The Inner War Zone, Projections and Relationship Karma Meters:
You want the nitty-gritty, right?
You're ready to know the real deal when it comes to your own true nature and psychological issues... the ones that prevent you from finding and holding on to that ideal love you dream of.
Reading your Relationship Remedy report will give you that in-depth picture, but these three meters show an at-a-glance view of the lessons you have yet to learn.
Remember, whether your scores on the meters are high or low, you're in good company: We ALL have plenty of emotional baggage that comes from past relationships, our childhoods, and even past lives.
And we ALL have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to changing our lives for the better and improving our relationships, including our love connections.
7-10 Repressed anger, defensiveness and a seriously short fuse can turn your love affairs into an all-out war.
4-6 You've got some issues and inner conflicts to work through, but who doesn't?
0-3 You're so laid back in your relationships it could actually be a problem.
7-10 Seeing all sides of every issue is actually a detriment. You don't know what to believe!
4-6 You know your own mind, but you can see their point too. That's a good thing.
0-3 You see your sweetie as they really are...but do you understand them?
7-10 It's beyond time to work through your baggage from past relationships, or even past lives. Try moving forward!
4-6 Some of your relationship issues have been around for a while. It's time to sort them out now.
0-3 Good news: It's not just a new affair with the same old story. But can you compromise?
Gotta love ya, Leo. Even on days when you're partly cloudy, your sunny nature still manages to peek through somehow. You're loving, devoted and affectionate. Between all this and your famous loyalty, it's awfully hard to believe that you've ever had problems in your relationships, isn't it? Let's unravel this mystery together. An important clue lies in your royal, king-of-the-jungle nature. Not that being regal is a bad thing, not at all. But are kings friendly? We think not! Will that queen come down off her throne and mill about among commoners? That's definitely a 'no'! And so it is with you. You don't mean to appear aloof or arrogant, but sometimes that's how others see you, even those who know you very well. And another thing about royalty: They're used to getting what they want, when they want it. In modern parlance, this is called High Maintenance, and it describes you to a 'T.' It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how your previous partners may have tired of this rather quickly. Your quickest path to a successful relationship is to emphasize your many positive traits and stop acting like you're the only one who matters.
Isn't it great, always being right? You're so confident of your ideas, so inspiring in your speech, so convincing to others, that there's really no reason for anyone else to hold the microphone, is there? You may as well keep it, because as soon as you're finished expressing yourself, you're going to direct the group in what to do next. That's why your past lovers have nicknamed you 'Sarge.' Which, frankly, works for you. That way, fewer people challenge you, because you don't like being challenged. Just who do they think they are, anyway? Well, maybe they're someone important to you who just happens to think a little differently. They're not trying to shoot you down, despite what you think. They're just questioning one of your unquestioned concepts, and it would be to your benefit if you would listen. If you didn't cling so stubbornly to your own ideas, you could expand your mind with some new ones.
You have the hardest time saying 'no,' don't you? You're so careful not to hurt anyone's feelings, or to make them think that you don't like them (even when you really don't!). And it's not as if you're lying, because you really do believe things in the moment you say them. But like a chameleon, you may change the very next minute, the better to blend in with your environment. Can you wonder why everyone complains about how inconstant you are? How changeable? How indecisive?Previous lovers have been captivated by your artistry, your good taste, your refinement. Your pleasant nature and romantic leanings make you a wonderful date. Why didn't you tell them that you're dating three other people, too? Much better to be honest about it than to be embarrassed out on a date with one of your other amours, only to bump into the person you were supposed to be committed to. Avoid those little white lies you tell in order to protect your lover, or yourself. It's too much to keep track of!
Not deciding is deciding not to. While you dilly-dally, gathering facts and weighing all the options, the choice passes you by, going to someone more decisive and direct. How many suitable partners have you passed up this way? Who got tired of waiting around while you worked up the gumption to let them know how you felt? And who has accused you of being dishonest because you hesitate to express your anger, preferring instead to pretend everything's fine when clearly it's not?You've got yourself in a bind. Although your indecision doesn't seem so earth-shattering from moment to moment, the cost is higher than you'd like to admit. And since you avoid confrontation like the plague, you always stick to cooperation and compromise; this, too, has its problems. What to do? Well, some assertiveness training might help. Even just taking the risk of speaking your mind clearly, without considering how anyone else might feel about it, would be a beneficial and revealing first step. Imagine that! They didn't go belly-up when you disagreed with them! These steps will be a good beginning to sorting out your relational difficulties.
You're flagrantly sentimental, weeping openly at the cinema, moved to tears by any tale of woe; you're sympathetic to small animals and underprivileged children. Given to bouts of emotionality, you may sit at home dreaming of your ideal relationship, but unwilling to get off the couch to go find it. Other times you may wallow in self-pity, seeking escape in substances that can give only temporary relief, at best. And your romances? Well, if your partners don't tire of your overemotional expressions, they may grow weary of your unilateral caretaking. You'd be amazed at how others would be willing to take care of you, too, if you'd only give them a chance.You do know how to take care of someone, and if not carried to excess, this is a fine quality to bring to relationships. Strange as it sounds, your problem will be in holding back, not in giving too much. If you find yourself at all resentful (be honest, now!) of your partner, it's time to pull back a little and give them the chance to step up to the plate. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.
When your past lovers inquired if you'd been tested for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, that should have been a red flag for you. OK, maybe you're not obsessive-compulsive, or even a neat freak. But there's a perfectionist streak inside you that's a mile wide, and even the tidiest or hardest-working person might feel oppressed by your efforts to perform up to your own impossible standards. Fastidiousness, after all, is not a virtue unless you're in a hospital or science lab, and no one but you expects you to ace that test every single time. The standards you hold for yourself are in the stratosphere, yet you struggle incessantly to fulfill them -- and if you can't, you throw a temper tantrum and then give up completely. The people who know you best can only sit back and shake their heads at you.You're not given to flights of fancy, that's for sure, but you could still lighten up a little. Stop worrying that people will think you're not good enough, or productive enough, or diligent enough. You trump everyone in those departments. Have a little faith in yourself! Once this happens, it will be easier to see the admiring glances that are cast your way. You've many fine qualities to offer if you could just learn to let things go a little bit. The sky won't fall, Chicken Little.
Have you noticed that it's all the rage now to be bisexual? The world has you and your generation to thank for that; you are opening doors on new ways of being, particularly in the sexual arena. Experiences and orientations that have been taboo since forever are coming up for review. You and your peers open these areas confidently, seeking to find out what's going on behind the closed doors. You let the full light fall on subjects that were previously off-limits. In fact, you accept no limits on your sexuality; it's obvious to you that everyone should be free to love whom they want, when they want and how they want. This new way of viewing sexuality is only part of what your generation is called upon to open up; the human psyche is no less a target for your revolutionary ways. Your job is to shine the light on all areas that have been taboo up until now. The effects of the changes started by you and your peers will be long-lasting, indeed.
You and your generation idealize freedom and adventure more than the stability of a single long-term relationship. You are much more likely to enjoy a series of relationships, often with people who are radically different from you -- perhaps people from another country or a completely different culture. You appreciate the exposure to habits and beliefs that diverge from your own, because in this way you learn deeply about people from different places on earth. In your eyes, there is no better way to expand your consciousness than to do it through another person's eyes. Relationships are roads to learning for you; and there are many roads to learning, are there not?
You and your peers will revolutionize the arena of relationships and romances. As a child, you watched partnerships crumble all around you, if not your own parents', then the relationships of your friends' parents; and you decided early on that you wouldn't repeat the same pattern. You take relationships very, very seriously, and for this reason may wait to start dating or getting serious about anyone. You're not in any hurry, which provides you with enough time to understand yourself and your relationship needs. Don't delay too long, though! Fear of relationship can be just as harmful as hooking up too early. Your challenge will be in finding the right balance of independence and partnership, and in knowing how much of your personal energy to expend toward each.
You've always much preferred the easy route, haven't you? And while that gives you a laid-back personality and helps you get along with lots of different types of people, you're not much for standing up for yourself or your needs, and you may have stayed in relationships long past their expiration date. After all, you'd much rather avoid confrontation and put up with the discomfort of whatever it is that's bothering you than face it head-on, because conflict scares you -- and you're just not that motivated when it comes to making positive but difficult changes in your life, like breaking up and moving on. The problem is, in love relationships, both people need to have their needs met and their true feelings known. If you're always saying, 'No problem, honey, it's fine, we can do it your way,' how's your honey supposed to know that you're withering away on the inside due to neglect? Your partners in the past may even have lost respect for you over time, because you so rarely took a stand. You might have let them walk all over you just to avoid having to admit that there was a problem and do something about it. So start focusing on your own needs, and speaking your own truth. Becoming self-centered and demanding would create a whole new set of problems, but finding that happy medium -- being your easy-going self while being willing to speak up and confront a problem -- will lead to much greater equality between you and your future lover. They'll respect you a lot more, too.
You're pretty secure in your own viewpoint. You're not the wishy-washy type, and if you are, you're absolutely dedicated to each particular opinion -- even if you completely change your mind five minutes later. In short, you've got the courage of conviction, but in your past relationships, this often looked to your partners like smugness, or even emotional neglect. Even when you felt certain that you understood them and their feelings, they were still upset that you just didn't get where they were coming from. If they were the patient, communicative type, they might have kept trying for a while before giving up on you. If they were the short-fused type, they probably left in a huff the first time you gave them that blank look that meant, 'What's the problem, babe?' Sympathy and empathy are essential to a functional intimate relationship. You and your lover are two completely different people, and while you'll each experience life from your own unique perspective, you still need to be able to translate your experiences to each other, and you both need to feel respected and understood. In future relationships, you'll have to work on listening to your partner when they describe their feelings or how they view a particular situation. Even if what they describe sounds utterly foreign -- and therefore negligible -- to you, take them seriously anyway. You may even need to remind yourself on a regular basis that their feelings and perspective are every bit as valid as your own.
You've never been much for compromise, have you? In past relationships, when issues came up between you and your lover, you used whatever tools you had -- sweetly cajoling, arguing, turning a cold shoulder -- to get your own way. But why was having your own way so important? After all, other people have feelings, needs and agendas, too, just like yours. Who decides which person's need is the most important one in any given moment? That's a perennial question for all relationships, and except in the one between an infant and its caretaker, the answer isn't as simple as 'I decide, and my needs always come first.' Relationships, after all, should be about give and take. Sometimes you get your way; sometimes your lover does. Insisting on always getting your way not only makes you look uncomfortably similar to that aforementioned infant, it could actually lead to loneliness. After all, if it's a choice between getting your way or bailing out of the relationship, well, you'll end up either with a partner who's a pushover or sleeping alone. If you want a well-functioning, long-term relationship, you'll have to learn to choose your battles. The art of compromise is the perfect place to start your lessons, because if you give your lover a little, they'll probably want to give back a lot. You'll feel a lot better once you learn to step back and let someone else take reins from time to time.
I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!
Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.
That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.
Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.
Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.
You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!
Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!
I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.
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