An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born February 9, 1979:

Romantic Personality Profile

What Astrology Reveals About How You Love

Discovering exactly what YOU need in a relationship is an essential step on your path to the beautiful and fulfilling relationship you’ve always dreamed of having.

When you know your specific romantic needs, you can make far better choices in how you approach your relationship, helping it evolve and transform into the joyous LOVE you so deeply desire and deserve

Without this important information, you might waste years arguing and crying with your partner, wondering why you just can’t make it seem to work.
But there is no need to go through all that when you don’t have to! Astrology is a powerful tool that can reveal a LOT about your romantic nature

Everyone has different needs when it comes to intimacy and romance in relationships and it’s crucial to learn yours...
  • Do you crave space and freedom or are you happiest when you have a close, intimate connection with your romantic partner?
  • Do you prefer a chatty, flirty lover who will make you laugh and keep your mind occupied or are you attracted to quiet, brooding types who make you work for their attention?
This Romantic Personality Profile will reveal some of the hidden secrets of your romantic nature. By looking at the specific location of the planets on the day you were born, this insightful report will show you exactly what you need in a lover.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Romantic Personality Profile report.

And I want to help you discover how to have much better relationships going forward in your life!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover hidden parts of your romantic nature that have a profound influence on what YOU bring to the table when you’re involved in a romantic relationship? 
And what particular challenges YOU present as a partner (and how to address those challenges so they don’t hold you back from having the love and happiness you deserve)? 

Your Love Nature

The Romance and Passion Meters read the placement of planets on the day of your birth and reveal the levels of romance and passion you have been gifted with in this lifetime. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing or an uphill battle when it comes to matters of the heart.

Before you jump in... there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff with the Romance meter, but what you really want is balance.

Just imagine... with ONLY good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And TOO much passion can also ruin a relationship.

Without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you'd tire your lover out fast! A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then.

One more word of caution before you get started…

Remember, no relationship or person is perfect. Even with what seems like the ideal balance of romance and passion, an affair could turn out to be a total flop. It all truly boils down to our free will.


Nature = 5

7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations

4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs

0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose

Nature = 8

7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.

4-6: Up for it almost anytime

0-3: A bit shy and reserved

Person 1, this Romantic Personality Profile Report WILL SHOW YOU HOW THE FOLLOWING PLANETARY ENERGIES AFFECT YOUR Love Life:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally with lovers (and everyone else)
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your romantic life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions (including in love)
reveals what truly motivates you in every area of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values in relationships and in life
guides your on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest romantic and life challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life and in love
reveals your life and relationship karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push in life and in your relationships


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Keep reading to discover how the placement of the planets on February 9, 1979 has shaped your romantic nature and guided your love life so far…

The Sun: Your Radiant Self

Sun in Aquarius

An inventive lover

You're, well, you're out there! You've always got a unique perspective on things, one that probably throws other people off from time to time -- even your friends who know you well and know to expect strange opinions, views and ideas. But for a new lover, you're a revelation. You excite your admirers precisely because you dance to your own drummer, and they never know what to expect next! The thing about you and relationships, though, is that you're much more comfortable in the early stages of things -- when everything is new and exciting, and it's all still up in the air as to where this relationship is going -- than you are with the later stages, when intimacy develops and your lover starts expecting things of you, such as, well, intimacy. You're a lot better with friends, groups and fun than you are with intense one-on-one time or emotional displays. You need a lot of independence in relationships, and you're not bound by traditional ideas when it comes to romantic bonds; you might be okay with a long-distance affair or even an open relationship. On the other hand, you're intensely loyal, and once you commit, you're in it for the long haul.

Sun conjunct Mars

Driven energy

You don't have to worry that you won't make an impression on that special someone -- you've got a presence that's hard to ignore! Your natural energy and courage are a combined force that drives you in all your actions. Translation: You see what you want, and you go after it. In the game of love, this can work both for you and against you. The people who will be attracted to you are people who love to be the object of pursuit -- who are excited and turned on by the kind of energy you possess, by the way you single-mindedly go after your desires. That approach to life can certainly create a heady kind of energy! But you're also naturally competitive, which means that you don't back down easily when things aren't going your way. If you're competing for that special someone's attentions purely for the sake of beating out the competition, what happens when you succeed? There you'll be, involved with someone you don't even necessarily care about all that much. Make sure that when you pursue someone romantically, you do so for the right reasons. If they resist your advances, it's best to back down gracefully.

Sun conjunct Mercury

Wheels constantly turning

Your intelligence is one of the things your friends love most about you; you're a real thinker, and constantly trying to make sense of your perceptions. That quality makes you a scintillating dinner date, especially when you're comfortable with your companion. But what happens when you're out with someone new, and neither one of you is particularly comfortable? They've got spinach in their teeth, they aren't upholding their fair share of the conversation and the wheels in your mind are turning faster than the wheels of a car. Once you decide they're dull or awkward or not mentally up to par, that's that; you're not likely to give them a second chance. But what if they were just nervous, tongue-tied and not at their best? Overanalyzing your romantic relationships can stop them in their tracks before they even get off the ground. It's possible for you to misread someone (hard to believe, but true!), and to judge them prematurely. Try to give that special someone a second chance, even if their emails or their conversational skills fall short of wowing you. Once you get to know them better, you could find them to be as sharp-witted and amazing as you'd hoped.

Sun trine Pluto

The deeper meaning

Like every other powerful experience in your life, love to you is an opportunity to transform yourself into a higher being -- to grow, change and deepen within your soul. Even your casual affairs are learning experiences for you; you look to every experience you have as a lesson, one that increases your understanding of yourself and of the world around you. And while your breakups may have been painful, they have all been welcome learning experiences for you, ones that taught you even more about love. You're also incredibly resourceful, and you won't allow a difficult relationship experience to rock your world too greatly; in short, you always land on your feet, because you're constantly looking deeply, trying to find the meaning of your experiences. This alertness is an attractive quality in itself; your admirers are drawn to the way that you live consciously, trying to learn as much as you can from everything that happens to you. Furthermore, your sense of understanding and resourcefulness lends you a confidence that is really compelling to your lovers! They see you as a powerful person, one they want to be around and to learn from.

Sun square Uranus

Erratic affairs

Your driving need for space and freedom can make your romantic relationships difficult, to say the least. Everyone needs space sometimes, but your need for it is more like an urge -- a spontaneous and rebellious one that comes up explosively, when you and your lover least expect it. You're not terribly good at claiming your need for space, either; instead, you tend to express it in abrupt withdrawals that can be hurtful to your sweetie and to the relationship itself. You may get into and out of relationships fast, never staying with any one person for too long -- because feeling settled makes you itchy and tense. The prospect of a love affair that deepens and intensifies is probably both attractive and repellant to you; deep down, you fear the kind of commitment and stability it takes to love another person deeply. You're afraid that commitment will restrict your freedom; you might even think it's easier just to break up and move on to someone new and exciting! And excitement is definitely a craving for you. But there's much to be said for stability, and for learning to maintain your individuality within a close, intimate relationship.

Mercury: Speak from the Heart

Mercury in Aquarius

A scientific outlook

You have a great facility with words and ideas, and you're always thinking ahead -- ahead of your time as well as the current conversation. You're always full of progressive ideas and solutions and you're generally a great judge of character, because you pick up on cues other people just miss. Your world view is inventive, optimistic and holistic. At times, though, you can take an overly detached view of things, and that's where you can get into trouble in an intimate relationship -- especially during a heated, emotional discussion with your sweetie. They're talking about their feelings, and you're looking at the situation as if from the outside, trying to apply the scientific method to determine what's going on and why. But logic and reason simply don't apply to emotion, and it may be that deep down, intense emotional displays -- both of anger and of love -- scare you. But when you're intimately involved with someone, a certain amount of emotional openness and intensity is both expected and required. It may take you some time to get comfortable baring your soul to your sweetie, instead of just baring your mind.

Mercury conjunct Mars

A sharp mind and tongue

Your mind is sharp as a tack and strong as a hammer, and your mouth is well-equipped to translate all your ideas to the world! That means it might be hard for you to find a lover who can handle your style of communication. You tend to put things as strongly as you feel them, and you don't mince words. You're opinionated, and probably more than a little bit sarcastic. For some people, this can be overwhelming; not everyone can handle the kind of energy you put out! Your dinner table conversations frequently turn into debates, even with people you don't know well -- including someone new and special that you might be dating for the very first time. But hey, when you see an inconsistency in their opinion, why shouldn't you address it, right? Just remember that if you're trying to impress someone new, you might want to tone it down. What you think of as being engaged in the conversation might come across as being aggressive and abrasive. On the other hand, when you find a lover who can serve it right back up to you -- who can call you out on your inconsistencies and challenge your viewpoints in an intelligent way -- well, that might just be a keeper.

Mercury trine Pluto

Processing subtext

Your natural grasp of human psychology really helps in your romantic relationships, because usually, you know just where your sweetie is coming from -- no matter what they're telling you, or how distanced they might be from their own feelings or motivations. Even during an argument, you're able to keep a clear and intuitive grasp on what's really going on. You know that what's going on on the surface isn't necessarily the whole story; there's a whole world of emotion underneath that bears exploring. When you get deeply involved with someone special, they'll really appreciate this quality of yours, even if at times it overwhelms them. They might have the feeling that they can't keep anything hidden from you! On the other hand, they'll feel truly understood, thoroughly known -- sometimes uncomfortably, but usually refreshingly so. You also speak as powerfully as your mind works, so you're able to present your case well when the occasion demands it. You have a serious, sharp mind that serves you well in most areas of your life -- your work, your studies, your relationships, and your knowledge of yourself and your own mind.

Mercury sextile Neptune

The art of affection

When it comes to love, you're a real starry-eyed romantic. You develop an intuitive connection with your sweetie and you're incredibly imaginative when it comes to romancing them. You're the type to leave little love notes for them to find in unexpected places; to plan out an utterly romantic date, surprising them with a picnic, flowers, a sensual massage, a declaration of love... You're very creative about the art of affection, and communicating that affection to someone special. You may have spent a lot of time daydreaming about the love you'll find someday, what it will be like and how it will make you feel. When you're getting involved with someone new, pay attention to your nighttime dreams as well; your dream life tends to have a lot to tell you about your waking life, if you'll just pay attention and read the signs. You might fall in love with someone very complex and hard to read on the surface, because complexity doesn't scare you or turn you off. You enjoy the challenge of looking past someone's surface into their soul, to see who's in there and what they're all about, and you put the people you love up on a pedestal.

Mercury square Uranus

A restless mind

You love living on the edge, at least mentally. Anything new and intellectually stimulating draws you in, and you get restless when you're stuck in a conversation that's boring or predictable. For this reason, the usual, traditional get-to-know-you chitchat that goes on during the first few dates with someone new can actually spell the end of the relationship before it even gets off the ground, because you don't have a lot of patience for anything -- or anyone -- that's predictable. While it's fine for you to make your choices in love, which may include holding out for someone who really wows you on a mental level, you also have a tendency to be overly judgmental of people whom you think are less mentally free and unique than you are. After all, first dates are nerve-racking experiences, and your date may not be at their intellectual or conversational best. But because you so enjoy unpredictable conversations, you might push someone into an argument just to poke at them, to see what they'll say or how they'll react. You can be very sarcastic when the mood strikes, which isn't fun for the person on the receiving end. Learning to tone it down may really serve your dating life.

Venus: The Law of Attraction

Venus in Capricorn

Looking for security first

You're much more comfortable with the practical side of things than you are with the emotional, and that can be a bit of a hindrance in your love life. You're not very outgoing, so you work best with a lover who comes on to you first -- but not in an overbearing way, or they'll lose you before the relationship even gets off the ground. You're more interested in realistic concerns than romantic ones; you care far less about being swept off your feet, for example, than you do about finding a lover who you know is hardworking, loyal and dependable. These are the characteristics that matter to you in love; a romantic partner who spent all their time composing love sonnets for you but failed to pay their bills would hold no interest for you. When you do find someone you click with, you tend to get serious fast, and in choosing a lover, you might rely less on your own, personal tastes and more on propriety -- choosing a mate you think is acceptable to your parents, for example, or who fits in well with your lifestyle. You're not much for taking risks in love; you want a sure bet, one that you know will provide stability and security into the future.

Venus trine Saturn

Quiet devotion

You express your affections for your sweetie in a quiet way, but a way that is real and devoted. When you're in love, you'll do anything for your honey. You're tremendously devoted to your loved ones in general, friends, family and romantic partners alike. It may take you awhile to get to the point where you really trust someone enough to open up to them romantically, but once you do, you'll put everything you have into the relationship. Now, that being said, you're not one to go overboard in love; you'll commit yourself completely to a lover, but you wouldn't go down with a sinking ship. You know enough to leave a relationship that isn't working out, even if it breaks your heart. But you don't tend to be attracted to unstable people in the first place, so if you get to the point of commitment with someone, it has a great chance of working out long-term. You serve as the rock in your love affairs -- the stable, loyal rock that your lover comes to for strength and comfort. You're grounded and you help to ground your sweetie. You treat them well, with sensitivity and respect, and you expect the same kind of treatment in return.

Venus sextile Juno

Devoted to love

Active expression of your love for your partner is very important to you. Regardless of whatever other influences to the contrary that you may live under, it is important to you to have an open flow of love, communication and attraction with your sweetie, because for you, love is one of the ultimate experiences of life. You are capable of incredible devotion to your sweetie, and even more than that, you know how to keep the love alive. It's not enough for you just to make a commitment and then settle back into a lifelong, comfortable affair; you're attuned to attraction and desire as well, and you'll work hard to keep those influences fresh and satisfying for you and your honey. You also aren't one to 'let yourself go' once you get into a comfortable, loving relationship; if anything, being in love makes you pay even more attention to your health and appearance, because you want to make a great impression on your sweetie every time they see you. You're one of those people who will be leaving little surprise love notes under your honey's pillow when you're both old and gray! You'll always make that effort, so make sure you commit yourself to someone who's just as devoted.

Mars: Lighting Your Fire

Mars in Aquarius

Just a little bit kinky

You're a bit emotionally detached when it comes to sex. You're interested in the act itself in an open-minded, almost scientific way: You like an innovative partner who comes up with new, interesting positions to try, and you definitely like it when sex elicits brand-new bodily sensations. You're not afraid of a bit of kinkiness in the bedroom, that's for sure! But you tend to live more in your mind than in your body, and definitely more than in your emotions. You intellectualize sex, and may talk yourself out of your baser urges if some other aspect of the relationship isn't to your liking. For this reason, an ardent, emotionally direct lover may be a good match for you, but a lover like this will definitely make you uncomfortable. You tend to shy away from intensity of almost any kind except intellectual, so a lover that demanded or elicited an intense emotional or physical response from you could make you run in the opposite direction! But you might need someone who can draw you out of your shell in this way. On the other hand, you're very independent, so while some emotional intensity could be good for you, jealousy or possessiveness definitely wouldn't.

Mars trine Pluto

An example for those around you

You have a deep understanding of human nature, which is a great asset in your intimate relationships. You're like an in-house psychologist in your love affairs who can foresee problems almost before they occur! You can read your lover's insecurities and respond to them in a way that really helps them to heal. You're focused on healing and self-betterment. You love offering advice based on your journey of self-enlightenment, and seeing it put to good use. You have big ideas about what it is to be human; you believe in strength, action and courage, and you teach those qualities to everyone around you by example. You can help your honey with their insecurities and hang-ups, especially sexual ones, because passion is just one of your many strengths! You have a strong and healthy sex drive, and the act is, for you, a transformative experience that brings you closer to the truth of your own soul. If your relationship needs work, you'll gladly put time and energy into making things better. And if ultimately you have to move on, you can do that too; you recognize that sometimes, personal growth means cutting your losses and pushing forward.

Mars sextile Neptune

Your kind, sensitive nature

In love, you have a special gift of understanding that helps you meet problems with just the right kind of communication to make things better between you and your sweetie. You tune in to your lover almost effortlessly, reading their needs and desires with ease. And you know what to do about them -- how to make your honey feel satisfied, or how to avert a problem almost before it occurs. Usually, you're able to get what you want without having to push too hard; you have the gift of suggestion -- a very benign yet effective form of manipulation! But as understanding as you are, you're not one to to be overly placating or permissive; you know when to draw the line, and where. If someone tries to take advantage of your sweet nature, you have the strength it takes to stand up and push them off. After all, you're not a sucker, or a doormat; you're a nurturer, and that's a wonderful quality to bring to your love affairs. You take good care of the people you love, and beyond that, you're an inspiration just in your personality and the way you meet the world. You love performing acts of service for the people you love, to show them how much you care for them.

Mars square Uranus

Hotheaded and exciting

You're not matched by many in your passion for life and love. You're a real go-getter, and when you see something -- or someone -- that you want, you go after it with a single-minded intensity. And you get mad when you don't get what you want, whether it's a winning score, a promotion at work or that hottie you've been eyeing. Your love life is probably a string of major ups and downs, because you don't know the meaning of moderation. When you're in love, you're overflowing with it. When you're sexually attracted to someone, you don't hold back in letting them know all about it. And when your sweetie makes you angry, you don't hold back there either. If you want a relationship to last long-term and develop some stability, you'll have to teach yourself to calm down a bit, because your high energy and hotheadedness can burn out an affair prematurely. When you're out with someone new and special, rather than playing devil's advocate on every possible point and pushing your own personality on them, try listening to them calmly to get to know them for who they are. That would be a good place to start, and a good, solid foundation to build on.

Jupiter: Lucky in Love

Jupiter in Leo

Splashy gestures

You have big ideals when it comes to love and romance. In your philosophy, love should be a grand, sweeping, passionate affair, one that sweeps you and your sweetie both off your feet and into the clouds. You're also very generous and something of a big spender, because you love treating your sweetie with expensive gifts, fancy meals, nights out on the town... So what if it ratchets up your credit card debt? Well, generosity is wonderful, but remember that you can't buy friends and lovers. (And the ones that you can buy, you probably don't want.) Your admirers are already attracted to you for your expansive, generous nature; you don't have to back it up with big, splashy, expensive gestures. But sometimes, when it comes to treating yourself and your sweetie like royalty, you really don't know when enough is enough. Furthermore, try to be conscious of letting the other person take center stage once in a while. You like to be at the center of things, and you make a very warm, gregarious and enthusiastic center indeed. But if the balance of power is weighted too heavily toward your side, your sweetie could get grumpy from time to time.

Saturn: Love's Lessons

Saturn in Virgo

A logical approach to problem-solving

Your methodical approach to problem-solving can be a real boon to your love life, as long as you don't let yourself get so steeped in logic that you ignore the validity of emotions. After all, not every issue that comes up in your love life will have an efficient, logical solution. Some things simply need a heartfelt response, and that could be difficult for you to discern. But in general, in a love affair, you're incredibly loyal and committed. You're also practical: You know that treating your lover well and respecting them and the relationship just makes sense, as it avoids messy, unnecessary problems. You're a good listener with your sweetie, and you expect the same in return from them -- which you probably won't always get. You tend to want and expect more perfection in your relationship than is really possible, which can mean that you're too hard on both your lover and yourself. It's just that you have high ideals when it comes to love, in terms of the ways that people in love should treat each other -- and you're not wrong in your ideas. It just might not be possible, for either of you, to be that restrained, dedicated, well-mannered lover every minute of the day.

Saturn opposite Juno

Capable and adaptable

Anxiety about being alone and having to provide for yourself might make you push too hard for commitment with lovers who just aren't right for you. You're attracted to people who are older than you or conservative in their values -- who represent those qualities that seem so elusive to you: dependability and predictability. And therein lies the root of this problem: You want a lover you can count on; one who won't upset the apple cart of your life. But when did you convince yourself that you couldn't handle changes as they come, and make adjustments accordingly? If you get into relationships solely based on the hope that you'll be able to sink into a comfortable routine with your honey, you've got a potentially nasty surprise coming -- the surprise of life. Life is all about changes that come out of seemingly nowhere, and you've got to be adaptable enough to roll with the punches. And the thing is, you are adaptable; you just don't know it yet. If the prospect of the unknown future sets you to shaking in your boots, repeat the following mantra: I'm strong and capable, and I can handle whatever comes my way. I don't need a lover to shield me from life.

Saturn square Neptune

Push onward!

You may be very lonely in love as a result of constantly wishing things were one way while refusing to accept how they really are. You have all these wonderful hopes and dreams for your intimate relationships, and then, time and again, they just don't happen. This, in itself, could lead to disillusionment, loneliness and self-doubt, but it's likely that those feelings existed before your love affairs ever started disappointing you. You have a hard time being your own advocate in life; instead, you may throw your energies behind someone else, or behind a cause that's not particularly important to you. Could this be because it's too scary to throw your energies into yourself, your own life, your own causes -- because if you were to fail, it would be too much to take? Or do you just not bother because you're so sure things aren't going to work out the way you want them to? Either way, the result is the same: You don't put enough energy and positivity into number one -- you. And your love life suffers as a result. If you can convince yourself to push forward in love despite your misgivings, you may find that things eventually work out a lot better than you think they will.

Uranus: Your Unique Attraction

Uranus in Scorpio

Intensely sexual

As odd or counterintuitive as it may sound, your intense sexuality could be the undoing of your relationship. But you have deep, strong desires, and you're not one to repress them. When they take hold of you, you want to act on them -- even if you have to do so in a secretive way. And sometimes, acting on your desires, especially secretively, may not be in the best interest of your blossoming or committed love affair. On the other hand, you're very sexually compelling to your lover. You have an innovative mind about new positions to try and new feelings to explore; you like nothing more than to get down and dirty with another person, and find out what it truly is to be human! But this urge to explore 'the dark side' and plumb the depths of your psyche via sexual encounters that lay your soul bare...well, it can get a little too intense at times, for your sweetheart and even for you. On the other hand, intensity, even the disturbing kind, is what you live for, and your strong will can get you through even the darkest moments. And you'll almost certainly come out on the other side with greater self-knowledge of your own truth.

Neptune: Your Rose-Colored Glasses

Neptune in Sagittarius

Strong intuitions

You have a strongly intuitive side, but you often misread your inner compass, and if you act according to your instincts, you might find yourself moving in the entirely wrong direction. When it comes to your instincts, you tend to miss the trees in favor of the forest. That means your 'inner eye' isn't attuned to the important little details, or the subtle variations of whatever feeling you're getting. In a romance, for example, you could get a strong sense that things are off with your partner -- but you'll ignore the specifics about your feeling and end up drawing the totally wrong conclusion about what's going on with your sweetie and why. You're seeking the truth, though, and that's the very reason why you so often misread your own signals -- because the truth is such a broadly varied and changeable concept. And it's wonderful that you shoot for the stars in your quest for the truth. But you should always incorporate all your senses, not just your sixth one. Rely on the combination of your inner feelings plus the facts as you can see and understand them, and you'll steer yourself along a straighter track.

Neptune sextile Pluto

The transcendent experience of love

While you may get involved in a few flings, you're more able than some to transcend your bodily needs for a higher ideal. Sex just for its own sake may not hold a lot of appeal for you unless other aspects indicate it; you'd much rather connect on a physical level with someone with whom you're emotionally bonded with, because that way, the experience is so much more transcendent and important. Sex without love is basically empty, but sex can be an important growth experience when paired up with true intimacy and emotional attachment. You've always understood that, so you tend to look for relationships that really mean something to you rather than pursuing someone who just appeals to you on a physical level. Love, also, is a spiritual experience for you, one that helps you grow hugely as a human being. If you look back over your life, you'll find that your romantic affairs corresponded with periods of intense personal growth and transformation, and it will always be this way for you. So when you're getting involved with someone new, use this truth about yourself as a barometer for whether the relationship is worth pursuing. If there's more there than simple attraction, it probably is.

Pluto: Taking it Deeper

Pluto in Libra

Personal growth through relationship

Love affairs have always been intense for you, because that is one arena that really lets you progress and transform yourself as a person. While other people might do their best internal work on their own, you're all about relationships and the lessons you can glean through being intimately involved with someone. Of course, 'relationship' can also mean the one you share with your therapist; that would be another wonderful way for you to connect more deeply with yourself and grow to understand and nurture yourself. But love affairs for you tend to be intense and symbiotic, and you rarely come out of them unchanged. A harmonious balance between you and your sweetie is one of your highest ideals, and you're willing to go to great lengths to bring that ideal into reality. You'll work hard on a relationship that's important to you, and you can be very introspective in your quest to make the bond the best that it can be. Just remember not to be too hard on yourself -- you're allowed at least a few flaws and idiosyncrasies! -- and not to subvert your own needs and desires in favor of maintaining harmony. With some effort, you should be able to have both.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!