innocuous mistakes as taking a wrong turn will cause arguments; you may each be better off doing the grocery shopping and other errands on your own! The more time you spend together this week, the more annoyed you're likely to become with each other. You may want to do things on your own until this troublesome energy passes, or you'll just get into petty arguments that you'll both regret later.
Return to Table of ContentsFrom Oct 30 to Oct 30
You both need to calm down and keep it together during this period, because tensions are running high. You're much more likely now than usual to get upset with each other and end up lashing out or saying things you don't mean. You've both got a pretty good idea of what it is that you want or need, but your way of going about getting your needs met is too aggressive to work out well. Instead of keeping calm and trying to communicate effectively about whatever's on your mind, you'll push and shove and use any means necessary, including tactics like manipulation, sarcasm and criticism, to get your way. Of course, behaving in such a childish and pushy way is only getting you further away from your goals, not closer. But you'll push forward anyway, starting arguments and behaving in ways you'll later regret. Your best bet might be just to spend as little time together as possible during this period, because you'll just get on each other's nerves if you try to spend quality time together. Your sexual energy and appetites will probably spike at this time, but you may be too upset with each other to get any quality sensual time behind closed doors.
Return to Table of ContentsI hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!
Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.
That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.
Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.
Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.
You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!
Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!
I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.
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